• Title/Summary/Keyword: offline distribution channel

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The Effects of HMR Selection Attributes on Repurchase Intention by Shopping Channels

  • Cha, Seong-Soo;Lee, Su-Han
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This study examined the effect of the importance of selective attribute of HMR(Home Meal Replacement) on customers' satisfaction and repurchase intention which is rapidly increasing with the changes of demographic, social and cultural trends as well as the influence of on and offline shopping channel moderating role. Research design, data, and methodology - Based on the research of previous studies, it assumed the selection attributes of HMR products were price, convenience, menu, freshness. With 231 surveyed questionnaires, this study was conducted by AMOS 21.0 and the SEM(structural equation model) was used as statistical method for examining the hypotheses in this study. Results - The analysis showed that price, convenience, and freshness had a significant effect on satisfaction, whereas menu did not affect satisfaction and the effect of satisfaction on repurchase intention was statistically significant. However, the results were different depending on the on and offline shopping channel for customers to buy HMR products. Price, menu and freshness are affected by online shopping, meanwhile convenience is more influenced by offline. Conclusions - This study analyzed the effect of selection attribute of HMR products on the satisfaction, repurchase intention, and the influence of each shopping channel, and provided practical implications.

A Study on Omni-Channel Strategy in Fashion Industry (패션산업에서 옴니채널 전략에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, SaeEun;Kim, MunYoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.40-55
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    • 2017
  • The current new distribution environment provides the consumers to shop at anytime and any places by using mobile appliances. So, the companies which run the offline-store increase the contact point with the consumer by launching not only online-store but also the mobile application (app). Moreover, they are trying to operate the Omni-channel shopping environment. In order for this research to draw the direction of 'the Omni-Channel Strategy', which is about the changed distribution environment of the domestic fashion enterprise, the following steps were performed. First of all, the term related to 'Omni-Channel' is defined. And then, Example of the 'Omni-Channel' strategy and 'O2O' business in the domestic distributior were researched. Lastly, present condition of the 'Omni-Channel' strategy case of the domestic fashion industry was researched. At the result, the online-stores usually have several brands which can not represent their identities. It is suggested that each online-store according to each brand has their own characteristic identity. And The Omni-Channel strategy of the domestic fashion enterprise that is needed the connection point connecting the on-line and off-line. It is able to allure the customer to the off-line-store.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumers' Satisfaction of the Omni-Channel Applications and Store Satisfaction (옴니채널 앱만족도 영향요인과 점포이용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Sook
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2021
  • The growth of online malls encourages the existing offline stores to manage their online stores or reinforce the purchasing service through related mobile applications (apps). This may seem to be the omni-channel strategy for connecting the existing customers to online shopping. This study, research on offline stores' acceptance of and satisfaction with smart phone apps, attempted to arrange some factors allowing consumers to be satisfied with such apps, and examine whether the satisfaction with the apps lead to that with the stores based on the EMTAM (Extended Mobile Technology Acceptance Model). In particular, the existing stores trying to enhance the omni-channel put on emphasis on the synergy between online and offline stores, rather than replace offline store with online ones. The results of an analysis showed that the factors influencing the satisfaction with apps included mobile usefulness (MU), mobile ease of use (MEOU) and mobile enjoyment (MEJ), and that the satisfaction with them had an effect on that with stores. On the basis of the findings, this study summarizes theoretical and practical suggestions.

Factors Influencing Buyers' Choice of Online vs. Offline Channel at Information Search and Purchase Stages (정보탐색과 구매 단계에서 온라인과 오프라인 채널선택의 영향요인)

  • Kim, Sang-Hoon;Park, Gye-Young;Park, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 2007
  • This study is set out to investigate the factors that influence customers' behavior of choice and switching between online and offline channels, separating the purchase decision into two stages, i.e., information search and purchase. Factors influencing channel choice are found to differ from stage to stage. The main results of this study are as follows. At the information search stage, customers' channel knowledge had impacts on the choice of the channel. Customers are more likely to visit offline bookstores when they have hedonic shopping orientation and higher involvement level with books. On the contrary, customers are more apt to search online when they have a lot of online shopping experiences. At the purchase stage, the results varied according to the search channel. When customers search for information online, the following variables lead to online purchases: online shopping experiences with books, price-focused shopping orientation, and time availability for shopping. Perceived risk made customers purchase offline even though they searched online. In case of offline searching, customers with more convenience-focused, hedonic-focused shopping orientation and less tim availability purchased offline.

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A Case Study on Implementation of Logistics Information System for On-line mall Distribution Center of Off-line Retailer (Off-line점포 유통업체의 온라인몰 전용센터 물류시스템 구축사례 연구 ; 유통업체 A사 사례 중심으로)

  • Choi, Kyu-Woong;Kang, Sung-Woo;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2015
  • Recently, online grocery shopping has been increasing with the development of internet, mobile, and IT technology due to the proportion of consumers changes like increasing single households and double-income couples. Therefore, online sales from distributors with offline stores have also increased, and the offline retailers are facing their limits in dealing with store-based online channel they have carried out. Domestic offline retailers benchmarked overseas advanced retailers to solve this problem by reviewing about developing the online-only distribution center. However, much investment is needed in order to operate the distribution center with the new concept from abroad. In this study, we have reviewed the current online grocery market trend and the theory related to developing distribution system of the online mall. For offline retailers, we have reviewed the case which developed the distribution center applied to the nation's first online-only distribution center. The purpose of this study is reducing trial and error for local retailers in developing online-only distribution centers and suggesting ways to improve investment effect.

The Effects of Consumer Characteristics Using Online Shopping on Omni-Channel Strategy (온라인 쇼핑을 이용하는 소비자 특성이 옴니채널 전략에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hyung-Sool;Cho, Su-Yeon;Yoo, Jung-Sang;Kwon, Ik-Whan G.
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2017
  • Omni-channel strategy is an innovative paradigm for integrated information distribution of inventory, sales, operations, marketing, delivery, pickups and returns in supply chain management. Recently the distribution strategy faces new challenges with the advent of mobile distribution channels. Social media with countless apps imposes additional stress on supply chain operations. Due to these changes, distribution network in supply chain is changing naturally and rapidly from multi-channel to omnni-channel platform. Recently numerous domestic distributors establish and adapt this new supply chain optimization tool as a part of seamless flow of movements of goods from one channel to other channels. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary findings on how omnni-channel affects the supply chain management. A survey is used to ascertain in the degree of omnni-channel implementation and statistical evidence is provided to test sets of hypothesis. The results of the questionnaire showed that consumers' purchasing styles differed by gender, age, purchase purpose, and product type. In particular, women consider purchasing experience in omni-channel to be important. As food and household goods can be conveniently shipped, consumers prefer online purchasing it. Conversely, consumers tend to favor omni-channel strategy in connection with offline experience in IT products.

Influences of channel assessment on the usage levels of multi-channels by product category in decision making process for purchasing fashion products (패션상품 구매의사 결정과정에서의 상품유형별 채널평가가 멀티채널 이용도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sung Ryul;Kim, Mi Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.803-816
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the influences of channel assessments on the usage of multi-channels by product types, and the differences in the usage of multi-channels among product types in buying decision making process for fashion products. Data were collected from 510 consumers in their 20s to 50s with purchasing experiences through multi-channel distribution system and living in Seoul and Kyunggi province; 491 were analyzed after deleting incomplete questionnaires. Factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis by using SPSS 18.0. The results were as follows: 5 factors were extracted for channel assessment: utility, accuracy, risk, price benefit and sharing information. Price benefits, utility and sharing information for online channel tended to influence positively on the usage of online channel and online+offline channels. Accuracy and low perceived risk of offline influenced positively on offline and on+offline channel usages. The usage levels of on-line and off-line channels for cosmetics were significantly lower than the usage levels for clothes and accessories on information search, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase stages. Significant differences were also found in the usage levels of multi-channels (on+off-line) on information search and evaluation of alternatives stages. The usage levels of the multi-channels for clothes were the highest followed by those of accessories and cosmetics in order.

Comparative research on the preferences and choices of distribution channels depending on the consumption characteristics on fashion consumer - Focused on active Korean and Chinese seniors - (패션 소비자의 유통채널 선호 및 소비 특성에 따른 유통채널 선택에 관한 비교연구 - 한·중 액티브 시니어 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Sang In Lee;Jihun Yu
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.361-378
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    • 2023
  • This research not only determined the preference of fashion brand distribution channels of active Korean and Chinese seniors who became major consumers in the fashion industry, but also analyzed the effect on these preferences and choices of distribution channels depending on personal consumption characteristics and differences between the two groups. Data was collected by a professional survey firm. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used for empirical analysis, and frequency analysis, multiple response analysis, EFA, reliability analysis, CFA, SEM, and multiple-group comparison analysis were performed. As a result of multiple response analysis, the offline channel was revealed as the preferred fashion distribution channel for active Korean and Chinese seniors; the second most popular was the online channel. The results of multiple-group comparison analysis reveal differences between two groups in seeking emotional consumption via the offline channel; the effect was only evident for active Korean seniors. A difference in seeking emotional consumption via preference for online channel also existed, but only for active Chinese seniors. For these reasons, marketers targeting active Korean seniors will be effective to not only offer brand information by fashion display to let seniors understand the fashion brand, but also to have brand events to form positive emotions toward the fashion brand. Moreover, targeting active Chinese seniors will be necessary to transmit brand sensibility by utilizing metaverse marketing comprising various factors, so that consumers can enjoy the fashion brand.

Distribution Channel Preference Accessing 'Korean Wave' in China : Comparing Official and Unofficial Channel

  • Jia, Shen;Park, Young-Eun;Kim, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - China has become the world's largest market of Korean culture goods. However the distribution and information channel from which Chinese consumers can access to Korean contents remains under-explored. This study aimed to investigate Chinese consumers' information accessing behavior. Research design, data, and methodology - We collected the sample of 800 customers who are exposed to Korean Wave in China. Regression analysis is used to confirm the relationships in the research model. Results - The results showed that official channels such as state owned sites still play a significant role, Chinese consumers prefer to use unofficial channels and the private SNS is the most popular one. It is also found that users with low interests in Korean contents prefer offline/indirect channels while people who are highly immersed into Korean culture and spend longer time on it tend to favor online/unofficial channels. The results confirms that there are some users' characteristics such as gender, age, income and experience of visiting Korea are relevant to explain their propensity to select distribution and information channels for Korean contents. Conclusions - The study enables managers to develop the more effective distribution channel strategies according to the different target consumer groups.

Channel Integration Quality, Customer Experience and Patronage in Omnichannel Retailing

  • NGUYEN, Hai Ninh
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: By integrating multiple separate online, offline distribution channels, omnichannel distribution has modernized and revolutionized the retailing sector. Omnichannel distribution supports firms by delivering seamless shopping experiences for customers throughout all touchpoints of the shopping journey. This paper aims at exploring the impact of channel integration quality on customer experience and patronage intentions in the omnichannel distribution context. Research design, data and methodology: An online survey was taken with 351 omnichannel experienced shoppers by utilizing the structured questionnaire. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS software were employed to analyze and test proposed hypotheses. Results: The findings reveal that channel integration quality dimensions including breadth of channel-service choice, transparency of channel-service configuration, content consistency, and process consistency, play crucial roles in the customer shopping experience. The perceived compatibility has been influenced by the integrated interactions in which content consistency and process consistency. The findings also demonstrate the positive and direct impact of perceived compatibility on customer experience, and both factors have substantial effects on customers' patronage intentions. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the literature on channel integration quality, omnichannel retailing experience and customer patronage. In addition, this study provides practical implications for omnichannel retailers in enhancing customer experience and patronage.