• 제목/요약/키워드: maternal behaviors in mother-child interaction

검색결과 17건 처리시간 0.023초

반성적 사고 중심의 모자 상호작용 증진 프로그램 효과 연구 : 발달지체유아 모자를 중심으로 (The Effects of an Intervention Program for Mother-child Interaction Behaviors Based on Reflective Thinking for Developmentally Delayed Young Children and their Mothers)

  • 노진형;정계숙
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.331-350
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    • 2005
  • The study examined the effects of an intervention program based on reflective thinking on mother-child interaction behaviors. Three mothers with problematic mother-child interactions and their 4-year-old socially delayed boys participated in the program that consisted of four main activities like journal and video feedback, lectures on interactive strategies, mother-child interactive play and program evaluations and ran for twenty 120 minutes weekly sessions. The level of reflective thought was determined by analyzing interview transcripts, journal entries. The videotaped mother-child interaction behaviors were rated by the Maternal Behavior Rating Scale and Child Behavior Rating Scale. It was concluded that the program enhanced mother's reflection on mother-child interactions and changed interaction behaviors of 3 mother-child pairs positively.

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학령전기 말더듬아동의 어머니-아동 상호작용 행동특성 (Mother-Child Interactions in Preschool Children Who Stutter)

  • 김정미;심현섭;이은주
    • 음성과학
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2005
  • This study was to examine the relationship between maternal interactive behaviors and stuttering behaviors in preschool children who stutter. Participants were twenty-four children who stutter and their mothers. For the purpose of the current study, 5$\sim$10 minutes of 50 minutes videotaped scenes originally collected to develop fluency assessment instrument were re-videotaped. They included mother-child interactions during playing with toys and reading book situations. Mothers-children interactive behaviors were assessed with Maternal Behavior Rating Sroles(MBRS) and Child Behavior Rating Scales (CBRS). And children's stuttering were assessed with Paradise-Fluency Assessment(P-FA). The results were as follows: 1) the maternal interactive behavior did not significantly differ depending on situations, but scores of maternal responsive factor were higher in the play situation than in the reading situation. 2) Maternal responsiveness might influence on promoting the children's pivotal behavior with children who stutter. And 3) the level of maternal responsiveness was the predictor of children's stuttering behaviors. The therapeutic implication of the results were discussed.

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어머니의 상호작용행동 및 언어입력과 영·유아의 언어발달과의 관계: 다문화가정과 일반가정의 비교 (Relation among Mother's Interaction Behavior, Mother's Language Input and Children's MLU: A Comparison between Multicultural- and Korean-Families)

  • 박혜원;이국희;조증열
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.439-451
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    • 2012
  • Maternal interaction behavior, language input and children's language of 34 multicultural families were compared with those of ordinary families. MLU's of multicultural mothers and their children were shorter than those of ordinary Korean mothers and children. Positive maternal interaction behaviors of multicultural mothers were significantly lower than those of ordinary mothers. Correlational analyses revealed that there were positive correlations among maternal interaction behaviors, mother's MLU and children' MLU in multicultural families. However, there were no such correlations in ordinary families. Findings suggest language education and support for multicultural mothers be an effective policy for their children's language development.

사회적 게임에서의 영아-어머니 상호작용 (Mother-Infant Interactions in Social Games)

  • 이미란;이영
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2000
  • This study investigated the development of infant behaviors and maternal scaffolding in mother-infant games. Subjects were 60 mothers and their 9-, 12-, 15- and 18-month infants, 15 dyads in each age group. Mother-infant interaction was videotaped in the laboratory as they played peek-a-boo and a ball game in 2 sessions. Infant game behaviors were classified by the Rome-Flanders, Cossette, Ricard and $D{\acute{e}}carie$(1995) list, and maternal game behaviors were classified by the Hodapp, Goldfield & Boyatzis(1984) list. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA with repeated measures, sequential analysis and Z test as well as qualitative analysis. Results showed that infants played an increasingly active role with age. Infants mastered the ball game at earlier age than peek-a-boo. Mothers scaffolded infant behaviors in various ways. The amount of maternal game behavior varied by type of game.

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모-태아 상호작용에 대한 문헌고찰 (Literature review on maternal-fetal interaction)

  • 조결자;김정순
    • 부모자녀건강학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2000
  • Pregnancy is a task of creation in which a women mobilizes her self and the resources available to her in the generation of a new person. Through the pregnancy, a mother has formed the new human relationship with a fetus. Maternal-fetal relationship is considered one of mechanism making the relationship of mother and child. It is important to well-being of mother and fetus, too. The earliest interaction between a mother and her child is during prenatal period. Maternal-fetal dyad is unique and perceived interactions with the fetus make the pregnancy real for the mother. Maternal behavior is "instinctive" and is formed in early childhood by copy of the mother. But, Rubin argues that this behavior is an open intellectual system rather than a prepackaged bundle of traits. There is openness to new learning and a high value placed on knowing which occurs with silent organization in thought. Thus, nurses and other health professionals provide prenatal care that optimally is part of the environment in which the maternal-fetal dyad develops. Thus it is appropriate for nurses to increases their understanding of the dyad and to explore ways to enhance its development. This study focusses on the interaction ability and response of fetus, and the maternal-fetal interaction. The research of fetal responses that involve physiological changes and motor movement have been shown to coccur to both external sensory stimuli and to maternal emotional states. The fetus does also have sensory capacity to be aware of some maternal behaviors, and the motor ability to respond in a way the mother can notice. Thus, very rudimentary interactions appear to be possible. Maternal awareness of fetal activity was supported by several studies. More interesting to the present study are description of maternal-fetal interaction and the finding that there appear to be levels of sensitivity to the fetus involved in maternal-fetal interactions. First, recognition comes that the fetus is separate from the maternal self. Next, the fetus engages in. Lastly, the parent may describe active interaction with the fetus, believing that mother and fetus are communicating on a meaningful level. Several interventions, developed to promote more active interaction between mother and fetus, have been reviewed. In general, the parents were taught to stimulate the fetus and to notice the fetus' responses. This type of intervention might increase the mother's sensitivity to her unborn baby, and she may have a head start toward learning how to res pond sensitivity to the newborn infant. Research In the area of maternal-fetal interaction is scarce. Sensitive behavior is construed as an appropriate and timely response to a signal of need from another person, but no such signal of need can be claimed regarding the fetus. The highest level of maternal-fetal interaction, therefore, might be based more on maternal representations of the imagined fetus than on factual evidence of fetal participation.

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Korean Mothers' Ideal and Actual Parenting Behaviors Toward their Young Children as a Function of Child Gender, Age, and Birth Order

  • Park, Sung-Yun;Kim, Min-Jung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to examine mothers' ideal and actual parenting behaviors toward their infants in three parenting domains; social, didactic, and limit setting. A total of 264 mothers of young children under age three from Seoul, Korea completed Parental Style Questionnaires (PSQ). Mothers' self report on their ideal and actual parenting were explored as a function of child sex, age, and birth order. As expected, there were significant differences between mothers' ideal and actual behaviors in all three parenting domains: Mothers' ideal behaviors such as social interaction, didactic interaction and limit setting were higher than those of their actual behaviors. For mothers' ideal parenting, results revealed neither significant main effects nor interaction effects. However, the Parenting Domain x Birth-Order 2-way interaction and the Parenting Domain x Child Age 2-way interaction were significant for mothers' actual behaviors. Specifically, mothers reported more social and didactic behaviors with their first-born than later born children, but not for limit setting behavior. It was also found that higher limit setting behaviors were apparent for their 2- and 3-year-old than 1-year old children whereas lower social interactions were found for 3-year-old than for 1-year-old. In light of universality and uniqueness, mothers' parenting behavior toward young children has been discussed.

한국인 영아초기 수유시 모아상호작용 행동형태에 관한 현상학적 연구 (A Phenomenological Study on Mother-Infant Interacting Behavior Patterns Related to Newborn Infant Feeding in Korea)

  • 한경자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.89-116
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study was to describe mother -infant interacting behavior patterns related to newborn infant feeding and to explore the mother's cultural belief about their infant. The data collection was conducted by observation and interview. Twenty-five mothers and their newborn infants who were normally delivered and were also planned to breast feed were comprised as the subjects of this study. All subjects were interviewed and observed individuaily at 1 to 5 days after the delivery at the hospital, mid -wife's clinic, Maternal Child Health Center and their home throughout the country from remote area to big city, The observation data were recorded with symbolic letter on a recording sheet newly developed as a result of preliminary study. The interview data were taperecorded and then recorded in narrative form. Mother - infant interaction behaviors in early feeding period were analyzed based on 19 analytic sub-categories and their composing elements. Unit of analysis were mother, infant and mother -infant dyad. 8 analytic categories draw from the data. Each were preparation, instrument, interaction inducing, evaluation referred to mother's behavior, preparation, instrument, interaction inducing referred to infant's behavior and synchronic behaviors referred to mother - infant dyad. Frequencies of behavior items based on the categories were converted to percent. The result showed that in mother's preparation behavior, the breast condition of Korean mother can be an affecting factor for mother - infant interaction during feeding, and vocalization behavior was observed most frequently in interaction inducing behavior while the least frequent behavior observed was contacting. Subcultural characteristics of mother - infant interaction behaviors were analyzed for their relationships between groups of mothers who have lived in remote area vs urban area, and who were multipara vs primipara. Using a chi -square test, there were statistically significant relationships in the activity of psychological readiness in preparation behavior and the movement of extremities for the position of instrumental behavior in both groups. However, interaction inducing behaviors were not related with statistical significance in any set of groups. Accomplishment of marriage, bonding and emotional mediation of family members were the categories related to mother's cultural belief about the infant in aspect of functional values. Infant at birth is considered little more than a biological organism without social capabilities. Although the newborn infant is still be attached to his mother, he makes his mother extend her territoriality. The mother's interacting behavior toward her infant based on those beliefs appeared task oriented, separative behavioral series. On the other hand, it was seen that infant reacted independently to his mother's behavior by the in-nate perceptual abilities. Those independent behavioral series of mother and infant on the feeding situation were synchronized at any moment. Nurses are In a unique position to teach mothers about their infant's capabilities and help reducing some of uncertainty about infant's behaviors. Study results indicated that the informations infant's social capabilities and breast feeding should be given to the mothers. The results of this study have several implications for nursing. First, the study results will be used as fundamental resources for the development of the assessment tool about the early mother - infant interaction. Second, the results could be a relevant information in the fied. I of maternal child nursing education as real and useful data. Third, the behavioral patterns of early mother - infant interaction which were classified based on the qualitative analysis could be used for nursing theory development as very fundamental data.

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어머니를 위한 상담활용 부모교육(CUPEM) 프로그램의 효과 (The Effectiveness of the Counseling-Utilized Parent Education for Mothers(CUPEM))

  • 김진이;정문자
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권7호
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Counseling-Utilized Parent Education for Mothers (CUPEM). CUPEM was developed based on Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Solution-Focused Therapy, Satir's Experiential Family Therapy, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. The subjects were 51 mothers of 4 and 5 year old children and randomly assigned either to the intervention group (n=26) or the comparison group (n=25). Mothers in the intervention group had 10-2 hour intervention sessions while those in the comparison group received the intervention after this study was completed. Both groups received pre-and post-test evaluation, and a follow-up test. The data were analyzed by t-test and paired t-test. The results showed that participanting mothers' parenting stress was lessened while sense of parenting competence and positive maternal behaviors during mother-child interaction were increased significantly. Second, these mothers' self-confidence and maternal attitude toward childrearing were improved. Third, this effect lasted for at least one month after the termination of this program.

모-자녀간 상호작용 시 어머니의 양육행동과 유아의 순응/불순응 행동 간의 상호적 관계 : 단기 종단 연구 (Reciprocal Relations between Maternal Parenting Behavior and Preschoolers' Compliance/Noncompliance during Mother-child Interactions : A Short-term Longitudinal Study)

  • 신나나;박보경;김소영;도현심
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2015
  • This study examined short-term longitudinal reciprocal relationships between maternal parenting behavior and preschoolers' compliance/noncompliance, as well as stability in both maternal parenting behavior and preschoolers' compliance/noncompliance over time. The sample which was used for this study was taken from a two-wave (one year apart) longitudinal study of preschool-aged children and their mothers (N = 53 dyads). At both times, mothers and their children were invited to a laboratory and engaged in 25 minutes of play involving three episodes of mother-child interaction. Maternal parenting behavior and preschoolers' compliance/noncompliance during play were coded using the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System-III (DPICS-III). Maternal codes included positive, neutral, and negative parenting behaviors and child codes were comprised of compliance and noncompliance. The results revealed that during the play session, maternal neutral and negative parenting behavior and preschoolers' compliance were stable over time. In addition, T1 maternal negative parenting behavior was significantly related to T2 child compliance/noncompliance. However, T1 child compliance/noncompliance were not significantly associated with T2 maternal parenting behavior. These findings suggest that during the preschool period, there are unidirectional effects from mothers to children.

어머니의 사회성 발달에 관한 신념 및 대인관계 유능성이 자녀의 또래관계 관리에 미치는 영향 (Mother's Management Behaviors of their Children' Peer Relationships: Relations with Beliefs and Interpersonal Competence)

  • 안선희
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권12호
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between mother's management behaviors of their children's peer interaction, their beliefs about social skills, recollections of childhood peer relationships, and interpersonal competence. Subjects consisted of 258 mothers of 4- to 5-year-old children. The sample of mothers completed a series of questionnaires assessing their beliefs of social skills, their peer experiences, and the involvement activities of their children's peer relationships. The results indicated that the beliefs about social skills, recollections of childhood peer relationships, and interpersonal competence were associated with the mother's management behaviors. Maternal memories of childhood peer relationships were the best predictor of mother's management behaviors of their children's peer interaction.