• Title/Summary/Keyword: observation planning

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Adolescents' Spatial Perception in the 3-Dimension Cyberspace (3차원 사이버공간에 표현된 청소년의 공간의식)

  • Park Kyoung-Ok;Kim Hyo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the planning of adolescents preferred space, and fur the purpose of the study analyzed the spaces made by them in the web site where 3-dimension space manipulating is possible and captured their consciousness of space. The study was to interview 60 adolescents in the web-site by video chatting and observation by video ethnography. The results are as follows. 1) Three-dimension space is where adolescents express their present preference for spaces of residence, leisure and outer activities, and where they reveal their desire to be realized in the future. 2) Adolescents foster friendship in the cyberspace, where they meet friends and enjoy talking and share their desire for space creation which is hardly come true in reality. 3) It is possible to grasp their latent preference of space, and actualization of the cyber preference would give them more satisfaction.

A Treatise on the Definitions of Ambiguous Landscape (경관의 다양성에 관한 고찰)

  • 황기원
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 1989
  • ^x This paper focuses on clarifying the diverse conceptions of landscape, of which ambiguity gives rise to confusion to the theory and practice of landscape architecture. Landscape in the form of landscipe has once indicated land, a defined space or a humanized environment, cultivated and inhabited for the purpose of biological sustenance of ordinary people. With the advent of landschap(landscape) painting, its concept moved from the real world to the scenery, a prospect, 'a portion of earth's surface that can be seen at once by a man who is himself upon the surface. 'Once appeared, it remained as a central concept until the 19th century when the modern land-scape architecture, which claims to stand for the democratic planning and environmental design, emerged. However, it still survives as the most popular concept :a landscape is a man-made, beautiful scene. To the contrary, the geographers hold that a landscape is not an actual scene viewed by a particular observer, but is a generalization induced from the observation of many individual scene. Since it is not only very attractive to the general public, but also very important to the designers, scholars and artists, operational definitions of landscape are urgently needed.

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A Study on the Regional Activation through System of Road Station in Japan (일본의 Road Station사업을 통한 지역활성화 사례에 대한 기초적 연구)

  • Yang, Kum-Suek
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual condition of the road station in japan. The thorough investigation and observation works were made from the view points of the location and service facilities of the road station in kanto area. This article discusses about the basic characteristics of the road stations and actual condition of service facilities of 126 road stations in kanto area. The results of this study are summarized as follows; The main patterns of the site by locational conditions are classified in five types. Those are mountain district type, traffic point type, urban district type, riverside type and seaside type. In planning of road stations, locational condition and regional difference of public facilities are crucial factors.

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A study on the analysis technique of visual information by GIS (GIS를 이용한 가시권정보 분석기법에 관한 연구 -제주 산방산 지역 사례연구-)

  • 최기만;이춘석;임승빈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1997
  • Visibility has been used for Visual Impact Assessment and Buildingheight Control. The purpose of this study is to elaborate visibility analysis technique in GIS, and to design a visual information system baed on this technique for diverse application. The results of this study are as follows : 1) By classifying visibility analysis techniques into two groups, Each one's merits and demerits were investigated. Practically GIS visibility analysis by DTM model using contour map and investigating it by means of site-observation can be the most effective method. 2) A visibility analysis techniquwe for V.I.A. and B.H.C. was presented by studying GIS visibility analysis by means of DTM model using contour map. There were 5 problems. 3) Adequate analysis techniques were presented according to the landscape factor-road, ship-route, port, mountain, etc. 4) Viewing distance from road and ship-route in visual corridor, landma가 visibility and distance, the angle of incidence and invisible region's depth are helpful for land scape management or land use planning.

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The Trend and Achievements of Erosion Control Research in Japan (일본(日本)에 있어서의 사방공학연구(砂防工學硏究)의 동향(動向))

  • Woo, Bo-Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 1973
  • The trend and achievments of soil erosion control research in Japan were investigated through observation tours and reference work and following facts were found to be important aspects which should be considered in the soil erosion control research program in Korea. Experiments on forest and water relations, and ground water phenomena at the water source zone in Tokyo University. Studies on land-slides and erosion control dam in Kyoto University. Studies on mud-flow and snow avalanches in Hokkaido University. Studies on sanddune fixation and disaster damage prevention forests in Kyushu University. Studies on forest denudations in Nagoya University. Studies on Greening-works and soil erosion prevention chemicals in Tokyo Agriculture University. Training on planning of erosion control works and prevention of disaster damages in Forest Research Institute. Experiments on soil erosion phenomena and infiltration in Tohoku Branch, FRI. Experiments on erosion and surface stratum failure of steep slopes and their prevention methods in Railway Technical Research Institute.

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Wind Retrieval from X-band SAR Image Using Numerical Ocean Scattering Model

  • Kim, Duk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2009
  • For the last 14 years, space-borne satellite SAR system such as RADARSAT-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT ASAR have provided a continuous observation over the ocean. However, the data acquired from those systems were limited to C-band frequency until the advent of the first spacebome German X-band SAR system TerraSAR-X in 2007. Korea is also planning to launch the nation's first X-band SAR satellite (KOMPSAT-5) in 2010. It is timely and necessary to develop X-band models for estimating geophysical parameters from these X-band SAR systems. In this study, X-band wind retrieval model was investigated and developed based on numerical ocean scattering model (radar backscattering model and hydrodynamic interaction model). Although these models have not yet been tested and validated for broad ranges of wind conditions, the estimated wind speeds from TerraSAR-X data show generally good agreement with in-situ measurements.

The Influence Relation of People on Meme Theory Based Observation of Discourse Texts in Space Magazine (밈 이론의 관점으로 관찰한 공간지 담론계 텍스트의 인물 간 영향관계)

  • Yang, Wan-Seok;Seo, Eu-gene
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to measure and observe Memes of people in Korean modern architectural discourse. After extracting Memes from the text of 'SPACE' magazines, network analysis was used with the Memes which were obtained. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Korean modern architectural discourse field was influenced by people in order of American, French and Korean. 2. Korean modern architectural discourse field was influenced by people in order of Le Corbuiser, Mies Van der Rohe, Louis Kahn, Kim Soogeun and Gilles Deleuze.

A Qualitative Study of Running질 Science Garden질 (과학동산 운영에 관한 질적 연구)

  • 채동현;이수영
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.263-288
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    • 2002
  • 'Science Garden' is a science program that develops acquirements of science & technology at an early stage through experiential study and inspire the spirit of scientific inquiry by carrying out laboratory work, science movie, science lecture, scientific work, outdoor activities, computer classes and science experiment which is hard to do through the regular educational course. It is targeted grade 4,5,6 students during summer and winter vacation. 'Science Garden' is conducted by selective participation freely. It is a wholelistic activity that develops children's potential talents or creativities, improves interest and attitude toward science, and also gives opportunity for self-realization by extending capacity for inquiry to show each student's ability. This study is observed and is compared how it is conducted in elementary school using qualitative study. This study is used narrative observation, in-depth interview and document analysis. Objects of narrative observation are two elementary schools, each from Jellabukdo and Gyeonggido, and 7 teachers were interviewed in-depthly. Here are results of the study. 1 A teacher in school G never takes part in student activities, tends to be indifferent to classes, but focuses on observation and experiment in laboratory. And feedback or evaluation about student's activity is never done. On the other hand, a teacher in school S guides students to understand the principals of science on themselves, and wide variety forms of activities such as role playing, discussion, and games are being done. But an effort to evaluate student's activity is not being made properly. 2. Teachers set a high valuation on the need of 'Science Garden'. Observing the way of conducting 'Science Garden', usually teachers who is in charge of science for official work is selected as a teacher in charge, and groan under a heavy burden of conducting it without anyone's help. Participating students are selected by volunteering or teacher's recommendation, but because of low Participation rate, teachers have difficulty in conducting it. Plan for conducting ‘science Garden’ is made 20 days before it, after getting an official document from Office of Education, refering to booklets produced by National Jungang Science Institute, or data from Office of Education, and internet. Teachers evaluate rarely Most school principals have interest in 'Science Garden' but parents are not well aware of it, The budget is made at the same time with the plan, and scale is varied between 200,000∼500,000 won. Because of the improper way of selecting teacher in charge, difficulty in selecting students, heavy works caused by planning, conducting the program, as well as reporting teacher's work, and lack of parents' awareness, 'Science Garden' has been conducted formally and superficially. Next gives you direction to change, for the right way of conducting' Science Garden'. It is important to motivate competent teachers to instruct students actively. For students' active participation, They should publicize thoroughly beforehand, and develope 'Science Garden' program for teachers to be able to make better use of it. Evaluation of student activities and program should be done in the aspect of developing students’ faculties. Beside of school facilities, they need to put diverse local facilities and places to practical use for immediate natural experience. And not only separate schools but also associated form of schools to conduct it is necessary.

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Nocturnal Surface Cooling and Cold Air Transport Analysis Based on High Density Observation - A Case Study of Eunpyeong New Town in Seoul (고밀도 관측자료를 이용한 야간 지면냉각과 찬공기 이동 분석 - 서울 은평구 뉴타운 사례)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Young-Jean;Won, Hye-Young;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.124-137
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    • 2012
  • Climate analysis is important in urban planning for human comfort. Synoptic weather conditions can only resolve the 30% of local variance of wind conditions whereas 70% of the variance arise from local terrain, buildings, and other small scale thermal conditions. Climate Analysis Seoul (CAS) was developed to resolve such micro-scale climate. The Local-scale air temperature Deviation (LD) analysis map from CAS showed the co-existence of built-up and suburban areas in the study region (CR, Cold-air analysis Region) despite its small extent. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction were monitored in CR. Hourly observed cooling rate agreed well with LD. Cold air production, transportation, and stagnation was visualized by the observed Vertical Temperature Gradient (VTG) along the small stream in CR. VTG observed at the upper-most stream can be divided into two components: radiative cooling and cold air inflow from outside. Radiative cooling exists regardless of the wind speed whereas cold air inflow occurs only with calm wind. From the regression analyses based on the wind speed, the inflow portion was determined as 84% of radiative cooling. Climate analysis in the future will be able to characterize the changes in cold air by urban development plan to support the human comfort.

Development of Landscape Resource Assesment Systems of Jeju Island's Stonewall Fencing Farming Land for the Introduction of Direct Payment System of the Landscape Preservation and its Application (제주밭담의 경관보전직불제 도입을 위한 경관자원(제주밭담) 평가시스템 구축과 적용)

  • Ko, Seong-Bo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the landscape resource assessment system(LRAS) to help evaluate the value of landscape resources(Jeju Island's Stonewall fencing farming land) for the introduction of direct payment system of the landscape preservation objectively and to applicate the model in the fields. Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts shows that the order of priority among value evaluation elements on Jeju's stonewall is its harmony with surroundings(34%), the preservation of its original state(34%) and its density and scale(32%). Evaluation system development of landscape resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing filming land) and field observation survey utilizing it consists of the following five steps. Step 1 includes the first Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to decide its value evaluation elements and their priority. Step 2 is the second Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to grade pictures of landscape resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing farming land) on the basis of expert-proposed value evaluation standards. Step 3 consists of analysis work using the result of Delphi survey on experts. Step 4 is to select five grade standard pictures according to each of three grading elements of A, B, C belonging to each of the three standards. Then, it is necessary to make panels including five A-grade pictures, five B-grade pictures and five C-grade pictures according to each of the three elements of density, harmony, and original state preservation. Step 5 consists of field observation survey. According to the result of few experts' value evaluation of stonewall fencing farming land with the aid of NRAS developed in this research, the area of Pyeongdae-ri is ranked first, and then the area of Bukcheon-ri, Chocheon-up, the area of Gwakgi-ri, Ewol-up, the area of Shinum-ri, Ewol-up and the area of Yongsu-ri, hankyung-Myun are ranked in the order named. When those areas are graded, A Grade Areas includes the areas of Pyeongdae-ri, the area of Bukcheon-ri, the area of Gwakgi-ri, B Grade Areas consist of the area of Shinum-ri and the area of Yongsu-ri, and the areas of Onpyeong, wimi and youngrak belong to C Grade Area.