• Title/Summary/Keyword: national parks

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A Case Study on the Management System of World Natural Heritage in Japan (일본의 세계자연유산 관리 체계에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Park, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2020
  • This study is designed to deduce an implication for an effective implementation of the Special Act for Conservation, Management and Utilization of World Heritage in Korea which was legislated in February, 2020. To draw an implication, which is regarded as highly valuable for preparing for the implementation of the act, several case studies were performed focusing on four World Natural Heritage sites in Japan, and the result is as follows. First, it is enormously crucial for the central administration agencies and the local government to have a system through which they communicate one another regularly. All the target areas in Japan consist of three national parks and a prefectural park with natural monuments, and the national forest covers a tremendously large proportion of the areas. The Japanese central agencies including Ministry of the Environment, Forestry Agency and Agency for Cultural Affairs have communication with the local government through a system named Regional Liaison Committee in order to manage the sites effectively. Also, in the case of Japan, de facto administrating agencies involving non-profit organizations and the tourism association also participate in the regular conferences to communicate. Second, a specific committee consisting of academic advisers is strongly needed. In the case of Japan, Scientific Committee provides academic grounds for the management plan established by the members of Regional Liaison Committee, and an active system which allows the members to organize consultative committees and subcommittees has been established. Scientific Committee plays an important role in preventing the local government, which tends to manage the world natural heritage in more economically profitable ways, from damaging the environment of the site. The establishment of this type of committee is thought to be extremely desirable because the World Natural Heritage requires comprehensive and sustainable management plans on the ecosystem. Third, establishment of comprehensive management plan based on continuous monitoring on the environment and detailed action plan is exceedingly needed. To sum up, it is vital to establish a management plan considering environmental aspect, and detailed guidelines, which help execute the plan both properly and effectively, are required for systematic and sustainable management.

Change of Tree Species and Stand Structure on the Different Thinning Intensities of Larix kaemferi Plantation -In Odaesan National Park- (낙엽송인공림의 간벌강도에 따른 수종 및 임분구조 변화에 관한 연구 - 오대산국립공원 지역 -)

  • Um, Tae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.580-589
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    • 2015
  • The artificially grown forests of larch, planted in accordance with the nationwide afforestation policy in the 1970s, are located inside national parks. This study intended to induce a forestation system by which the forests develop into an ecologically healthy and broadleaved ecosystem with broad species diversity. For this, the aspects of natural regeneration of broadleaves from 2010 to 2013 after thinning by density (30%, 50%, and 70%) in 2009 were surveyed using the larch forest in the Woljeong Temple region inside Odaesan National Park. There were no trees that were larger than 2 cm in in diameter at breast height among the trees recently introduced between 2012 and 2013. A significant number of herbs have been introduced to the subsurface alongside young arboreal trees species such as Bumalda bladdernut, Acer triflorum, Cornus controversa etc and shrubs. However, many woody species did not survive the competition with herbs and repeated withering and regeneration. The number of woody species generated within the 30% cutting area was 440 species in 2013 and this figure has been increasing twofold each year. The number of woody plants within the 50% cutting area also showed an upward tendency and most plants did not survive in the competition with herbs and Sasa borealis and withered in only 1 ~ 2 years after generation. Unlike other thinning areas, the 70% cutting area showed 608 broadleaved trees, reflecting a decrease from 748 trees in 2012. This appeared to be attributed to the luxuriance of S. borealis and the sharp increase of fatsia following the inflow of total sunlight to the forest floor. Herbs were hardly generated due to the influence of S. borealis. Regarding the density for thinning at 50% or upper height, the forest treatment division shall maintain a proper density in the course of inducing artificial forestation of larch into natural broadleaved forests considering the luxuriance of sasa borealis and herbs due to the inflow of total sunlight to the forest floor.

Morphogenetic Environment of Jilmoe Bog in the Odae Mountain National Park (오대산국립공원 내 "질뫼늪"의 지형생성환경)

  • Son, Myoung-Won;Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1999
  • The wetland is very important ecologically as a habitat of diverse organisms. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morphogenetic environment of Jilmoe Bog found in the Odae Mountain National Park Jilmoe Bog is located in the high etchplain(1,060m) where Daebo Granite which had intruded in Jura epoch of Mesozoic era has weathered deeply and has uplifted in the Tertiary. The annual mean temperature of study area is $5.3^{\circ}C$, the annual precipitation is 2,888mm. The minimun temperature of the coldest month(january) is below $-30^{\circ}C$ and the depth of frozen soil is over 1.6m. Jilmoe bog consists of a large bog and a small bog. The length of the large bog is 63m and its width is 42m. The basal surface of Jilmoe bog is uneven. Jilmoe bog is a string bog fanned due to frost actions. In String bog, its surface is wavy with stepped dry hills and net-like troughs crossing hill slope. It seems that string bog is related to the permofrost or seasonal permofrost of cold conifer forest(taiga) zone(where the depth of frozen soil is very deep in the least in winters). String bog is a kind of thermokarst that frozen soil thaws differentially locally in declining permofrost and ground surface becomes irregular. There is turf-banked terracette of width $30{\sim}40cm$ in the headwall of small cirque-type nivation hollow formed at footslope of Maebong mountain around Jilmoe bog. This turf-banked terracette is formed by the frost growth of soil water below grass mat in periglacial climate environment. Where water is plentiful such as a nivation follow${\sim}$valley corridor and a headwall of valley, turf patterned grounds of width $30{\sim}50cm$ are found. This turf patterned ground is 'unclassified patterned ground', earth hummock. In conclusion, Jilmoe bog is a string bog of thermokarst that the relief of ground surface is irregular according to locally differentially thawing of permofrost(frozen soil). Jilmoe bog is high moor, its surroundings belongs to periglacial environment that turf-banked terracette and turf patterned ground are fanned actively.

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Study on Spatial Change of Urban Forest Considering Definition of Urban Area in South Korea (도시지역 정의에 따른 도시숲의 공간적 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Doo-Ahn, KWAK;So-Hee, PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2022
  • The definition of urban forest is described as all forest and trees except the Natural Parks throughout whole territory in Urban Forest Act. But the concept of urban forest in the law differs from general awareness by Korean citizen and from definitions of other countries. For discussing such differences of urban forest definition, it was tested how much urban forest area would be changed according to the various definition of urban area. The urban area was defined to be four scenarios in this study in consideration of "urban area" by National Land Planning and Utilization Act (NLPUA), 300m buffered boundary from the "urban area" proposed by World Health Organization (WHO) and forest watershed area. In the scenario 1, including forest watershed intersected with "urban area" by NLPUA, urban forest area was estimated at 1.83 million ha in which urban forest area per person was 386㎡. In the scenario 2, including forest watershed intersected with 300m buffered boundary from the "urban area" by NLPUA, urban forest area was estimated at 1.92 million ha in which urban forest area per person was 405㎡. In the scenario 3, including forest watershed intersected with "urban area" placed within administration boundary (Eup·Dong districts), urban forest area was estimated at 1.08 million ha in which urban forest area per person was 230㎡. In the scenario 4, including forest watershed intersected with 300m buffered boundary from "urban area" placed within administration boundary, urban forest area was estimated at 1.20 million ha in which urban forest area per person was 256㎡. Therefore, the boundary of urban area should be agreed clearly prior to defining the urban forest area for avoiding unclear area calculated according to different definitions.

A Study on How Urban Gardening Affect Citizens' Quality of Life and Social Capital in Deteriorated Neighborhood - Focus on the Residential Complex in Gojan 1-Dong, An San City - (노후 근린생활권 정원 활동이 지역 주민의 삶의 만족과 커뮤니티에 미치는 영향 연구 - 경기도 안산시 고잔1동 연립주택단지를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Ji-eun;Sung, Jong-Sang;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.56-71
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    • 2023
  • Citizens' needs for urban green spaces are on the rise due to improved quality of life and increased interest in environments. The garden is noteworthy because it is small in size, making it less controversial to create in the city, and it is adjacent to the residential area, improving citizens' daily environment. Moreover, recently gardens is attracting attention as a tool for urban regeneration, such as being created in declining areas as part of a government project. Therefore, it is time to study the role and value of urban gardens in deteriorated areas in terms of space welfare. However, there are few studies that quantitatively evaluate the effects of gardens, and many prior studies are limited to focusing the green space larger than a certain size (e.g., parks and forests). Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the effect of garden and gardening quantitatively, paying attention to social aspects such as life satisfaction and community of inhabitants. The study was conducted in an old row housing complex in Gojan1-dong, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do. In there, some of the dwellers voluntarily created outdoor gardens and engaged in gardening for a long time. In addition, after the 2017 Gyeonggi-do Garden Fair, several gardens have been maintained and used by residents there. For the first step, the field trip was done to research the status of the garden in the area, and then, a survey was conducted on whether or not gardening has an impact on the life satisfaction and community of residents. The results were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA. As a result, residents who are engaged in gardening are more active in the "neighborhood exchange" and "resident participation" than those who are not engaged in gardening. In addition, if residents voluntarily create a garden, the level of "satisfaction of life" is higher than those staying in the garden which is constructed by the government. And a resident who is gardening in the complex shows higher life satisfaction than those who garden outside of the complex. These results confirmed that the garden has positive effects promoting "exchanges with neighbors", "participation in the community", and "life satisfaction" of residents. It shows that it is important to ensure the right of residents to participate in the garden-making process as much as possible, and the garden's location should be paid attention to maximize the positive effect of gardens.

The Study on the Height Characteristics of Abies Nephrolepis Community in South Korea - In the Case of Seorak·Odae·Taebaek National Park - (우리나라 분비나무의 수고 특성 연구 - 설악·오대·태백산국립공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Jin-Won Kim;Ho-Young Lee;Young-Moon Chun;Choong-Hyeon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated whether population dynamic analysis based on the height characteristics of Abies nephrolepis was feasible. It was necessary because existing population dynamic analyses based on age and diameter at breast height (DBH) made it difficult to reflect the slow growth characteristics of Abies nephrolepis in harsh environments of high altitudes. The limitations of population dynamics analysis based on the age and DBH distribution of Abies nephrolepis in Seoraksan, Odaesan, and Taebaeksan National Parks, where Abies nephrolepis populations are representative, were verified, and the characteristics of height growth were investigated to comprehensively analyze whether a vertical structure based on height could reveal the population dynamics. The result of this study showed some limitations in understanding the population dynamics of Abies nephrolepis based on age distribution due to practical difficulties in sampling all trees and variations in age distribution within the same community depending on factors such as light conditions. Moreover, it was challenging to differentiate the distribution of DBH classes at fine levels, making it difficult to reflect the rapid growth characteristics of Abies nephrolepis when light conditions become suitable after prolonged stays in smaller DBH classes under shade conditions. However, a comprehensive analysis of the height characteristics of Abies nephrolepis revealed that the density corresponding to the population dynamic characteristics of Abies was high and adequately reflected the predominant tree death at similar height stages, as well as the U-shaped population dynamics at the lower stratum. Moreover, it was possible to identify a transition point in height values under shaded conditions, where the annual growth of Abies nephrolepis individuals in the lower stratum increases significantly, indicating that Abies nephrolepis individuals can escape from competition with other shrubs and undergo vigorous growth only at this height level. Therefore, this study confirmed that a vertical structure based on height can be utilized to understand the population dynamics of Abies nephrolepis in high altitudes, and it is expected that future studies on height characteristics can intuitively reveal the maintenance status of Abies nephrolepis populations in the field.

Changes in Biochemical Components of Several Tissues of the Hard Clam, Meretrix petechialis, in Relation to Gonad Developmental Phases (말백합, Meretrix petechialis의 생식소 발달단계에 따른 일부 조직의 생화학적 성분 변화)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Park, Kwan-Ha;Chung, Ee-Yung;Kim, Jong-Bae;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2006
  • We investigated the reproductive cycle of the hard clam, Meretrix petechialis with its gonadal development by histological observations. The seasonal changes in biochemical component of the adductor muscle, visceral mass, foot muscle and mantle of the clam were studied by biochemical analysis, from January to December, 2002. The reproductive cycle of this species can be divided into five successive stages: early stage (January to March), late active stage (February to May), ripe stage (April to August), partially spawned stage (July to August) and spent/inactive stage (September to January). Total protein content in the visceral mass was over two times higher than that in the adductor muscle. Monthly changes of total protein content in the adductor muscle were not statistically significant (ANOVA, p = 0.071), while the changes in the visceral mass were significant (p < 0.001). Total protein content in visceral mass was higher during the early active, late active, and ripe stages (from January to May), while the lowest in July. Glycogen content in the adductor muscle was higher than that in the visceral mass. Monthly changes in glycogen contents were statistically significant in both adductor muscle (F = 237.2, p < 0.001) and the visceral mass (F = 64.04, p < 0.001). Glycogen content in the adductor muscle was the highest in the ripe stage (April). Its content was lower in the partially spawned and the spent/inactive stages (June-September). Glycogen contents in the visceral mass were relatively lower until the early active stage, while the highest in the late active stage. RNA content was higher in visceral mass than that in the adductor muscle. Monthly changes in RNA contents were significant in both adductor muscle (F = 195.2, p < 0.001) and visceral mass (F = 78.85, p < 0.001). RNA content in the adductor muscle was high in the early active stage (January-February), and then it decreased rapidly in the late active stage (March-April), thereafter, slightly increased during the partially spawned stage (June-July). RNA content in the visceral mass reached a maximum during the ripe stage (May), and then it decreased rapidly during the partially-spawned stage (June-July). There was significant positive correlation in total protein contents between adductor muscle and visceral mass (r = 0.715, p = 0.020). However, there was no correlation between adductor muscle and visceral mass in glycogen (p = 0.550), while a negative correlation was found between the adductor muscle and visceral mass in RNA (p = 0.518) contents. Especially, changes in RNA content showed a negative correlation between the adductor muscle tissue and visceral mass. Therefore, these results suggest that the nutrient content of the adductor muscle, visceral muscle and foot muscle changed in response to gonadal energy needs.

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Management of Visitors in the Seonunsan Provincial Park through an Analysis on Visitors' Travel Motivations (탐방객 방문 동기 분석을 통한 선운산도립공원 관리 방안)

  • Sung, Chan Yong;Kim, Dong Pil;Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1047-1056
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to provide managerial implications for provincial parks through an analysis on visitors' characteristics and motivational factors. The information was collected by surveying 290 visitors. The survey questionnaire consisted of questions regarding visitors' socioeconomic characteristics, characteristics of their travel behavior, visitors' motivation to visit the park, and the degree of satisfaction derived from visiting the park. Results show that most respondents appeared not to collect any information on the park prior to their visit. It was also seen that most visitors do not visit other tourist sites nearby, and are not aware of the Gochang UNESCO biosphere, which indicates that Gochang-gun, which is responsible for park management, needs to make more efforts to promote the park. A factor analysis on the visitors' motivation to visit the park extracted three factors to visit the Seonunsan Provincial Park: 'to hike,' 'to experience and observe nature,' i.e., nature learning field trip and camping, and 'to build and nurture bonding with family and friends.' To examine the effect of these various motivational factors had on the visitors' satisfaction level upon visiting the park, we conducted a multiple regression analysis with the three extracted factors to visit the park and the respondents' socioeconomic characteristics as independent variables, and the degree of recommendation of visiting the park as a dependent variable. The result shows found that, of the three travel factors, only the 'hiking' factor statistically significantly affected the degree of recommendation of visiting the park. This result suggests that the Seonunsan Provincial Park only satisfied hikers and failed to meet the demands for nature experience and observation. It is therefore suggested that the park managers develop new experience-based tourism programs, such as guided tours conducted by professional eco-interpreters.

Internal Structure of the Sense of Place for Parks that were aimed at Reenacting the Place Memory - Focusing on Seoul Park and Seonyudo Park - (장소기억의 재현을 주제로 조성된 서울숲, 선유도공원의 장소성 형성 구조 연구)

  • Im, Seungbin;Kwon, Yoonku;Jeong, Younhee;Hue, Younsun;Byeon, Jaesang;Choi, Hyungsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • Recently, the reenaction of place's memories that were considered sense of place based on its historical and structural characteristic were assumed important topics for recovering and making the park from industrial sites, such as factory, industrial complex, industrial city, labor residential development, landfill, etc., to the public all over the world. This research aimed to conduct some preliminary data for making the park's sense of place highly. So, after conducting the structural forms of sense of place for Seoul Forest and Seonyudo Park that were designed and built by considering its place memories actively, park planning and design implications that were considered its sense of place were suggested. The research results those were derived from the structural forms of sense of place for Seoul Forest and Seonyudo Park's are the following. First, the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) on Seoul Forest and Seonyudo Park were determined that the natural-physical, artificial-physical, and experiential environmental factors' satisfaction of Seoul Forest and Seonyudo Park have an effect on forming the Sense of Place. In addition, the sense of place was affected by the willingness to visit. Second, according to its physical environment, the experiential factors, such as plays, exercises and etc., were more important relatively. Therefore, experiential factors should be considered significantly with physical factors to make the sense of place highly. Third, even the places were under similar category, the factors' and valuables' relative importance were changed. As the results of structural equation modeling said, specific valuables' related with each factors would be differentiated due to the places' characteristics. For example, the results were showed that natural-physical factor was more important than artificial-physical factor in Seoul Forest. On the other hand, artificial-physical factor was more important than the natural- physical factor. This research carries some significance for applying a quantitative research method(structural equation modeling) to various place to conduct the sense of place's structural model, for suggesting relative specific methods to make the sense of place, and for being a step forward to substance of sense of place. If further studies conduct focusing on various places to draw the forming models of sense of place that were based this research's analysis methods and results, those researches would contribute to make the urban place meaningful, characteristically and affectionately. Furthermore, those researches would contribute in making a humane and competitiveness city.

Functional Assessment of Gangcheon Replacement Wetland Using Modified HGM (수정 수문지형학적 방법을 적용한 강천 대체습지의 기능평가)

  • Kim, Jungwook;Lee, Bo Eun;Kim, Jae Geun;Oh, Seunghyun;Jung, Jaewon;Lee, Myungjin;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.318-326
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    • 2017
  • Riverine wetlands were reduced and damaged by dredging of rivers and constructing parks in wetlands by Four Rivers Project from 2008 to 2013. Therefore, replacement wetlands were constructed for the compensation of wetland loss by the government. However, It is not enough to manage replacement wetlands. In order to manage the wetlands efficiently, it is necessaty to assess the functions of the wetlands and to manage them according to their functions. Here we performed functional assessments for a replacement wetland called Gangcheon wetland using the modified HGM approach. Hydrological, biogeochemical, animal habitat, and plant habitat functions for the wetland were assessed. To assess the functions, we collected informations for modified HGM approach from the monitored hydrologic data, field survey, published reports and documents for before and after the project, and hydraulic & hydrologic modeling. As the results of the assessment, the hydrological function for the replacement wetland showed 65.5% of the reference wetland, biogeochemical function showed 66.6%, plant habitat function showed 75%, and animal habitat function showed 108.3%. Overall, Gangcheon wetland function after the project was reduced to 78.9% of the function before the project. The decrease in hydrological function is due to the decrease of subsurface storage of water. And the decrease in biogeochemical & pland habitat functions is due to the removal of sandbank around the Gangcheon wetland. To compensate for the reduced function, it is necessary to expand the wetland area and to plant the various vegetation. The modified HGM used in this study can take into account the degree of improvement for replacement wetlands, so it can be used to efficiently manage the replacement wetlands. Also when the wetland is newly constructed, it will be very useful to assess the change of function of the wetland over time.