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An Analysis of Consumers' Acceptance of the Sportive Fashion Trends according to their Lifestyle  

Kim, Sook-Hyeun (Fashion Planning Team, Seoul Fashion Design Center)
Lee, Joo-Hyeon (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of Fashion Business / v.6, no.1, 2002 , pp. 1-19 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to suggest the most appropriate design concepts for sportive fashion product based on the analysis of consumers' acceptance of the recent sportive fashion trends according to their lifestyle. The subjects consisted of 295 males and females, between 17 and 35 year-old. A self-report questionnaire with 4 stimuli was employed for data gathering, and the data were analyzed by the methods of frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of this study were summarized as follows: For the First, the recent sportive fashion trends were categorized into four groups; 'street- sportive' trend, 'futuristic-sportive' trend, 'ethnic-sportive' trend and 'urban-utility sportive' trend. Secondly, based on the result of cluster analysis on consumers' lifestyle, total four consumer groups were identified; 'pursuing sense' group, 'pursuing culture' group, 'pursuing utility' group, and 'indifference' group. Thirdly, the consumers relatively preferred two sportive styles among the four groups, typically representing 'urban-utility' trend and 'street' trend. The typical 'urban-utility' style was particularly preferred by the consumers who desired to express themselves as urban, modern, and luxurious. The typical 'street' style was preferred by the consumers who tried to express themselves as active and fashionable. Finally, preferences of the sportive trends according to consumers' lifestyle were interpreted as follows: the 'pursuing sense' group relatively preferred 'urbanutility' style and 'street' style, the 'pursuing culture' group preferred 'street' style and the 'pursuing utility' group preferred 'urban-utility' style, meaningwhile the 'indifference' group preferred 'street' style and 'urban- utility' style.
sportive fashion; lifestyle; preference of trend; consumers' acceptance; sportive concept;
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  • Reference
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