• Title/Summary/Keyword: outer core

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    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.559-566
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    • 2015
  • The thermalehydraulic characteristics for the CANadian Deuterium Uranium Flexible (CANFLEX)-burnable poison (BP) fuel channel, which is loaded with a BP at the center ring based on the CANFLEX-RU (recycled uranium) fuel channel, are evaluated and compared with that of standard 37-element and CANFLEX-NU (natural uranium) fuel channels. The distributions of fuel temperature and critical channel power for the CANFLEX-BP fuel channel are calculated using the NUclear Heat Transport CIRcuit Thermohydraulics Analysis Code (NUCIRC) code for various creep rate and burnup. CANFLEX-BP fuel channel has been revealed to have a lower fuel temperature compared with that of a standard 37-element fuel channel, especially for high power channels. The critical channel power of CANFLEX-BP fuel channel has increased by about 10%, relative to that of a standard 37-element fuel channel for 380 channels in a core, and has higher value relative to that of the CANFLEX-NU fuel channel except the channels in the outer core. This study has shown that the use of a BP is feasible to enhance the thermal performance by the axial heat flux distribution, as well as the improvement of the reactor physical safety characteristics, and thus the reactor safety can be improved by the use of BP in a CANDU reactor.

Development and verification of pin-by-pin homogenized simplified transport solver Tortin for PWR core analysis

  • Mala, Petra;Pautz, Andreas
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.2431-2441
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    • 2020
  • Currently, the pin-by-pin homogenized solvers are a very active research field as they can, unlike the nodal codes, directly predict the local power, while requiring significantly less computational resources than the heterogeneous transport codes. This paper presents a recently developed pin-by-pin diffusion/SP3 solver Tortin, its spatial discretization method and the reflector treatment. Regarding the spatial discretization, it was observed that the finite difference method applied on pin-cell size mesh does not properly capture the big flux change between MOX and uranium fuel, while the nodal expansion method is more accurate but too slow. If the finite difference method is used with a finer mesh in the outer two pin rows of the fuel assembly, it increases the required computation time by only 50%, but decreases the pin power errors below 1% with respect to lattice code reference solutions. The paper further describes the coupling of Tortin with a microscopic depletion solver. Several verification tests show that the SP3 pin-by-pin solver can reproduce the heterogeneous transport solvers results with very good accuracy, even for fuel cycle depletion of very heterogeneous core employing MOX fuel or inserted control rods, while being two orders of magnitude faster.

Development of Tungsten Heavy Alloy with Hybrid Structure for Kinetic Energy Penetrator

  • Baek, Woon-Hyung;Kim, Eun-Pyo;Song, Heung-Sub;Hong, Moon-Hee;Lee, Seong;Kim, Young-Moo;Lee, Sung-Ho;Noh, Joon-Woong;Ryu, Joo-Ha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2006.09b
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    • pp.944-945
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    • 2006
  • A new tungsten heavy alloy with hybrid structure was manufactured for the kinetic energy penetrator. The tungsten heavy alloy is composed of two parts: core region is molybdenum added heavy alloy to promote the self-sharpening; outer part encompassing the core is conventional heavy alloy to sustain severe load in a muzzle during firing. From ballistic test, it was found that the penetration performance of the hybrid structure tungsten heavy alloy is higher than that of conventional heavy alloy. This heavy alloy is thought to be very useful for the penetrator in the near future.

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Study on Optimization of Propellant Shape with Two-side Burning Surface for Continuous Variable Thruster (연속가변형 추력기용 이면연소 추진제 형상 최적화 연구)

  • Heo, Junyoung;Park, Iksoo;Jin, Jungkun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.364-367
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    • 2017
  • The basic design concept of the DACS(Divert and Attitude Control System) propellant is presented and the geometry optimization of the DACS propellant with limited outer diameter and maximum burning rate of the propellant is performed. Two-side burning surface conditions burned at the core and the one side of the propellant are applied to the propellant. And the optimized values for the radius of core, length of propellant, angle of end-side surface are obtained by the PSO algorithm. The direction for DACS propellant design is suggested by analyzing optimized design points for various burning rate.

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Structural Performance Evaluation of Buckling-Restrained Braces Made of High-Strength Steels (고강도강 비좌굴 가새의 구조성능 평가)

  • Park, Man Woo;Ju, Young Kyu;Kim, Myeong Han;Kim, Ji Young;Kim, Sang Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2008
  • Buckling-Restrained Braces (BRB) has been developed to inhibit buckling and exhibit stable behavior underboth tensile and compresive cycles. In this study, an experime nt has been conducted by using the strength of its members and loading protocols as parameters to evaluate the structural performance of BRB (without in-filed concrete). Specimens are composed of an inner core and an outer tube with diferent steel strengths. When high-strength steels were used as iner cores, the ductility of BRB decreased, and the requirements (Cumulative Plastic Ductility) of the AISC Seismic Provisions were not satisfied. however, when high-strength steels were used as inner cores instead of conventional strength stel cores, the maximum capacity increased significantly and displayed similar performance in total energy dissipation.

Effect of PT/CT contact on the circumferential temperature distribution over a fully voided nuclear channel of IPHWR

  • Sharma, Mukesh;Kumar, Ravi;Majumdar, Prasanna;Mukhopadhyay, Deb
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1314-1321
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    • 2019
  • In case of multiple failure scenario, such as LOCA with ECCS failure, the decay heat continues to raise the reactor core temperature, eventually leading to the core voiding. In such scenario the convective heat transfer becomes poor and the majority of the heat transfer from fuel bundle takes place by radiation mode. During this abnormal working condition, if the channel pressure is less than 1 MPa, the PT sags and come in contact with the CT. This results in high rate of heat transfer from contact location to moderator. The present paper aims to capture the temperature profile over a simulated nuclear channel during such scenario at a steady state temperature of $600^{\circ}C$ (Centre pin) at two different configurations of PT i.e. PT concentric with CT and PT contact with CT. The results showed that the bottom nodes of all the components (Fuel bundle, PT and CT) of the simulated channel was greatly influenced by the PT/CT contact. Moreover, higher temperature were observed at top nodes of the PT and outer pins of the fuel bundle. However, no significant variation in temperatures were obtained in fuel bundle and CT in concentric condition.

Investigations of elastic vibration periods of tall reinforced concrete office buildings

  • Al-Balhawi, Ali;Zhang, Binsheng
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2019
  • The assessment of wind-induced vibration for tall reinforced concrete (RC) buildings requires the accurate estimation of their dynamic properties, e.g., the fundamental vibration periods and damping ratios. In this study, RC frame-shear wall systems designed under gravity and wind loadings have been evaluated by utilising 3D FE modelling incorporating eigen-analysis to obtain the elastic periods of vibration. The conducted parameters consist of the number of storeys, the plan aspect ratio (AR) of buildings, the core dimensions, the space efficiency (SE), and the leasing depth (LD) between the internal central core and outer frames. This analysis provides a reliable basis for further investigating the effects of these parameters and establishing new formulas for predicting the fundamental vibration periods by using regression analyses on the obtained results. The proposed constrained numerically based formula for vibration periods of tall RC frame-shear wall office buildings in terms of the height of buildings reasonably agrees with some cited formulas for vibration period from design codes and standards. However, the same proposed formula has a high discrepancy with other cited formulas from the rest of design codes and standards. Also, the proposed formula agrees well with some cited experimentally based formulas.

Free vibration of an annular sandwich plate with CNTRC facesheets and FG porous cores using Ritz method

  • Emdadi, Mohsen;Mohammadimehr, Mehdi;Navi, Borhan Rousta
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2019
  • In this article, the free vibration analysis of annular sandwich plates with various functionally graded (FG) porous cores and carbon nanotubes reinforced composite (CNTRC) facesheets is investigated based on modified couple stress theory (MCST) and first order shear deformation theories (FSDT). The annular sandwich plate is composed of two face layers and a functionally graded porous core layer which contains different porosity distributions. Various approaches such as extended mixture rule (EMR), Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka (E-M-T), and Halpin-Tsai (H-T) are used to determine the effective material properties of microcomposite circular sandwich plate. The governing equations of motion are extracted by using Hamilton's principle and FSDT. A Ritz method has been utilized to calculate the natural frequency of an annular sandwich plate. The effects of material length scale parameters, boundary conditions, aspect and inner-outer radius ratios, FG porous distributions, pore compressibility and volume fractions of CNTs are considered. The results are obtained by Ritz solutions that can be served as benchmark data to validate their numerical and analytical methods in the future work and also in solid-state physics, materials science, and micro-electro-mechanical devices.

MGGC2.0: A preprocessing code for the multi-group cross section of the fast reactor with ultrafine group library

  • Kui Hu;Xubo Ma;Teng Zhang;Xuan Ma;Zifeng Huang;Yixue Chen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.2785-2796
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    • 2023
  • How to generate the precise broad group cross section is important for the fast reactor design. In this study, a fast reactor multi-group cross-section generation code MGGC2.0 are developed in-house for processing ultrafine group MATXS format library. Validation and verification are performed for MGGC2.0 code by applying the benchmarks of ICSBEP handbook, and the results of MGGC2.0 agree well with that of MCNP. The consistent PN method with critical buckling search is in good agreement that condensed with TWODANT flux and flux moment for the inner core and outer core region. For the radial blanket and reflector, two region approximation method has been applied in MGGC2.0 by using collision Probability Method neutron flux solver. The RBEC-M benchmark was used to verify the power distribution calculation, and the relative error of power distribution comparison with the reference are less than 0.8% in the fuel region and the maximum relative error is 5.58% in the reflector region. Therefore, the precise broad cross section can be generated by MGGC2.0 for fast reactor.

(Development of Ring Core Auto-Classifier by Multi-Motor Control) (여러 개의 모터에 의하여 제어되는 링-코어 자동 선별기 개발)

  • Park, In-Gyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2002
  • Core is the main component of inductor. This core should be classified into around 10 classes according to the value of inductance and Q. The coil should be winded with the outer-boundary of this core by different number of turns. Theses kind of precise inductors would be required in the future environment which PCs and communication devices demand more high speed and lower voltage level. It would be quite unefficient that only one core is classified once a time. There, it will be developed so that 10 cores are classified simultaneously. For the operation of classifying 10 cores once in a time, suppose 10 test instruments could be used. In this case, it would take much cost since a test instrument Is expensive. So, by using only one test instrument, it is really more desirable that this system is developed. Each core classified by 10 different classes is to be stored into the corresponding box through the corresponding rubber hose. 10 cores are passed on a serial line and are placed on each testing slot. Here, each core located at each slot is tested, and then the bowl located on the top of a step motor is moved into the corresponding spot by rotating step motor with some angles. Each bowl connected with the corresponding box through rubber hose. Actually 100 hoses are connected, 10 step motors are rotated at 10 different angles, so the size is really so big, the shape of connecting 100 hoses is so complicated. Therefore it is anticipated that the system would be going to be easily out of ordered. In this paper the main purpose is to make several suggestions to be able to work well in these kinds of being affected by the abnormal operation of motors and the flow of cores.