• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi-view environment

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QLGR: A Q-learning-based Geographic FANET Routing Algorithm Based on Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

  • Qiu, Xiulin;Xie, Yongsheng;Wang, Yinyin;Ye, Lei;Yang, Yuwang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.4244-4274
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    • 2021
  • The utilization of UAVs in various fields has led to the development of flying ad hoc network (FANET) technology. In a network environment with highly dynamic topology and frequent link changes, the traditional routing technology of FANET cannot satisfy the new communication demands. Traditional routing algorithm, based on geographic location, can "fall" into a routing hole. In view of this problem, we propose a geolocation routing protocol based on multi-agent reinforcement learning, which decreases the packet loss rate and routing cost of the routing protocol. The protocol views each node as an intelligent agent and evaluates the value of its neighbor nodes through the local information. In the value function, nodes consider information such as link quality, residual energy and queue length, which reduces the possibility of a routing hole. The protocol uses global rewards to enable individual nodes to collaborate in transmitting data. The performance of the protocol is experimentally analyzed for UAVs under extreme conditions such as topology changes and energy constraints. Simulation results show that our proposed QLGR-S protocol has advantages in performance parameters such as throughput, end-to-end delay, and energy consumption compared with the traditional GPSR protocol. QLGR-S provides more reliable connectivity for UAV networking technology, safeguards the communication requirements between UAVs, and further promotes the development of UAV technology.

Design and Implementation of Multiple View Image Synthesis Scheme based on RAM Disk for Real-Time 3D Browsing System (실시간 3D 브라우징 시스템을 위한 램 디스크 기반의 다시점 영상 합성 기법의 설계 및 구현)

  • Sim, Chun-Bo;Lim, Eun-Cheon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2009
  • One of the main purpose of multiple-view image processing technology is support realistic 3D image to device user by using multiple viewpoint display devices and compressed data restoration devices. This paper proposes a multiple view image synthesis scheme based on RAM disk which makes possible to browse 3D images generated by applying effective composing method to real time input stereo images. The proposed scheme first converts input images to binary image. We applies edge detection algorithm such as Sobel algorithm and Prewiit algorithm to find edges used to evaluate disparities from images of 4 multi-cameras. In addition, we make use of time interval between hardware trigger and software trigger to solve the synchronization problem which has stated ambiguously in related studies. We use a unique identifier on each snapshot of images for distributed environment. With respect of performance results, the proposed scheme takes 0.67 sec in each binary array. to transfer entire images which contains left and right side with disparity information for high quality 3D image browsing. We conclude that the proposed scheme is suitable for real time 3D applications.

A Study on a Deep Learning-Based Real-Time Object Recognition Supported 360-Degree 3D Around-View System for Large Vehicles (딥러닝 기반 실시간 객체 인식을 지원하는 대형차량용 360도 3D 어라운드뷰 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Joongjin Kook;HeeChan Won;KeonHee Lee;HakSeung Lee;JeongWoo Han;JiHwan Yeom
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes the design and implementation of a deep learning-based real-time object recognition supported 360-degree 3D around-view system to address the blind spot issues in large vehicles. Unlike passenger cars, large vehicles have more extensive blind spots due to their size and structure, making it difficult for drivers to fully perceive the surrounding environment. The proposed system utilizes the YOLO algorithm for object detection and a multi-camera setup to generate an optimized 360-degree view of the surroundings. The system also incorporates automatic calibration technology, using 3D mesh correction data to stitch the camera inputs seamlessly. Experimental results show that the system achieves high frame rates and object recognition accuracy, effectively enhancing the driver's situational awareness and safety. The system has the potential for wider applications in various large transportation vehicles, such as trucks and buses, contributing to road safety and accident prevention.

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Environment, Competence, and Strategy Effects on the Export Performance of Regional SMEs (지역 중소기업의 환경, 역량, 전략이 수출성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Huh, Moo-Yul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Exports have long been regarded as significant drivers of sustainable competitive advantage and growth among small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The export activities of SMEs are particularly important in the context of export-oriented economies such as Korea. Although many studies have examined the determinants of exports, it is difficult to find empirical studies about the determinants of the export performance of regional SMEs. This study investigates the determinants of export performance in the regional SME context based on an integrated approach that combines the environment factor of industrial organization theory, competitive strategy theory, and the competences of the resource-based view. Research design, data, and methodology - To empirically analyze the determinants of export performance in the regional SMEs, data were collected from firms in the Daegu metropolitan area. Data were collected directly through questionnaire surveys; in addition, secondary financial data were also taken from the KIS-VALUE database. Out of the 175 responses that were received, 143 were considered to be worth examining. After testing the reliability and validity of the variables through multiple items such as environmental turbulence and competitive strategy, hypotheses were verified by using five multi-regression models. These models were: a control model with organizational size and age, an environmental model with technology and market turbulence, a competency model with R&D and foreign distribution channels, a strategy model with product and market differentiation, and an integrated model including all of these variables. Results - First, as a control variable, the organization size has significant positive effects on export performance. Second, technology turbulence based on industrial organization theory has significant positive effects on export performance, but market turbulence does not affect export performance. Third, the foreign market distribution competency of the resource-based view has strong positive effects on export performance, but the R&D competency does not affect export performance. Fourth, the product differentiation strategy from competitive strategy theory positively impacts export performance, but market differentiation does not affect export performance. Finally, in the integrated model, only the foreign distribution competency of the resource-based view has a significant effect on export performance. Conclusions - The empirical results of this study verified the usefulness of the rationales behind the three theories to explain the export performance of the regional SMEs, especially the importance of the foreign market distribution competency from the resource-based view. With regard to practical considerations, this study's implications suggest that the use of technological environmental changes by industries is better than the use of market changes. Further, the use of the product differentiation strategy is more effective than the use of the market-driving strategy, and the distribution channel competency plays a stronger role than the technology-oriented competency with regard to the export performance position of regional SMEs. Future studies should examine relational perspectives, such as trust among channel partners. Therefore, the configuration approach is more useful in enhancing pragmatism by comparing high- and low-export companies.

An Integrated Multi-BOM System for Product Data Management (제품정보관리를 위한 통합적 멀티BOM시스템)

  • Jung, So-Young;Kim, Bo-Hyun;Oh, Joseph;Baek, Jae-Yong;Choi, Hon-Zong;Lee, Sung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.216-223
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    • 2012
  • Bill of material (BOM), which structurally represents the relation among parts constructing a product, is usually created when enterprises start to develop a new product. And it is shown as various types of BOM according to business needs and usage such as eBOM (engineering BOM), gBOM (green BOM), mBOM (manufacturing BOM), pBOM (process BOM), etc. eBOM, generally called BOM and created in the design stage of the new product, includes the drawing information of parts in the view of product function. eBOM is extended to gBOM adding the material information of parts to cope with international regulations for environment. eBOM is transformed to mBOM, which includes manufacturing sequence of parts and adds some parts required to fabricate parts and to assemble the product. mBOM is also extended to pBOM adding the process information of each part and additional assembly processes. This study introduces the concept of multi-BOM covering eBOM, gBOM, mBOM and pBOM, and proposes an advanced way to manage product data using multi-BOM system. The multi-BOM system proposed is to manage their relations using transformation function of BOM and master information of all BOMs.

A Study on the Characteristics of Color for Peter Eisenman Architecture (피터 아이젠만 건축의 색채사용특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seon-Min;You, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2009
  • Architectural color would be understood as a essential tool to be reflected the architect's value criteria, thinking process and the specific methodology. This study was established the characteristics of color use correlated with Eisenman's architectural features based on his point of view. At first, it could be organized with data and use the color in view points with the becomming process. Especially it would be expressed the color as a trace of unsynchronized formation. Second, it was introduced the color by graphics engaged with form, to be expressed the dividing, folding, reiteration for deliver of escape from graphic thinking process. Third, it was analyzed to be imported the color to have a multi-lateral space experience in center of user's space recognition and behavior by introduction of color. Finally, it could be inducted the consistent color by viewpoint of interfacial between interior and exterior environment, communicated with strong meaning by conversion from interior elements to color from these processes. A characteristics of Eisenman's architecture color is reflected his thinking process in architecture color as it is and can be understand of 'becomming process use of color' as a tool that is corresponded in form creation. Specially, it would be kept continuous viewpoint of interior and exterior space, giving user color as a viewpoint of linking space, enable many-sidedness experiences through space.

An Analysis for the Characteristics of Digital TVs in CES in the View of Technology Growth and Substitution Curves (기술 성장 및 대체 곡선 관점에서의 CES 출품 Digital TV의 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Do-Goan;Shin, Seong-Yoon;Jin, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1336-1341
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    • 2013
  • Through reviewing the characteristics of digital TVs, which have emerged in CES since 2005, in the view of technology growth and substitution curves, this paper is to provide a prediction on the next generation's multi-media on smart environment. As a result, digital TV has been developed on the flow of its technology growth curve from the early version in 2005 to smart digital TV in 2013, which emphasizes the key word "connected", and it has already come to the market puberty.

A plan for the development of botanic garden displays using local landscape resources (지역경관자원을 활용한 식물원 전시방식의 발전방안)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2012
  • Botanic gardens are steadily increasing based on people's increased interests in environment and ecology, lengthened leisure hours and improved transportation. However, similar florae and undifferentiated display are considered as problems, while their functions, purposes and characteristics have been more diversified. This study aims to investigate the present conditions and problems of display at botanic gardens and to find out solutions to make them exhibit plants through various ways of display and have their own characteristic, through a case study of seven botanic gardens. As botanic gardens are being recognized as a cultural institution, they should have limitations in the aspect of places that simply collect and exhibit rare plants. The current problems are unclear setting of design goals and communication with visitors. The gardens should escape from the existing supplier-oriented view to a visitor-oriented view, thinking about what the visitors will be able to see and get there. In particular, their display lacks differency, aesthetics, eye-level display, and multi-layered display. In addition to the essential functions of collecting the world's plants, exhibiting them according to purposes and giving scientific learning, botanic gardens should also show a sense of seasons with plants, trigger interests and amusement through unique plants, make visitors more interested in florae and closer to plants, and include social functions. Botanic gardens should be capable of leaning resources display, speciated display, complex and convergent garden-type display, and display fit for local and cultural contexts.

3D Segmentation for High-Resolution Image Datasets Using a Commercial Editing Tool in the IoT Environment

  • Kwon, Koojoo;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1126-1134
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    • 2017
  • A variety of medical service applications in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) are being studied. Segmentation is important to identify meaningful regions in images and is also required in 3D images. Previous methods have been based on gray value and shape. The Visible Korean dataset consists of serially sectioned high-resolution color images. Unlike computed tomography or magnetic resonance images, automatic segmentation of color images is difficult because detecting an object's boundaries in colored images is very difficult compared to grayscale images. Therefore, skilled anatomists usually segment color images manually or semi-automatically. We present an out-of-core 3D segmentation method for large-scale image datasets. Our method can segment significant regions in the coronal and sagittal planes, as well as the axial plane, to produce a 3D image. Our system verifies the result interactively with a multi-planar reconstruction view and a 3D view. Our system can be used to train unskilled anatomists and medical students. It is also possible for a skilled anatomist to segment an image remotely since it is difficult to transfer such large amounts of data.

Happiness Economics Approach To Anthropocentric-Nature Perspective And Ecocentric-Nature Perspective (행복경제학적 분석을 적용한 인간중심적 자연관과 생태중심적 자연관의 비교)

  • Joh, Seung-Hun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2008
  • The goal of current study is to carry out comparative analysis on the relationship between nature perspectives and their corresponding utilities by taking integrated approach combining economic values with environmental ones. The results are as follows. First, empirical evidence shows that the structures of happiness function differ according to nature perspectives. The anthropocentric-nature perspective is centered on economic value. Whilst, environment and social trust play an statistically insignificant role in deciding happiness levels. Secondly, the eco-centric perspective possesses a multi-facted structure of happiness function composing of income, environment, and social trust. In this vein, it is no reasonable behavior, from happiness maximization view, to focus on economic value vis-a-vis use value.

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