• 제목/요약/키워드: nonlinear dielectric effect factor

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.034초

VDCN계 공중합체의 비선형 유전 특성 (Nonlinear Dielectric Properties of VDCN Copolymers)

  • 강대하;박상호
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성ㆍ응용부문C
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    • 제51권7호
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2002
  • Linear and nonlinear complex permittivities were measured for copolymers of vinylidene cyanide(VDCN) with vinyl acetate(VAc), vinyl propionate(VPr), vinyl bezoate(VBz), styrene(St) and methyl methacrylate(MMA). Experimental results are well fitted by the function (equation omitted) except at low frequency where dc conduction dominates. The analysis of dielectric relaxation mechanism by combined knowledge about linear and nonlinear dielectric permittivities and dipoles give us informations about electrical and thermal motions in these copolymers. According to the analysis it could be found that the variation for temperature of the dielectric relaxation strength in these copolymers is related to the interaction between dipoles and the nonlinear dielectric effect factor R$_{s}$ is proportional to square of the dipolar correlation factor R$_{p}$././.

Analysis of a Conducting Crack in an Electrostrictive Ceramic Under Combined Electric and Mechanical Loading

  • Beom, Hyeon-Gyu;Jeong, Kyoung-Moon;Jeong, Eun-Do
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.1117-1126
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    • 2002
  • A conducting crack in an electrostrictive ceramic under combined electric and mechanical loading is investigated. Analysis based on linear dielectric model predicts that the surfaces of the crack are not open completely but they are contact near the crack tip. The complete solution for the crack with a contact zone in a linear electrostrictive ceramic under combined electric and mechanical loading is obtained by using the complex variable formula. The asymptotic problems for a semi-infinite crack with a partial opening zone as well as for a fully open semi-infinite crack in a nonlinear electrostrictive ceramic are analyzed in order to investigate the effect of the electrical nonlinearity on the stress intensity factor under small scale nonlinear conditions. Particular attention is devoted to a finite crack in the nonlinear electrostrictive ceramic subjected to combined electric and mechanical loading. The stress intensity factor for the finite crack under small scale nonlinear conditions is obtained from the asymptotic analysis.

$SiO_2$가 첨가된 산화아연 바리스터의 미세구조 및 전기적 특성 (Microstructure and Electrical Properties of $SiO_2$-Doped Zinc Oxide Varistors)

  • 남춘우;정순철
    • E2M - 전기 전자와 첨단 소재
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    • 제10권7호
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    • pp.659-667
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    • 1997
  • The influence of SiO$_2$on the microstructure and electrical properties of zinc oxide varistor was investigated. Zn$_2$SiO$_4$third phase in the sintered body was found at grain boundaries, multiple grain junctions, and occasionally within ZnO grains. This phase acted as a grain growth inhibitor, which retard the grain growth of the ZnO matrix by impeding migration on the grain boundaries. As SiO$_2$ addition increases, average grain size decreased from 40.6${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ to 26.9${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ due to the pinning effect by Zn$_2$SiO$_4$ and drag effect by Si segregation at grain boundaries, the breakdown voltage consequently increased. When SiO$_2$ addition is increased, interface state density decreased, however, the barrier height increased by decrease of donor concentration, as a result, the nonlinear exponent increased and leakage current decreased. While, as SiO$_2$ addition increase, it was found that the apparent dielectric loss factor shows a tendency of decrease. Wholly, electrical properties of zinc oxide varistor can be said to be improved by SiO$_2$addition.

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Microstructure and Varistor Properties of ZVMND Ceramics with Sintering Temperature

  • Nahm, Choon-Woo
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.221-225
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    • 2015
  • The sintering effect on the microstructure, electrical properties, and dielectric characteristics of ZnO-V2O5-MnO2-Nb2O5-Dy2O3-based ceramics was investigated. With the increase of sintering temperature from 875 to 950℃, the density of the sintered pellets decreased from 5.57 to 5.45 g/cm3 and the average grain size increased from 4.3 to 10.9 μm. The breakdown field decreased noticeably from 6,095 to 996 V/cm with the increase of sintering temperature. The varistor ceramics sintered at 900℃ exhibited the best nonlinear properties: 39.2 in the nonlinear coefficient and 0.24 mA/cm2 in the leakage current density. The dielectric constant increased sharply from 658.6 to 2,928.8 with the increase of sintering temperature. On the whole, the dissipation factor exhibited a fluctuation with the increase of the sintering temperature, and a minimum value of 0.284 at 900℃.

ZPCCY계 바리스터 세라믹스의 DC 가속열화 특성에 미치는 냉각속도의 영향 (Effect of Cooling Rate on DC Accelerated Aging Characteristics of ZPCCY-Based Varistor Ceramics)

  • 남춘우;김향숙
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제15권9호
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    • pp.776-782
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    • 2002
  • The microstructure, V-Ι characteristics, and stability of ZnO-P $r_{6}$ $O_{11}$ CoO-C $r_2$ $O_3$- $Y_2$ $O_3$-based varistor ceramics were investigated with cooling rate in the range of 2~8$^{\circ}C$/min. The cooling rate relatively weakly affected the microstructure, the varistor voltage, and the leakage current in the V-Ι characteristics. But the nonlinear exponent relatively strongly affected by cooling rate. The cooling rate also greatly affected the stability of V-Ιand dielectric characteristics for DC accelerated aging stress. On the whole, the varistors cooled with 4$^{\circ}C$/fin exhibited the highest performance in the densification, nonlinearity, and stability. Especially, they exhibited a high stability, in which the variation rate of the varistor voltage( $V_{1㎃}$), the nonlinear exponent($\alpha$), and the dissipation factor(tan $\delta$) is -1.4%, -4.9%, and +60.0%, respectively, under DC accelerated aging stress such as 0.95 $V_{1㎃}$15$0^{\circ}C$/12 h)

$Pr_{6}O_{11}$계 ZnO 바리스터의 전기적 성질에 소결온도의 영향 (Effect of Sintering Temperature on Electrical Properties of $Pr_{6}O_{11}$-Based ZnO Varistors)

  • 남춘우;류정선
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.572-577
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    • 2001
  • The electrical properties of Pr$_{6}$ O$_{11}$ -based ZnO varistors consisting of ZnO-Pr$_{6}$ O$_{11}$ -CoO-Cr$_2$O$_3$-Er$_2$O$_3$ ceramics were investigated with sintering temperature in the range of 1325~f1345$^{\circ}C$. As sintering temperature is raised., the nonlinear exponent was increased up to 1335$^{\circ}C$, reaching a maximum 70.53, whereas raising sintering temperature further caused it to decrease, reaching a minimum 50.18 and the leakage current was in the range of 1.92~4.12 $\mu$A. The best electrical properties was obtained from the varistors sintered at 1335$^{\circ}C$, exhibiting a maximum (70.53) in the nonlinear exponent and a minimum (1.92 $\mu$A) in the leakage current, and a minimum (0.035) in the dissipation factor. On the other hand, the donor concentration was in the range of (0.90~1.14)x10$^{18}$ cm$^{-3}$ , the density of interface states was in the range of (2.69~3.60)x10$^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$ , and the barrier height was in the range of 0.77~1.21 eV with sintering temperature. With raising sintering temperature, the variation of C-V characteristic parameters exhibited a mountain type, reaching maximum at 134$0^{\circ}C$. Conclusively, it was found that the V-I, C-V, and dielectric characteristics of Pr$_{6}$ O$_{11}$ -based ZnO varistors are affected greatly by sintering temperature.

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ZPCCY계 바리스터의 써지 스트레스 특성에 소결시간의 영향 (Effect of Sintering Time on Surge Stress Characteristics of ZPCCY-Based Varistors)

  • 박종아;김명준;유대훈;남춘우
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.17
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    • pp.408-411
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    • 2004
  • The electrical stability against surge stress of ZPCCY-based varistors were investigated at different sintering times. Sintering time decreased the varistor voltage and nonlinear exponent from 279.6 to 179.1 and from 52.5 to 24.9, respectively. On the contrary, the leakage current and dielectric dissipation factor increased from 1.2 to 9.8 ${\mu}A$ and from 0.0461 to 0.0651 with increase of sintering time. For all varistors, the variation rates of V-I characteristic parameters against surge stress were affected in order of varistor voltage$\rightarrow$nonlnear exponent$\rightarrow$leakage current. On the whole, the electrical stability against surge stress increased with increasing sintering time. Conclusively, it is assumed that the varistor sintered for 2 h exhibited comparatively good characteristics, in view of overall characteristics.

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Zn-Pr-Co-Cr-Y 산화물계 바리스터의 써지 스트레스에 대한 전기적 안정성에 소결시간의 영향 (Effect of Sintering lime on Electrical Stability against Surge Stress of Zn-Pr-Co-Cr-Y Oxide-based Varistors)

  • 남춘우;박종아;유대훈
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2005
  • The electrical stability against surge stress of varistors, which are composed of Zn-Pr-Co-Cr-Y oxide system, were investigated at different sintering times. As sintering time increases, the varistor voltage and nonlinear exponent decreased in the range of $279.6\~179.1$ and $52.5\~24.9$, respectively. On the contrary, the leakage current and dielectric dissipation factor increased in the range of $1.2\~9.8\;{\mu}A$ and 0.0461\~0.0651 with increase of sintering time. For all varistors, the variation rates of V-I characteristic parameters against surge stress were more strongly affected in order of varistor voltage ${\rightarrow}nonlnear$ $exponent{\rightarrow}leakage$ current. On the whole, the electrical stability against surge stress increased with increasing sintering time. Conclusively, it is assumed that the varistors sintered for 2 h exhibited comparatively good characteristics, in view of overall characteristics.

산화아연계 MOV 소자의 미세구조 및 전기적 특성에 이산화 규소가 미치는 영향 (Effects of $SiO_2$ Additive on the Microstructure and Electrical Characteristics of Zinc Oxide-Based MOV)

  • 정순철;이외천;남춘우
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1997년도 하계학술대회 논문집 C
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    • pp.1361-1363
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    • 1997
  • Zinc oxide-based MOV was fabricated with $SiO_2$ additive ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 mol%, and the microstructure and electrical characteristics were investigated. $Zn_2SiO_4$ phase formed by $SiO_2$ additive was distributed at ZnO grains, grain boundaries, and multiple grain junctions. As the content of $SiO_2$ additive increases, average grain size decreased from 40.6 to $26.9{\mu}m$ due to the Pinning effect by $Zn_2SiO_4$ at grain boundaries Breakdown voltage and nonlinear exponent increased, and leakage current decreased in the range of $11.2{\sim}6.14{\mu}A$ with an increasing $SiO_2$. Donor concentration and interface state density decreased, and barrier height increased in the range of $0.71{\sim}1.04eV$ with an increasing $SiO_2$. While, as the content of $SiO_2$ additive, apparent dielectric constant decreased, peak frequency of dissipation factor decreased in the range of $6.45{\times}10^5{\sim}3.00{\times}10^5Hz$, and dissipation peak was $0.31{\sim}0.22$ at Peak frequency.

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