The present study was performed to elucidate the effects of extracellular $Ca^{2+}$ on contractile responses in isolated porcine coronary artery ring using by perivascular nerve stimulation (PNS). Especially, the study was focused on the source of $Ca^{2+}$ on $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor mediated muscle contraction which one of $P_2$-purinoceptor subtypes. The following results can be drawn from these studies : 1. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with muscarinic receptor antagonist, atropine ($10^{-6}M$). 2. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were significantly inhibited by sequential treatment with atropine and adrenergic neural blocker, guanethidine ($10^{-6}M$). 3. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor desensitization by repetitive application of $\alpha$,$\beta$-Me ATP ($10^{-4}M$). 4. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were so weakened in calcium-free medium. 5. The phasic contractions induced by PNS were inhibited with calcium channel blocker, verapamil ($10^{-6}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-6}M$). 6. The phasic contractions induced by PNS on pretreated with verapamil ($10^{-6}{\sim}5{\times}10^{-6}M$) were not changed by $\alpha$,$\beta$-Me ATP ($10^{-4}M$). These results demonstrate that the neurogenic phasic contractions induced by PNS are due to adrenergic-, cholinergic- and $P_{2X}$-purinergic receptors and the origin of $Ca^{2+}$ on $P_{2X}$-purinoceptor mediated muscle contraction is extracellular $Ca^{2+}$ through plasmalemmal $Ca^{2+}$ channels.
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
The coordinate transformation both WGS84 and Bessel ellipsoids is essential to use of GPS in South Korea. Especially, for transformation considered the needed accuracy and the regional characteristics, the study about geoid modeling and the characteristics on the transformed area should be done. The aim of this study define the characteristics of the transformed coordinates according to transformation methods and the area measured by GPS. For this, large network that include South Korea, four regional network consist of large network, and local net-work include Incheon city designed. Geoid model based on Bessel suitable to South Korea selected from study about the effects of the assumed geoid height at the geodetic origin, and then coefficients computed according as transformed area and methods. Also, the transformed characteristics of the large coefficients, the regional coefficients, and the local coefficients according to methods compared, analyzed synthetically.
A polyelectrolyte chain confined in a slit nanochannel exhibits a structural transition from the one in free space. In this paper, the effect of the long-range electrostatic interactions between the xanthan polyelectrolyte and the slit wall on the confined xanthan conformation is investigated via the Brownian dynamics simulation. A neutral and two negatively charged surfaces of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and glass are combined to make four kinds of slit channels with different charge characteristics: i) neutral-neutral, ii) glass-glass, iii) neutral-PDMS and iv) neutral-glass walls. Their walls are characterized by uniform surface charge densities determined from experimental data of zeta potential. Both the nonmonotonic chain size variation and the loss of long-range bond vector correlation, previously observed under confinement in the PDMS-PDMS slit, are also found in the neutral slit, demonstrating the nonelectrostatic origin of such crossover behaviors. As expected, the effect of wall charges is negligible at sufficiently high medium ionic strength of 100mM but it becomes significant in the opposite limit of 0.01mM. In the latter case, the high charge density of glass walls strengthens the effective confinement of a negatively charged polyelectrolyte and produces a xanthan structure comparable to that confined in a much narrower neutral slit. The obtained structural data suggest the possibility of controlling the structure of confined polyelectrolytes by the modification of surface charge characteristics of micro/nanofluidic devices in combination with the adjustment of the medium ionic strength.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of organic content level on ultimate methane potential and anaerobic biodegradability of substrate by biochemical methane potential assay. Three organic matters (whole sludge and liquid and solid fraction of sludge) of the same origin, which had different organic contents, were fermented at the batch anaerobic reactor for 70 days. Ultimate methane potential and anaerobic biodegradability were determined by the terms of volatile solid (VS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Volatile solid contents of whole sludge and solid and liquid fraction of sludge were 2.4, 18.8, and 0.2% and COD were 5.3, 30.4, and 0.5%, respectively. Ultimate methane potentials ($B_u$-COD) and anaerobic biodegradability ($D_{VS}$) determined by VS content were $0.5Nm^3kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, 76.3% for whole sludge, $0.5Nm^3kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, 76.3% for the liquid fraction of sludge, and $0.6Nm^3kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, 77.0% for the solid fraction of sludge. Ultimate methane potentials ($B_u$-COD) and anaerobic biodegradability ($D_{COD}$) determined by COD were $0.2Nm^3kg^{-1}-COD_{added}$, 73.4% for whole sludge, $0.2Nm^3kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, 74.0% for the liquid fraction of sludge, and $0.33Nm^3kg^{-1}-COD_{added}$, 99.1% for the solid fraction of sludge. In conclusion, ultimate methane potential and anaerobic biodegradability given by the VS term showed more reasonable results because COD might be underestimated by the interference of $NH_4{^+}$ in the case of highly concentrated organic material.
Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
The purpose of this thesis is to dedicate to get the objectivity of herbal medicine treatments by choosing herbs likely to work as antibacterial agents, Moutan Cortex Radicis, Caesalpiniae Lignum, Houttuyniae Herba, Forsythiae Fructus, Prunellae Herba, Scrophulariae Radix against Gardnerella vaginalis which is associated with Bacterial vaginosis, making experiments on them and getting the significant results. Each herb's efficacy on control the number of Bacterial vaginosis is noticed by using Disk Susceptibility test with six herbs medicine and Broth dilution assay of the culture. Disk Suseptibility Test : The efficiency strength is as follows in a row : Caesaipiniae Lignum, Moutan Cortex Radicis, Prunellae Herba, Forsythiae Fructus, Houttuyniae Herba, Scrophulariae Radix. MIC Prunellae Herba is 1.5 mg/ml, Caesalpiniae Lignum is 5 mg/ml, Forsythiae Fructus and Moutan Corex Radicis is 10mg/ml for G. vaginalis. As a results, herbmed which tested in this study have an antibacterial effects against G. vaginalis and that may be used for treament of Bacterial vaginosis. Assistant use of external medicine to p.o medicine is expected to bring the good effect of treatment which is used for the origin of this disease.
Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
Yaksung-ga is a short Chinese poem, written for easy memorizing of properties and effects of various herbal drugs. It is very useful for teaching herbalogy and for using in clinical practice. In spite of its importance, research of the Yaksung-ga is very insufficient. Thus, we investigated literary works of Tingxian Gong and Korean medical books in the late Chosun dynasty, to explain how Yaksung-ga had been received and modified in Korean medicine. Manbinghuichun(萬病回春) and Shoushibaoyuan(壽世保元), the literatures of Tingxian Gong, are the origin of Yaksung-ga. Jejungshinpyun(濟衆新編) is the first book which recorded Yaksung-ga in Korea, having influenced Juchonshinbang(舟村新方) and Euijongsonik(醫宗損益). The classification system of Yaksung-ga was remarkably changed in Euijongsonik, according to the method of Bencaogangmu(本草綱目). And the Yaksung-ga of Bangyakhappyun(方藥合編), which is generally used in Korea at present, was shortened from the form of 8 Chinese characters in each line to 7 characters, so that it can be easily recited. In the end, the authors of Korean medical books selectively cited the Yaksung-ga of Tingxian Gong, and added many novel Yaksung-ga.
The aim of these experiments was to investigate the effects of bovine oviduct epithelial cells (OEC) derived from different segments to bind sperm binding and maintain their motility in vitro. In experiment 1, the number of sperm attached to OEC derived from isthmus or ampulla, the motility of unattached sperm during co-culture and fertilizing ability were assessed. In experiment 2, heparin treated sperm (hsp) or no treated sperm (nsp) were used to evaluate OEC binding ability of capacitated sperm. In experiment 1, regardless of their origin, approximately 65% of the sperm were attached to OEC within 2h. From 6h of co-culture, the numbers of unattached sperm on ampullary OEC were significantly higher than those on isthmic OEC (p<0.005). From 12h of co-culture, the motility of unattached sperm on isthmic OEC were significantly higher than those on ampullary OEC(p<0.05). The cleavage rate of oocytes inseminated on OEC derived from isthmic segment was also significantly higher than those from ampullary segment (p<0.01). In experiment 2, the numbers of unattached hsp on OEC were significantly higher than those of controls (p<0.01), between 2-24h examination. From 12h of co-culture, the motility of unattached nsp were significantly greater than those of hsp (p<0.01). These results show that bovine OEC derived from the isthmus play more important role(s) for sperm binding, maintaining motility and fertilization in vitro than those from the ampulla, and heparin induced capacitation may change sperm binding ability on OEC in vitro.
Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
A lot of studies are undergoing on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of patterned magnetic systems for the reason that they have potential application to information technology such as ultrahigh-speed computing. Moreover, they can be considered as the future candidates for high-density MO storage devices. Not only the technical aspects, but there have been also tremendous interests in studying their properties related to the fundamental physics. The MO Kerr-rotation effects (both in reflected and the diffracted modes) and the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) are very useful techniques to investigate the micromagnetic properties of such periodic structures. Hence, in this study, we report on the MO properties of bilayered Cobalt (Co)/ nickel (Ni) micro-patterned anti-dot arrays. Such a ferromagnetic structure was made by sequentially depositing co (40 nm)/Ni (5 nm) bilayer on a Si substrate. The anti-dot patterning with hole diameter of $1{\mu}m$ was done only on the upper Co layer using photolithography technique, while the Ni underlayer was kept uniform. The longitudinal Kerr rotation (LKR) of the zeroth- and the first-order diffracted beams were measured at an incidence of $30^{\circ}$ by using a photoelastic modulator method. The external magnetic field was applied perpendicularly to the reflected and the diffracted beams using an electromagnet capable of a maximum field of ${\pm}5$ kOe. Significantly, it was observed that the LKR of the first-order diffracted beam is nearly 4 times larger than that of the zeroth-order beam. The simulated results for the hysteresis loops matched qualitatively well with the experimentally obtained ones. In conjunction with the LKR, we also investigated the magnetic-domain structure by using a MFM system, which were analyzed to elucidate the origin of the enhanced MO rotation.
Neurolysis of the celiac plexus is performed to relieve intractable pain caused by carcinoma of the stomach, liver and pancreas, and upper abdominal metastasis of tumors having more distant origins. It is also occasionally effective in controlling the pain of chronic pancreatitis. Alcohol celiac plexus blocks were done in 22 patients of whom 18 had intractable upper abdominal pain from cancer and 4 had pain from chronic pancreatitis. In most cases, an initial diagnostic block with 0.2 percent bupivacaine was followed by the therapeuntic block performed by injecting 50ml of 60 percent ethyl alcohol. Good to excellent pain relief occurred in 86 percent of patients. Duration of pain relief was from 4 months to 7 months in 55 percent of patients. Complications and side effects were infrequently seen but did include a 16 percent decrease of mean systolic arterial pressure and 16 cases of facial flushing. This block is remarkably safe as well as effective for the relief of upper abdominal pain from cancer origin.
The mesocotyl elongation, having much effect on emergence and stand establishment in the direct sowing culture of rice, was investingated and summarized as follows: As to origin of cultivars, the average lengths of mesocotyl were 9.6 mm in the Indica-Japonica hybrid cultivars, 4.4 mm in the native cultivars and 3.2mm in the Japonica type, respectively. The mesocotyl lengths were tjereh, aman, aus, boro and bulu in order, with the mesocotyl lengths of 29.3mm and 5.4 mm in tjereh and bulu, respectively. The mesocotyl lengths were great in Baekkyungjo, Dadajo & Hejo among the native cultivars, in Sangpungbyeo, Paltal & Gokyangdo of the Japonica type and in Weonpungbyeo, Gayabyeo, Milyang 30 & Sujeongbyeo in Indica- Japonica hybrid cultivars, respectively. The mesocotyl length was the greatest at the seeds sampled I week after flowering (39. 3mm in length), and became decreased with the longer grain-filling. The mesocotyl elongated worse with the longer duration of seed storage regardless of seed maturity, and became longer at the 5$^{\circ}C$ storage plot than at the 15 and 25$^{\circ}C$ plots.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.