• Title/Summary/Keyword: movable bed

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An Analysis of the Flow and Bed Topography Characteristics of Curved Channels with Numerical Model (수치모형에 의한 만곡수로의 흐름 및 하상 특성 분석)

  • Jeong, Jae-Uk;Han, Jeong-Seok;Yun, Se-Ui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2000
  • A numerical model which can analyze the flow and bed topography characteristics of a single bend and continuous one was suggested using the equations of mass, momentum, the vertical distribution of secondary flow, and the transverse bed slope. The calculated flow and bed topography characteristic values were compared with the experimental data in a single bend, and the predicted path of maximum streamwise velocity in continuous bends also compared with the Vadnal and Chang's data. The comparisons gave good results. A curved channel with 180 degrees was used. Sand and anthracite were selected as bed materials in the movable bed experiments. The model application of this model to the sand bed and the anthracite one accorded well with the observed values in the experiments. This model was proved to be useful for predicting the flow and bed topography with the change of bed materials. The results of this research could be used to construct and control curved channels as a fundamental information.mation.

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Research on Lighting Performance Evaluation for Different Curvature Reflection Rate in Residential Space (주거공간 내 광선반 곡률 형태에 따른 채광성능평가 연구)

  • Oh, Sangwon;Lee, Heangwoo;Kim, Yongseong;Seo, Janghoo
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2015
  • Currently, 22% of the total energy consumption of buildings in Korea is used for lighting. Light-shelves have garnered attention as a way to reduce consumption, but there are few studies on the types of curve and curvature, which limits the improvement of light-shelf performance and its design. This study constructed a test bed of actual residential types to evaluate the performance. Outcomes of light usage, according to variables of light-shelves, were used as indicators of performance evaluation. The results are as follows:1) Performance evaluation was conducted on flat-type light-shelves to verify performance of curvature-shelves, which are movable with a width of 200 mm, and the most ideal angle and specification per solar term are calculated. 2) The (-) shaped curvature contributed to a reduction in energy consumption and an improvement of evenness. 3) In case of light-shelves with (-) shaped curvature, an increased angle not exceeding $80^{\circ}$ of the arc contributed to an improvement of light penetration. 4) Appropriate specifications of curved light-shelves include movable types with widths of 200 mm, and angle ranges of $20^{\circ}{\sim}60^{\circ}$. 5) Light energy consumption of a movable light-shelf with curvature and width of 200 mm were reduced by 17% and 7.8% compared to a $0^{\circ}$ fixed and a movable light-shelf, respectively.

Estimation methods of maximum scour depth in steep gravel-bed bend channel (급경사 자갈하상 만곡수로의 최대세굴심 산정공식 평가)

  • Cho, Jaewoong;Nam, A-Reum;Woo, Tae Young;Park, Sang Deog
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2016
  • The existing methods to estimate the maximum scour depth in the bend of steep gravel bed channel have been evaluated by the hydraulic movable-bed experiments. In the $90^{\circ}$ bend steep-slope channel paved with the fluvial gravels which are uniform in size and have a mean diameter of 43mm, the maximum scour depths due to the flow discharge and the gradient of bed slope have been investigated and compared with the scour depth computed from the equations. The local scour has occurred in conditions that the bed slope is steeper than 0.02 and the $F_r$ is greater than 0.95. Except Lacey's equation and Zeller's equation, the existing methods computing the maximum scour depth overestimate the maximum scour depth in the steep channel with the very coarse gravel bed. However, Lacey's equation with the bed material size and Zeller's equation considering the approach channel gradient and the bend angle may be relatively used to estimate the scour depth in bend of the steep gravel-bed river.

A Study on the Deformation of the Topographic Feature due to the Construction of the datached Breakwater in the River-mouth Area (하구역에 설치된 이안제에 의한 하구지형변화에 관한 연구)

  • 양윤모;이문찬
    • Water for future
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 1985
  • The flow pattern of the nearshore current generated around the breached breakwaters and river-mouth was simulated by numerical model in the case of the inclined incident wave without river discharge when the detached breakwaters were installed at the river-mouth area for the protection against the blockade of the river-mouth. The validity of the numerical model was testified y comparision with the results obtained through the hydraulic model test at the fixed bed. The deformation of the topographic features around the river-mouth and the detached breakwaters was examined through the three-dimensional hydraulic model test at the movable bed. The usefulness of the detached breakwater work for the protection against the blockade of the river-mouth was identified by the experimental results.

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Suspended Sediment Mechanism above Rippled Bed (해저사연형을 고려한 해안성의 저질부유특성)

  • 김규한
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 1993
  • The suspended sediment mechanism was systematically investigated by analyzing existing data together with new data obtained under several wave folds. A simple empirical formula has been developed to predict the time-averaged suspended sediment concentration above movable bed by the effect of wave and current interaction. The present study shows linear dependency of the diffusion coefficient of suspended sediment on the eddy viscosity coefficient obtained by considering the ripple geometry. Furthermore, it is proved that reference sediment concentration is reduced by the effect of ripple asymmetry.

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Numerical analysis on erosion process of replenished sediment on rock bed

  • Takebayashi, Hiroshi;Yoshiiku, Musashi;Shiuchi, Makoto;Yamashita, Masahiro;Nakata, Yasusuke
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.17-17
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    • 2011
  • As a method of countermeasure to bed degradation and armoring phenomena of bed material in the downstream area of dam reservoirs, sediment augmentation (replenished sediment) has been carried out in many Japanese rivers. In general, bed of the replenished sediment site is composed of rocks, because the site is located in the downstream area of the dams and sediment supply is very small. Bed deformation process has been researched by many researchers. As a method of countermeasure to bed degradation and armoring phenomena of bed material in the downstream area of dam reservoirs, sediment augmentation (replenished sediment) has been carried out in many Japanese rivers. In general, bed of the replenished sediment site is composed of rocks, because the site is located in the downstream area of the dams and sediment supply is very small. Bed deformation process has been researched by many researchers. However, most of them can treat movable bed only and cannot be applied to the bed deformation process of sediment on rocks. If the friction angle between the sediment and the bed surface is assumed to be the same as the friction angle between the sediment and the sediment, sediment transport rate must be smaller without sediment deposition layer on the rocks. As a result, the reproduced bed geometry is affected very well. In this study, non-equilibrium transport process of non-cohesive sediment on rigid bed is introduced into the horizontal two dimensional bed deformation model and the model is applied to the erosion process of replenished sediment on rock in the Nakagawa, Japan. Here, the Japanese largest scale sediment augmentation has been performed in the Nakagawa. The results show that the amounts of the eroded sediment and the remained sediment reproduced by the developed numerical model are $56300m^3$ and $26800m^3$, respectively. On the other hand, the amounts of the eroded sediment and the remained sediment measured in the field after the floods are $56600m^3$ and $26500m^3$, respectively. The difference between the model and field data is very small. Furthermore, the bed geometry of the replenished sediment after the floods reproduced by the developed model has a good agreement with the measured bed geometry after the floods. These results indicate that the developed model is able to simulate the erosion process of replenished sediment on rocks very well. Furthermore, the erosion speed of the replenished sediment during the decreasing process of the water discharge is faster than that during the increasing process of the water discharge. The replenished sediment is eroded well, when the top of the replenished sediment is covered by the water. In general, water surface level is kept to be high during the decreasing process of the discharge during floods, because water surface level at the downstream end is high. Hence, it is considered that the high water surface level during the decreasing process of the water discharge affects on the fast erosion of the replenished sediment.

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Optimal Design of Medical Bed Head Consol Considering the Strength Condition (의료용 베드 헤드 콘솔의 강도조건을 고려한 최적 설계)

  • Byon, Sung-Kwang;Choi, Ha-Young;Lee, Bong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2016
  • Medical bed head consoles (BHC) are generally used to increase the efficiency of medical equipment and speed the medical treatment response time. The BHC design has been consistently improved including a movable shelf unit that is embedded to mount stably medical instruments on the lower part of the main console. The cost of a BHC can be reduced through design optimization to limit the overall weight. However, as the size of a head console might decrease due to design optimization, the BHC deflection could be increased. In this study, multi-objective optimal design was adopted to consider this BHC design problem. In order to reduce the cost of optimization planning, an approximate model was applied for the design optimization. In the context of approximate optimization, we used the response surface method and non-dominant sorting genetic algorithm developed from various fields. Multi-objective optimal solutions were also compared with a single objective optimal design.

Daylighting Performance Evaluation of Light-shelf according to the Reflectivity - Focused on the Residing space - (반사율에 따른 광선반 채광 성능평가 연구 - 주거공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Doyeon;Lee, Heangwoo;Seo, Janghoo;Kim, Yongseong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Due to recent increase on energy consumption for light in building, many studies to mitigate this issue have been conducted. Various researches have been carried out to suggest light shelf as one of the solutions, but researches for its reflectivity is very few. In fact, existing research on light shelf shows that utilizing more than 90% of high-illumination materials causes imbalance of glare and illuminance. Method: Therefore this research aimed to evaluate the performance of light shelves depending on reflectivity and to identify proper solution through test-bed. Result: The results are following: 1) Increased reflectivity generally contributed to increase of indoor illuminance but degrade uniformity factor related with indoor comfort of light environment. 2) The $0^{\circ}fixed$ light shelf with 75% of reflectivity and width of 300mm and 40mm appeared to consume more energy than other shelves. Therefore, it is analyzed as unsuitable. 3) This research was conducted by calculating appropriate angle of light shelf around winter and summer solstices and vernal/autumnal equinox. Based on this, performance evaluation was undertaken depending on reflectivity of movable light shelf, which is activated by external sources and can be applied with lower reflectivity than fixed shelf. However, one exception was a movable shelf with width of 600mm that increased light energy consumption when 75% of reflectivity was applied. 4) Performance evaluation of fixed and movable light shelf showed that the shelf with 80% of reflectivity came up with suitable results, but 75% of reflectivity may be applied depending on the width and angle of the shelf. This research is meaningful in that estimation of appropriate reflectivity of light shelf can resolve the glare problem and improve light environment, and further research would be desirable under more diverse conditions to identify proper solution.

Hydraulic Characteristics of Train Carriage Artificial Reef in Wave and Current Field Conditions (파랑.흐름 공존장에서의 철도차량 인공어초의 수리학적 특성)

  • Sohn, Byung-Kyu;Yi, Byung-Ho;Yoon, Han-Sam
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2011
  • Old train carriages have been used to create artificial reefs (AR) as part of programs to enhance ocean fisheries and recreational resources. This study conducted hydraulic modeling experiments to estimate the structural stability of a train carriage AR. By applying fixed- and movable-bed conditions and Froude similitude, theoretical and hydraulic experiments revealed major design forces(e.g., water waves and currents). The results of this study showed that some dimensionless design parameters (e.g., surf similarity parameters, water particle velocity, scouring, and deposition) also affect the stability of an AR under various wave and current field conditions. In the fixed-bed condition, movement of the AR occurred when dimensionless water particle velocity based on the surf similarity parameter was larger than about 0.32. In the moveable-bed condition, the settlement depth (field values) of the AR ranged from 6 to 30 cm. The results indicated that characteristics of the sediment/bed condition and the direction of external forces acting on an AR should be considered when selecting AR sites.

Analysis of Flow and Bed Changes by Hydraulic Structure using CCHE2D: Focusing on Gangjeong-Goryeong Weir (수리구조물에 의한 흐름 및 하상변동 연구- 강정고령보를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Jung-Min;Jung, Kang-Young;Shin, Dongseok;Lyu, Siwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2017
  • Analysis using a numerical model is important to understand the sediment transport mechanism associated with erosion and sedimentation near weirs and other hydraulic structures within riverine systems. The local riverbed change near a hydraulic structure (Gangjeong-Goryong multi-function weir in the Nakdong river) was analyzed in order to examine the effect of hydraulic structures on local bed change. A 2D numerical model (CCHE-2D) was employed to simulate the sedimentation and erosion over a reach (25 km) including the weir. For the calibration and verification of the model, rainfall data from a real event (Typoon 'Ewiniar' in 2006) were used for flow and stage simulation. And the simulated results show a good agreement with the observed data for the whole domain. From the result, it was found that the installation and operation of the weir could aggravate bed changes by typhoon between movable weirs, and which resulted in redistribution of sediment.