• 제목/요약/키워드: meal replacement

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저수온기 참돔(Pagrus major) EP사료 내 동·식물성단백질 혼합물의 어분 대체 (Fish Meal Replacement with a Mixture of Plant and Animal Protein Sources in Extruded Pellet (EP) Diet for Red Seabream Pagrus major at Low Water Temperature)

  • 임종호;김민기;임현운;이봉주;이승형;허상우;김강웅;이경준
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.350-357
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to evaluate how fish meal (FM) replacement in diets with a mixture of animal and plant protein sources affect growth performance, feed utilization, hematological parameters and innate immunity of red seabream Pagrus major. A control FM diet was formulated to contain 65% FM (Con). Two other diets were prepared replacing FM in the control diet with a mixture of protein sources (wheat gluten, soy-protein concentrate, tankage meal, and poultry by-product meal) by 30 and 40% (FM30 and FM40, respectively). Total 300 red seabream (body weight, 77.6±0.3g) were distributed to 12 tanks (300 L) in 4 replicates per diet. The fish were fed the diets to apparent satiation for 19 weeks. After the feeding trial, no significant differences could be observed in growth performance, feed utilization, hematological parameters, innate immunity, and survivals among all the dietary treatments. This long-term feeding trial at low water temperature (13.8-17.5℃) indicates that a proper mixture ratio of wheat gluten, soy protein concentrate, tankage meal, and poultry by-product meal can replace FM up to 40% in red seabream diets.

동·식물성 단백질원료 혼합을 이용한 치어기 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 사료 내 어분대체 (Replacing Fish Meal with a Mixture of Plant and Animal Protein Sources in the Diets of Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus)

  • 김민기;임현운;이봉주;허상우;이승형;김강웅;이경준
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.577-582
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate the replacement of fish meal (FM) with a plant and animal protein mixture (wheat gluten, soy protein concentrate, tankage meal and poultry by-product meal) in the diets of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. The basal diet was formulated to contain 65% FM (Con). Four other experimental diets were formulated with alternative proteins replacing 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of FM (FM20, FM30, FM40 and FM50, respectively). Taurine and betaine were added to the FM replacement diets. Triplicate groups of fish (mean±SD, 5.41±0.01) were fed the diets to apparent satiation for 15 weeks. After the feeding trial, no significant differences were found between any dietary groups in growth performance, feed utilization, survival, hematological parameters or whole-body composition. This result indicates that a proper mixture of the four protein sources with taurine and betaine supplements can be used as FM replacement to reduce FM levels from 65% to 32.5% in juvenile olive flounder diets.

Effects of Replacement of Fish Meal with Poultry By-product Meals on Apparent Digestibility, Body Composition and Protein Efficiency Ratio in a Practical Diets for Rainbow Trout, Onchorynchus mykiss

  • Erturk, M.Mustafa;Sevgili, Huseyin
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.1355-1359
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    • 2003
  • This study examined the replacement of the fish meal (FM) with commercial poultry by-product meal (PBM) in practical diets for rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss, Walbaum). Five isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets containing levels 0 (control), 10, 20, 30 and 40% of PBM as a replacement for FM were fed to three replicate groups of rainbow trout with a initial weight $34.50{\pm}0.43g$ (mean${\pm}$SE). Protein efficiency ratio (PER) of diets containing PBM up to 20% were similar to the control while significantly lower values were obtained from the groups receiving higher levels of PBM (p<0.05). Apparent protein digestibility coefficients (ADCs) were significantly lower than that of the control group when PBM was included at level of 20% or more. Similarly, significantly lower values were observed with diets containing 30 and 40% PBM in terms of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, ash and energy digestibility (p<0.05). Dietary treatments did not significantly affect the body composition of the fish in terms of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and ash. In conclusion, PBM in a proportion of 20% may replace about 40 % of FM in rainbow trout diet without significant impairment grow.

Effect of Partial Replacement of Fish Meal with Squid Liver MealTM in the Diet on Growth and Body Composition of Juvenile Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) during Winter Season

  • Cho Sung Hwoan;Lee Sang-Min;Lee Sang-Mok;Park Bum-Hee;Park In-Seok;Choi Cheol Young;Min Byung Hee;Hur Sung-Bum;Jo Jae-Yoon
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2005
  • We evaluated the effects of the partial dietary replacement of fish meal with squid liver $Meal^{TM}$ on the growth and body composition of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus during the winter season. Twenty-five fish with an initial body weight of 23 g per tank were distributed among 12,250 L flow-through tanks. The experimental diets, which were designated SLM5, SLM1O, and SLM15 diets, were prepared in triplicate along with control diet by replacing 5, 10, and $15\%$ of mackerel fish meal with squid liver $Meal^{TM}$, respectively. The weight gain and specific growth rate of flounder that were fed the control and SLM5 diets did not differ from those of the fish fed the SLM10 diet, but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the fish fed the SLM15 diet. The feed efficiency ratios for the flounder that were fed the control, SLM5 and SLM10 diets were significantly (P<0.05) higher than for the fish that were fed the SLM15 diet. However, the protein efficiency ratio for the flounder was not significantly affected by the experimental diets. The crude protein, crude lipid and ash content, and blood chemistry of the flounder were not significantly affected by the experimental diets. Therefore, the replacement of up to $10\%$ of dietary fish meal with squid liver $Meal^{TM}$ can be made without a reduction in growth or a deterioration of the feed efficiency of juvenile olive flounder during the winter season.

충청지역 대학생의 가정간편식 섭취 실태 및 섭취 정도에 따른 식사의 질 평가 (Home Meal Replacement Use and Dietary Quality according to Its Use Frequency among University Students in Chungcheong Area)

  • 황다윤;정세빈;강지원;최인영;김미현;최미경;배윤정
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse factors related to Home Meal Replacement (HMR) use among university students and to determine the dietary quality according to its consumption. A survey on the consumption of HMR and Nutrition Quotient (NQ) was conducted from September to November 2021. The study included 232 university students (88 males, 144 females) from Chungcheong. The proportion of consumption at least once a week was 71.55% for ready-to-eat foods, 55.60% for ready-to-cook foods, 40.95% for fresh-cut products, and 21.12% for meal-kits. The preference ratings were as follows: ready-to-eat foods, 3.77 out of 5 points, meal-kits, 3.53 points, fresh-cut products, 3.52 points, and ready-to-cook foods, 3.45 points. In terms of satisfaction, convenience (4.06 out of 5 points), taste (3.71 points), variety (3.67 points), and food hygiene (3.62 points) were rated the highest. The scores in the moderation NQ were significantly lower in the groups that consumed ready-to-eat foods (p=0.0002), ready-to-cook foods (p=0.0002), and meal-kits (p=0.0068) at least once a week compared to the groups that consumed them less than once a week. In conclusion, the results will serve as basic data for nutrition education for proper consumption of HMR among university students.

사료 내 면실박 및 대두박 첨가가 넙치의 번식 조직학에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Cottonseed and Soybean meal on Reproductive Histology of Olive Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus)

  • 임세진;이경준;이영돈;송영보
    • 한국양식학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2006
  • The gossypol existed in cottonseed meal is a well known antispermatogenic agent which can impair reproductive performances of male fish as well as mammals. Two feeding experiments were conducted to examine a toxic effect of dietary supplementation of cottonseed meal on reproduction in juvenile olive flounder (the first experiment) for 19 weeks and growing olive flounder (the second experiment) for 26 weeks. After each feeding study, females and males were sampled for histological examination in gonads and liver to verify any negative effects by the dietary supplementation of cottonseed and soybean meal on reproduction. After two feeding trial, the gonad somatic index (GSI) of male and female (from the first feeding trial) were not significantly different among all the dietary treatments. The GSI values of female (from the second feeding trial) were not significantly different among all the dietary treatments. However, males fed cottonseed and soybean meal containing diets exhibited significantly lower GSI than that fed the control diet after the second feeding trial. Histological examination of gonads and liver of fish fed cottonseed and soybean meal did not show any negative effects compared to those of fish ffd the control diet. Hepatosomatic index of fish in the first and second feeding trials were not significantly different among all the dietary treatments. The findings in this study suggest that dietary supplementation of cottonseed and soybean meal up to 40% fish meal replacement might not deteriorate the gametogenesis of juvenile and growing olive flounder. However, the supplementation in diets over 30% fish meal replacement might reduce GSI of male in growing olive flounder.

육성기 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 사료 내 어분 대체를 위한 식물성 원료 평가 (Evaluation of Three Plant Proteins for Fish Meal Replacement in Diet for Growing Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus)

  • 임현운;김민기;신재형;신재범;허상우;이봉주;이경준
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.464-470
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to replace fish meal (FM) with three plant proteins (soybean meal, soy protein concentrate, and wheat gluten) in diets for growing olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. The control diet was formulated to contain 65% sardine FM and four other replacement diets were formulated to replace FM with the plant proteins by 25, 30, 35 and 40% (designated FM25, FM30, FM35 and FM40, respectively). The replacement diets were added with three essential amino acids (lysine, methionine and threonine) to meet their requirements for the fish. Olive flounder (initial average weight, 96.8±0.2 g) were randomly distributed into 20 tanks (425 L each) at a density of 25 fish per tank. Four replicate groups of fish were fed one of the diets two times daily for 15 weeks. At the end of the feeding trial, no significant differences were found among all the fish groups in growth performance, feed utilization, nonspecific immune responses and hematological health parameters. Thus, this result indicates that the plant proteins with the three limiting amino acids could replace FM up to 40% in diets for growing olive flounder.

가정식사대용식(Home Meal Replacement) 소비자의 시장세분화에 관한 연구 (A Study on Market Segmentation of Home Meal Replacement Consumers)

  • 김현정;김동진
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구의 목적은 (1) 선택결정요인에 따른 가정식사대용식(HMR) 소비자를 세분화 하고, (2) 각 세분시장의 독특한 인구통계적인 특성과 구매행태를 조사하는 것이다. 이를 위해 총 266개의 응답을 SPSS 19.0을 이용해 분석하였다. 통계분석은 빈도분석, 교차분석, 요인분석, 군집분석, 다변량 분산분석, 판별분석이 사용되었다. 요인분석 결과 음식의 질(food quality), 디자인(design), 편리성(convenience), 접근성(accessibility) 과 같이 4개의 요인이 도출되었다. 도출된 요인을 이용해 군집분석을 실시한 결과 2개의 세분시장이 파악되었으며, 각각 고관여 HMR 소비자와 저관여 HMR 소비자로 명명되었다. 고관여 HMR 소비자는 모든 선택결정요인에 걸쳐 저관여 HMR 소비자에 비해 더 중요하게 지각하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 두 집단은 인구통계적 특성과 구매행태에 있어 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 위와 같은 통계분석 결과에 따른 시사점이 결론부에 제시되었다.

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찌개 HMR (Home Meal Replacement)에 대한 L.A. 지역 미국 소비자들의 태도, 인식 조사 및 기호도 조사 (A Study on the Attitude, Perception, and Preference of Jjigae HMR (Home Meal Replacement) for Americans in L.A. Area)

  • 김미영;이보라;이영승;이영헌
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.704-715
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to examine attitude, perception, and sensory evaluation of Jjigae HMR (Home Meal Replacement) for Americans in the L.A. area. Attitude and perception of Jjigae were conducted by 128 consumers. The questions were as follows: 1) frequencies and attitude toward soup and stew, 2) experience and frequency of Korean food intake, 3) awareness of Korean Jjigae. A total of 69.5% of American had previous experience with Korean foods. However, the frequencies of Korean food intake were once every few months (27.4%) or once a year (18.9%). The 20.2% of consumers selected Kimchi-jjigae as the best-known Korean Jjigae, and 17.1% of consumers had previous experience with Kimchi-jjigae. However, the 23.7% of consumers did not have experienced with Jjigae. Sensory evaluation was conducted using Sundubu-jjigae and Kimchi jjigae. Overall liking and flavor liking were conducted by Americans using a nine-point scale (1: Dislike extremely - 9: Like extremely). The degree of intensity for sensory attribute was also rated using a nine-point Just-About-Right(JAR) scale (1: not nearly spicy/sour enough, 5: Just-About-Right, 9: too spicy/sour). Purchasing intention was rated using a five-point scale (1: Definitely would not purchase, 5: Definitely would purchase). Overall liking and flavor liking of two jjigae (Sundubu-jjigae & Kimchi-jjigae) had a value higher than five on the nine-point scale. The level of spiciness of Sundubu-jjigae was suitable for consumers whereas spiciness of Kimchi-jjigae was significantly different from the JAR value of five points on the nine-point JAR scale, showing that Kimchi-jjigae was significantly spicier than JAR point. Purchasing intention had a value higher than three on the five-point scale.