• Title/Summary/Keyword: modern acceptance

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A Study of Influencing Factors Upon Using C4I Systems: The Perspective of Mediating Variables in a Structured Model (C4I 시스템 사용의 영향 요인에 관한 연구: 구조모형의 매개변수의 관점에서)

  • Kim, Chong-Man;Kim, In-Jai
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2009
  • The general aspects for the future warfare shows that the concept of firepower and maneuver centric warfare has been replacing with that of information and knowledge centric warfare. Thus, some developed countries are now trying to establish the information systems to perform intelligent warfare and innovate defense operations. The C4I(Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Intelligence for the Warrior) systems make it possible to do modern and systematic war operations. The basic idea of this study is to investigate how TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) can explain the acceptance behavior in military organizations. Because TAM is inadequate in explaining the acceptance processes forcomplex technologies and strict organizations, a revised research model based upon TAM was developed in order to assess the usage of the C4I system. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting the usage of C4I in the Korean Army. The research model, based upon TAM, was extended through a belief construct such as self-efficacy as one of mediating variables. The self-efficacy has been used as a mediating variable for technology acceptance, and the variable was included in the research model. The external variables were selected on the basis of previous research. The external variables can be classified into following: 1) technological, 2) organizational, and 3) environmental factors on the basis of TOE(Technology-Organization-Environment) framework. The technological factor includes the information quality and the task-technology fitness. The organizational factor includes the influence of senior colleagues. The environmental factor includes the education/train data. The external variables are considered very important for explaining the behavior patterns of information technology or systems. A structured questionnaire was developed and administrated to those who were using the C4I system. Total 329 data were used for statistical data analyses. A confirmatory factor analysis and structured equation model were used as main statistical methods. Model fitness Indexes for measurement and structured models were verified before all 18 hypotheses were tested. This study shows that the perceived usefulness and the self-efficacy played their roles more than the perceived ease of use did in TAM. In military organizations, the perceived usefulness showed its mediating effects between external variables and dependent variable, but the perceived ease of use did not. These results imply that the perceived usefulness can explain the acceptance processes better than the perceived ease of use in the army. The self-efficacy was also used as one of the three mediating variables, and showed its mediating effects in explaining the acceptance processes. Such results also show that the self-efficacy can be selected as one possible belief construct in TAM. The perceived usefulness was influenced by such factors as senior colleagues, the information quality, and the task-technology fitness. The self-efficacy was affected by education/train and task-technology fitness. The actual usage of C4I was influenced not by the perceived ease of use but by the perceived usefulness and selfefficacy. This study suggests the followings: (1) An extended TAM can be applied to such strict organizations as the army; (2) Three mediation variables are included in the research model and tested at real situations; and (3) Several other implications are discussed.

A Study on the Design Changes and the Acceptance of Identity on Luxury Brand Bags -Focusing on the Fashion Collections of Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Chanel-

  • Choi, Jin-Hee;Lee, Mi-Suk
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.111-134
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    • 2016
  • A luxury brand bag is a medium to symbolize brand identity and plays a role in enhancing brand value. A typical example is a designer signature bag such as Hermes Kelly Bag, Birkin Bag, and Lady Dior Bag. The purpose of this study is to analyze the design changes and acceptance of identity of luxury brand bags and examine the design characteristics that succeed to the value of a luxury brand bag. The subjects of the study focused on Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Chanel bags. Photos were collected from www.vogue.co. uk. based on the fashion collections from S/S 2007 to S/S 2016. The study methodology was to analyze the kinds, shapes, colors, materials, and the ornament of subject bags based on previous studies. The results of the study were summarized as follows. For the identity and design changes of each brand, Chanel has tried to combine functionality pursued in the past with constantly changing femininity by making bags in fantastic moods using various materials and free shapes. Gucci has constantly used Ornament elements holding the brand identity of classic bags and trend colors to keep tradition. Louis Vuitton holds fast to its functional shape to protect brand identity through design philosophy that started with a travel luggage and attempts to express modern emotion through Ornament changes. This study confirmed that luxury brands have accepted their unique design characteristics holding brand identity to improve their brand value and attempted to change constructive elements in many different ways for modern reinterpretation.

Online Advertising Contents of Eastern Cultural Values and Western Cultural Values: Comparison between Age and Gender (동양 문화가치관과 서양 문화가치관 표현: 온라인 광고에 대한 연령별, 성별 차이에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Han, Sangpil;Yu, Seung-Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of age and gender on Eastern and Western cultural values imbedded in online advertising. This study conducted a survey of 180 men and women ages between 10s and 60s who lived in Seoul, Korea. They responded the acceptance degree of six online advertising emphasized three Korean traditional values and three Modern values. Research hypotheses of this study were the acceptance of cultural values in online advertising is different between ages, but similar between gender. The hypotheses were supported as the previous studies. Findings suggest several theoretical and practical implications that convergence between modern and traditional values is a more important variable to study in the research of online advertising.

Multimedia Technologies in Modern Educational Practices: Audiovisual Context

  • Mozhenko, Mykola;Donchyk, Andrii;Yushchenko, Anton;Suchkov, Denys;Yelenskyi, Roman
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 2022
  • In modern educational practices, the issue of dependence on the experience of using multimedia by students and the adoption of technologies in education, the perception of their benefits and effectiveness in blended learning is little covered. The purpose of the academic paper lies in assessing the audiovisual context of multimedia technologies, its acceptance by students in practice on the example of using video lectures in blended learning. The methodology is based on an online survey of 120 students of Ukrainian universities who have assessed the experience level in using video lectures, as well as the constructs as follows: Technology Characteristics, Fit, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude, Intention to Use, Actual Use. The results show that the majority of students use video lectures to a certain extent in their training (20,8% have used technology to a certain extent, 49,2% have often used technology in training, 20% are regular users of technology). It has been revealed that most students agree with the relevance of video lectures, the accuracy of lectures, the brevity of lectures, the clarity of lectures, as well as the high quality of lecture videos. It has been estimated that 42,5% believe that lecture videos are an effective tool towards supporting students in hybrid learning. 26,7% of students consider video lectures to be appropriate technologies for online / hybrid courses. In general, 37,5% of respondents find video lectures useful; however, 35,0% do not agree with this statement. 83,3% of students have rated the high level of ease of access to video. In total, 95% of students find lecture videos easy to use. In general, positive attitude of students to video lectures has been revealed.

Review of Traditional Concepts for Modernization of Tradition and Strategy of Modernization (전통의 현대화 원칙 및 전략 수립을 위한 전통 재조명)

  • Han, Sung Gu;Chi, Chun-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.53
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    • pp.131-163
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    • 2017
  • We were already thrown into the modern by the Japanese before reflecting the relevance of modernization and acceptance, and the value of the modern was postponed. The late period of Chosun, people sank into a state of torpor and traditional culture and ideology has caused people to have a negative perception of modern times.Modern times, however, are defined in the relative concept of tradition and modernity in the history of modern times. In order to understand the modern era and its origin, it is necessary to look squarely at the face of modernity. Failure of modern times is a failure of traditional succession.So, if we analyze the causes of the failure of the traditional heritage, why can't we see some of the reasons why we perceive it as a failure? In this thesis, it seeks to understand the diverse views of the traditional elites of the journal and the newspaper, which are published in the traditional education of the journal, and are looking at a variety of views. Moreover, we should seek to explore the traditional elements of the new tradition by discussing the aspects of the educational problems caused by the cause of the accidental break and the educational problems caused by its results.

Effects of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Within the Circumstance of Fourth Industrial Setting

  • Soo-Hwa LEE;Eungoo KANG
    • Fourth Industrial Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This research delves into the topic by exploring the impacts of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) on the fourth industrial setting. As the study begins with a comprehensive review of the literature to find other scholars' contributions, the present authors try to synthesize and integrate scattered related topics in the literature dataset. Research design, data and methodology: We used a descriptive, causal, and explanatory research design hybrid. A causal research design is an approach used to investigate the interaction and relationship between given variables. The screening began with searching using keywords, filtering using the inclusion criteria, and arriving at the final set of sources. Results: There were four crucial findings: 1. The Performance Expectancy Construct Has Strongly Influenced and Influenced the Decision to Acquire and Use a Given Technology. 2. Effort Expectancy Construct Has Influenced the Trends of Adopting. 3. Social Influence and Impact on Choice and Use of Technologies. 4. Facilitating Conditions as A Factor in Modern Production and Consumption. Conclusions: All in all, UTAUT is used in a predictive manner and very instrumental for the producers and users of various technologies. Four primary constructs are critical in making the theory complete, essential, and reliable within the fourth industrial setting.

An Analysis of Consumers' Acceptance of the Sportive Fashion Trends according to their Lifestyle (소비자(消費者)의 라이프스타일에 따른 스포티브 패션 트렌드의 수용(受容) 현황(現況)과 배경(背景) 분석(分析))

  • Kim, Sook-Hyeun;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the most appropriate design concepts for sportive fashion product based on the analysis of consumers' acceptance of the recent sportive fashion trends according to their lifestyle. The subjects consisted of 295 males and females, between 17 and 35 year-old. A self-report questionnaire with 4 stimuli was employed for data gathering, and the data were analyzed by the methods of frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of this study were summarized as follows: For the First, the recent sportive fashion trends were categorized into four groups; 'street- sportive' trend, 'futuristic-sportive' trend, 'ethnic-sportive' trend and 'urban-utility sportive' trend. Secondly, based on the result of cluster analysis on consumers' lifestyle, total four consumer groups were identified; 'pursuing sense' group, 'pursuing culture' group, 'pursuing utility' group, and 'indifference' group. Thirdly, the consumers relatively preferred two sportive styles among the four groups, typically representing 'urban-utility' trend and 'street' trend. The typical 'urban-utility' style was particularly preferred by the consumers who desired to express themselves as urban, modern, and luxurious. The typical 'street' style was preferred by the consumers who tried to express themselves as active and fashionable. Finally, preferences of the sportive trends according to consumers' lifestyle were interpreted as follows: the 'pursuing sense' group relatively preferred 'urbanutility' style and 'street' style, the 'pursuing culture' group preferred 'street' style and the 'pursuing utility' group preferred 'urban-utility' style, meaningwhile the 'indifference' group preferred 'street' style and 'urban- utility' style.

An Analysis of Trend Acceptance of Clothing Items at an Internet Shopping Mall specializing in Fashion - Focusing on 08 S/S Season - (인터넷 패션 전문 쇼핑몰 의류제품의 트렌드 수용분석 - 08 S/S 시즌 여성복 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoo-Mi;Chung, Sham-Ho
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2009
  • Advance development of the internet has brought significant changes to the distribution structure of the fashion industry, resulting in decreased sales in Road shops and sudden growth of online fashion specialty shopping malls. As detailed analysis on internet fashion shopping malls is necessary in order to make a future projection on changes in the fashion industry, this thesis aims to study the color, fabric / pattern, silhouette, item / detail, image, etc of 2008 S/S apparel fashion style sold in the top ten shopping malls, selected in terms of sales volume and awareness. The results were further analyzed to characterize each individual shopping malls, upon which the design was compared with the five main trends for the season provided by three fashion research agencies in order to study the level of trend acceptance. Studies showed that 'Romantic Sake' trend was most widely accepted, followed by 'Eco Nature' which most reflected the characteristics of Spring. 'Modern Ethenic' trend was most aggressively accepted at more upscale shopping malls targeting older demographic, while " Play Urban' was highly accepted by shopping malls specializing in young casual. Due to the disadvantage of not being able to try on the items before purchase, styles following the 'City Luxe' trend featuring fitted suits showed the lowest trend acceptance. Amongst the design elements, color was most widely accepted.

The Modern Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Nietzsche: Focusing Acceptance of the Nietzsche's Philosophy on Guo Mo Ruo and Mao Dun (중국신문학과 니체철학 - 곽말약(郭沫若)과 모순(茅盾)의 니체사상 수용을 중심으로)

  • Ko, Hae-kyung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.33
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    • pp.241-262
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    • 2013
  • Nietzsche in the early 20th century, many Western thought came to China pushed the time, who want to reform the Chinese young intellectuals was a great welcome. Around 5.4 times writers representing China Journalism Guo Mo ruo Mao Dun and social needs of the times according to the spirit, according to their ideology, no tubes and four optional understand Nietzsche. Was acceptable, in the process, Nietzsche was transformed hem into various forms. In this paper, two Guo Mo ruo Mao Dun accept Nietzsche as Nietzsche socreated their own awards and also looked at these similarities and difference. Nietzsche Guo Mo ruo the remnants of the old feudal ideas and traditions were to break down and accept only select perspective. Nietzsche's self-discovery and individual liberty, and against the reality and accept the terms of loan 5.4 seconds, an ideal Nietzsche award was created. However Guo Mo ruo particular aspect of the acceptance of Nietzsche, whereas Nietzsche regarded as an extreme pessimist history, and his extreme caution and idealistic form of individualism was often criticized. Mao Dun the core ideas of Nietzsche 'Superman' and 'will power' noted. 5.4 All time view of life, a new morality must re-evaluate the need for a practical, based on the old tradition of Nietzsche completely against the spirit of rebellion was to have especially appreciated. But this was different Mao Dun Nietzsche and moral beliefs. What is the old morality Nietzsche corrupt, bourgeois morality and ethics, and was negative for democracy and freedom, Mao Dun dark realities facing the old Chinese feudal and traditional idea ofrevolution as a democrat were negative for. Guo Mo ruo Mao Dun optional for Nietzsche's acceptance was 5.4 times that contemporary needs can be met.

A discussion for concept establishment of 'the unity of rhythm and writing' in the formative period of Korean modern poem: Focusing on the Kim Eok's poetics (근대시 형성기의 율문일치(律文一致) 개념정립을 위한 시론(試論) - 김억의 시론(詩論)를 중심으로)

  • Jeong Eunki
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.60
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    • pp.81-103
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the direction and direction of the establishment of a free verse as the concept of the unit of rhythm and writing(律文一致) in the process of forming a modern free verse and to argue about it. In general, it was free verse under the influence of symbolism that our poetry was chosen from the threshold of modern times as a new poetic form of modern times. However, in the reality of Joseon, language has not yet been organized. Although the language of poetry has a distinction from the customs of ordinary languages, the analysis and understanding of poetry has been forced to presuppose an understanding of the language text. For the same reason, literary officials who sought the modern era of Joseon had to think about the rhythm of being referred to as the phonetic level. For this reason, in the phase of seeking a new prototype through the acceptance of modern early Western literature, the question of the universal nature of poetry was mainly directed through the theoretical question of "what is poetry?" But as the perception of the Korean language expanded, it focused on the agony of the Joseon Dynasty amid the special context of 'What is Joseon Dynasty?' In particular, Kim Eok's theory of poetry is an example of whether to understand the rhythm, which correspond to the phonetic stratum of language, at the formal level. This is the process of eventually passing on the fundamental question of "What is poetry?" to the special question of "What is Joseon poetry?" and could result in the question of how to match Joseon's writing and phonetic structure. 「格調詩形論小考」 is an example of this concern.