• Title/Summary/Keyword: online information search

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A Theoretical Study of Personal Characteristics of Online Searchers (온라인 탐색자의 개인적 특성에 관한 문헌연구)

  • Yoo Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 1996
  • A variety of searcher traits, characteristics, subject background and behaviors have been the subject of investigations exploring various hypotheses relating to searching performances. Previous studies have focused on searchers personal characteristics such as training, experience, subject knowledge, intelligence, cognitive style, attitude and searching style, Each of these factors is examined in this paper in order to find out searcher's personal characteristics affecting searching performance. Surprisingly, searching training and experience have not been found to influence searching performance. The hypothesis that intellectual ability correlates with the ability to online search seems to have little effect Various cognitive styles of searchers were tested to find out whether they relate to search results. Only FD/Fl cognitive style were found to be significant in relation to search results. Searchers showed a variety of attitudes about online searching. They revealed sensitivity toward searching charges. The attitude toward charges was reflected on the searching behavior. The sensitive searchers tend to conduct cost-effective searches, Searching styles of intermediaries were characterized as interactive and fast batch. It was found that experienced searchers prefer simple searches which do not explore the interactive capabilities of online system. In summary, previous studies have confirmed that there are apparently great individual differences among online searchers in searching behaviors as well as attitudes. But relationships between these individual differences and search performance were too weak to be significant.

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A Study on the Online Service of Cultural Heritage Contents (문화유산 콘텐츠 온라인 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ok Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.195-224
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    • 2019
  • Online service has been emphasized in various studies for content uses and diffusion of cultural heritage domain. This study purports to investigate the status of contents organization and information services for online cultural heritage services and to suggest improvement directions. This study conducted case studies and expert interviews based on contents, search systems, additional services, and expansion services. It also suggested an integrated information retrieval service for cultural heritage contents as well as the provision of high-quality content and various types of contents. The flexibility of the search function through the content hierarchy, the expansion of access points through the construction of controlled vocabulary, and authority data were also focused. As an additional service, the study proposed a curation-based, user-customized service, data sets open and share, and user participation.

온라인열람목록의 탐색유형과 탐색성과에 관한 분석-국립중앙도서관 이용자를 대상으로 -

  • 장혜란;석경임
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.22
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    • pp.139-169
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the search pattern and search outcome of the National Central Library OPAC users by measuring their success rates and identifying the factors of failure and the personal background which bring about the differences of the search outcome. Various methods have been used for the study. Personal interview was used to find the pattern of the search, observation method was used to investigate the search process and the failure factors, and a questionnaire was used to survey personal background of searchers. The data were collected during the period of 7 days from April 17, 1995 through April 23, 1995. The search of 1, 217 cases, sampling systematically 25% out of the whole users, were collected and analyzed for the study. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows : First, in regard to the pattern, known-item search(72.6%) was preferred to the subject search(27.4%) and in case of known-item search the access point used were in the order of title, author, title and author. Second, the overall success rate of known-item search was 50.3% and the success rates were in order of author and date, title, and author. The failure factors of known-item search were divided into users factor of 67% and the database factor of 33%, respectively. Third, in case of subject search, its overall success rate was 44.1% and the keyword was the major access point, and the average of precision ratio was very low. Fourth, the analysis of the personal background related to the search outcome has shown significant differences by sex, the experience of using OPAC, education level, and the frequency of using other information retrieval systems. Based on the results the following suggestions can be made to improve the search outcome : First, the system should be su n.0, pplemented online help function to assist users to overcome the failure during search. Second, user instruction in group or individual should be implemented for the users to understand the system.

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Improved Social Network Analysis Method in SNS (SNS에서의 개선된 소셜 네트워크 분석 방법)

  • Sohn, Jong-Soo;Cho, Soo-Whan;Kwon, Kyung-Lag;Chung, In-Jeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2012
  • Due to the recent expansion of the Web 2.0 -based services, along with the widespread of smartphones, online social network services are being popularized among users. Online social network services are the online community services which enable users to communicate each other, share information and expand human relationships. In the social network services, each relation between users is represented by a graph consisting of nodes and links. As the users of online social network services are increasing rapidly, the SNS are actively utilized in enterprise marketing, analysis of social phenomenon and so on. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is the systematic way to analyze social relationships among the members of the social network using the network theory. In general social network theory consists of nodes and arcs, and it is often depicted in a social network diagram. In a social network diagram, nodes represent individual actors within the network and arcs represent relationships between the nodes. With SNA, we can measure relationships among the people such as degree of intimacy, intensity of connection and classification of the groups. Ever since Social Networking Services (SNS) have drawn increasing attention from millions of users, numerous researches have made to analyze their user relationships and messages. There are typical representative SNA methods: degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality. In the degree of centrality analysis, the shortest path between nodes is not considered. However, it is used as a crucial factor in betweenness centrality, closeness centrality and other SNA methods. In previous researches in SNA, the computation time was not too expensive since the size of social network was small. Unfortunately, most SNA methods require significant time to process relevant data, and it makes difficult to apply the ever increasing SNS data in social network studies. For instance, if the number of nodes in online social network is n, the maximum number of link in social network is n(n-1)/2. It means that it is too expensive to analyze the social network, for example, if the number of nodes is 10,000 the number of links is 49,995,000. Therefore, we propose a heuristic-based method for finding the shortest path among users in the SNS user graph. Through the shortest path finding method, we will show how efficient our proposed approach may be by conducting betweenness centrality analysis and closeness centrality analysis, both of which are widely used in social network studies. Moreover, we devised an enhanced method with addition of best-first-search method and preprocessing step for the reduction of computation time and rapid search of the shortest paths in a huge size of online social network. Best-first-search method finds the shortest path heuristically, which generalizes human experiences. As large number of links is shared by only a few nodes in online social networks, most nods have relatively few connections. As a result, a node with multiple connections functions as a hub node. When searching for a particular node, looking for users with numerous links instead of searching all users indiscriminately has a better chance of finding the desired node more quickly. In this paper, we employ the degree of user node vn as heuristic evaluation function in a graph G = (N, E), where N is a set of vertices, and E is a set of links between two different nodes. As the heuristic evaluation function is used, the worst case could happen when the target node is situated in the bottom of skewed tree. In order to remove such a target node, the preprocessing step is conducted. Next, we find the shortest path between two nodes in social network efficiently and then analyze the social network. For the verification of the proposed method, we crawled 160,000 people from online and then constructed social network. Then we compared with previous methods, which are best-first-search and breath-first-search, in time for searching and analyzing. The suggested method takes 240 seconds to search nodes where breath-first-search based method takes 1,781 seconds (7.4 times faster). Moreover, for social network analysis, the suggested method is 6.8 times and 1.8 times faster than betweenness centrality analysis and closeness centrality analysis, respectively. The proposed method in this paper shows the possibility to analyze a large size of social network with the better performance in time. As a result, our method would improve the efficiency of social network analysis, making it particularly useful in studying social trends or phenomena.

A Study on the Implementation of Ontology Retrieval Service Platform Based on RDF (RDF 기반 온톨로지 검색 서비스 플랫폼 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Yutak;Jo, Jaechoon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2020
  • As the internet and computer technology are developed, there is a need for service of traditional culture that can effectively search and create culture, history, and tradition-related materials in online contents. In this paper, we developed an RDF-based ontology retrieval service platform and verified usability and validity. This platform is divided into triple search, keyword search, network graph search, story search and management, curation management module. Based on this, the search results can be visualized based on the relationship between data, network graph search and story search can be used to easily understand the relationship between the keywords. An platform evaluation was conducted for verification, and it was evaluated that an intelligent search that can easily identify the relationship between information and shorten the analysis and search time than the existing search function.

Consumer을s Information Search and Satisfaction for Elderly related Goods on the Internet Shopping (실버용품 구매시 인터넷을 활용한 소비자 정보탐색 및 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • 정현정;계선자
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.149-165
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    • 2002
  • This study is to understand consumer's information search activity and satisfaction. When they buy the elderly related goods through internet market and to get some ideas for silver industry on internet shopping. The 382 subjects by online banner formatted Questionnaires were analyzed by frequency, percentage, standard deviation, Person's relation and regression analysis by SPSS PC program. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) The most respondents were young and well-educated. In terms of psychological variables, the degree of the consumer's perception for internet usefulness and using capability were relatively high. (2) Information search amount of the group who have experienced purchasing elderly related goods through internet shopping and had low perception of internet risk is higher than other group. (3) The variables influenced mostly on consumer satisfaction were the age, the sex, the purchasing experience from Internet shopping, the Internet using capacity and the perception of internee usefulness as well as of the perception of internet risk.

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A Study on User's Subject Searching Behavior in an OPAC (온라인목록 이용자의 주제탐색행태에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1998
  • This research focuses on how users behave when they search by subject using online public access catalog(OPAC). Major findings are as follows. 1)Main access poults are subject field$(55.2\%)$and title field$(42.2\%)$. 2) The search failure rate in subject searching is $59.3\%$. 3) Ma]or reasons for subject search failures are two-fold : use of inappropriate search terms $(48.5\%)$ and non-use of Boolean Operators$(42.5\%)$. 4) In order to overcome search failures users tend to change originally used search terms$(42.0\%)$ and search fields$(33.8\%) into different ones.

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The Kernel Trick for Content-Based Media Retrieval in Online Social Networks

  • Cha, Guang-Ho
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1020-1033
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    • 2021
  • Nowadays, online or mobile social network services (SNS) are very popular and widely spread in our society and daily lives to instantly share, disseminate, and search information. In particular, SNS such as YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Amazon allow users to upload billions of images or videos and also provide a number of multimedia information to users. Information retrieval in multimedia-rich SNS is very useful but challenging task. Content-based media retrieval (CBMR) is the process of obtaining the relevant image or video objects for a given query from a collection of information sources. However, CBMR suffers from the dimensionality curse due to inherent high dimensionality features of media data. This paper investigates the effectiveness of the kernel trick in CBMR, specifically, the kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) for dimensionality reduction. KPCA is a nonlinear extension of linear principal component analysis (LPCA) to discovering nonlinear embeddings using the kernel trick. The fundamental idea of KPCA is mapping the input data into a highdimensional feature space through a nonlinear kernel function and then computing the principal components on that mapped space. This paper investigates the potential of KPCA in CBMR for feature extraction or dimensionality reduction. Using the Gaussian kernel in our experiments, we compute the principal components of an image dataset in the transformed space and then we use them as new feature dimensions for the image dataset. Moreover, KPCA can be applied to other many domains including CBMR, where LPCA has been used to extract features and where the nonlinear extension would be effective. Our results from extensive experiments demonstrate that the potential of KPCA is very encouraging compared with LPCA in CBMR.

The Detection of Well-known and Unknown Brands' Products with Manipulated Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis

  • Olga Chernyaeva;Eunmi Kim;Taeho Hong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.472-490
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    • 2021
  • The detection of products with manipulated reviews has received widespread research attention, given that a truthful, informative, and useful review helps to significantly lower the search effort and cost for potential customers. This study proposes a method to recognize products with manipulated online customer reviews by examining the sequence of each review's sentiment, readability, and rating scores by product on randomness, considering the example of a Russian online retail site. Additionally, this study aims to examine the association between brand awareness and existing manipulation with products' reviews. Therefore, we investigated the difference between well-known and unknown brands' products online reviews with and without manipulated reviews based on the average star rating and the extremely positive sentiment scores. Consequently, machine learning techniques for predicting products are tested with manipulated reviews to determine a more useful one. It was found that about 20% of all product reviews are manipulated. Among the products with manipulated reviews, 44% are products of well-known brands, and 56% from unknown brands, with the highest prediction performance on deep neural network.

Exploring Collaborative Information Behavior in the Group-Based Research Project: Content Analysis of Online Discussion Forum (그룹 연구 과제에서의 협동적 정보행태 연구 - 온라인 토론 게시판의 내용 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jisu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to explore group members' collaborative information by analyzing the number and the content of text contributions on the online discussion board in the group-based research project. This study explored graduate students' collaborative information behavior, affective approach, and types of collaboration and support needed in the group-based research project based on Kuhlthau's Information Search Process(ISP) Model and Yue and He's Collaborative Information Behavior(CIB) Model. It is expected that the results of this study will be useful for understanding of CIB in the group-based research project and applying information literacy instruction to information user in collaboration.