• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi resolution analysis

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Self-Calibration for Direction Finding in Multi-Baseline Interferometer System (멀티베이스라인 인터페로미터 시스템에서의 자체 교정 방향 탐지 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Tae;Kim, Young-Soo;Kang, Jong-Jin;Lee, Duk-Yung;Roh, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, self-calibration algorithm based on covariance matrix is proposed for compensating amplitude/phase mismatch in multi-baseline interferometer direction finding system. The proposed method is a solution to nonlinear constrained minimization problem which dramatically calibrate mismatch error using space sector concept with cost function as defined in this paper. This method, however, has a drawback that requires an estimated initial angle to determine the proper space sector. It is well known that this type of drawback is common in nonlinear optimization problem. Superior calibration capabilities achieved with this approach are illustrated by simulation experiments in comparison with interferometer algorithm for a varitiety of amplitude/phase mismatch error. Furthermore, this approach has been found to provide an exceptional calibration capabilities even in case amplitude and phase mismatch are more than 30 dB and over $5^{\circ}$, respectively, with sector spacing of less than $50^{\circ}$.

Channel Transition Analysis of Smart HLS with Dynamic Single Buffering Scheme (동적 단일 버퍼링 기법을 적용한 스마트 HLS의 채널변경 분석)

  • Kim, Chong-il;Kang, Min-goo;Kim, Dong-hyun;Kim, In-ki;Han, Kyung-sik
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a smart HLS(HTTP Live Stream) platform with dynamic single buffering for the best transmission of adaptive video bit-rates. This smart HLS can optimizes the channel transition zapping-time with the monitoring of bandwidth between HLS server and OTT(Over The Top) client. This platform is designed through the control of video stream due to proper multi-bitrates and bandwidths. This proposed OTT can decode the live and VOD(Video On Demand) videos with the buffering of optimumal bitrate. And, the HLS can be cooperated with a smart OTT, and segmented for the m3u8 files of H.265 MPEG-2 TS(Transport Stream) videos. As a resullt, this single buffer based smart OTT can transmit optimal videos with the maximum data buffering according to the adaptive bit-rate depending on the network bandwidth efficiency and the decoded VOD video, too.

Estimation of GNSS Zenith Tropospheric Wet Delay Using Deep Learning (딥러닝 기반 GNSS 천정방향 대류권 습윤지연 추정 연구)

  • Lim, Soo-Hyeon;Bae, Tae-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2021
  • Data analysis research using deep learning has recently been studied in various field. In this paper, we conduct a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)-based meteorological study applying deep learning by estimating the ZWD (Zenith tropospheric Wet Delay) through MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) models. Deep learning models were trained with meteorological data and ZWD which is estimated using zenith tropospheric total delay and dry delay. We apply meteorological data not used for learning to the learned model to estimate ZWD with centimeter-level RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) in both models. It is necessary to analyze the GNSS data from coastal areas together and increase time resolution in order to estimate ZWD in various situations.

D-ARP Scheme for Full Mesh Routing in Partial BMA Network (제한적 BMA 네트워크에서 Full Mesh 라우팅을 위한 D-ARP 기법)

  • Kim, Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1088-1094
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes a partial BMA (Broadcasting Multiple Access) network structure and D-ARP (Distributed Address Resolution Protocol) method in order to support full mesh routing function in the DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access)-based MF-TDMA (Multi Frequency-Time Division Multiple Access) satellite system. The partial BMA network enables legacy router devices and routing protocols to be adopted in the satellite communication system, and decreases the amount of routing protocol overhead. In addition, we introduce the D-ARP method that help a spoke satellite node acquiring the MAC (Media Access Control) address from remote satellite nodes in none BMA satellite network. The D-ARP method provides the MAC address of remote nodes to each other nodes through the broadcasting-enabled satellite channel. And we lastly evaluate and analysis the network performance of the proposed approach.

Resolution of Shallow Marine Subsuface Structure Image Associated with Acquisition Parameters of High-resolution Multi-channel Seismic Data (고해상 다중채널 탄성파탐사 자료취득변수에 따른 천부 해저지층영상의 해상도)

  • Lee Ho-Young;Koo Nam-Hyung;Park Keun-Pil;Yoo Dong-Geun;Kang Dong-Hyo;Kim Young-Gun;Seo Gab-Seok;Hwang Kyu-Duk;Kim Jong-Chon;Kim Ji-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2003
  • High-resolution shallow marine seismic surveys have been carried out for the resources exploration, engineering applications and Quaternary mapping. To improve the resolution of subsurface structure image, multichannel digital technique has been applied. The quality of the image depends on the vertical and horizontal resolution and signal to noise (S/N) ratio which are associated with the data acquisition parameters such as sample interval, common midpoint (CMP) interval and CMP fold. To understand the effect of the acquisition parameters, a test survey was carried out off Yeosu and the acquired data were analyzed. A 30 $in^3$ small air gun was used as a seismic source and 8 channel streamer cable with a 5 m group interval was used as a receiver. The data were digitally recorded with a shot interval of 2 s and sample interval of 0.1 ms. The acquired data were resampled with various sample intervals, CMP intervals and CMP folds. The resampled data were processed, plotted as seismic sections and compared each other. The analysis results show that thin bed structure with ${\~}1m$ thickness and ${\~}6^{\circ}$ slope can be imaged with good resolution and continuity and low noise using the acquisition parameters with a sample interval shorter than 0.2 ms, CMP interval shorter than 2.5 m and CMP fold more than 4. Because seismic resolution is associated with the acquisition parameters, the quality of the subsurface structure can be imaged successfully using suitable and optimum acquisition parameters.

Analysis and Prospects of Spatial information Technologies using Scenario based Roadmapping (시나리오기반 로드맵을 이용한 국토정보기술의 분석 및 전망)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Jang, Yong-Gu;Koo, Jee-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.295-299
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    • 2007
  • Today, ubiquitous technology (e.g. computers or networked devices pervade everywhere we are) has enlarged by great advancement of information and communication technologies. If ubiquitous technologies is applied to, innovation of spatial information technology is expected. traditional spatial information technologies such as survey, GIS, GPS, LBS, and RS and ubiquitous technology gradual1y have been converged. The aim of this study is to create shared visions in spatial information technologies by scenario based roadmapping. So, we surveyed the state of the art in main spatial information technologies, market status and patent map. Consequently, prospects of spatial information technologies is suggested. The aim of 1st and 2nd NGIS project focused on map supplier was to develop digital map(e.g. framework data, various thematic map). As a result, the best technology of digital mapping is achieved in the world. But, there is not enough to develop GIS and LBS solution. Current market in GIS S/W and Telematics is about 384billon won and 250billion won. a patent is applied in the order, like a USA(1571case, 47%), Japan(883case, 26%), EU(478case, 14%), Korea(446case, 13%). In the future, spatial information technology fused on ubiquitous technology will be focused on user's demand and developing convenience context. The developing target will be realtime monitoring of 3D spatial data based on high resolution coordinate system, sharing and supplying multi-sensor data considered users demand, location service by ubiquitous technologies.

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  • Jang, Yong-Jun
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2011
  • The turbulent flow and vortex shedding phenomena around pantograph panhead of high speed train were investigated and compared with available experimental data and other simulations. The pantograph head was simplified to be a square-cross-section pillar and assumed to be no interference with other bodies. The Reynolds number (Re) was 22,000. The LES(large eddy simulation) of FDS code was applied to solve the momentum equations and the Wener-Wengle wall model was employed to solve the near wall turbulent flow. Smagorinsky model($C_s$=0.2) was used as SGS(subgrid scale) model. The total grid numbers were about 9 millions and the analyzed domain was divided into 12 multi blocks which were communicated with each other by MPI. The time-averaged mainstream flows were calculated and well compared with experimental data. The phased-averaged quantities had also a good agreement with experimental data. The near-wall turbulence should be carefully treated by wall function or direct resolution to get successful application of LES methods.

Time Synchronization Error and Calibration in Integrated GPS/INS Systems

  • Ding, Weidong;Wang, Jinling;Li, Yong;Mumford, Peter;Rizos, Chris
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2008
  • The necessity for the precise time synchronization of measurement data from multiple sensors is widely recognized in the field of global positioning system/inertial navigation system (GPS/INS) integration. Having precise time synchronization is critical for achieving high data fusion performance. The limitations and advantages of various time synchronization scenarios and existing solutions are investigated in this paper. A criterion for evaluating synchronization accuracy requirements is derived on the basis of a comparison of the Kalman filter innovation series and the platform dynamics. An innovative time synchronization solution using a counter and two latching registers is proposed. The proposed solution has been implemented with off-the-shelf components and tested. The resolution and accuracy analysis shows that the proposed solution can achieve a time synchronization accuracy of 0.1 ms if INS can provide a hard-wired timing signal. A synchronization accuracy of 2 ms was achieved when the test system was used to synchronize a low-grade micro-electromechanical inertial measurement unit (IMU), which has only an RS-232 data output interface.

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Study of Joint Histogram Based Statistical Features for Early Detection of Lung Disease (폐질환 조기 검출을 위한 결합 히스토그램 기반의 통계적 특징 인자에 대한 연구)

  • Won, Chul-ho
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, new method was proposed to classify lung tissues such as Broncho vascular, Emphysema, Ground Glass Reticular, Ground Glass, Honeycomb, Normal for early lung disease detection. 459 Statistical features was extraced from joint histogram matrix based on multi resolution analysis, volumetric LBP, and CT intensity, then dominant features was selected by using adaboost learning. Accuracy of proposed features and 3D AMFM was 90.1% and 85.3%, respectively. Proposed joint histogram based features shows better classification result than 3D AMFM in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.

A Study on the Blocker Design of Closed Die Forging with Discrete Wavelet Transform (이산 웨이블릿 변환을 이용한 형단조 공정의 예비성형용 금형 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 한상훈;임성한;오수익
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2003
  • In closed-die forging process, blocker has been used to fill and distribute metal well in finisher die. Generally, the blocker shape was determined by an expert with many experiences. However, the manual blocker design process takes much time and efforts, so various automatic methods for the blocker design process have been suggested for the last three decades. The method with filtering in FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) for the blocker design provides general solution than other methods. But, due to the properties of FFT in time-frequency domain, this method has some drawbacks such as long calculation time, difficulty of local control and additional boundary process after filtering. In this study, DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), which is more flexible and is more wildly used than FFT, is applied to the blocker design. The method with filtering in DWT is very proper to design blocker in both 2-D and 3-D shapes. To verify the efficiency of this method, blockers of some models are designed and the results show that blocker design with DWT is effective fer the blocker designs

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