• Title/Summary/Keyword: new land development areas

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The Research Regarding the Visual Continuity of the Green in the Re-development Area by Using the Aerial Photograph

  • Lee Hyuk-Hae;Koshimiz Hajime
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2004
  • In the city of Asia like Seoul and Tokyo, aggregate power is poured into the city making which is suitable in new age. Large-scale re-development is active in various places as the present condition, As for the various East Asian cities, high-level utilization conversion of the land and high conversion of the building are advanced. As for these realities, the re-development is advanced in the situation that has not been clarified enough though it is true that green of the city has decreased. This research was aimed at the clarifying the allocation of greenery when proceeding with town planning projects by quantifying the possibility of allocating greenery in the form of rooftop landscaping in redeveloped areas. Moreover, the distribution of the green in the re-development region was calculated and the coexistence level of green space was calculated, The realities of a desirable green were clarified in the spectacle by understanding a sight and spatial continuousness in the green. In order to clarify the potentiality of roof greenery revaluating, the research was conducted by analyzing from aerial photographs, in Tokyo and Seoul, And the flow of the research was conducted by selection of research object area, taking pictures, acquisition of the aerial photography, rearrangement the data and the analysis. As a result, I was able to prepare a land vegetation coverage classification chart and obtain data pertaining to the level of urban and green tract of land for the researched cities of Tokyo and Seoul. By analyzing this data, we were able to indicate patterns of greenery unable to be obtained through data from ratio of vegetation coverage and ascertain the effectiveness of rooftop landscaping.

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The Study on the Establishment of the Agricultural Landscape Conservation Policy for the Green Tourism (녹색농업관광 활성화를 위한 경관농업 육성방안에 관한 연구 - 일본의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Cheol-Mo;Park, Mi-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • This study focus on the revitalization of green tourism by the agricultural landscape conservation policy. Today, agricultural landuse for food production is restricted by agricultural products import. In this context, agricultural land use policy should be paradigm shift to the consumers needs which accelerates the green tourism in the rural areas. This research screen the agricultural landscape conservation policy of Japan' system and construct the new policy implementation for agricultural landscape conservation in Korea. For this purpose, agricultural landscape guideline and support system should be established in line with the revitalization of green tourism and agricultural income diversification in the rural areas.

Forecast of Land use Change for Efficient Development of Urban-Agricultural city (도농도시의 효율적 개발을 위한 토지이용변화예측)

  • Kim, Se-Kun;Han, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2012
  • This study attempts to analyze changes in land use patterns in a compound urban and agricultural city Kimje-si, using LANDSAT TM imagery and to forecast future changes accordingly. As a new approach to supervised classification, HSB(Hue, Saturation, Brightness)-transformed images were used to select training zones, and in doing so classification accuracy increased by more than 5 percent. Land use changes were forecasted by using a cellular automaton algorithm developed by applying Markov Chain techniques, and by taking into account classification results and GIS data, such as population of the pertinent region by area, DEMs, road networks, water systems. Upon comparing the results of the forecast of the land use changes, it appears that geographical features had the greatest influence on the changes. Moreover, a forecast of post-2030 land use change patterns demonstrates that 21.67 percent of mountain lands in Kimje-si is likely to be farmland, and 13.11 percent is likely to become city areas. The major changes are likely to occur in small mountain lands located in the heart of the city. Based on the study result, it seems certain that forecasting future land use changes can help plan land use in a compound urban and agricultural city to procure food resources.

A Reconstructive Study on the Urban Structure of the Original Masan Early in the 20th Century (20세기 초 원마산(原馬山) 도시공간의 복원적 연구 -1912년을 기준으로-)

  • Heo, Jeong-Do;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.9 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at examining the background and development process of Masan city after Koryo Dynasty, making a reconstructive map of Original Masan using the first registration maps made in 1912 and analyzing the urban structure of the Original Masan area. The origin of Masan city went back to Koryo dynasty. Around 1040 Koryo government placed an official shipping facility in Masan to transport the taxed grain to the capital city. After that Masan became an important port covering the southern part of KyungSang-Do. And the urbanization of the Original Masan began to bud after a shipping facility was again established by the Chosun Dynasty in 1760 and strengthened in the 19th century after the social standing system was broken and many peasants moved to cities as daily workers. In 1899 Masan was forced to be opened to foreign powers and they placed an international settlement distanced from the area(Original Masan). After this many Japanese advanced to the international settlement and further to the area. The advancement of Japanese brought a critical change in the urban structure of the area. Land was owned by Japanese and many modern sysytems were introduced such as modern buildings, new roads, railroad and modern factories. According to the reconstructive map of the area, 80.5% of land lots are less than $200m^2$ showing the size of each land lot is comparatively small. And Japanese occupied 31.5% of the land in the area. Their land was located on the stratigic points near the port and the center of commerce. The ratio of the road area to the whole land was around 14%, not so low for urban areas in that time. The reconstructive map reveals the exact coastline of the year 1912 erased now due to filling the sea and extending the land, Present Masan city has been developed having the Original Masan as its nucleus. The area has been always the center of urban activities for Masan city. Making an exact reconstructive map for the area and analyzing the urban structure of the area in 1912 is a very important work to understand Masan city wholy.

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A Study on Changes in Impervious Surface Area Rate at Administrative Units for Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도 행정구역별 불투수면적률 현황 및 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeonjoon;Choi Yoonhee;Kim, Hakkwan;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze the recent status and changes in impervious surface areas and their ratios across regions in Gyeongsangnam-do, providing fundamental data for regional development and impervious surface management. Based on the 'Guidelines for Calculating Water Cycle Management Indicators for Nonpoint Pollution Source Control(Ministry of Environment)', we processed the land characteristics survey map(shapefile) from 2018 and 2022 to analyze impervious surface area and their rates by administrative boundaries. The impervious surface area in Gyeongsangnam-do increased from 75,652 ha in 2018 to 81,055 ha in 2022, with the rate rising by 0.51% from 7.18% to 7.69%. The average of impervious surface area across 545 eupmyeon units expanded by approximately 9 ha, from 139.8 ha in 2018 to 148.8 ha in 2022, with the rate increasing by 0.71%. Concurrently, the whole population declined by 2.8% while the number of households surged by 6.4%, correlating with the growth in impervious areas. Despite population decreases, factors such as population migration, increased household fragmentation, new residential developments, and industrial facility expansions have consistently contributed to the rise in impervious surface area. Notably, even in areas with high impervious surface area rate, significant disparities existed between urbanized areas and predominantly rural regions. Furthermore, about 333 units(61% of the whole eupmyeons), showed negligible changes in their impervious surface area rate, with an increase of less than 0.5%.

Analysis of PVD Degree of Consolidation with Various Core Types (코어형태에 따른 연직배수재의 압밀도 분석)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Zhanara, Nazarova
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the demand for industrial and residental land are increasing with economic growth, but it is difficult to acquire areas for development with good ground condition. For efficient and balanced development of land, new development projects are being carried out not only the areas with inland but those with the soft ground as well. As soft grounds have complex engineering properties and high variations such as ground subsidence especially when their strength is low and depth is deep, we need to accurately analyze the engineering properties of soft grounds and find general measures for stable and economic design and management. Vertical drain technology is widely used to accelerate the consolidation of soft clay deposits and dredged soil under pre-loading and various types of vertical drain are used with there discharge capacity. Under field conditions, discharge capacity is changed with various reason, such as soil condition, confinement pressure, long-term clogging and folding of vertical drains and so on. Therefore, many researcher and engineer recommend the use of required discharge capacity. In this paper, the experiment study were carried out to obtain the discharge capacity of six different types of vertical drains by utilizing the large-scale model tests and discharge capacity, degree of consolidation with the time elapsed.

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Green and Healthy Living in a High-rise, High Density Urban Environment: The Hong Kong Housing Authority's Experience

  • Fung, Ada Y.S.
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2014
  • The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) develops and implements a public housing programme to meet the housing needs of people who cannot afford private rental housing. The HKHA has an existing stock of about 740,000 public rental flats (PRH). According to the 2014 Policy Address, the Government aims to provide an average of about 20,000 PRH units and about 8,000 Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) units per year. We care for the environment. In developing new housing estates, we conduct thorough environmental studies such as microclimate studies and air ventilation assessment, and use passive design to harness the natural characteristics of our sites. We employ environment-friendly design and construction methods, using modular flat design, pre-cast and pre-fabricated construction techniques as well as recycled, green construction materials. We conduct Carbon Emission Estimation for all our projects, conserve the use of natural resources and reduce wastes throughout the life cycle of buildings. We care for people. We adopt the principles of Universal Design and Barrier Free Access for the convenience and welfare of people of all ages and abilities. We carry out Community Engagement to collect stakeholders' views and aspirations, and incorporate them in the design of our projects. We also carry out surveys of residents' views after the occupation of new estates to gauge our success and identify areas for improvement.

Conservation and Regeneration of Old Residential Block in Downtown - Focused on the 39~134 Namju-Dong Outside South Gate of Cheongju, Korea - (도심 옛 주거지의 보존 및 재생계획 - 청주 남문 밖 남주동 39~134번지의 블록을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sang Ah;Lee, Jun Beom;Kim, Tai Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to find the conservation and regeneration plan in terms of preserving and utilizing old wooden houses, regenerating existing buildings, and developing idle land for old dwellings located outside the southern gate of Cheongju, Korea. In the preservation and utilization of old houses, three places in the block where wooden houses clustered are created as conservation houses, and are conversed as cafes, workspaces, and homestays along with the preservation of individual houses. In the regeneration of existing buildings, the street landscape was improved through extension and renovation, new construction after demolition, and exterior renovation for one or two-story buildings facing the roadside. In the development of idle land, it reflects the layout method and open yard space corresponding to the path and orientation of the old house, and the mass was varied and segmented to resolve the medium scale. Accordingly, considering the context, landscape, and environmental aspects of the historical downtown, the development of old dwellings in downtown should shift from a uniform high-rise apartment project-oriented approach to a gradual and continuous regeneration direction.

Regulatory Factors in Shaping New Towns of Malaysia (말레이시아 신도시 주거단지 계획에 영향을 미치는 법률적 요소)

  • Lee, Lina;Ju, Seo Ryeung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • The post-war period has witnessed the emergence of new towns in a number of countries in Southeast Asia. New town development started in Malaysia with Petaling Jaya as a satellite town in 1953 to accommodate the rapid growing population of Kuala Lumpur. New towns have been designed in accordance with the British town planning principles, based on the modern ideal city. Nonetheless, they have constituted a regional character as they have incorporated local factors such as local technologies as well as site and climatic conditions. In the shaping of the new towns in modern cities, regulatory aspects have played important roles. The regulations decide the basic framework for planning of new town, block plan and unit plan. The ultimate goal of this study is to understand the identity of the new town planning of Malaysia. As a first step, we reviewed the local regulations, standards, and design guidelines which are applicable to the new town planning from the national land use to local plans. As a result, we categorized the guidelines into four areas: urban space, site plan, street system, block plan and unit plan. We expect this study to provide the framework of the Malaysia's new town planning from the perspective of the local regulations.

Analyzing the Changes of Spatial Structure and Officially Assessed Land Price by Using Space Syntax (공간구문론을 이용한 공간구조와 공시지가 변화 분석)

  • CHO, Jung-Hun;MOON, Tae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2016
  • Land price contains the comprehensive characteristics of urban space, representing the social and economic features of the city. Accordingly, land price can be utilized as an indicator, which can identify the changes of spatial structure and socioeconomic variations caused by urban development. This study attempted to explore the change in land price by the road construction. Methodologically, it adopted Space Syntax, which can interpret urban spatial structure comprehensively, to identify the relationship between the forms of road networks and land price. The analytical results show that the correlation between 'integration index of Space Syntax' with 'officially assessed land price' was the highest, and as integration was higher, 'officially assessed land price' increased. Subsequently, using regression equation, it tried to predict the land price changes of surrounding areas, according to the new road construction in case area. As shown above, the research methods or study results have the advantage of predicting the changes in land price that can attract high concern of residents in an easy way. In addition, it will contribute to establishing relevant polices and smoothing business promotion through the enhancing residents' understanding by suggesting the change in land price in advance before the execution of urban regeneration and development projects.