• Title/Summary/Keyword: movement recognize

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A Study on the Location and Spatial Characteristics of Gwangju Folly (광주폴리의 입지 및 공간적 특성에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Kwan;Kim, Yun-Hag
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2012
  • Gwangju Metropolitan City has implemented a creative regeneration project of Gwangju Folly in the site of Gwangju-eup Fortress as part of the Gwangju Design Biennale by inviting well-known international architects. This study examined and analyzed the characteristics of location, place, and space through actual survey. The results were as follows. Gwangju Folly were mainly located at the four gates and corners of Gwangju-eup Fortress, main entrances of Asia Culture Complex, and historical places where the May 18 Democratization Movement occurred. The common place of Gwangju Folly was a footpath and common location types were the full location of footpath width and the partial location of footpath width. For the spatial types of Gwangju Folly, the practical type which people can stay was the most common(2/3). In the partial location of footpath width, the type which people take a rest and look out over the surroundings accounted for a half. In the full location of footpath width, the gate type which people pass accounted for 2/5. However, as footpath width was minimum for walking, both partial and full occupation types were narrow in place. It influenced the image of Gwangju Folly. Gwangju Folly did not play as a figure and show architects' intentions clearly because of their narrow locations. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a plan to maintain places so that Gwangju Folly do not have a cramped image and architects' intentions become clear with citizens' cultural competence. Also, urban property which creates the identity and attraction of Gwangju continuously should be settled down through helping citizens recognize the intention and value of artistic works.

Development of Localization Tracking System and User Interface of Guiding Robot for the Visually Impaired (시각장애인 유도 로봇의 자기 위치 추적 시스템 및 사용자 인터페이스 개발)

  • Ryu Je-Goon;Shen Dong-Fan;Kwon Oh-Sang;Kim Nack-Hwan;Lee Sang-Moo;Lee Eung-Hyuk;Hong Seung-Hong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.3 s.99
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    • pp.481-492
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    • 2005
  • To guide the guiding robot for the visually impaired carefully, the digital map to be used to search a path must be detailed and has some information about dangerous spots. It also has to search not only safe but also short path through the position data by GPS and INS sensors. In this paper, as the difference of the ability that the visually unpaired can recognize, we have developed the localization tracking system so that it can make a movement path and verify position information, and the global navigation system for the visually impaired using the GPS and INS. This system can be used when the visually impaired move short path relatively. We had also verified that the system was able to correct the position as the assistant navigation system of the GPS on the outside.

A Study on Complementarity of Green Growth (녹색성장의 상보성에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Seong-Kwae
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.306-324
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze green growth issues such as employment, education and training, social capital and nature's standing right from the complementary perspective between natural environment conservation and economic growth. Green growth can be defined as a growth which lowers an increasing rate of entropy and at the same time improves our living standard. Green growth paradigm requires a quite amount of understanding the laws of thermodynamics and the uncertainty principle as the highest orders which regulate our overall socio-economic behaviors. They suggest that socio-economic growth is a mere transformation process of natural energy from one form to another and they increases natural manmade entropy over time. The most important issue of green growth policy may be a problem concerning employment and/or unemployment since green growth may induce inevitable movement of resources from the existing industries to the green sector. In particular, green industries will demand more highly specialized manpower than the existing ones. Without a well-designed new training education system and social capital accumulation toward environmental concerns, green growth may accompany a substantial amount of structural involuntary frictional unemployment. This may increase not only wealth-distribution disparity but also political instability. In order to achieve harmonious green growth, we should recognize that there are important complementary relationships between green and growth. Our society should also be able to innovate the existing educational system to accumulate social capital, to create a new sharing system, and to admit nature's standing right. Although the 2003 lawsuit case of Korean Salamander in Cheonseong Mountain went against plaintiff, it would provide apparently our society with a way of green development ahead.

A Study on the Possibility as a Site for Geopark in Korea: Byeonsanbando National Park (국내 지구공원 적지 가능성 연구: 변산반도 국립공원)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2007
  • The UNESCO`s earth science division has developed the geoparks program to recognize earth scientific heritage sites worldwide. To respond to this movement, I suggest Byeonsanbando National Park (BNP) as the first geopark in Korea and provide, at the same time, a line of evidence supporting the designation of geopark. BNP has the best qualifications with geological, geomorphological, ecological, and cultural resources. In Chaeseokgang and Jeokbyukgang, there are many geological and geomorphological resources attracting the scientific importance. In addition, BNP has a total of 844 species of wild plants and 550 species of wild animals. Cultural properties abound in BNP, including Koryo bronze bell of Naesosa and Taeungjon hall of Kaeamsa. To be designated a geopark by UNESCO, a management plan of geotourism will be required in addition to the geological, geomorphological, ecological and cultural resources, which should be prepared by the Korea National Parks Service and related local government authority. If the above-mentioned conditions are met completely, Korea would enter the global network of geoparks for the first time.

Interest area of game player through extraction of foreground Image (포그라인드 이미지 추출을 통한 게임 플레이어 관심 영역)

  • Lee, MyounJae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2017
  • In the image processing, foreground image extraction is mainly applied to recognize a moving object or an object. In the game, the objects included in the foreground image can be mainly characters, non player characters, items, and the like. These objects can be the player's primary concern with objects that are the target of players' movement, attack, defense, and collection. In this background, this research is a study to extract players' interest areas. To this end, first, the foreground image is extracted. Second, the extracted foreground image is accumulated for a certain period of time, and the image is displayed as a result image. The accumulated foreground image according to the play time helps to know the location and frequency of screen appearance of game objects. This study can help players design their interest areas and design an efficient UX/UI.

A Structure of Users이 Context-Awareness and Service processing based P2P Mobile Agent using Collaborative Filtering (협력적 필터링 기법을 이용한 P2P 모바일 에이전트 기반 사용자 컨텍스트 인식 및 서비스 처리 구조)

  • Yun Hyo-Gun;Lee Sang-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2005
  • Context-awareness is an important element that can provide service of good quality according to users' surrounding environment and status in ubiquitous computing environment. Information gathering tools for context-awareness use small size mobile devices which have easy movement and a mobile agent in mobile device. Now, Mobile agents are consuming much times and expense to collect and recognize each users' context information. Therefore, needs research about structure for users' context information awareness in early time to reduce mobile agent's load. This paper proposes a P2P mobile agent structure that mikes filtering techniques and a P2P agent in mobile agent. The proposed structure analyzes each user's context information in same area, and groups users who have similar preference degree. Grouped users share information using a P2P mobile agent. Also this structure observes and learns to continue on users' action and service, and measures new interrelation.

The Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks with Random Mobile Nodes

  • Yun, Dai Yeol;Jung, Kye-Dong;Lee, Jong-Yong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2017
  • Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be defined as a self-configured and infrastructure-less wireless networks to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location or base-station where the data can be observed and analyzed. Typically a wireless sensor network contains hundreds of thousands of sensor nodes. The sensor nodes can communicate among themselves using radio signals. A wireless sensor node is equipped with sensing and computing devices, radio transceivers and power components. The individual nodes in a wireless sensor network (WSN) are inherently resource constrained: they have limited processing speed, storage capacity, communication bandwidth and limited-battery power. At present time, most of the research on WSNs has concentrated on the design of energy- and computationally efficient algorithms and protocols In order to extend the network life-time, in this paper we are looking into a routing protocol, especially LEACH and LEACH-related protocol. LEACH protocol is a representative routing protocol and improves overall network energy efficiency by allowing all nodes to be selected to the cluster head evenly once in a periodic manner. In LEACH, in case of movement of sensor nodes, there is a problem that the data transmission success rate decreases. In order to overcome LEACH's nodes movements, LEACH-Mobile protocol had proposed. But energy consumption increased because it consumes more energy to recognize which nodes moves and re-transfer data. In this paper we propose the new routing protocol considering nodes' mobility. In order to simulate the proposed protocol, we make a scenario, nodes' movements randomly and compared with the LEACH-Mobile protocol.

Formation and Institutionalization of Local Governance : A Case Study on the Green Village Project in Cheongju City (로컬거버넌스의 형성과 제도화: 청주시 초록마을사업 사례연구)

  • Ha, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to review the performance of the Green Village Project during the last 10 years, and examine the possibility of the institutionalization of a local governance. The Green Village Project was first initiated by an environmental movement group in Cheongju City, and now various actors, including Cheongju City and City Council members, public organizations, professionals etc, are participating. The project has been continuously and stably carried out for 10 years, and the participants now recognize that the project should be carried out every year. According to the analysis, the participants recognized the project as beneficial project for them on the basis of the rational choice. And the participants recognized the project as having legitimacy, and accumulating 'trust' between participants, accumulating the experiences of success. In conclusion, the sustainability and stability of the project has been strengthened, and the institutionalization possibility of the governance of the Green Village Project has been increased continuously.

Evidence-Based Practice in Neurological Physical Therapy (1) -Applying EBP to Clinical Decision Making- (신경계물리치료에서의 근거중심실기(1) -임상의사결정과정에 EBP 적용하기-)

  • Lee, Moon-Kyu;Lim, Jae-Heon;Kim, Tae-Yoon
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to share an experience about processes and lessons learned to execute evidence-based practice (EBP) in neurological physical therapy. Methods: The most important thing in applying EBP to practice is to search, find, and appraise the existing evidence. Many evidence databases are available, such as CENTRAL, PEDro, PUBMED, and EMBASE. However, the knowledge represented in these databases is not always perfect. The practice model is a set of processes to resolve client problems. Therapists should make hypothesis-focused decisions through EBP. Integrating clinical reasoning and evidence is most important when it comes to the execution of EBP. Results: The process of EBP consisted of following: coming up with clinical questions, followed by searching for, appraising, evaluating, and integrating evidence. To integrate EBP into practice, it is necessary to consider clinical expertise, patient value and preferences, as well as research wth the best evidence. We provided an example of a clinical case with a stroke patient to show how this process and framework concerning clinical reasoning through evidences can be integrateds. During this process, we also utilized information technology to improve EBP ability. Conclusion: We should recognize what manner of information is needed to resolve eash patient's problem, and we should search for this information efficiently. Then, we should judge the value of the information obtained as it applies, to the clinical setting.

A Study of Dress Characteristics with Respect to Anti-Social Resisting Consciousness - Focus on the Relationship between 18th Century Sans-Culotte and a Hippy Style During the 1960s and 1970s as a Comparative Perspective - (반사회적 의식이 반영된 시대복식의 특성에 관한 연구 - 18세기 상-뀔로뜨와 1960, 70년대 히피 스타일의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Yuh-Sun;Kim, Young-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.112-126
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    • 2012
  • The style of a dress allows important characterization of an era since they reflect contemporary politics, society, culture and arts. Within a same category, period costumes develop into styles that reflect specific consciousness. The research method and the scope of the study are as follows: the research adopts a historical study method and a comparative research from a microscopic point. The scope includes resistance costumes that proceed with sans-culotte that comprises of the resistance party during the 18th French Revolution (1783-1799), and also a Hippy style which was popularized during the 1960s and 1970s for its anti-war movement. We researched both similarities and differences of design factors reflecting resisting consciousness in costumes that affected costume characteristics related to their socio-cultural background. Sans-culotte and the Hippie style reflect a common denominator in anti-social resisting customs. First, they show common characteristics that combine fashion trends of resistant element and design features. Second, they have common features which are the characteristics of deviation. On the other hand, these two customs also present a discriminative denominator in anti-social resisting customs. In the case of sans-culotte, they tend to symbolize confrontation by dividing into two equal parts: the old and new mode. Sans-culotte confronts the conventional mode and promotes practical costume styles based on justice standpoints. First, hippies pursue an exposition of individual emotions that disclose internal meanings of love and desire. Second, they focus on subjective characteristics and chase after masteries and pleasures by expressing intensity. Third, it extends and develops folk costumes from many countries that reveal ethnic trends. Therefore, this research compares and contrasts different changes in the fashions of revolutionary periods, and aims to recognize the relationship between design and costume characteristics, thus contributing to the predictions of future changes in fashion.