• 제목/요약/키워드: melting time

검색결과 588건 처리시간 0.03초

수평원관내 부분적으로 채원진 상변화물질의 융해과정 (Experimental Study of Close-Contact Melting of Phase-Change Medium Partially Filled in a Horizontal Cylinder)

  • 서정세;노승탁
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제19권9호
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    • pp.2249-2260
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    • 1995
  • An experiment of close contact melting of phase-change medium partially filled in an isothermally heated horizontal cylinder is performed which involves the volume expansion of liquid induced by the solid-liquid density difference. The solid-liquid interface motion and the free surface behavior of liquid were reported photographically. The experimental results show that the curvature of upper solid-liquid interface varied to flat as melting progresses. In addition to the varying interface shape, the melting rate increases with the lower initial height of solid and the free surface height of liquid increases linearly. The experimental results of molten mass fraction were expressed in a function of dimensionless time Fo.Ste$^{3}$4/ and agreed well with the analytical solutions.

염산용해열법을 이용한 콘크리트의 단위시멘트량 추정 (Measurement of Cement Content on Concrete Using the Method of Hydrochloric Acid Melting Heat)

  • 김상민;신세준;현승용;김종;한민철;한천구
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2020년도 가을 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.102-103
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the effect of the change in the cement contents on the basic properties of the concrete and the estimation of the cement contents of hardened concretes using the hydrochloric acid melting heat. As a result of the study, as the cement contents increased, the fluidity and compressive strength increased, and there was no significant difference in the air contents and the unit volume mass. In addition, it showed a high correlation when compared with the estimated cement contents derived using the hydrochloric acid melting and the cement contents at the time of mixing. Therefore, it is considered that the hydrochloric acid melting is possible as a method of estimating the cement contents of concrete.

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용해도 낮은 금속을 이용한 전기 전도성 잉크 (Conductive Inks Manufactured with the Help of Low Melting Metals)

  • 한국남;김남수
    • 한국공작기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2008
  • In this investigation, various factors affecting manufacturing conductive inks are presented, examined and discussed. The discussion includes inherent difficulties in making conductive inks successful and at the same time offers ways in which these difficulties might be overcome. One of the solutions to overcome such difficulties is to use low melting metals and alloys. This aspect is also detailed.

염기도 조절에 의한 석면슬레이트 용융특성 (Melting Characteristics of Asbestos Cement Slate on Basicity Control)

  • 윤진한;길상인;민태진;이정규;장두훈
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2010년도 추계학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.159.2-159.2
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    • 2010
  • Asbestos is the collective name for a group of naturally occurring minerals in their fibrous form and hydrous silicates of magnesium and a mineral fiber that has been used commonly in a variety of building construction materials for insulation and as a fire-retardant. Asbestos has been used for a wide range of manufactured goods, because of its fiber strength and heat resistant properties. Nevertheless harmful of asbestos is quite serious. Exposure to airborne friable asbestos may result in a potential health risk because persons breathing the air may breathe in asbestos fibers. Continued exposure can increase the amount of fibers that remain in the lung. Fibers embedded in lung tissue over time may cause serious lung diseases including asbestosis, lung cancer. In this paper, we carried out as fundamental study for dispose of asbestos cement slate safely and perfectly. Melting Temperature of asbestos need to more than $1,520^{\circ}C$ and specially asbestos cement slate need more energy than that of pure asbestos. We need to decrease melting temperature of asbestos cement slate for economical efficiency. To the purpose, glass and bottom ash were chosen as additives for basicity control. we analyzed about properties of asbestos cements slate, melting characteristics on the additives ratio and temperature. We confirmed about harmlessness of melting slag through analysis of scanning electron microscope(SEM) and x-ray diffractometer(XRD).

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소각재 용융슬래그를 이용한 중금속 흡착특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Adsorption Characteristics of the Heavy Metals using Melting Slag of Incinerator Ash)

  • 유승철;김환기
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2008
  • In order to utilize cinder melting slag as a filter media to control the quality of early rainwater, its environmental stability was verified by heavy metal elution experiment and improved by pre-treatment. Possibilities of improving its function as an absorbent was considered. Absorption characteristics of melting slag before and after the pre-treatment were analyzed by heavy metal equilibrium and stationary-phase column experiments, which in turn were analyzed by comparison experiment with activated carbon. As a result of heavy metal elution experiment, every metal item existed in a much lower amount than the criteria or was not detected, implying that there is no problem recycling it. Absorption equilibrium experiment showed that the time for pre-treatment melting slag to reach the equilibrium was reduced, while the absorbed amount was greatly increased. Stationary-phase column experiment assures us that the elimination rate was not changed much by influx rate, pH and the change in packing volume rate, indicating that this melting slag can be used not only as a filter media to control the quality of early rainwater but also in many areas of water-processing.

Calculating the Threshold Energy of the Pulsed Laser Sintering of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles

  • Lee, Changmin;Hahn, Jae W.
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.601-606
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    • 2016
  • In this study, in order to analyze the low-temperature sintering process of silver and copper nanoparticles, we calculate their melting temperatures and surface melting temperatures with respect to particle size. For this calculation, we introduce the concept of mean-squared displacement of the atom proposed by Shi (1994). Using a parameter defined by the vibrational component of melting entropy, we readily obtained the surface and bulk melting temperatures of copper and silver nanoparticles. We also calculated the absorption cross-section of nanoparticles for variation in the wavelength of light. By using the calculated absorption cross-section of the nanoparticles at the melting temperature, we obtained the laser threshold energy for the sintering process with respect to particle size and wavelength of laser. We found that the absorption cross-section of silver nanoparticles has a resonant peak at a wavelength of close to 350 nm, yielding the lowest threshold energy. We calculated the intensity distribution around the nanoparticles using the finite-difference time-domain method and confirmed the resonant excitation of silver nanoparticles near the wavelength of the resonant peak.

화물 컨테이너용 액상 백 내부 PCM의 용융 과정에 대한 열유동 특성 해석 (Heat and Flow Characteristics During Melting Process of a PCM Inside a Liquid Flexitank for Cargo Containers)

  • 쑨리롱;김준현;나재훈;성재용
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.6-17
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the natural convection heat flow characteristics of the melting process of PCM (palm oil) inside a liquid flexitank(bag) for a cargo container. A film heating element was installed on the bottom of the container, and numerical analysis was performed under heat flux conditions of 1,000 to 4,000 W/m2. As a result, the melt interface of the PCM rises to a nearly horizontal state over time. In the initial stage, conduction heat transfer dominates, but gradually waves at the cell flow and melt interfaces are formed due to natural convection heat transfer. As melting progresses, the Ra number increases parabolically, and the Nu number increases linearly and has a constant value. The Nu number rises slowly under low heat flux conditions, whereas under high heat flux conditions, the Nu number rises rapidly. As the heat flux increases, the internal temperature oscillation of the liquid phase after melting increases. However, under high heat flux conditions, excess heat exceeding the latent heat is generated, and the temperature of the molten liquid is raised, so the increase in melting rate decreases. Therefore, the appropriate heating element specification applied to a 20-ton palm oil container is 2,000 W/m2.

초전도벌크제작시 서냉시간에 따른 임계특성 (The critical characteristics resulted from the slow cooling time in the HTSC bulk fabrication)

  • 임성훈;강형곤;최명호;임성우;한병성
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 1997년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.185-188
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    • 1997
  • The influence of slow cooling and annealing time in $O_2$ during melting and growth step in MPMG process on J$_{c}$ was investigated. Through the measurement of J$_{c}$ SEM and XRD, it can be observed that the critical characteristics were related with the slow cooling time and annealing time in 02 for melting and growth step of MPMG process. The distribution of critical current density with slow cooling time was the porabolic form and the value of J. was the highest at the 40 hour slow cooling time. And also, the value of J$_{c}$, along the annealing time in $O_2$ in the case of the slow cooling time 40 hour was inclined to increase with annealing time. Consequently, it can be suggested that proper slow cooling titre and annealing time along slow cooling in MPMG process be important to improve the critical characteristics.stics.

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고전고급제어(Conventional Advanced Control)를 이용한 TV 브라운관 유리 용해로의 온도제어에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Temperature Control of a TV-Glass Melting Furnace Using the Conventional Advanced Control)

  • 문은철;김흥식
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제6권9호
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    • pp.822-830
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    • 2000
  • A conventional advanced control algorithm is proposed in this paper for improved temperature regulation of a TV-glass melting furnace. The TV-Glass melting furnace is a typical MIMO(Multi-Input Multi Output) system which is subject to various thermal disturbances. Because of its complexity, a detailed mathematical model of the furnace is hard to establish. To design a temperature control control system of the furnace, major input-output variables are selected first, and simple FOPDT(First Order Plus Dead Time) models are established based on the physical meaning and experimental process data. Based on the FOPDT models, a multi-loop control system composed of cascade and single loops are designed for effective control of the MIMO system. Practical implementation on the 150 ton/day furnace using the DCS(Distributed Control System) showed that the proposed control technique performs better than manual control.

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이종 PCM의 선택적 상변화 시의 열전달 해석 (Numerical Study of Heat Transfer with Selective Phase Change in Two Different Phase Change Materials)

  • 김형국;이동규;백종현;강채동
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제25권9호
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2013
  • A numerical analysis of solid-liquid phase change was performed on a heat transfer module which consisted of circulating water path (BRINE), heat transfer plate (HTP) and phase change material (PCM) layers, such as high temperature PCM (HPCM, $78{\sim}79^{\circ}C$) and low temperature PCM (LPCM, $28{\sim}29^{\circ}C$). There were five arrangements, consisting of BRINE, HTP, LPCM and HPCM layers in the heat transfer module. The time and heat transfer rate for melting/solidification was compared to their arrangements, against each other. As results, the numerical time without convection was longer than the experimental one for melting/solidification. Moreover, the melting/solidification with the BRINE I-LPCM-BRINE II-HPCM arrangement was faster(10 hours) than the others; HPCM-BRINE-LPCM, BRINE I-HPCM-LPCM-BRINE II one.