• Title/Summary/Keyword: moving object detection

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Human Tracking Based On Context Awareness In Outdoor Environment

  • Binh, Nguyen Thanh;Khare, Ashish;Thanh, Nguyen Chi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.3104-3120
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    • 2017
  • The intelligent monitoring system has been successfully applied in many fields such as: monitoring of production lines, transportation, etc. Smart surveillance systems have been developed and proven effective in some specific areas such as monitoring of human activity, traffic, etc. Most of critical application monitoring systems involve object tracking as one of the key steps. However, task of tracking of moving object is not easy. In this paper, the authors propose a method to implement human object tracking in outdoor environment based on human features in shearlet domain. The proposed method uses shearlet transform which combines the human features with context-sensitiveness in order to improve the accuracy of human tracking. The proposed algorithm not only improves the edge accuracy, but also reduces wrong positions of the object between the frames. The authors validated the proposed method by calculating Euclidean distance and Mahalanobis distance values between centre of actual object and centre of tracked object, and it has been found that the proposed method gives better result than the other recent available methods.

Hand Mouse System Using a Pre-defined Gesture for the Elimination of a TV Remote Controller

  • Kim, Kyung-Won;Bae, Dae-Hee;Yi, Joonhwan;Oh, Seong-Jun
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2012
  • Many hand gesture recognition systems using advanced computer vision techniques to eliminate the need for a TV remote controller have been proposed. Nevertheless, some issues still remain, such as high computational complexity and insufficient information on the target object and background. Moreover, none of the proposed techniques consider how to enter the control mode of the system. This means that they may need a TV remote controller to enter the control mode. This paper proposes a hand mouse system using a pre-defined gesture with high background adaptability. By doing so, a remote controller to enter the control mode of the IPTV system can be eliminated.

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A binocular robot vision system with quadrangle recognition

  • Yabuta, Yoshito;Mizumoto, Hiroshi;Arii, Shiro
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.80-83
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    • 2005
  • A binocular robot vision system having an autonomously moving active viewpoint is proposed. By using this active viewpoint, the system constructs a correspondence between the images of a feature points on the right and left retinas and calculates the spatial coordinates of the feature points. The system incorporates a function of detecting straight lines in an image. To detect lines the system uses Hough transform. The system searches a region surrounded by 4 straight lines. Then the system recognizes the region as a quadrangle. The system constructs a correspondence between the quadrangles in the right and left images. By the use of the result of the constructed correspondence, the system calculates the spatial coordinates of an object. An experiment shows the effect of the line detection using Hough transform, the recognition of the surface of the object and the calculation of the spatial coordinates of the object.

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Vehicle Classification and Tracking based on Deep Learning (딥러닝 기반의 자동차 분류 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • Hyochang Ahn;Yong-Hwan Lee
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.161-165
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    • 2023
  • One of the difficult works in an autonomous driving system is detecting road lanes or objects in the road boundaries. Detecting and tracking a vehicle is able to play an important role on providing important information in the framework of advanced driver assistance systems such as identifying road traffic conditions and crime situations. This paper proposes a vehicle detection scheme based on deep learning to classify and tracking vehicles in a complex and diverse environment. We use the modified YOLO as the object detector and polynomial regression as object tracker in the driving video. With the experimental results, using YOLO model as deep learning model, it is possible to quickly and accurately perform robust vehicle tracking in various environments, compared to the traditional method.

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Real-Time Interested Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Controllable Camera Environment (제어 가능한 카메라 환경에서 실시간 관심 보행자 검출 및 추적)

  • Lee, Byung-Sun;Rhee, Eun-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.293-297
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    • 2007
  • This thesis suggests a new algorithm to detects multiple moving objects using a CMODE(Correct Multiple Object DEtection) method in the color images acquired in real-time and to track the interested pedestrian using motion and hue information. The multiple objects are detected, and then shaking trees or moving cars are removed using structural characteristics and shape information of the man , the interested pedestrian can be detected, The first similarity judgment for tracking an interested pedestrian is to use the distance between the previous interested pedestrian's centroid and the present pedestrian's centroid. For the area where the first similarity is detected, three feature points are calculated using k-mean algorithm, and the second similarity is judged and tracked using the average hue value for the $3{\times}3$ area of each feature point. The zooming of camera is adjusted to track an interested pedestrian at a long distance easily and the FOV(Field of View) of camera is adjusted in case the pedestrian is not situated in the fixed range of the screen. As a experiment results, comparing the suggested CMODE method with the labeling method, an average approach rate is one fourth of labeling method, and an average detecting time is faster three times than labeling method. Even in a complex background, such as the areas where trees are shaking or cars are moving, or the area of shadows, interested pedestrian detection is showed a high detection rate of average 96.5%. The tracking of an interested pedestrian is showed high tracking rate of average 95% using the information of situation and hue, and interested pedestrian can be tracked successively through a camera FOV and zooming adjustment.

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Abnormal Traffic Behavior Detection by User-Define Trajectory (사용자 지정 경로를 이용한 비정상 교통 행위 탐지)

  • Yoo, Haan-Ju;Choi, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2011
  • This paper present a method for abnormal traffic behavior, or trajectory, detection in static traffic surveillance camera with user-defined trajectories. The method computes the abnormality of moving object with a trajectory of the object and user-defined trajectories. Because of using user-define based information, the presented method have more accurate and faster performance than models need a learning about normal behaviors. The method also have adaptation process of assigned rule, so it can handle scene variation for more robust performance. The experimental results show that our method can detect abnormal traffic behaviors in various situation.

Multi-view Human Recognition based on Face and Gait Features Detection

  • Nguyen, Anh Viet;Yu, He Xiao;Shin, Jae-Ho;Park, Sang-Yun;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.1676-1687
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we proposed a new multi-view human recognition method based on face and gait features detection algorithm. For getting the position of moving object, we used the different of two consecutive frames. And then, base on the extracted object, the first important characteristic, walking direction, will be determined by using the contour of head and shoulder region. If this individual appears in camera with frontal direction, we will use the face features for recognition. The face detection technique is based on the combination of skin color and Haar-like feature whereas eigen-images and PCA are used in the recognition stage. In the other case, if the walking direction is frontal view, gait features will be used. To evaluate the effect of this proposed and compare with another method, we also present some simulation results which are performed in indoor and outdoor environment. Experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm has better recognition efficiency than the conventional sing]e view recognition method.

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A Study on the Effect Analysis Influenced on the Advanced System of Moving Object (이동물체가 정밀 시스템에 미치는 영항분석에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyeon-Jae;Kim, Soo-In;Choi, In-Ho;Shon, Young-Woo;An, Young-Hwan;Kim, Dae-Wook;Lee, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we analyzed the mr detection and the stability of the object tracking system by an adaptive stereo object hacking using region-based MAD(Mean Absolute Difference) algorithm and the modified PID(Proportional Integral Derivative)-based pan/tilt controller. That is, in the proposed system, the location coordinates of the target object in the right and left images are extracted from the sequential stereo input image by applying a region-based MAD algorithm and the configuration parameter of the stereo camera, and then these values could effectively control to pan/tilt of the stereo camera under the noisy circumstances through the modified PID controller. Accordingly, an adaptive control effect of a moving object can be analyzed through the advanced system with the proposed 3D robot vision, in which the possibility of real-time implementation of the robot vision system is also confirmed.

YOLO-based Traffic Signal Detection for Identifying the Violation of Motorbike Riders (YOLO 기반의 교통 신호등 인식을 통한 오토바이 운전자의 신호 위반 여부 확인)

  • Wahyutama, Aria Bisma;Hwang, Mintae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.141-143
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    • 2022
  • This paper presented a new technology to identify traffic violations of motorbike riders by detecting the traffic signal using You Only Look Once (YOLO) object detection. The hardware module that is mounted on the front of the motorbike consists of Raspberry Pi with a camera to run the YOLO object detection, a GPS module to acquire the motorcycle's coordinate, and a LoRa communication module to send the data to a cloud DB. The main goal of the software is to determine whether a motorbike has violated a traffic signal. This paper proposes a function to recognize the red traffic signal colour with its movement inside the camera angle and determine that the traffic signal violation happens if the traffic signal is moving to the right direction (the rider turns left) or moving to the top direction (the riders goes straight). Furthermore, if a motorbike rider is violated the signal, the rider's personal information (name, mobile phone number, etc), the snapshot of the violation situation, rider's location, and date/time will be sent to a cloud DB. The violation information will be delivered to the driver's smartphone as a push notification and the local police station to be used for issuing violation tickets, which is expected to prevent motorbike riders from violating traffic signals.

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Multiple Moving Objects Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Intelligent Surveillance System (지능형 보안 시스템을 위한 다중 물체 탐지 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • Shi, Lan Yan;Joo, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.741-747
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a fast and robust framework for detecting and tracking multiple targets. The proposed system includes two modules: object detection module and object tracking module. In the detection module, we preprocess the input images frame by frame, such as gray and binarization. Next after extracting the foreground object from the input images, morphology technology is used to reduce noises in foreground images. We also use a block-based histogram analysis method to distinguish human and other objects. In the tracking module, color-based tracking algorithm and Kalman filter are used. After converting the RGB images into HSV images, the color-based tracking algorithm to track the multiple targets is used. Also, Kalman filter is proposed to track the object and to judge the occlusion of different objects. Finally, we show the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed method through experiments.