• Title/Summary/Keyword: model studies

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Investigating 'Model-Dependent Realism' from the Viewpoint of the Traditional Medical Theories Research (한의학 이론 연구의 관점에서 살펴 본 '모형 의존적 실재론')

  • Lee, Choong-Yeol
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2015
  • In a essay that was published on 'Science' in December 2014 as a part of the supplement "The Art and Science of Traditional Medicine," the eastern and western medical theories are discussed with reference to the model-dependent realism suggested by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. This paper examines what the model-dependent realism is, and how it affects the future direction of researches in traditional Korean medical theories. The model-dependent realism holds a meaning in that it puts traditional medical theories in a perspective of models, and allows for application of recent studies in scientific philosophy for researches in traditional medical theories. Especially, the model studies by R. Giere et al. will help elaborate the traditional medical theories from a model perspective. From a model perspective, the 'visceral manifestation', 'meridian and collateral', 'qi-blood', 'eight principles' and 'constitution' theories of traditional medicine have the potentials to develop into valid models, and the traditional medical theory's phenomenological and holistic perspective distinguishes it from western medicine, giving it a competitive edge. In addition, the epistemological pluralism of model-dependent realism can serve as an alternative to relativism or rationalism perspective which put eastern and western medicine in opposition until now.

Anxiety and Norepinephrine System (불안과 노어에피네프린)

  • Sim, Hyun-Bo;Yu, Bum-Hee
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2006
  • Anxiety has been suggested to be related to many neurotransmitters in brain, such as norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, cholecystokinin, and gamma-amino butyric acid. There are many studies to examine the relationship between anxiety and norepinephrine, and norepinephrine seems to be clearly related to the development of anxiety. We suggest that future studies to explore the pathophysiology of anxiety should be necessary, which include studies on antianxiety drugs, genetic studies, animal model studies, and brain imaging studies.

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Evolution of Limits to Growth Studies and its Implications on Concept and Strategy of Sustainable Development (성장의 한계 논의의 전개와 지속가능발전에의 함의)

  • Moon, Tae Hoon
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2016
  • Purpose of this paper is to review series of Limits to Growth studies from its original Rome Club Report published in 1972 to the most recent one in 2012 by Jorgen Randers and finds its implications on concept and strategy of sustainable development. For this purpose first, this paper reviewed series of Limits to Growth studies in details with focus on scenarios used in simulation of world model. Second, response to the original Limit to Growth was reviewed and to see validity of its scenario based simulations, simulated results of interest variables and actual historical data up to the year 2010 was compared. Third, structure and key arguments in both studies, Limit to Growth studies and Our Common Future was explained and compared. Finally, implications of the Limit to Growth studies on concept and strategy for sustainable development was discussed. Based on the comparison, this paper argued that even if the term sustainable development was not used in the Limit to Growth at all, concept and strategies for sustainable development implied in the Limit to Growth are more clear and specific than those of Our Common Future. Since Limit to Growth studies were simulation based ones that produce detailed behaviors on interest variables, it clarifies more clearly the abstract concept of sustainable development and thus, provides specific guidelines for the direction of sustainable policy which has been suffering long from vagueness of concept of sustainable development.

The Impact of Manual Therapy on Pain Catastrophizing in Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

  • Hyunjoong Kim;Seungwon Lee
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Manual therapy is a commonly utilized approach in managing chronic pain, but its specific impact on pain catastrophizing remains uncertain. The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the effects of manual therapy on pain catastrophizing in individuals with chronic pain. Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in electronic databases to identify relevant studies published from 2014 onwards. Studies that evaluated the impact of manual therapy on pain catastrophizing in individuals with chronic pain were incorporated. The risk of bias in the selected studies was evaluated using the Cochrane tool for risk of bias in qualitative analysis. For the quantitative analysis, RevMan 5.4 software was utilized, employing a random-effects model as the analysis model. The effect measure used in the analysis was the standardized mean difference (SMD). Results: In total, 26 studies were collected, and following the screening process, three of them were incorporated into the final analysis. The included studies involved a total of 153 patients with chronic pain. The interventions comprised various manual therapy techniques targeting different areas of the body. Pain catastrophizing and pain intensity were the primary outcomes of interest. The meta-analysis revealed a significant reduction in pain catastrophizing scores following manual therapy intervention compared to control conditions (SMD = -0.91, 95% CI: -1.25 to -0.58). However, heterogeneity between the studies was observed. Conclusions: Despite the limited quantity and heterogeneity of studies, it has been demonstrated that manual therapy intervention is effective in reducing pain catastrophizing in individuals with chronic pain.

Simulation of earthquake records using combination of wavelet analysis and non-stationary Kanai-Tajimi model

  • Amiri, G. Ghodrati;Bagheri, A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2009
  • This paper is aimed at combining wavelet multiresolution analysis and nonstationary Kanai-Tajimi model for the simulation of earthquake accelerograms. The proposed approach decomposes earthquake accelerograms using wavelet multiresolution analysis for the simulation of earthquake accelerograms. This study is on the basis of some Iranian earthquake records, namely Naghan 1977, Tabas 1978, Manjil 1990 and Bam 2003. The obtained results indicate that the simulated records preserve the significant properties of the actual accelerograms. In order to investigate the efficiency of the model, the spectral response curves obtained from the simulated accelerograms have been compared with those from the actual records. The results revealed that there is a good agreement between the response spectra of simulated and actual records.

Designing and Implementing XML DBMS based on Generic Data Model (Generic Data Model 기반의 XML DBMS 설계 및 구현)

  • 임종선;주경수
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2003
  • Nowadays XML is used for exchanging information in e-Commerce, especially B2B. Necessity of XML DBMS has being increased to efficiently process XML data. So a lots of database products for supporting XML are rapidly appeared in the market. In this paper, we made an XML DBMS system based on Generic Data Model. First we developed XML Adaptor based on Generic Data Model and added it on relational DBMS for developing XML DBMS. XML Adaptor is composed of Query Convertor and XML Repository System. The Query Convertor parse commands that are for XML data manipulation and then call the relevant component of XML Repository System for relational database operation. The XML Repository System handles relational database operations such as create, delete, store, and etc. In this way we can use a relational DBMS for manipulation XML data. Therefor we can build more economically XML DBMS.

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Numerical Simulation of OOP(Out-of-Position) Problem with$5_{th}$ Percentile Female F.E Model ($5_{th}$ Percentile 성인 여성 유한요소 모델을 이용한 OOP(Out-of-Position) 문제에 대한 수치해석)

  • 나상진;최형연;이진희
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2004
  • The out-of-positioned small female drivers are most likely to be injured during airbag deployment due to their stature and proximity to the steering wheel and airbag module. In order to investigate the injury mechanisms, some experimental studies with Hybrid III 5% female dummy and with female cadavers could be found from the open literatures. However, the given information from those experimental studies is quite limited to the standard conditions and might not be enough to estimate the airbag inflation aggressiveness regarding on the occupant responses and injury. In this study, a finite element analysis has been performed in order to investigate the airbag-induced injuries. A finite element 5% female human model in anatomical details has been developed. The validation results of the model are also introduced in this paper.

Accurate Non-Quasi-Static Gate-Source Impedance Model of RF MOSFETs

  • Lee, Hyun-Jun;Lee, Seonghearn
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.569-575
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    • 2013
  • An improved non-quasi-static gate-source impedance model including a parallel RC block for short-channel MOSFETs is developed to simulate RF MOSFET input characteristics accurately in the wide range of high frequency. The non-quasi-static model parameters are accurately determined using the physical input equivalent circuit. This improved model results in much better agreements between the measured and modelled input impedance than a simple one with a non-quasi-static resistance up to 40GHz, verifying its accuracy.

Development of Three-Dimensional Contact Model of Human Knee Joint During Locomotion (보행 중 인체 슬관절의 3차원 접촉 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Hyo-Shin;Park, Seong-Jin;Mun, Joung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.11 s.176
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2005
  • The human knee joint is the intermediate joint of the lower limb that is the largest and most complex joint in the body. Understanding of joint-articulating surface motion is essential for the joint wear, stability, mobility, degeneration, determination of proper diagnosis and so on. However, many studies analyzed the passive motion of the lower limb because of the skin marker artefact and some studies described medial and lateral condyle of a femur as a simple sphere due to the complexity of geometry. Thus, in this paper, we constructed a three-dimensional geometric model of the human knee from the geometry of its anatomical structures using non-uniform B-spline surface fitting as a study for the kinematic analysis of more realistic human knee model. In addition, we developed and verified 6-DOF contact model of the human knee joint using $C^2$ continuous surface of the inferior region of a femur, considering the relative motion of shank to thigh during locomotion.