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Health and Nutritional Factors Related to Hypertension of Subjects Aged Over 50 in High Income Class - Based on the 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - (50세 이상 고소득층 성인 및 노인의 고혈압 관련 건강 및 영양 요인에 관한 연구 - 2005년 국민건강영양조사 결과에 근거하여 -)

  • Ahn, So-Hyun;Son, Sook-Mee;Park, Jin-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.311-327
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to determine the health and nutritional risk factors associated with hypertension in Koreans over the age of 50 in a high-income class (more than twice as much family income as the 2005 Korean minimum cost of living, 668,540 Won). A total of 505 subjects aged over 50 from the 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) were divided into two groups: A hypertension group (HG) (N=151, Systolic Blood Pressure 140 mmHg or Diastolic Blood Pressure 90 mmHg) and normal group (NG) (N=354). Subjects who took hypertension medicines or underwent diet therapy were excluded. In HG, mean daily alcohol intake and the amount of alcohol consumption per one occasion were significantly higher than in NG, respectively. A greater number of hypertension subjects answered that they drank alcohol to reduce stress as compared to normal subjects. HG also took fewer dietary supplements than NG. Mean body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, fasting blood sugar level, and 2 hour postprandial blood sugar following a glucose load were significantly higher in HG than in NG, respectively. Also, iron, thiamin, and niacin intakes and the consumption frequency of seaweeds were significantly lower in HG than in NG, respectively. Finally, obesity (BMI 25 kg/m2), abdominal obesity (waist circumference 90 cm for males, 80 cm for females), high blood sugar level 2 hours after an oral glucose load (140~200 mg/dl), and hypertriglyceridemia (serum TG 200 mg/dl) were related to a significantly higher risk of hypertension in the subjects (odds ratio: 1.884~3.040). In conclusion, dietary factors such as higher alcohol consumption; lower intakes of iron, thiamin, and niacin; lower consumption frequency of seaweeds; and metabolic syndrome were associated with hypertension in the study subjects.

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Safety and Risk Management Measures from the Private Security Industry for the Successful Hosting of an International Event (Safety and Risk Management Counter measures for Pyeongchang Winter Olympics) (국제행사의 성공적 개최를 위한 경호·경비 분야의 안전·위기관리 방안 (평창 동계올림픽 안전·위기관리 대응 방안))

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Wang, Sug-Won
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.52
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    • pp.43-70
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    • 2017
  • Terrorist organizations that take advantage of the occasion of international events are changing from targeting specified people to attacking general public, raising the anxiety of the audience and participating countries. Therefore, the host country intends to improve its status as the host by ensuring safety and crisis management at any cost. As a country with a wealth of experience of hosting international events, Korea takes the burden of the security at Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Consequently, to successfully host this winter Olympics, the organizing committee should bear in mind that Korea is no longer a safe country regarding terrorist attacks and take countermeasures against various crimes and terrorism that may arise during the Winter Olympic Games. This study overviews various measures as follows. First, the change of counter-terrorism strategy is necessary. Second, the safety entity and safety measures for Pyeongchang Olympic Games should be established. Third, private security companies should be actively utilized. Fourth, the safety management training for private security and safety personnel should be strengthened. Lastly, it is necessary to establish a rapid and organic preemptive safety management system to cope with safety and crisis effectively at Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and other international events that will be held in the future.

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Quality Characteristics of Ginger Tea (생강차의 품질특성)

  • 성태화;엄인숙;허옥순;김미리
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2003
  • To evaluate the quality of commercial ginger tea, we compared physicochemical (sugar content, pH, acidity, color, viscosity, transparancy) and sensory (7-point scoring test, 18 experienced panel members) characteristics of commercial ginger tea with home-made one. Additionally, we assessed the opinion of Food and Nutrition specialists, about commercial ginger tea. Questionaires were hand delivered to 530 subjects consisted of University students and faculties of Department of Food and Nutrition at 8 cities (Seoul, Incheon, Youngin, Taejon, Chungju, Taegu, Kwangju, Pusan) in Korea and the complete data of 328 subjects were statistically analyzed using SPSS Program for Window (mean, ANOVA, χ2). The questionaires were consisted of sociodemographics, frequency and occasion of purchasing, opinion of quality and improvement points. Commercial ginger tea was lower in transparancy, Hunter color (L and b value) and viscosity than home-made one. However, commercial tea was not significantly different in sugar content, pH, acidity and Hunter color a value compared to home-made one. Also, among sensory attributes, over-all preference and flavor, sweetness were not significantly different between commercial and home - made one, However, scores of color, taste and pungency of home-made ginger tea were significantly higher than commercial one (p<0.05). Factors to be improved for commercial ginger tea were in the order of ginger content (28.6%), flavor (25.2%) and sweetness (24.5%).

Quality Characteristics of Sujongkwa (수정과의 품질특성)

  • 서지현;성태화;김미리
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.370-378
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    • 2002
  • To assess the quality of commercial Sujongkwa, we compared physicochemical and sensory characteristics of commercial Sujongkwa with home-made one. Two different brands of Sujongkwa and home-made one were analyzed for physicochemical (sugar content, pH, acidity, color, viscosity, transparency) and sensory characteristics (7-point scoring test, 15 experienced panel members). Separately, we assessed the opinion of food and nutrition specialists about the commercial Sujongkwa. Questionnaires were hand delivered to 530 subjects consisted of university students and faculties of Department of Food and Nutrition at 8 cities (Seoul, Incheon, Yongin, Daejon, Chungju, Daegu, Kwangju, Busan) in Korea and the complete data of 328 subjects were statistically analyzed using SPSS Propam for Window (mean, ANOVA, χ2). The questionnaires were consisted of sociodemographics, frequency and occasion of purchasing, opinion of quality and improvement points. Both commercial Sujongkwas were lower in sugar content, transparency, color(L and b value) and viscosity, and commercial brand B was higher in pH and color a value than home-made one. Also, among sensory characteristics, over-all preference and color for brand B were significantly higher than those for brand A and home-made one (p<0.05). Especially, the scores of over-all preference were 1.9 for brand A, 5.7 for brand B, and 4.9 for home-made Sujongkwa. Points to be improved for commercial Sujongkwa were in order of sweetness (33.0%), pungency (24.2%), dried persimmon (19.1%).

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The Change of Nurse호s Status According to the Status of Women II -From the post medieval epoche to late modern epoche- (여성의 지위에 따른 간호사의 위상 변화 II -중세 이후부터 근대 후기까지-)

  • 최순옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 1999
  • It is very important to establish precisely the historical phases of nursing. We nurses should try to acquire the central social position in the health management system in the near the future, the 21st Century. Therefore my treatise aims to orient the desirable phases of the history of nursing through the feministic survey of the history of nursing from the post medieval epoche to the modern epoche. During the time of the renaissance which gave morning light to the modern epoche, the antique Athenian thinking of sex was again revived. Athenian excluded the women from the public and autonomous regions. All the medical activity, once dominated by the women, was misfortunately regarded as superstition acted by witches. Accordingly, the nursing women were to hunted as witches. In short, in the early modern epoche, women began to be excluded from the history of medical activities. In the middle modern epoche characterized by the enlightenment movement and early capital economic system, capitalistic patriarchal system began to be formed by change in the economic system. The status of women began to be greatly dropped below by the social distinction of the private dimension of home and the Public dimension of job. The woman was deprived of even the occasion to get the official license of medicine and medical institutions were handed to the state or the powerful and rich merchants. Accordingly, nursing acted mainly in the nunnery as the total approach to the patients was destructed wholly and transformed into the means of earning the money. Therefore unprepared low class -women began to engage in nursing only for the money. From then on, nursing activity was tunneled through the dark age for 200 years. In the late modern epoche characterized by the contrast of the accumulated vast capital by industrialization and vast poverty of the peoples, feminism began to float over the surface for the acquisition of equality of men and women from England. A feminist, Nightingale insisted that the women as nurses should be responsible for the healthy life of man. She tried the professional nursing education for women. Accordingly she not only contributed to the intellectual progress of women but also inspired in women the consciousness of the professional job. She tried to realize the ideal of at-that-time-feminists by engaging in nursing all through life. She really paved the road to contemporary nursing. In the near the future, I will write to describe how the late modern epoche nursing has fallen into the dilemma through the 1st and 2nd world wars and matured capitalism and to consider contemporary nursing with the status of women. All these papers aim to give proper recognition of nursing and right orientation of the future 21st Century nursing.

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A Study of CHOK-DU-RI (족두리에 관한연구)

  • 홍나영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.43
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    • pp.243-258
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    • 1999
  • This is a study of CHOK-DU-RI(族頭里) a black crown-like headpiece worn by woman on formal occasion in Chosun Dynasty and has succeeded until now. CHOK-DU-RI was originated by BOKTAK worn by Mongolian noblewomen and inflowed to the last period of Koryo dynasty under occupation of Yuan. The documentary records of O-JU-YON-MUN-CHSNG-JON-SAN-KO( by Lee Kyu-kung CHUNG-JANG-KWAN-JON-SUH by Lee Tock-mu and KO-SA-TONG by choe Nam-sun verify CHOK-DU-RI is a custom of mongolian fusion that was affected by KO-KO of Yuan and was formed. Ko-Ko is the same as BOKTAK. It is assumed KO-KO is a borrowed name as its transcription varies. The name was given according to its appearance which is certified by the record CHANGCHUN-CHIN-IN-SEO-BANG-YU-RAM-KI. It says that it can be simply named KO-KO as its edge is alike ad goose or a duck. In addition KO-Ko was called CHOGTAI in case of being added a camel fur that is JUGDUR. CHOGTAI similarily pronounced with CHOK-DU-RI which of being added a camel fur that is JUGDUR, CHOGTAI similarily pronounced with CHOK-DU-RI which provd CHOK-DU-RI was originated in Mongol. The shape of BOKTAK is very high and wided toward the top with the top with the angle getting more pointed and a feather stuck on the side. But its height got lower and its size smaller as it did gradually Koreanized to a CHOK-DU-RI. The use of CHOK-DU-RI has been settled since the last period of Chosun Dynasty. It came to stay as a popular custom when King Young-jo and Jong-jo wanting to do away with the corrupt practice of KA-CHE encouraged women at that time to do their hairs with CHOK-DU-RI instead of KA-CHE. It is as follows the classification of CHOK-DU-RI. First classified by a use group is divided into ceremonial use such as the seven treasures CHOK-DU-RI and jeweled CHOK-DU-RI. Hereby it is assumed that CHOK-DU-RI was used regardless of fortune. Secondly it varies by its type of frame. There are SOM CHOK-DU-RI OHT CHOK-DU-RI and O-YOM CHOK-DU-RI a kind of SOM CHOK-DU-Ri formed a base of O-YOM-MO-RI. The third group by jeweling has WHE-BONG CHOK-DU-RI and TA-BONG-CHOK-DU-RI JEwele CHOk-DU-RI can be still seen being commercially lent and worn by the brides at nuptical ceremonies performed in tradition of fashion and when worn bya bride as she gives her parents to her parents-in-law.

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A Study on the Economic Value of Knowledge Information Service - Focused on UI / UX Field of IT Service (지식정보서비스의 경제적 가치측정 연구 -IT서비스 분야 UI/UX를 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Jinho;Lee, Jeungsun;Lee, Pildo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2019
  • The key to the success of IT services is to ensure user-oriented strategic planning and system design capabilities to accurately read the user's mind. In order to establish a stable UI/UX strategy that provides user-oriented service, estimating the size of the relevant market and predicting the growth potential should be given priority, but there is no research on this. Therefore, this study estimated the relevant market based on the 'SW market size (IDC Worldwide Blackbook.') As a result of estimating the amount and the number of cases, the planning and design area of UI/UX is lower than that of overseas market The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to systemize the establishment of UI/UX strategy that depends on individual competence so far, It is possible to make economic value judgments by standardization and quantification of UI/UX by establishing an opportunity to access the interface. From the technical viewpoint of application of the user's viewpoint on the existing interface, We expect to be able to lead the UX strategy management through the occasion of access to UI/UX. Identify needs and to demonstrate the value of UX strategy applied is significant.

Spatial-Sensor Observation Service for Spatial Operation of GeoSensor (GeoSensor의 공간연산을 확장한 Spatial-Sensor Observation Service)

  • Lee, Hyuk;Lee, Yeon;Chung, Weon-Il;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2011
  • Advances in science and technology have made a lot of changes in our life. Especially, sensors have used in various ways to monitor in real time and analyze the world effectively. Traditional sensor networks, however, have used their own protocols and architecture so it had to be paid a lot of additional cost. In the past 8 years, OGC and ISO have been formulating standards and protocols for the geospatial Sensor Web. Although the OGC SWE initiatives have deployed some components, attempts have been made to access sensor data. All spatial operations had to calculate on the client side because traditional SOS architecture did not consider spatial operation for GeoSensor. As a result, clients have to implement and run spatial operations, and it caused a lot of overload on them and decreased approachableness. In this paper we propose S-SOS for in-situ and moving GeoSensor that extends 52 North SOS and provides spatialFilter and spatialFinder operations. The proposed S-SOS provides an architecture that does not need to edit already deployed SOSs and can add spatial operations as occasion. Additionally we explain how to express the spatial queries and to be used effectively for various location based services.

Comparative Analysis by Soil Loss and Sediment Yield Analysis Calculation Method of River using RUSLE and GRID (RUSLE와 GRID를 이용한 하천의 토양유실량 및 유사유출량 산정방법별 비교분석)

  • Park, Eui-Jung;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.112-121
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    • 2007
  • In occasion of soil loss happened in a basin, soil in the near of a stream may flow into the stream easily, but in case that soil is far away from the stream, sediment yield transferred to rivers by rainfall diminishes. To forecast sediment yield of a stream is an essential item for management of basins and streams. Therefore, sediment yield of soil loss produced from a basin is needed to be calculated as accurate as possible. Purpose of the present research is to calculate soil erosion amount in a basin and to forecast sediment yield flowed into a stream by rainfall and analyze sediment yield in the stream. There are various methods that analyze sediment yield of rivers. In the present study, the soil erosion amount was calculated using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) and GRID, and sediment yield was calculated using sediment delivery ratio and empirical methods. DEM data, slope of basin, soil map and landuse constructed by GIS were used for input data of RUSLE. The upstream area of the Yeongsan river basin in Gwangju metropolitan city was selected for the study area. Three methods according to the calculation of LS factor were applied to estimate the soil erosion amount. Two sediment delivery ratio methods for the respective methods were applied and, correspondingly, six occasions in sediment yield were calculated. In addition, the above results were compared by relative amount with estimation by the empirical method of Ministry of Construction & Transportation. Sediment yield calculated in the present study may be utilized for the plan, design and management of dams and channels, and evaluation of disaster impact.

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The Occlusal Evaluation and Treatment Planning for Prosthodontic Full Mouth Rehabilitation (보철학적 교합 재구성을 위한 교합진단과 치료계획)

  • Lee, Seung-Kyu;Lee, Sung-Bok;Choi, Dae-Gyun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2000
  • Occlusal disease is comparable to periodontitis in that it is generally not reversible. Occlusal disease, however, like periodontitis, often maintainable. It does itself to treatment and when restorative dentistry is utilized it becomes, in that sense, reversible. Moreover, a systematized and integrated approach will lead to a prognosis that is favorable and predictable. This approach facilitates development of optimum oral function, comfort, and esthetics, resulting in a satisfied patient. Such a systematized approach consists of four logical phase : (1) patient evaluation, (2) comprehensive analysis and treatment planning, (3) integrated and systematic reconstruction, and (4) postoperative maintenance. An integrated treatment plan is first developed on one set of diagnostic casts, properly mounted on a semiadjustable articulator using jaw relationship records. This is accomplished by using wax to make reconstructive modifications to the casts. These modified casts become the blueprint for planned occlusal changes and the fabrication of provisional restorations. The treatment goals are : (1) comfortably functioning temporomandibular joints and stomatognathic musculature, (2) adherence to the basic principle of occlusion advocated by Schuyler, (3) anterior guidance that is in harmony with the envelope of function, (4) restorations that will not violate the patient's neutral zone. This report shows the treatment procedures for a patient whose mandibular position has been altered due to posterior bite collapse. Migration of the maxillary anterior teeth had occurred, and the posterior occlusal contacts showed pathologic interference. Precise diagnosis using mounted casts was executed and prosthodontic reconstruction by the aid of an unconventional orthodontic correction on maxillary flaring was planned. An unconventional orthodontic correction can be accomplished by using preexisting natural teeth, which can be modified for use in active tooth movement or splinted together for orthodontic anchorage. This technique has an advantage over conventional fixed appliance orthodontic therapy because it can accomplish tooth movement concurrently with restorative and periodontal therapy. On occasion, minor tooth movement can be necessary to achieve the optimum occlusal scheme, crown form, and tooth position for the forces of occlusion to be displaced down the long axis of the periodontally compromised teeth. Once the occlusion, periodontal health, and crown contours for the provisional splinted restoration are acceptable, the final splinted restoration can be similarly fabricated, and it becomes an excellent orthodontic retainer.

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