• Title/Summary/Keyword: nanocomposite materials

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Design of Turbulent In-situ Mixing Mixer and Fabrication of Cu-TiB2 Nanocomposities (난류 용탕 In-situ 합성 믹서의 설계 및 Cu-TiB2 나노 복합재료의 제조)

  • Choi, Baek-Boo;Park, Jung-Su;Yun, Ji-Hun;Ha, Man-Young;Park, Yong-Ho;Park, Ik-Min
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2007
  • Turbulent in-situ mixing process is a new material process technology to get dispersed phase in nanometer size by controlling reaction of liquid/solid, liquid/gas, flow ana solidification speed simultaneously. In this study, mixing which is the key technology to this synthesis method was studied by computational fluid dynamics. For the simulation of mixing of liquid metal, static mixers investigated. Two inlets for different liquid metal meet ana merge like 'Y' shape tube having various shapes and radios of curve. The performance of mixer was evaluated with quantitative analysis with coefficient of variance of mass fraction. Also, detailed plots of intersection were presented to understand effect of mixer shape on mixing. The simulations show that the Reynolds number (Re) is the important factor to mixing and dispersion of $TiB_2$ particles. Mixer was designed according to the simulation, and $Cu-TiB_2$ nano composites were evaluated. $TiB_2$ nano particles were uniformly dispersed when Re was 1000, and cluster formation and reduction in volume fraction of $TiB_2$ were found at higher Re.

Electrode Properties of Graphene and Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Energy Storage Devices (그래핀 및 그래핀 기반 나노복합체의 에너지저장소자용 전극 특성)

  • Kim, Kwang Man;Lee, Young-Gi;Kim, Sang Ouk
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.292-299
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    • 2010
  • Graphene is a two-dimensional nanosheet consisting of honeycomb lattices of $sp^2$ carbon atoms. It is one of promising active materials for the anode of lithium-ion battery and the electrode of supercapacitor, due to its large specific surface area(theoretically $2600m^2\;g^{-1}$), high electric conductivity(typically $8{\times}10^5S\;cm^{-1}$), and mechanical strength. In this review, the synthetic methods of graphene nanosheet and graphene-based nanocomposite are introduced. Also, the electrochemical properties obtainable when the graphene-based materials are adopted to the electrodes of lithium-ion battery and supercapacitor are discussed along with their nanostructures.

Comparison of the Properties of Poly(lactic acid) Nanocomposites with Various Fillers: Organoclay, Functionalized Graphene, or Organoclay/Functionalized Graphene Complex (유기화 점토, 작용기화 그래핀 및 유기화 점토/작용기화 그래핀 복합체 등의 필러를 사용한 Poly(lactic acid) 나노 복합체의 물성 비교)

  • Kwon, Kidae;Chang, Jin-Hae
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2014
  • Poly(lactic acid)(PLA) nanocomposites containing various nanofillers were synthesized using the solution intercalation method. Organically modified bentonite clay (NSE), octadecylamine-graphene oxide (ODA-GO), and an NSE/ODA-GO complex were utilized as nanofillers in the fabrication of PLA hybrid films. PLA hybrid films with varying nanofiller contents in the range of 0-10 wt% were examined and compared in terms of their thermomechanical properties, morphologies, and oxygen permeabilities. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed that most of the NSE and ODA-GO nanofillers were dispersed homogeneously throughout the PLA matrix on the nanoscale, although some agglomerate NSE/ODA-GO complex particles were also formed. Among the three nanofillers for PLA hybrid films, the NSE/ODA-GO complex showed the best improvement in film thermal stability. In contrast, NSE and ODA-GO exhibited the best improvement in tensile mechanical properties and oxygen barrier properties of the PLA hybrid films, respectively.

Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Heavily Drawn Cu- Nb Nanocomposites with Various Nb contents (Nb함량에 따른 Cu-Nb나노복합재료의 기계적.전기적 특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Jeong, Jin-Hui;Hong, Sun-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.312-318
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    • 2001
  • The mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Nb filamentary nanocomposite fabricated by the bundling and drawing process were examined. The strength increased gradually with increasing Nb content while the ductility was insensitive to Nb content. The ratio of yield stresses at 293K and 75K are found to be 치ose to that of Young's moduli in various Cu-Nb nanocomposites, suggesting that athermal obstacles primarily control the strength. The fracture morphologies show ductile fractures irrespective of Nb contents. Secondary cracking along the interfaces between subelemental wires was occasionally observed and the frequency of secondary cracking increased with increasing Nb content. The conductivity and the resistivity ratio decreased with increasing Nb content. The decrease of the conductivity and the resistivity ratio(${\rho}_{293k}$/$\{rho}_{75k}$) can be explained by the increasing contribution of interface scattering.

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Influence of Reactivity of Reinforcing Nanoparticles with Aqueous Solution on Electroplating Copper Films (강화상 나노입자의 용액 반응성이 구리 도금 박막에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jieun;Oh, Minju;Kim, Yiseul;Lee, Dongyun
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.695-701
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    • 2013
  • To understand how reactivity between reinforcing nanoparticles and aqueous solution affects electrodeposited Cu thin films, two types of commercialized cerium oxide (ceria, $CeO_2$) nanoparticles were used with copper sulfate electrolyte to form in-situ nanocomposite films. During this process, we observed variation in colors and pH of the electrolyte depending on the manufacturer. Ceria aqueous solution and nickel sulfate ($NiSO_4$) aqueous solutions were also used for comparison. We checked several parameters which could be key factors contributing to the changes, such as the oxidation number of Cu, chemical impurities of ceria nanoparticles, and so on. Oxidation number was checked by salt formation by chemical reaction between $CuSO_4$ solution and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. We observed that the color changed when $H_2SO_4$ was added to the $CuSO_4$ solution. The same effect was obtained when $H_2SO_4$ was mixed with ceria solution; the color of ceria solution changed from white to yellow. However, the color of $NiSO_4$ solution did not show any significant changes. We did observe slight changes in the pH of the solutions in this study. We did not obtain firm evidence to explain the changes observed in this study, but changes in the color of the electrolyte might be caused by interaction of Cu ion and the by-product of ceria. The mechanical properties of the films were examined by nanoindentation, and reaction between ceria and electrolyte presumably affect the mechanical properties of electrodeposited copper films. We also examined their crystal structures and optical properties by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis spectroscopy.

Evaluation on Dielectric Properties of Epoxy/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites (에폭시/몬모릴로나이트 나노복합재료의 유전특성 평가)

  • Jang, Yong-Kyun;Kim, Woo-Nyon;Kim, Jun-Kyung;Park, Min;Yoon, Ho-Gyu
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.492-497
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    • 2006
  • The epoxy composites are prepared with mixing temperature of epoxy/montmorillonite (MMT) melt master batch and the dielectric properties of the composites are also compared with intercalation of MMT. The exfoliation mainly occurrs iii the low content of MMT composites, while in the composites with high content of MMT the interspacing distance increases as the mixing temperature of epoxy/MMT master batch is increased. Class transition temperature of the composite which the MMT are effectively exfoliated is increased with the appropriate postcuring condition. Since the orientation polarization of dipoles in the epoxy molecules is restricted by the clay nanolayers exfoliated, the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the composites are reduced. Furthermore, the dielectric properties could be improved by controling the mixing temperature and time of epoxy/MMT master batch as well as postcuring condition.

The Effect of Additive Co on the Magnetic Properties of Fe3B/Nd2Fe14B Magnets

  • Yang, Choong-Jin;Park, Eoun-Byung;Hwang, Yong-Soon;Kim, Eng-Chan
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.60-64
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    • 1999
  • The addition of Co into $Nd_4Fe_{77.5-x}Co_x(HfGa)_yB_{18.5}(0$\leq$x$\leq$5, y=0, 0.5)4 was found to enhance the magnetic properties of $Fe_3B/Nd_2Fe_{14}B$ nanocomposite magnets. The enhancement resulted from the fact that Co retarded the crystallization of $\alpha$-Fe or Fe3B but accelerated that $Nd_2Fe_{14}B$. The decreased interval between the onset of crystallization temperature of Fe3B and $Nd_2Fe_{14}B$. phases enabled the grain growth of each phase to be uniform dufing a post annealing of the melt spun ribbons. The addition of 3~5 at. % Co into ternary composition $Md_4Fe_{77.5}B_{18.5}$ increased the coercivity (iHc) from 3.27 to 3.54 kOe with the enhanced remanence value (4$\pi$Mr) around 11.54 kG. From the ribbon magnets of Nd4Fe71.5Co5Hf0.5B18.5 made at 26 m/sec and annealed at 68$0^{\circ}C$ for 10 min, the magnetic properties of Br=11.54 kG, iHc=3.54 kOe, and (BH)max=14.35 MGOe were obtained from volume production line.

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Evaluation of TiO2 Photocatalytic Activity with Addition of Carbon Nanotube (탄소나노튜브(CNT)의 첨가에 따른 TiO2의 광촉매 특성 변화 연구)

  • Yeo, In-Chul;Kang, In-Cheol
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.458-465
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    • 2016
  • A $TiO_2$/CNT nanohybrid photocatalyst is synthesized via sol-gel route, with titanium (IV) isopropoxide and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as the starting materials. The microstructures and phase constitution of the nanohybrid $TiO_2$/CNT (0.005wt%) samples after calcination at $450^{\circ}C$, $550^{\circ}C$ and $650^{\circ}C$ in air are compared with those of pure $TiO_2$ using field-emission scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. In addition, the photocatalytic activity of the nanohybrid is compared with that of pure $TiO_2$ with regard to the degradation of methyl orange under visible light irradiation. The $TiO_2$/CNT composite exhibits a fast grain growth and phase transformation during calcination. The nanocomposite shows enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation in comparison to pure $TiO_2$ owing to not only better adsorption capability of CNT but also effective electron transfer between $TiO_2$ and CNTs. However, the high calcination temperature of $650^{\circ}C$, regardless of addition of CNT, causes a decrease in photocatalytic activity because of grain growth and phase transformation to rutile. These results such as fast phase transformation to rutile and effective electron transfer are related to carbon doping into $TiO_2$.

Fabrication and Characterization of Alumina/Silver Nanocomposites

  • Cheon, Seung-Ho;Han, In-Sub;Woo, Sang-Kuk
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2007
  • Alumina/silver nanocomposites were fabricated using a soaking method through a sol-gel route to construct an intra-type nanostructure. The pulse electric-current sintering (PECS) technique was used to sinter the nanocomposites. Several specimens were annealed after sintering. The microstructure, mechanical properties, critical frontal process zone (FPZ) size, and thermo-mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were estimated. The relative densities of the specimens sintered at 1350 and $1450^{\circ}C$ were 95% and 99%, respectively. The maximum value of the three-point bending strength was found to be 780 MPa for the $2{\times}2{\times}10 mm$ specimen sintered at $1350^{\circ}C$. The fracture toughness of the specimen sintered at $1350^{\circ}C$ was measured to be $3.60 MPa{\cdot}m^{1/2}$ using the single-edge V-notched beam (SEVNB) technique. The fracture mode of the nanocomposites was transgranular, in contrast to the intergranular mode of monolithic alumina. The fracture morphology suggested that dislocations were generated around the silver nanoparticles dispersed within the alumina matrix. The specimens sintered at $1350^{\circ}C$ were annealed at $800^{\circ}C$ for 5 min, following which the maximum fracture strength became 810 MPa and the fracture toughness improved to $4.21 MPam^{1/2}$. The critical FPZ size was the largest for the specimen annealed at $800^{\circ}C$ for 5 min. Thermal conductivity of the alumina/silver nanocomposites sintered at $1350^{\circ}C$ was 38 W/mK at room temperature, which was higher than the value obtained with the law of mixture.

Magnetism of Nanocomposite Quartz Powder by use of MCR Method

  • Soh, Deawha;Lim, Byoungjae;Soh, Hyunjun;Mofa, N.N.;Ketegenov, T.A.;Mansurov, Z.A.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2004
  • The materials showing high structure dispersion with functional properties were developed on the quartz base and those were obtained by mechano-chemical reaction technology. Depending on the processing conditions and subsequent applications the materials produced by mechano-chemical reaction show concurrently magnetic, dielectric and electrical properties. The obtained magnetic-electrical powders classified by aggregate complex of their features as segnetomagnetics, containing a dielectric material as a carrying nucleus, particularly the quartz on that surface one or more layers of different compounds were synthesized having thickness up to 10~50 nm showing magnetic, electrical properties and others. The similarity of the structure of surface layers of quartz particles subjected to mechano-chemical processing and nano-structure cluspol (clusters in a polymer matrics) material was also confirmed by the fact that the characteristics of ferromagnetic quartz of insulating nano-composite powder were changed with time, after its preparing process was completed. The magnetic permeability of the sample was decreasing within first two months down by 15~20 %. Then, the magnetic characteristics were almost stabilized steadily and continuously. The observed changes were related with defective structure of the particles, elastic stress relief, and changes of electron density and magnetic moment in deformation zones. This process of stabilization of the investigated properties could be intensified by the thermal annealing heat treatment in short time period of the nano-composite quartz powders at the temperature ranges of 100~15$0^{\circ}C$.

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