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Agrometeorological Analysis on the Freeze Damage Occurrence of Yuzu Trees in Goheung, Jeonnam Province in 2018 (2018년 전라남도 고흥 유자나무 동해 발생에 대한 기상학적 구명)

  • Kim, Gyoung Hee;Koh, Young Jin;Kim, Kwang-Hyung
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2019
  • In 2018, severe diebacks have occurred on yuzu trees cultivated in Goheung, Jeonnam Province. On-farm surveys at 18 randomly selected orchards revealed the dieback incidence ranged from 7.5% to 100% with an average of 43.6%, and 56.6% of the affected yuzu trees were eventually killed. In order to find the reason for this sudden epidemic, we investigated the weather conditions that are exclusively distinct from previous years, hypothesizing that certain weather extremes might have caused the dieback epidemic on yuzu trees. Since different temperatures can cause freeze damage to plants depending on their dormancy stages, we investigated both periods when yuzu becomes hardy under deep dormancy (January-February) and when yuzu loses its cold hardiness (March-April). First, we found that daily minimum air temperatures below 10C were recorded for 7 days in Goheung for January and February in 2018, while no occasions in 2017. In particular, there were two extreme temperature drops (12.6C and 11.5C) beyond the yuzu cold hardiness limit in 2018. In addition, another occasion of two sudden temperature drops to nearly 0C were occurred right after abnormally-warm-temperature-rises to 13C of daily minimum air temperatures in mid-March and early April. In conclusion, we estimated that the possible damages by several extreme freeze events during the winter of 2018 could be a major cause of severe diebacks and subsequently killed the severely affected yuzu trees.

Disaster Documentation through Oral History : Focus on Sinking of the MV Sewol (구술을 통한 재난 사고의 기록화 세월호 참사 관련 구술을 중심으로)

  • Song, Zoo Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.44
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    • pp.155-197
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    • 2015
  • Disaster of Sewol took place in one year. Meanwhile, the victim's family and the call time record academics have tried to record it. Ansan activists have moved to objectives such as civil records committee also pivotal. The citizens committee under the dictation recording oral history team has a diverse group of people associated with the time issue. bereaved families were collected from the oral as well as volunteers, religious personnel, activists, Ansan citizens and various people. Disasters around the world is also an important event to remember and honor the people together, and one of the most effective means to record There it is establishing an oral history archive. Does not leave a lot of nature history of sudden disasters that occur, as well as a tribute record dictation telling people of diverse perspectives on events helps a lot closer to the reality of the event. Erected in the National September 11 Memorial Museum to honor the Sept. 11 attacks and provide a variety of programs to chaerok dictation of the people involved with 9/11. To remember the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing 'Our Marathon' of crowdsourcing digital archive was built. In the archives of the local universities and institutions were created to collaborate actively and gathering oral history. Pan Am Flight 103 pieces terror has established an archive from Syracuse University. Here, neither graduates, faculty, and to the victim's family and friends gather and oral hitory. Disaster-related Sewol neither should be able to be used as in the case of foreign well, and it should continue to honor the victims of the collection. It also ought to occasion again to avoid this disaster on earth.

The Exploring Meaning and Training Experiences of Kendo Participants (검도동호인의 수련경험과 의미)

  • Park, Dongjoo;Lee, Keunmo;Lim, Saemi
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to explore meaning and training experience of Kendo participants by qualitative research. For this purpose, the results of the study were obtained from 11 male and female subjects practicing in the Kendo area of Busan Metropolitan City. In order to elucidate the results of the study, in - depth interviews and related supporting data were collected and the data collected through text analysis were analyzed. As a result, the training experience of Kendo participants has formulated in three respective aspects and the result of such study is shown comprehensively as follows. The Kendo participants consider that the Kendo training would be the continuance of one's own fight and the process to overcome such would be an occasion to enhance the sense of pride for the trainees. Not only in Kendo training but also in ordinary living, this experience displays the foundation to overcome when one encounters the limitations within. Under this process, what is important to the Kendo trainees would be manner. The first thing learned in the Kendo training center is manner and manner is the most important virtue to be equipped for the Kendo trainers. Furthermore, Kendo has the strength to advance righteous personal traits through the physical activities. Lastly, those participants that are equipped with the qualification as the master through long period of training have profound training of Kendo in order to be equipped with the competency as the master and this experience has prepared the turning point to be advanced as true and genuine Kendo men.

Life and Ideology of Jeong, Yeo Rip - Focused on Antagonistic Propensity to Zhu-xi's Ideology (정여립(鄭汝立)의 생애와 사상 - 반주자학적 성향을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Sung
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.307-344
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    • 2009
  • This year of 2009 is the 420th anniversary for the high treason case in the year of ox (year 1589). Until now, there is an endless discussion still progressing about Jeong, Yeo Rip. The evaluation of such individual varies widely according to the viewpoint of each individual. However, the problem is that such confusion or issue is exaggerated under the pretense of his idea's progressivity. The true identity and ideology of Jeong, Yeo Rip will become clear once we review such fact from the origin. This article considered abstract and ideological evaluation of occasion and took its approach thoroughly based on the historical research of literature. Until now, some parts academic world have denied and argued about the fabrication about every details of Jeong, Yeo Rip and event of high treason in the year of ox while accepting the habitual sentence spoken by such individual without a doubt. They have exaggerated Jeong, Yeo Rip as an 'Incompleted Revolutionist' or 'Individual of Revolutionary Ideology'. However, it is imprecise to speak about the terminology of 'Revolutionary'. His ideology is simply elucidating the principal of original Confucianism or a new interpretation of the principle of Confucianism. Jeong, Yeo Rip wanted to contradict the system of national school based on the Zhu-xi's ideology and returned to the principle of original Confucianism. His idea of utopia based on the Confucianism arouse out of the intention of reviving the spirit of original Confucianism. His antagonistic propensity to Zhu-xi's ideology or political idea has transcended the principle of justification based on Sung Confucianism and was also logical and realistic. He was forced on to the deadly circumstance since the society of Joseon Dynasty couldn't accept such logical and progressive idea and deemed him to be nothing more than a disturbing element for the society.

A Study on the Relationship Methods of Oksuki (『옥수기』의 남녀결연담 연구)

  • Kwon, KyongSoon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.67
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    • pp.69-104
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    • 2017
  • This paper examines the aspect of the novel which appeared in the union of the male and female relationship of "OkSuki", one of the novels of the 19th century. "Oksuki" is a work focusing on the relationship between men and women. It takes a narrative structure based on the relationship. It shows various aspects of the relationship through the structure in which the pluralities of plural persons are repeated. Other events and illustrations, except for the talk, are both an occasion of the alliance and an auxiliary role. At the beginning of the work, the main character's parents are described in detail.By arranging the prophecies related to the relationship between the protagonist and the brothers, it suggests that subsequent narratives will flow into the center of the relationship. The male characters that make up the alliance are characteristically trained and have a good taste, and the Caines are colorfully colored. It is believed that the marriage pattern faithfully follows the medieval status order. The reason why the figure of the person who becomes his wife and the person of the concubine are set differently is because the image of the wife and the concubine are different from each other ideally. The characters who are going to be hungry are emphasized on the clause, efficacy, knowledge, and inner peace, and are actively involved in. On the other hand, conciliatory characters emphasize talent and craftsmanship, and their role is reduced after marriage. The wife is a person who has both Confucian culture and knowledge and is able to care for her husband and family well. Concultation is shaped as a person who can enjoy joyful life and emphasize more affection in relation with his wife.

The Consumption Pattern of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and its Comparison with Body Composition Change from a Four-Week Time-Restricted Eating Intervention in Korean Young Adults (한국 젊은 성인의 4주간 시간제한식사 개입에서 살펴본 가당음료 섭취 패턴과 체조성 변화량과의 비교 분석)

  • Park, SuJeong;Song, YoonJu
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consumption pattern of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and compare body composition changes by SSB consumption based on 28 days of dietary records from a four-week time-restricted eating intervention among young adults in Korea. Methods: A total of 33 participants completed the four-week dietary intervention with 8-hour time-restricted eating (TRE). The body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis at baseline, and daily dietary records were collected for 28 days during the intervention after 4 weeks. Results: Based on 924 days of dietary records, the average eating occasion of SSB was 0.9 times per day, and the average amount of SSB was 205.8 g/times. Based on an individual's usual intake of 28 days, the average eating frequency of SSB was 16.6 times out of 28 days, and the average amount of SSB was 184.0 g/day. The average energy intake from SSB was 131.0 kcal /day (8.7% of energy), and sugar intake from SSB was 18.2 g/day (4.9% of energy). The sugar intake was 2.6% of energy from sweetened dairy products, followed by 2.0% from coffee drinks, 0.5% from soda and juice and 0.2% from others. When subjects were divided into high (14 days or more) and low (less than 14 days) SSB groups based on eating frequency, the weight change in the low SSB group was -2.0 kg over 4 weeks, which was significantly lower than -0.7 kg in the high SSB group. However, no significant difference was found in muscle mass, fat mass and body fat percent between the two groups. Conclusions: This study suggests that low consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is more desirable in weight management despite having the dietary intervention of time-restricted eating without counting calories. Thus, further longitudinal studies on the association between SSB and obesity in Korean adults are necessary.

A Study of Activation Approaches by the on the Analysis Problems and Success Cases of Traditional Markets (재래시장의 문제점과 사례 분석을 통한 활성화 방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Kyu-Won;Yu, Jong-Pil
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2010
  • Since circulation market whole surface opening, traditional market is real condition that is looked away more gradually to consumer as reasons of international retail firms and domestic enterprise firms to enter distribution industry, internet mail order rapid increase by information-oriented society, the pursuit of upgradation and normalization by elevation of income level and consumption pattern change that consideration convenience with young consumers as the central figure. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze stagnation cause of traditional market and problem within a change of new distribution environment, and to develop new approaches for dealing with domestic traditional market relationship prompting competition through activation example analysis of foreign traditional market and domestic traditional market. The result of the study indicated that there are a lot of cases that are begun by a few's merchant with leadership that has been will which is strong in activation in beginning in market's occasion that succeed in activation. In particular, software side such as operational efficiency or marketing expertise strengthening of management is that effect is high relatively than hardware side market activation. Also essential to the settlement of credit transactions using credit cards is important for expanding the effort, for the expansion of credit card merchant credit card advantage and raise awareness among traders about the expected effects is needed. Though these study finding submits plan that create market ecosystem so that many consumers may become place that could visit naturally and create pleasure and convenience, and time, monetary, psychological value of shopping to traditional market, there is sense.

Analysis of Efficiency of Suction Board Drain Method by Step Vacuum Pressure (단계석션압 조건에 따른 석션보드드레인 공법의 효율 분석)

  • Kim, Ki-Nyun;Han, Sang-Jae;Kim, Soo-Sam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6C
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2008
  • In this study, a series of column test as a way in order to make up for the weakness point of the conventional acceleration method were conducted to both propose the suction board drain method and grapes the specific improvement character of this method as a result of a sort of plastic drain board and a phase of vacuum pressure conditions. On this occasion, the study focused on computing the effective factors of the fittest Suction board drain method affected by each condition through confirming the settlement generated during the test, the water content reduction and stress increase effect occurred arising from the test, and the ratio of consolidation related to the improvement period. In accordance with the shape of core and that whether the core is attached to the filter(pocket or adhesion), the castle type of adhesion and the column type of pocket are more efficient than the others as a consequence of the test to find out the improvement effect depending on each drainage such as a castle type, coil type, harmonica type, column type of pocket and a castle of the adhesion. In case of the step suction pressure, the shorter the period of 0.8kg/cm2 as a final step of the suction pressure is, the better the improvement is. In addition, the correlation between degree of consolidation per each suction pressure level and duration of application was drawn as a curve and the point of inflection on this curve was provided to determine the duration period to maximize the consolidation.

A Study on the Change Trends and Implications of North Korea-Russia Relations: Focusing on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement (북·러 관계의 변화 동향과 시사점 고찰 - 포괄적 전략 동반자 협정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang-Kyong Lee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2024
  • Relations between North Korea and Russia have recently reached an inflection point in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, and are expected to have a significant military and geopolitical impact on the Korean Peninsula and the security environment in East Asia in the future. The 'Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between North Korea and Russia' was signed on the occasion of Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia in September 2023 and Russian President Putin's visit to North Korea in June 2024. The security environment on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia is anticipated to be significantly impacted by developmental changes in North Korea-Russia relations. As North Korea and Russia formed a paramilitary alliance, stipulating provisions that can be interpreted as automatic military intervention, North Korea's military support for the ongoing war in Ukraine was secured, and the basis for Russia's military intervention in future Korean Peninsula issues was laid. Additionally, the possibility of transferring Russian military technology to North Korea increased as an institutional mechanism was established to implement joint measures to strengthen the defense capabilities between the two countries. If Russia uses its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to neutralize international sanctions against North Korea and provide large-scale economic support, North Korea will break away from international isolation and strengthen its strategic autonomy. Therefore, this study examines the historical process of change in North Korea-Russia relations and examines the main contents and implications of the 'Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement' concluded after the North Korea-Russia summit in June 2024.

Analysis of the Stage and Performance Elements for Bongsudang-jinchan Banquet in Joseon Dynasty (봉수당진찬(奉壽堂進饌)의 무대와 공연 요소 분석)

  • Song, Hye-jin
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.413-444
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    • 2009
  • This paper is an analysis of stage and performance elements for the ceremonial procedures and dance featured in bongsudang-jinchan, a feast celebrating the 60th birthday of Hyegyeong-gung Hongssi (Crown Princess Hong of Hyegyeonggung), the mother of King Jeongjo, which took place in Hwaseong haegung palace in 1795. The primary sources used are data on bongsudangjinchan recorded in Wonhaeng-eulmyojeongriuigwe, Jeongjo-sillok, Hongjae-jeonseo, pictorial sources such as Folding Screens of Hwaseong-neunghaeng and Hwaseong Ilgi, which is a journal in Korean by Yi Hui-pyeong. A court ceremony to offer music, dance, flowers, and food, as well as wine and poetry which express the sentiments of chung (fidelity) and hyo (filial piety) was considered a national ceremony and has constituted a unique musical culture during the 500 years of Joseon dynasty. However, after the fall of Joseon dynasty, ceremonial music and dance, which have been organically linked within the overall symbolic system of ye (courtesy), became scattered to become independent 'pieces.' As a result, all of their philosophy, principles, and the time-space interpretation of court music and dance became greatly reduced, leaving only the artistic expression and formal structure of the music and dance to become emphasized. Since the 1990s, there has been many research and events aiming to re-create the court ceremonial tradition, resulting in the increase of the related performance activities. This is especially true with bongsudang-jinchan, which is now being performed on modern stage in various forms. However there are still many problems to be solved, such as the issue of re-creating and restoring the original, and the question of artistic value found in the traditional pieces. Until now, much focus has been paid to the outer re-construction of uiju document as recorded in Wonhaeng-eulmyo-jeongriuigwe. On the other hand, there lacked an in-depth study which analyzes the stage situation and performance elements. Therefore in this paper, after focusing on the stage structure and performance elements, it is concluded that bongsudang-jinchan, the only court feast to be held in Haeng gung, not only consists of the fundamental aspects of court performance principle as 'governing through ye and ak (music),' but also served as an important occasion to bring together the sovereign and the subject. Bongsudang-jinchan had features of both naeyeon (feast for ladies) and oeyeon (feast for gentlemen). It minimized the use of screens and allowed every guest to enjoy food, music, and dance together, but provided a separate tent for foreign guests, maintaining the ideal balance between equality and distinction among different gender and social status. A screen symbolizing the venue for the feast is placed for all of the government officials. The king then pronounces the beginning of the banquet in which the ideal of gunsin-dongyeon (king and officials dining together) is realized. This indicates that bongsudang-jinchan, compared to other court ceremonies that emphasize the principle of yeak (courtesy and music), focuses more on the spirit of harmony and rapprochement. The king played a more active role in bongsudang-jinchan than in any other royal feasts. Examples as recorded in uiju documents are; Jeongjo's conversation with his retainers after the 7th wine, king's bestowing of food and flowers to the officials, writing his own majesty's poems with regard to the festival, and asking the retainers to write replying poems. All these played an important part in making the occasion more rich, extensive, and meaningful. Moreover, as analysis of the structure of orchestral music and court dance featured in bongsudang-jinchan shows, it was like any other court banquet in that it employed minimal use of extravagance in movements and conversation. However, the colors and tonal texture used in the music and dance were more brilliant in this case. Compared to other banquets that took place before king Jeongjo, the dance style was more diverse, which included some of the latest additions. There were past performances arranged anew. Noteworthy are; the incorporation of "Seonyurak (Boat Dance)" and "Geommu (Sword Dance)," traditionally used for local officials and civilians feast, to suit the court taste; and the use of saenghwang (mouth organ), which was a rising instrument in pungnyubang (literati's private salon), for "Hakmu (Cranes Dance)." This especially indicates the nature of the 'open structure' pursued by the court banquets at the time, which strove to break away from the traditional rules and customs and accept something new.