• Title/Summary/Keyword: national identity politics

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Educational Implications about Online Debates on a Socio-Scientific Issue from a Postmodernist Perspective: Focus on the Mad Cow Disease (포스트모더니즘의 관점에서 본 과학 관련 사회적 쟁점에 대한 온라인 토론의 과학교육적 함의: 광우병 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jho, Hun-Koog;Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.933-952
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to characterize debate on a socio-scientific issue in the Internet and to provide implications from a postmodernist perspective. This study concentrates on disentanglement of the complex relationship among society, economy, politics and science in an issue and characterization of the given text centering on its originality, the relationship between writer and reader, and the purpose of utterance. Sixty-six most read articles on a web message board were chosen and analyzed as a typical case of a socio-scientific issue in the internet. In them, five scientific disputes were identified: the cause of mad cow disease (MCD), specified risk material and the incubation period, the cause of new variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (vCJD), vulnerability of vCJD and the relation of Alzheimer and vCJD in American patients. Each argument is intertwined with social, economic and political problems such as its impact on the domestic beef market, feeding environment of imported cattle and the retaliation against denial of importation. With regard to originality, it is found that the originality of an author is weakened but communal through repetitive quotation of 'Peom', cutting and pasting, and engagement of readers with their comments. Furthermore, in order to close the gap between writer and reader, identity and personal narrative of the writers are often introduced into their writing. In terms of purpose of utterance, these are intended to deliver one's feelings or facilitate human behavior rather than inform through verification of a principle.

Theoretical Exploration of Migrant Women's Location as Multicultural Borderers: Conceptual Application of Borderlands, Intersectionality, and Transposition to the Feminist Migration Study (다문화경계인으로서 이주여성들의 위치성에 대한 이론적 탐색: '경계지대,' 억압의 '교차성,' '변위' 개념에 대한 검토 및 적용)

  • Jung, Hyunjoo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2015
  • This paper is an introductory research to theorize women migrants' positionality in the era of globalization and the feminization of migration. It particularly examines three recent theoretical approaches within feminist studies and their application to the feminist migration study. Migration means a process of continuous negotiations of one's social and material positions within ever changing relations and situations through crossing various borders including national boundaries. Women migrants face multifaceted oppressions due to gendered relation and greater challenges to transform their identities. They embody politics of location through migration. The paper revolves around theories that explore a potential of feminist subjectivation of marginalized women such as female migrants through their identity negotiation and transformation. The theories in questions are Borderlands and the New Mestiza introduced by Gloria $Anzald{\acute{u}}a$, Intersectionality of oppressions, and Transpositions and the Nomadic Subjects by Rosi Braidotti who borrowed the theories of Deleuze and Guattari through feminist critiques. These theories all represent power relations and subject transformations through spatial metaphors. rough spatialized understandings, the paper proposes interlocking relations among space, gender and migration, and explores conceptual tools as well as epistemological insights for Korean migration study.

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How has Brexit changed the UK: Deepening of Social Division and Increase of Rancour (브렉시트(Brexit)가 바꾼 영국: 사회적 분열의 심화와 증오의 확산)

  • Sungwook Yoon
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.79-110
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this research is to explore the relation between Brexit and division in various areas within the British society. This research can lead to understanding how division of the British society and the decision of Brexit was mutually influenced. The UK's withdrawal from the EU has been explained mainly through the relations between the EU and the UK; therefore, issues of immigration, EU regulation, and the UK's EU rebate are considered as major reasons. In addition, 'British identity' or 'British exceptionalism' existing in the British society and politics for a long time has been regarded as a reason for Brexit. Although it is generally accepted that Brexit results in the division in the British society, the reasons mentioned above have limitation to explain the result of referendum and the division of the British society in the post-Brexit era. In this sense, this research explores the division in various areas - generation, social grade including income and education level, value and region, etc. - revealed in the British society is not the result of Brexit; rather, this research argues division deeply rooted in the British society before referendum is the root cause of Brexit. The division in various areas immanent in the British society for a long time is complicatedly intertwined, and the decision on Brexit by referendum has led to solidifying the division of the British society. Having considered this division in the British society has been expanded to rancour, it is necessary for the UK to establish appropriate policies for national cohesion.

A Study on the Historical Development of Research Community in Korea: Focused on the Government Supported Institutes (연구자 집단의 성장과 변천: 정부 출연 연구 기관을 중심으로)

  • Park Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.119-152
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with the historical development of research community in Korea. As the former studies of the korean scientific community show, the government supported institutes played an important role in the formation of research community. Therefore the theme of this study is concerned with the historical development of the government supported institutes and the features of their researcher group. In this paper following questions will be answered: How the social status of these researcher group is changed, what kind of response on social problems or national politics they had, and which characteristic they showed with regards to the identity problem. After the korean liberation the government institutes, such as the Chungang Kongop Yonguso(industrial research center)and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, contributed to the development of the first generation of research group. However this research group could hardly identify themselves as researcher, because they spent much time on testing, evaluation or education. The identity problem is also resulted from the deficiency of authority as research institute. The status of researcher had no difference from that of civil servant. With the establishment of KIST the korean research community came into blossom. The government supported institutes, which were founded after the model of KIST, allowed quantitative and qualitative growth of research community. Thanks to the guarantee of institutional authority and the new reward system, the researcher could get respect and improve its social status. During this period the researcher volunteered to help the government policies. We can find often the nationalistic statements in the research community. During 1990s the research group demonstrated different behaviors and attitude toward the government. The nationalistic ideology disappeared. Instead of that, the research group criticized the government policies and took actions against the government. Those changes are related with the lowered position of government supported institutes.

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Historical Studies on the Characteristics of Buyongjeong in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 후원 부용정(芙蓉亭)의 조영사적 특성)

  • Song, Suk-ho;Sim, Woo-kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2016
  • Buyongjeong, a pavilion in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace, was appointed as Treasure No. 1763 on March 2, 2012, by the South Korea government since it shows significant symmetry and proportion on its unique planar shape, spatial configuration, building decoration, and so forth. However, the designation of Treasure selection was mainly evaluated by concrete science, in that the selection has not clearly articulated how and why Buoungjeong was constructed as a present unique form. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the identity of Buyongjeong at the time of construction by considering its historical, ideological, philosophical background and building intention. Summary are as follows: First, Construction backgrounds and characters of Buyongjeong: Right after the enthronement, King Jeongjo had founded Kyujanggak(奎章閣), and sponsored civil ministers who were elected by the national examination, as a part of political reform. In addition, he established his own political system by respecting "Kaksin(閣臣)", Kyujanggak's officials as much as "Kain(家人)", internal family members. King Jeongjo's aggressive political reform finally enabled King's lieges to visit King's Rear Garden. In the reign of King Jeongjo's 16th year(1792), Naekaksangjohoe(內閣賞釣會) based on "Kaksin" was officially launched and the Rear Garden visitation became a regular meeting. The Rear Garden visitation consisted of "Sanghwajoeoyeon(賞花釣魚宴)" - enjoying flowers and fishing, and activities of "Nanjeongsugye". Afterward, it eventually became a huge national event since high rank government officials participated the event. King Jeongjo shared the cultural activities with government officials together to Buyongjeong as a place to fulfill his royal politics. Second, The geographical location and spatial characteristics of Buyongjeong: On the enthronement of King Jeongjo(1776), he renovated Taeksujae. Above all, aligning and linking Gaeyuwa - Taeksujae - a cicular island - Eosumun - Kyujangkak along with the construction axis is an evidence for King Jeongjo to determine how the current Kyujangkak zone was prepared and designed to fulfill King Jeonjo's political ideals. In 17th year(1793) of the reign of King Jeongjo, Taeksujae, originally a square shaped pavilion, was modified and expanded with ranks to provide a place to get along with the King and officials. The northern part of Buyongjeong, placed on pond, was designed for the King's place and constructed one rank higher than others. Discernment on windows and doors were made with "Ajasal" - a special pattern for the King. The western and eastern parts were for government officials. The center part was prepared for a place where government officials were granted an audience with the King, who was located in the nortern part of Buyongjeong. Government officials from the western and eastern parts of Buyongjeong, could enter the central part of the Buyongjeong from the southern part by detouring the corner of Buyongjeong. After all, Buyongjeong is a specially designed garden building, which was constructed to be a royal palace utilizing its minimal space. Third, Cultural Values of Buyongjeong: The Buyongjeong area exhibits a trait that it had been continuously developed and it had reflected complex King's private garden cultures from King Sejo, Injo, Hyunjong, Sukjong, Jeongjo and so forth. In particular, King Jeongjo had succeded physical, social and imaginary environments established by former kings and invited their government officials for his royal politics. As a central place for his royal politics, King Jeongjo completed Buyongjeong. Therefore, the value of Buyongjeong, as a garden building reflecting permanency of the Joseon Dynasty, can be highly evaluated. In addition, as it reflects Confucianism in the pavilion - represented by distinguishing hierarchical ranks, it is a unique example to exhibit its distinctiveness in a royal garden.

Discussion of the Paradigm of Studies on Science and Technology Policy : Suggesting the Definition of Discipline and Research Scope (과학기술정책학의 패러다임 논의 : 학문적 정의와 연구범위를 중심으로)

  • Yi, Chan-Goo;Oh, HyounJeong;Kim, EunMi
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2018
  • This study has been motivated by the awareness that studies on science and technology policy do not have an independent academic identity in Korea as of 2017. This research has been analyzed 19 books that have covered science and technology policy published in Korea and explored whether those have a definition of discipline and core research scope which are the key elements forming academic paradigm. As a result, this study concludes provisionally that studies on science and technology policy in Korea are still at a stage that has not yet formed a paradigm. Therefore, this work newly proposes the definition of discipline and research scope necessary to complete the paradigm of studies on science and technology policy based on this conclusion. This paper has firstly defined that studies on science and technology policy are the policy-oriented discipline. It is (1) promoting the development of science and technology itself by studying and analyzing the various phenomena of politics, economy, society, and culture related to science and technology activities as well as science and technology and (2) makes the national and public sector improve problem-solving competence using science and technology. This work also proposes a research scope consisting of four research areas such as (1) policy process of science and technology, (2) public management of science and technology, (3) R&D management and (4) technology innovation. 'Policy process of science and technology' and 'public management of science and technology' among four research areas are the new research ones reflecting the definition of studies on science and technology policy proposed in this paper. Additionally 'R&D management' and 'technology innovation' are the traditional research areas which have also included existing researches regarding science and technology policy.

Merits and Demerits of Analytical Marxism Searching for Solutions to the Political Economy of Media/Communication Industry (분석적 마르크시즘의 공과(功過) ‘마르크스주의 경제학’과 ‘신고전파 경제학’의 방법론 논쟁을 통한 미디어/커뮤니케이션 정치경제학의 방향 찾기)

  • Lee, Sang-Khee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.45
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    • pp.7-48
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    • 2009
  • The recent crises of Marxism do not mean Marx’s crisis. Marx said that he was not a Marxist. The purposes of this essay explore (1) the modern identity of the political economy; (2) the possibilities of mutual understanding between neoclassical economics and Marxist economics; (3) problems of the political economy in media and communication industry. I have begged for analytical Marxists, because of their good fruits. They accepted the methods of modern social science and they constituted a tremendous advance in the application of the scientific methods to the study of society. In insisting on micro-foundations(methodological individualism), analytical Marxism distinguished itself from structuralism and functionalism. I appreciate that analytical Marxism has reduced a theory to practice. But the works didn’t listen to everyone(from Marxists to un-Marxists), and explain everything. Making theory with production/consumption, macro/micro, and structure/behavior is a road to the political economy in the long run. It also applies to media and communication industry. The realm of media/communication is broad, which in philosophy, humanities, politics, economics, sociology, and engineering. And media policy is more complicated by politicians who look at the same situation from different angles. By the aid of interdisciplinary research, the political economy of media/communication shall explain at full length.

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Politics of "Imagined Ethnicity" in World Music (월드뮤직에서 "상상된 민족"의 정치학)

  • Kim, Hee-sun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.223-252
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    • 2011
  • If we remember that modern world history has built systems of meaning through the concepts "difference," "different," and "other-ness" and has constructed new identity based on opposing hierarchy, music anthropology which tried to build "difference" between the west and the non-west was thoroughly west -centered, in the sense that it has perceived the heterogeneous symbolic systems among nations, as well as the barrier between the two cultures. On the other hand, world music, which has emerged as the most attractive field in culture industry and concert-art-market by crossing over global capitals, markets, and barriers, can be considered the most post-modernist and glocal. However, it is interesting to note that world music, which has been described as post-modern and glocal, has "difference" and "different" in its basis, just like the precepts for modern music anthropology (Meintjes 1990; Guilbault 1993; Taylor 1997; Frith 2000; Feld 1988). Furthermore, one can understand that the "different" and "difference," generally termed as being "non-western," are fundamentally based on ethnic or national imagination. In this sense it is interesting and important to examine such ethnic imagination in the "non-western ethnic musics" in music anthropology and in world music. Notwithstanding the attention paid and research made by music anthropologists, they have failed to elevate the "non-western ethnic musics" to become universally communicative, and these ethnic musics were reborn as "global" and "world music," through the process of "acculturation," "derivation," and "hybridization," with the west as major site for production and consumption. Meanwhile, the audience for world music, which did not exist before the birth of world music as a term, was now born as world music emerged. They are global populace who consume the musical "difference" and "imagined ethnicity," who through their consumption are constructing new social meanings including ethnicity, race, nation, and class identity. This study, by examining current discourse, performance, and process for the world music through media and field studies and scholarly debates, attempts to understand the production and consumption of "imagined ethnicity." This will also shed light on how "ethnicity" is created and consumed, and how this is involved in the process of world music.

A Study on Characteristics of Reinterpretation and Tourism on Historic Sites of Buyeo Region during Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 부여고적의 재해석과 고적관광의 성격)

  • Kim, Jong soo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • One of the assimilation policies of Japanese imperialism for the permanent domination in the colonial Joseon is the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. The theory of integration of Japan and Joseon is a logic that Joseon (Korea) and Japan (Wae) were connected to the same ancestor on the basis of ancient myths. Also it is the assimilation ideology to justify the Colonial rule of those days through the objectification of historical identity or affinity of political and cultural relations of ancient Korean peninsula and Japan (Wae). Japan reorganized our history to meet the colonial point of view, as part of the assimilation policies based on the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. On the other hand Japan attempted to objectify them through archaeological research and the reinterpretation of the historical remains. The survey, reinterpretation and tourist of the historic sites in historic cities such as Gyeongju and Buyeo were promoted in this context. In particular, the Buyeo, a capital of Baekje, was emphasized upon the close relevance and affinity between Sabi, Baekje and ancient Asuka (飛鳥) in Japan through research and reinterpretation on the Historic Sites. Based on them, Historic Sites Tourism was conducted by reconstructed historic sites toward the colonial Korean. In addition, after the Sino-Japanese war in 1937, Japan tried to realize the politics of space by upgrading and idealizing Buyeo as homeland or Shinto (神都) related to Japanese ancient mythology of the Asuka culture. This paper investigated in what context research, reinterpret and tourist of the historic sites progressed on Buyeo area and how it had soaked through the general public in the Japanese colonial era. First, it is on historic sites. Historic sites research on Buyeo area made an attempt by Sekino Tadashi in 1909 for the first time and the re-excavation of the old burial mounds and temple sites during the Japanese colonial period. Sekino set up a cultural relationship and influences between the ancient China (梁), Korea (百濟) and Japan (倭). Also, he emphasized that Sabi, Baekje largely received influence of Chinese culture and Baekje and Japan Asuka culture had closely relations and affinity. These views had been consistent during the Japanese colonial period. Second, it is the reinterpretation on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society (Buyeo Gojeok Bojonhoe) was established in 1915 and Osaka Kintaro, curator of Baekje exhibition hall redefined the relationship between ancient Japan and Baekje as perspective of the assimilation ideology through the post contextual interpretation. In particular, they emphasized on the close relevance between Baekje's Historic sites and Japan, through the reinterpretation of Nakhwaam, Goransa and Cheongmasanseong. Third, it is the tourist on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society played a leading role in Tourist on Historic sites at the Buyeo region. The main tourist destinations and course were restructured through a reinterpretation on the historic sites. Japan would like to show Buyeo as ideology area, homeland of ancient Japanese culture, toward the Koreans under Japanese colonial era. Thus, research, reinterpretation, and tourism on Historic sites were promoted while they were closely related to each other. The promoting body was Joseon Chongdokbu and pro-Japanese interest group. It's point was 'made' and 'shown' by the eyes of others and a rediscovery of Buyeo as representational space of colony.

A Case Study on Service Philosophy : Assetization on Wisdom of the Founding President of the Republic of Korea (서비스철학 사례 연구: 대한민국 건국대통령 지혜의 자산화)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted based on the service philosophy as a study to capitalize on the wisdom of Korea and Koreans. This is a study that capitalizes on the wisdom of the founding president who led civilization changes in Korea. Wisdom as a visionary leader who played a leading role in Korea's development from a continental civilization to a maritime civilization was derived. We analyzed the wisdom of the founding president, who established the Republic of Korea with a new identity as a liberal democracy and protected it, and laid the foundation for Korea to leap into an advanced country through legal system reform and human resource development. First, we analyzed the essence of politics and presented the essential tragic nature that visionary leaders must bear as politicians. We also analyzes his courage and belief to accept a tragic fate, the insights on the spirit of independence, anti-communism, liberal democracy and the future. We analyze the wisdom as a visionary leader that is consistently revealed through countless choices and decisions to give up. It suggests that such wisdom is essential for the founding and development of a nation, and the wisdom need to be assetized. It needs a solid philosophical foundation to become a useful wisdom asset in the long run. In this study, Syngman Rhee's wisdom was assetized on the basis of the service philosophy. This is because it is wisdom based on the fiercely symmetrical balance principle. Human resource development was a choice that entailed great sacrifice, the market economy was a choice that entailed great sacrifice, and the protection of liberal democracy was also a choice that entailed great sacrifice, so it can be said that it is wisdom that fits the essence of the service philosophy. It is wisdom found only in outstanding visionary leaders. We present the wisdom of building a free democratic country, the wisdom of building a free market economy, and the wisdom of building a talent-oriented nation as assets in terms of national management philosophy, national management owner, time frame, and strategic asset. It also suggests that visionary leaders are continuously required for the long-term sustainable development of mankind and Korean society.