• Title/Summary/Keyword: mechanical behavior

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  • Yang, Yunjie;Chen, Lizhi;Zheng, Zhihong;Wang, Xi;Liu, Xianghuai
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.4 no.S2
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 1995
  • $TiB_2$-TiN double-layer coating have been prepared by ion beam enhanced deposition. AES, XRD, TEM and HRTEM were employed to characterize the $TiB_2$ layer. The microhardness of the coatings was evaluated by an ultra low-load microhardness indenter system, and the tribological behavior was examined by a ball-on-disc tribology wear tester. It was found that in a single titanium diboride layer, the composition is uniform along the depth of the film, and it is mainly composed of nanocrystalline $TiB_2$ with hexagonal structure, which resulted from the ion bombardment during the film growth. The hardness of the $TiB_2$ films increases with increasing ion energy, and approaches a maximum value of the $TiB_2$ films increases with increasing ion energy, and approaches a maximum value of 39 Gpa at ion energy of 85 keV. The tribological property of the TiB2 films is also improved by higher energy of 85keV. The tribological property of the $TiB_2$ films is also improved by higher energy ion beam bombardment. There is no major disparity in the mechanical properties of double-layer $TiB_2$/TiN coatings and TiN/$TiB_2$ coatings. Both show an improved wear resistance compared with single-layer $TiB_2$ films. The adhesion of double-layer coatings is also superior to that of single-layer films.

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Precise EPD Measurement of Single Crystal Sapphire Wafer

  • Lee, Yumin;Kim, Youngheon;Kim, Chang Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.223.1-223.1
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    • 2013
  • Since sapphire single crystal is one of the materials that have excellent mechanical and optical properties, the single crystal is widely used in various fields, and the demand for the use of substrate of LED devices is increasing rapidly. However, crystal defects such as dislocations and stacking faults worsen the properties of the single crystal intensely. When sapphire wafer of single crystal is used as LED substrate, especially, crystal defects have a strong influence on the characteristics of a film deposited on the wafer. In such a case quantitative assessment of the defects is essential, and the evaluation technique is now becoming one of the most important factors in commercialization of sapphire wafer. Wet etching is comparatively easy and accurate method to estimate dislocation density of single crystal because etching reaction primarily takes place where dislocations reached crystal surface which are chemically weak points, and produces etch pit. In the present study, the formation behavior of etch pits and etching time dependence were studied systematically. Etch pit density(EPD) analysis using optical microscope was also conducted and measurement uncertainty of EPD was studied to confirm the reliability of the results. EPDs and measurement uncertainties for 4 inch sapphire wafers were analyzed in terms of 5 and 21 points EPD readings. EPDs and measurement uncertainties in terms of 5 points readings for 4 inch wafers were compared by 2 organizations. We found that the average EPD value in terms of 5 points readings for a 4 inch sapphire wafer may represent the EPD value of the wafer.

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Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Various Grain Size Cp-Ti (입자크기를 달리한 Cp-Ti의 미세구조 관찰 및 SBF하에서의 부식거동)

  • Lee Seung-Woo;Kim Yun-Jong;Ruy Jae-Gyeoung;Park Joong-Keun;Kim Won-Soo;Kim Taik-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.585-588
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    • 2005
  • Titanium and Titanium alloys are widely used as an orthopedic and dental implant material because of their excellent biocompatibility and mechanical strength. In this study, ECAP Cp-Ti and Cp-Ti were heat treated for different annealing time of 30 min, 90 min and 3 hours. The grain size for each condition was studied. The micro-Vicker hardness test was carried out f3r each different heat treated samples. The micro-Vicker hardness test for ECAP Cp-Ti, Cp-Ti and Cp-Ti (3hr) revealed hardness values of 239.5, 182 and 144 Hv, respectively. The grain size was increased from approximately $70{\mu}m\;to\;300{\mu}m$ with the increase in heat treatment time from 30 min to 3 hours. The heat treated samples were tested for their biocompatibility in simulated body fluid (SBF) and corrosion rates was determined using Polarization Curve test (PCT). The PCT results showed Cp-Ti with comparatively high corrosion potential of -0.18 V and corresponding corrosion current of $2\times10^{-6}$ A, while the corrosion rate in ECAP Cp-Ti and Cp-Ti (30 min annealed) showed very similar results of corrosion potential about -0.47 V with corresponding corrosion current of $7\times10^{-8}$ A.

A Study on Nano/Micro Pattern Fabrication of Metals by Using Mechanical Machining and Selective Deposition Technique (기계적 가공과 무전해 선택적 증착기술을 이용한 나노/마이크로 금속패턴 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Sang-Hyun;Youn Sung-Won;Kang Chung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.8 s.185
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed as a part of the research on the development of a maskless and electroless process for fabricating metal micro/nanostructures by using a nanoindenter and an electroless deposition technique. $2-{\mu}m$-deep indentation tests on Ni and Cu samples were performed. The elastic recovery of the Ni and Cu was 9.30% and 9.53% of the maximum penetration depth, respectively. The hardness and the elastic modulus were 1.56 GPa and 120 GPa for Ni and 1.51 GPa and 104 GPa for Cu. The effect of single-point diamond machining conditions such as the Berkovich tip orientation (0, 45, and $90^{\circ}$ ) and the normal load (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 3, and 5 mN), on both the deformation behavior and the morphology of cutting traces (such as width and depth) was investigated by constant-load scratch tests. The tip orientation had a significant influence on the coefficient of friction, which varied from 0.52-0.66 for Ni and from 0.46- 0.61 for Cu. The crisscross-pattern sample showed that the tip orientation strongly affects the surface quality of the machined are a during scratching. A selective deposition of Cu at the pit-like defect on a p-type Si(111) surface was also investigated. Preferential deposition of the Cu occurred at the surface defect sites of silicon wafers, indicating that those defect sites act as active sites for the deposition reaction. The shape of the Cu-deposited area was almost the same as that of the residual stress field.

Experimental study on the damping estimation of the 5$\times$5 rod bundle (5$\times$5 봉다발의 감쇄추정을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Hee;Yoon, Kyung-Ho;Song, Kee-Nam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.503-506
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    • 2005
  • The PWR Nuclear Fuel assembly consists of more than 250 fuel rods that are supported by leaf springs in the cells of more than 10 Spacer Grids (SG) along the rod length. Since it is not easy to conduct mechanical tests on a full-scale model basis, the small-scaled rod bundle (5$\times$5) is generally used for various performance tests during the development stage. As one of the small-scaled tests, a flow test should be carried out in order to verify the performance of the spacer grid like the coolant mixing performance and to obtain the Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV) characteristics of the rod bundle over the specified flow range. A vibration test should be also performed to obtain the modal parameters of the bundle prior to the flow test. In this study, we want to develop the estimation procedure of the damping ratio for the small scaled test bundle. For the damping factor of the rod bundle and the grid case at the first vibration mode, as one of the vibration tests, a so-called pluck testing has been performed in air as a preliminary test prior to in-flow damping measurement test. Logarithmic decrement method is used for calculation of the damping ratio. Estimated damping ratio of the rod bundle is about 0.7% with reasonable error of 2% for the previous results. Nonlinear behavior of the rod bundle might be stem mainly Iron the rod-grid support configuration.

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Evaluating Interfacial Adhesion Properties of Pt/Ti Thin-Film by Using Acousto-Optic Technique (Acousto-Optic 기법을 이용한 Pt/Ti 박막 계면의 접합특성 평가)

  • Park, Hae-Sung;Didie, David;Yoshida, Sanichiro;Park, Ik-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2016
  • We propose an acousto-optic technique for the nondestructive evaluation of adhesion properties of a Pt/Ti thin-film interface. Since there are some problems encountered when using prevailing techniques to nondestructively evaluate the interfacial properties of micro/nano-scale thin-films, we applied an interferometer that combined the acoustic and optical methods. This technique is based on the Michelson interferometer but the resultant surface of the thin film specimen makes interference instead of the mirror when the interface is excited from the acoustic transducer at the driving frequency. The thin film shows resonance-like behavior at a certain frequency range, resulting in a low-contrast fringe pattern. Therefore, we represented quantitatively the change in fringe pattern as a frequency spectrum and discovered the possibility that the interfacial adhesion properties of a thin film can be evaluated using the newly proposed technique.

The Microstructure and Coarsening Behavior of Cr2O3 Dispersoid in ODS Cu Produced by Reactive Milling (반응성 밀링에 의해 제조된 Cr2O3 분산강화형 Cu 합금의 미세조직과 입자조대화)

  • Park, Eun-Bum;Hwang, Seung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2018
  • Copper powder dispersed with 4 vol.% of $Cr_2O_3$ was successfully produced by a simple milling at 210 K with a mixture of $Cu_2O$, Cu and Cr elemental powders, followed by Hot Pressing (HP) at 1123 K and 50 MPa for 2h to consolidate the milled powder. The microstructure of the HPed material was characterized by standard metallographic techniques such as XRD (X-ray Diffraction), TEM and STEM-EDS. The results of STEMEDS analysis showed that the HPed materials comprised a mixture of nanocrystalline Cu matrix and $Cr_2O_3$ dispersoid with a homogeneous bimodal size distribution. The mechanical properties of the HPed materials were characterized by micro Vickers hardness test at room temperature. The thermodynamic considerations on the heat of formation, the incubation time to ignite MSR (Mechanically induced Self-sustaining Reaction), and the adiabatic temperature for the heat of displacement reaction between the oxide-metal are made for the delayed formation of $Cr_2O_3$ dispersoid in terms of MSR suppression. The results of TEM observation and hardness test indicated that the relatively large dispersoids in the HPed materials are attributed to the significant coarsening for the high temperature consolidation; this leads to the low Vickers hardness value. Based on the thermodynamic calculation for the operating processes with a limited number of parameters, the formation kinetics and coarsening of the $Cr_2O_3$ dispersoid are discussed.

A Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement for a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Triangular Ducts (삼각형 단면 덕트 내의 Shear-Thinning 유체에 대한 열전달 촉진에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.3808-3814
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    • 2011
  • The prediction of heat transfer and pressure drops in the exchanger passages is a clue to the problem of heat exchanger design. In order to make such predictions for non-Newtonian fluids, it is necessary to know the relation between the viscous properties of the fluid and the wall shear rate in the duct. This study deals with the limits of validity of the power law equation. The useful methodology of the present research involves a consideration of a more general equation which has power law and Newtonian behavior as asymptotes. It isconcluded that use of the power law equation outside of its applicability range can lead to serious errors inpredicting the heat transfer and pressure drops. The present computational results of the friction factors times Reynolds number for shear-thinning fluid flows in a triangular duct are compared with previous published results, showing agreement with 0.13 % in Newtonian region and 2.85 % in power law region. These shear-thinning fluid results also showed the 12% increase of convective heat transfer enhancement compared with Newtonian heat transfer.

The Change of Microstructures According to the Charging Amounts of Hydrogen in High Strength DP Steels and TRIP Steel (고강도 DP강과 TRIP강의 표면 수소 주입량에 따른 수소취성평가)

  • Lee, Chul-Chi;Park, Jae-Woo;Kang, Kae-Myung
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2012
  • Hydrogen charging was electrochemically conducted at high strength DP steels and TRIP steel with varying charging time. The penetration depths and the mechanical properties with charging conditions were investigated through the distribution of micro-hardness and the microstructural observation of the subsurface zone. The micro-Vickers hardness was measured to evaluate the hydrogen embrittlement of subsurface zone in addition to the microscope investigation. It was shown that the hydrogen amounts decreased in DP steels and TRIP steel with increasing hydrogen charging time. As shown by micro-Vickers hardness test and small punch test results, micro-Vickers hardness and SP energy for DP steels and TRIP steel decreased with increasing hydrogen charging time, for constant value of charging current density. SEM investigation results for the hydrogen contained samples showed that the major fracture behavior was brittle fracture which results in dimples on fractured surface and the size of dimples were decreased with increasing hydrogen charging time. These results indicate that hydrogen embrittlement is the major cause for the fracture of high strength steels and also micro-Vickers hardness test and small punch test is a valuable test method for hydrogen embrittlement of high strength sheet steels.

The Strength Characteristics of PVA Fiber Reinforced CSG Materials (PVA섬유 보강 CSG 재료의 강도특성)

  • Jin, Guang-Ri;Kim, Ki-Young;Quan, He-Chun;Kim, Kyu-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2013
  • Recently, application of CSG is increasing in various design construction projects. At the initial stage of cementation CSG materials show the same mechanical characteristics as soil, however, as the cementation process develops, CSG materials gradually reveal material characteristics of concrete. The hardened CSG manifests elastic behavior such as maximum strength at small strain range and rapid brittle failure. In this research, PVA fiber stiffeners were used in order to: (1) reduce such brittle behavioral characteristics; (2) improve the relatively weak tension performance of CSG materials. The binding strength between the bed materials and fiber prevents rapid brittle failure and increases tensional strength of fiber reinforced CSG materials.Test results show that fiber reinforcement alone could induce the stress-strain characteristics of CSG materials from brittle failure to ductile failure and also increase the residual strength.