• Title/Summary/Keyword: market development strategy

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A Catch-up Strategy of the K-Pop Firms in the Latecomer Environment (후발산업국 환경에서의 K-Pop기업 추격전략)

  • Choi, Hyundo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2015
  • The rise of K-Pop in the latecomer environment is unusual. There is little research on K-Pop from the catch-up perspective though it would yield some insight into a strategic direction of creative industries in the latecomer environment. Thus, this study aims to compare the firm capability, market development, and product strategy of K-Pop firms with ones of manufacturing firms during the catch-up period. It reveals first that K-Pop firms developed project execution capability to carry out discrete projects effectively by adopting in-house (vertical) system in music production and increasing the size of firms. Second, they pursued global market and utilized the window of opportunities based on a proven music genre. Third, K-Pop firms pursued the incremental innovation in the product development. Since these characteristics have many similarities with the catch-up strategy in the manufacturing sector, Korean catch-up experience could provide valuable insight into the development of creative industries in Korea.

Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Strategy Priority Decision-making for Brand Communication by Korean Restaurants Overseas (계층분석과정(AHP)을 이용한 해외 한식당 브랜드 커뮤니케이션 전략의 우선순위 결정)

  • Cha, Sung-Mi;Yang, Il-Sun;Baek, Seung-Hee;Kim, Yoon-Ji;Jeong, Jin-Yi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.274-284
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    • 2012
  • This study presents the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a potential decision-making method for obtaining the relative weights of alternatives through pairwise comparison in the context of hierarchical structure. The aim of this study was to elicit prior strategies for brand communication for Korean restaurants overseas. We created a questionnaire and surveyed experts at government agencies, restaurant companies, and universities from October to November 2011. By applying the pairwise comparison matrix, relevance was perceived as a more important strategy evaluation criteria than effectiveness or urgency. The highest-ranked strategy was the 'Identification of the BI and positioning of Korean restaurants' followed by 'Development of Korean food content for overseas promotion', 'Development of locally customized Korean food recipes and new Korean menus', 'Development of marketing communication strategies for Korean restaurants by countries', and 'Development of Korean restaurant differentiation strategies'. The results of this study can be used for effective Korean food globalization by enhancing the competitiveness in the world market.

Weighing the CS Experts' Priority on the Quality of Each Housing Segment - Focused on Apartment Building Construction Projects - (공동주택 부위별 마감수준에 대한 CS전문가 집단의 인식 분석)

  • Cho, Tae-Jea;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.609-617
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    • 2011
  • For the past several decades, the residential housing market has been led by construction firms rather than consumers; in essence, it has been a suppliers' market. However, the market is experiencing a transition to a buyers' market, the implication of which is that there will be increased competition among the residential building suppliers. For this reason, it is necessary for construction firms to prepare new strategies to respond to the rapidly changing market environment. Furthermore, consumer satisfaction should be valued more highly than in the past, and should be a baseline in formulating construction product development strategy. For the pre-classified 13 apartment building segments, questionnaire surveys are conducted for the 50 CS (Customer Satisfaction) experts to evaluate their perceptions on the weighing of the quality of each apartment segment. Data obtained from a survey of experts was analyzed from an industry perspective utilizing the AHP technique. Analysis results indicate that the CS experts valued the kitchen & dining area more highly than all other segments. Specific analysis results and implications drawn from the study can be a valuable basis for marketing, product development, and quality management.

Social Networks As A Tool Of Marketing Communications

  • Nataliia Liashuk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2023
  • The relevance of the research topic lies in the necessity to use social networks as innovative tools of marketing communications. A wide audience and the ability to segment the market for a specific consumer determine the construction of a corporate strategy, which will be based on using the social networking approach. The spread of the global coronavirus pandemic has led to the rapid development of remote communication channels between the company and the customer. The issue of using marketing tools in social networks acquires the most urgent importance in the modern world of the introduction and implementation of the company's marketing strategies. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the use of social networks as features of implementing the marketing campaign. Social networks are the result of the development of digital technologies and the processes of creating an information society involved in the digital space. The objectives of the research are to analyse the opportunity of using social networks as a tool for marketing communications and their implementation at the level of its widespread use by enterprises and establishments. It is significant to create an advertising campaign by defining the target audience and outlining the key aspects, on which the company is focused. The research methodology consists in determining the theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence of introducing social networks and their practical importance in the implementation of marketing activities of companies. The obtained results can significantly improve the quality of functioning of modern enterprises and organizations that plan to master a new market segment or gain competitive advantages in the existing one. The academic paper examines the essence of social networks as a tool of marketing communications. The key principles of the development of digital social platforms were revealed. The quality of implementing the advertising campaign in the social network was studied, and further prospects for the development of using social networks as a component of the marketing strategy were outlined. Therefore, the academic paper analyses the problems of using social networks as a marketing tool.

A CASE STUDY ON DEVELOPING A DESIGN OF OIL FAN HEATER - With a focus on '92 GoldStar Co Oil fan heater - (석유 팬 히터 디자인 개발 사례 연구 - '92금성사 석유팬 히터를 중심으로 -)

  • 오성진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.47-72
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    • 1993
  • Nowadays conmpetltlOn of developing new products is getting keen. We can notice that the role and importance of design are emphasized more than ever.The main cause of this tendency is that technical power is no more a factor which secures the superiority in products competition, as technology is gneneralized in the world. Therefore, design is recognized intensely as a competitive strategy to promote competitive power of products. It is an already known fact that the design for both rational function and charming form to satisfy consumer's desires is a short cut to success, when a company develops a new product to promote competitive power in market. The design which plays a leading role in the activity of developing more cnovenient, more economical and more aesthetic products is called 'Competitive Edge' or 'New Corporate Weapon'. Judging form each company's case of developing products, we can guess that it has its own plan and process of developing new products with defferdnl interest and effort. The strategy of developing products is considered as the most important factor that affects the very existence of rhe company. This thesis is composed of six chapters in all. In the firstchapter, I describe the purpose, method, and scope of study.The second chapter includes the image of form in oil fan heater market in nearby Japan and that of interior in our domestic home and shops, and the trend of word life cycle by analyzing circumstances. The third chapter focuses on consumer's attitude. In the fourth chapter, I compare and test current products of competitive companies including Samsung, Daewoo, Shinilwith those of Gold STar. The trend of products, technique, and design which resulted form this comparison is described. In the fifth chapter I explain the strategy, and process of design of oil fan heater in 1992. The last conclusive chapter presents the major point drawed form the case study, but not includes an estimation of products and the condition of market. In this thesis, I reconsider the general understanding of design and designing process and the value of design as a main factor in the strategy of management by investigating the development of products and the strategy of design, and the process of design.

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Using genetic algorithm to optimize rough set strategy in KOSPI200 futures market (선물시장에서 러프집합 기반의 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 최적화 거래전략 개발)

  • Chung, Seung Hwan;Oh, Kyong Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.281-292
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    • 2014
  • As the importance of algorithm trading is getting stronger, researches for artificial intelligence (AI) based trading strategy is also being more important. However, there are not enough studies about using more than two AI methodologies in one trading system. The main aim of this study is development of algorithm trading strategy based on the rough set theory that is one of rule-based AI methodologies. Especially, this study used genetic algorithm for optimizing profit of rough set based strategy rule. The most important contribution of this study is proposing efficient convergence of two different AI methodology in algorithm trading system. Target of purposed trading system is KOPSI200 futures market. In empirical study, we prove that purposed trading system earns significant profit from 2009 to 2012. Moreover, our system is evaluated higher shape ratio than buy-and-hold strategy.

Success Strategy of Yuhan-Kimberly's Huggies Magic Panty through Product Repositioning (제품 리포지셔닝을 통한 유한킴벌리 <하기스 매직팬티>의 성공전략)

  • Park, Heung Soo;Choi, Sun-Mi;Kang, Seong Ho;Kwon, Gae Eun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.185-203
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    • 2009
  • Yuhan Kimberly, a joint-venture company of Korean Yuhan Company and American Kimberly-Clark, opened a premium diaper market in Korea by launching Pull-Ups which was pants-typed diapers in 1993. Pull-Ups was imported as finished goods from Kimberly-Clark. However, in spite of its huge market share in United States, it failed to land down in Korean market because of wrong positioning strategy which did not consider domestic customers' tastes. In 1996, Yuhan-Kimberly brought out a pants-typed diaper, Huggies-Toddler, to Korean market again. This paved the way for the combination of Kimberly-Clark's production power and Yuhan-Kimberly's marketing power and led to launch new product superior to Pull-Ups. However, this product was unsuccessful in the market because of wrong positioning which did not catch domestic customer's life styles such as cultural, environmental and habitual differences in toilet training, the cost increase coming from IMF crisis in Korea, weak trust within the company, weak trust within the company, and too much higher price than regular diapers. In 2005, Yuhan-Kimberly redeveloped new pants market business strategy. It was organically combined with winning product development plan, winning communication strategy and the market structure change through the pants market creation. Customer's habit, usage and attitude were studied with total 55 times market investigations. Also, all processes from planning to designing were executed in the customer's view by investigating product research, positioning research and advertisement research. Yuhan-Kimberly repositioned new product as a wearing diaper not as a toilet training diaper and launched Huggies Magic Panty as a premium product which had 25% higher price than previous Huggies. Huggies Magic Panty was recognized as a great hit product in domestic diaper market and the sales recorded 37.6 bill won in 2006, 57.2 bill won in 2007, and 90 bill won in 2008 since launching in 2005. The reason of Huggies Magic Panty's success was the repositioning strategy deduced from the precise check of customer's usage habit. It was the winning strategy of Huggies that were market investigation in order to survive in domestic baby goods market where a lot of companies struggled intensively, the exact positioning based on its market investigation and aggressive 360 degree communication strategy to give customers impressions efficiently.

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  • Rak-Keun Jeon;Jin-Woo Park;Jun-Youl Choi;Jae-Jun Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2005
  • Despite very good reputation that Korean construction industrial firms had enjoyed until early 1990's in overseas markets, their participation abroad drastically declined after the delivery of two(2) million unit-housing project in the early 1990's and the foreign currency crisis that took place in the late 1990's. The revival of booming construction industry in domestic market is far beyond the expectation due to the long recession of the construction economy and government's severe restriction against real estate development. Under such crucial circumstances, the construction industrial firms' strategy to survive is the more active business promotion in overseas markets. However, the Korean construction industrial firms have to abandon the labor intensive strategy, through that they have enjoyed until the early 1990's, and turn to management oriented strategy which may be a new prosperous horizon and a new challenge as well, because the labor cost of newly developing countries is much more competitive. The aim of this study is to suggest how to cope with current market situations through a chronological survey based on the cost data prevailed during four decades from the 1960's until the 1990's in overseas markets.

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National Context as an Important Variable for the Development of IT-based Strategic Capability

  • Kim, Gyeung-Min
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2013
  • This study was initiated to inquire as to why Wal-Mart failed in the Korean market. For multi-national corporations, environmental differences such as cultural and social differences among countries require business strategies to vary country by country. In Korea, Confucian Ethics are penetrated in every aspect of people's lives. An important aspect of Confucian Ethics is the role and responsibility of women in society. Considering this, businesses need to understand Korean women's preferences as consumers and develop business strategies accordingly. This study emphasizes that IS strategy is one component of the business strategy and, as such, must be rooted in business issues. Understanding that IS strategy should fit to national contexts, this study investigates the underlying process in which IT-based strategic capability is developed according to national context to gain competitive advantages.

Experience Innovation and Business Strategy : Design for User Experience(UX) in New Product Development(NPD) (경험 혁신과 경영 전략 : 신제품 개발 과정에서의 사용자 경험 디자인(Design for User Experience))

  • Shin, Youngsoo;IM, Chaerin;Lee, Sunwha;Kim, Jinwoo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.231-251
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    • 2015
  • User Experience (UX) and Experience Innovation have been emphasized in the process of New Product Development (NPD). However, previous works which were conducted within the theme of UX mostly focused on the fragmentary aspects of user's experience in a specific usage-context only. For this reason, it is always hard to deal with questions on how to define the abstract concept of UX and how to apply this important keyword in actually NPD process both for satisfying potential users and for setting a market strategy. To address this issue, we focused on the fact that UX has an aspect of composition like pattern and structure. It means that we can understand the context of UX with clarifying characteristics of relations between user and experiential objects. Also, we referred to two sub-concepts of Complexity, Density and Centrality, as representative characteristics of relations in usage-context. Based on this theoretical background, we attempted to find UX design principles and concepts for NPD from the actual example cases of products and services in the real market. From these whole study process, we expect that our findings could have implications for academic and practical areas within the theme of Human-Centered Innovation.