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Study on the Heat Transfer Phenomenon around Underground Concrete Digesters for Bigas Production Systems (생물개스 발생시스템을 위한 지하매설콘크리트 다이제스터의 열전달에 관한 연구)

  • 김윤기;고재균
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1980
  • The research work is concerned with the analytical and experimental studies on the heat transfer phenomenon around the underground concrete digester used for biogas production Systems. A mathematical and computational method was developed to estimate heat losses from underground cylindrical concrete digester used for biogas production systems. To test its feasibility and to evaluate thermal parameters of materials related, the method was applied to six physical model digesters. The cylindrical concrete digester was taken as a physical model, to which the model,atical model of heat balance can be applied. The mathematical model was transformed by means of finite element method and used to analyze temperature distribution with respect to several boundary conditions and design parameters. The design parameters of experimental digesters were selected as; three different sizes 40cm by 80cm, 80cm by 160cm and l00cm by 200cm in diameter and height; two different levels of insulation materials-plain concrete and vermiculite mixing in concrete; and two different types of installation-underground and half-exposed. In order to carry out a particular aim of this study, the liquid within the digester was substituted by water, and its temperature was controlled in five levels-35。 C, 30。 C, 25。 C, 20。C and 15。C; and the ambient air temperature and ground temperature were checked out of the system under natural winter climate conditions. The following results were drawn from the study. 1.The analytical method, by which the estimated values of temperature distribution around a cylindrical digester were obtained, was able to be generally accepted from the comparison of the estimated values with the measured. However, the difference between the estimated and measured temperature had a trend to be considerably increased when the ambient temperature was relatively low. This was mainly related variations of input parameters including the thermal conductivity of soil, applied to the numerical analysis. Consequently, the improvement of these input data for the simulated operation of the numerical analysis is expected as an approach to obtain better refined estimation. 2.The difference between estimated and measured heat losses was shown to have the similar trend to that of temperature distribution discussed above. 3.It was found that a map of isothermal lines drawn from the estimated temperature distribution was very useful for a general observation of the direction and rate of heat transfer within the boundary. From this analysis, it was interpreted that most of heat losses is passed through the triangular section bounded within 45 degrees toward the wall at the bottom edge of the digesten Therefore, any effective insulation should be considered within this region. 4.It was verified by experiment that heat loss per unit volume of liquid was reduced as the size of the digester became larger For instance, at the liquid temperature of 35˚ C, the heat loss per unit volume from the 0. 1m$^3$ digester was 1, 050 Kcal/hr m$^3$, while at for 1. 57m$^3$ digester was 150 Kcal/hr m$^3$. 5.In the light of insulation, the vermiculite concrete was consistently shown to be superior to the plain concrete. At the liquid temperature ranging from 15。 C to 350 C, the reduction of heat loss was ranged from 5% to 25% for the half-exposed digester, while from 10% to 28% for the fully underground digester. 6.In the comparison of heat loss between the half-exposed and underground digesters, the heat loss from the former was fr6m 1,6 to 2, 6 times as much as that from the latter. This leads to the evidence that the underground digester takes advantage of heat conservation during winter.

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Correlation among Ownership of Home Appliances Using Multivariate Probit Model (다변량 프로빗 모형을 이용한 가전제품 구매의 상관관계 분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Seob;Shin, Jung-Woo;Lee, Mi-Suk;Lee, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2009
  • As the lifestyle of consumers changes and the need for various products increases, new products are being developed in the market. Each household owns various home appliances which are purchased through the choice of a decision maker. These appliances include not only large-sized products such as TV, refrigerator, and washing machine, but also small-sized products such as microwave oven and air cleaner. There exists latent correlation among possession of home appliances, even though they are purchased independently. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of demographic factors on the purchase and possession of each home appliances, and to derive some relationships among various appliances. To achieve this purpose, the present status on the possession of each home appliances are investigated through consumer survey data on the electric and energy product. And a multivariate probit(MVP) model is applied for the empirical analysis. From the estimation results, some appliances show a substitutive or complementary pattern as expected, while others which look apparently unrelated have correlation by co-incidence. This research has several advantages compared to previous literatures on home appliances. First, this research focuses on the various products which are purchased by each household, while previous researches such as Matsukawa and Ito(1998) and Yoon(2007) focus just on a particular product. Second, the methodology of this research can consider a choice process of each product and correlation among products simultaneously. Lastly, this research can analyze not only a substitutive or complementary relationship in the same category, but also the correlation among products in the different categories. As the data on the possession of home appliances in each household has a characteristic of multiple choice, not a single choice, a MVP model are used for the empirical analysis. A MVP model is derived from a random utility model, and has an advantage compared to a multinomial logit model in that correlation among error terms can be derive(Manchanda et al., 1999; Edwards and Allenby, 2003). It is assumed that the error term has a normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix ${\Omega}$. Hence, the sign and value of correlation coefficients means the relationship between two alternatives(Manchanda et al., 1999). This research uses the data of 'TEMEP Household ICT/Energy Survey (THIES) 2008' which is conducted by Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program in Seoul National University. The empirical analysis of this research is accomplished in two steps. First, a MVP model with demographic variables is estimated to analyze the effect of the characteristics of household on the purchase of each home appliances. In this research, some variables such as education level, region, size of family, average income, type of house are considered. Second, a MVP model excluding demographic variables is estimated to analyze the correlation among each home appliances. According to the estimation results of variance-covariance matrix, each households tend to own some appliances such as washing machine-refrigerator-cleaner-microwave oven, and air conditioner-dish washer-washing machine and so on. On the other hand, several products such as analog braun tube TV-digital braun tube TV and desktop PC-portable PC show a substitutive pattern. Lastly, the correlation map of home appliances are derived using multi-dimensional scaling(MDS) method based on the result of variance-covariance matrix. This research can provide significant implications for the firm's marketing strategies such as bundling, pricing, display and so on. In addition, this research can provide significant information for the development of convergence products and related technologies. A convergence product can decrease its market uncertainty, if two products which consumers tend to purchase together are integrated into it. The results of this research are more meaningful because it is based on the possession status of each household through the survey data.

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Reconsideration on the Place Name of the Scenic Site No.1 「Myeongju Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang」 (명승 제1호 「명주 청학동 소금강」에 대한 지명 재고(再考))

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2014
  • As part of reconsideration on naming of the scenic site No.1 "Myeongju Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang," this study attempts to identify whether there is any mistake with reference to place naming of Korea's No.1 scenic site and if so, to correct the problem by examining the origin of the name and its transition progress through analysis and interpretation of old maps, ancient documents such as traditional geographic books, Yusangi(遊山記) and Letters Carved on the Rocks. The findings of this study are as follows: In traditional geographic books, a term of 'Mt. Cheonghak(靑鶴山)' was first found from "SinjungDonggookyeojisungram(新增東國輿地勝覽)" and after a place name, 'Sogumgang(小金剛)' first appeared in "Yeojidoseo(輿地圖書)" in the middle of the 17th century, it was reproduced in "Jungsuimyeongji(增修臨瀛誌)", which was published in the early 20th century. However, as a result of analyzing old maps, the place name, Sogumgang cannot be found in any local or national map except place names such as Cheonghak-dong, Mt. Cheonghak and Temple Cheonghak. Even though 'Biseonam,' 'Cheonyudong,' 'Gyeongdam' and 'Mt. Cheonghak' appear in Yulgok's "Yucheonghaksangi(遊靑鶴山記)", any part in which 'Sogumgang' was referred is not found. Later, Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang seemed to had been called 'Mt. Cheonghak' or 'Cheonghak-dong(靑鶴洞)' for more than three centuries as seen in Lee Sun-il's "Godamilgo(孤潭逸稿)", Heo Geun's farewell records, Heo Mok's "Cheonghak-dong Guryongyeongi(靑鶴洞九龍淵記)", Yoon Sun-geo(尹宣擧)'s "Padongilgi(巴東日記)" and Lee Won-jo's letters and a poem composed by Gang Jae-hang in the middle of the 18th century is the only record in which the place name, 'Sogumgang' is shown. Meanwhile, 'Sogumgang' carved on Inung Rock(二能巖) in front of Temple Gumgang is presumed to be carved by Inunggyeoone(二能契員) in the 1870s or in 1930s, considering the size of each character, calligraphy, overall layout, wear extent and records in Jiriji. Therefore, no evidence can be found to say that each character of 'Sogumgang' was written by Yulgok because 'Sogumgang' has strong evidences of the origin of its place name. To sum up the findings stated above, since Yulgok's "Yucheonghaksangi", this place seems to have been referred as 'Mt. Cheonghak Cheonghak-dong' and as it is confirmed that the place name, 'Sogumgang' first appeared in "Ohyeongosijo(五言古時調)" of "Ibjaeseonsangyugo(立齋先生遺稿)" and "Yeojidoseo" in the middle of the 18th century, it can be inferred that the place name, Sogumgang had been partly mingled as an another name of Mt. Cheonghak. Therefore, even though it is difficult to say the existing place name has a significant problem, it is thought that it will be better to name 'Mt. Cheonghak Cheonghak-dong' rather than 'Cheonghak-dong Sogumgang' in order to stress on this place's traditional identity as a scenic site related to Yulgok. In addition, as confirmed in this study process, it is said that each character of place names, 'Mt. Cheonghak' and 'Gyeongdam(鏡潭)' and name 'Yoon Sun-geo' carved in Rock Sikdang stated in Yoon Sun-geo's "Padongilgi" in 1964 is a pledge showing the influence of "Yucheonghaksangi" as an ancient travel literature as well as a mark of the Giho school scholars' respect and spirit to honor Yulgok.

Semi-automated Tractography Analysis using a Allen Mouse Brain Atlas : Comparing DTI Acquisition between NEX and SNR (알렌 마우스 브레인 아틀라스를 이용한 반자동 신경섬유지도 분석 : 여기수와 신호대잡음비간의 DTI 획득 비교)

  • Im, Sang-Jin;Baek, Hyeon-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2020
  • Advancements in segmentation methodology has made automatic segmentation of brain structures using structural images accurate and consistent. One method of automatic segmentation, which involves registering atlas information from template space to subject space, requires a high quality atlas with accurate boundaries for consistent segmentation. The Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, which has been widely accepted as a high quality reference of the mouse brain, has been used in various segmentations and can provide accurate coordinates and boundaries of mouse brain structures for tractography. Through probabilistic tractography, diffusion tensor images can be used to map comprehensive neuronal network of white matter pathways of the brain. Comparisons between neural networks of mouse and human brains showed that various clinical tests on mouse models were able to simulate disease pathology of human brains, increasing the importance of clinical mouse brain studies. However, differences between brain size of human and mouse brain has made it difficult to achieve the necessary image quality for analysis and the conditions for sufficient image quality such as a long scan time makes using live samples unrealistic. In order to secure a mouse brain image with a sufficient scan time, an Ex-vivo experiment of a mouse brain was conducted for this study. Using FSL, a tool for analyzing tensor images, we proposed a semi-automated segmentation and tractography analysis pipeline of the mouse brain and applied it to various mouse models. Also, in order to determine the useful signal-to-noise ratio of the diffusion tensor image acquired for the tractography analysis, images with various excitation numbers were compared.

Clinical Usefulness of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MR Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke (급성 허혈성 뇌경색 환자에서 동맥스핀표지 관류자기공명영상의 유용성)

  • Oh, Keun-Taek;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Cho, Young-Ki;Ha, Bon-Chul;Hong, Doung-Hee
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 2011
  • We evaluated clinical usefulness of Arterial spin labeling perfusion MR imaging on the acute ischemic cerebral infarction patients through this study. We compared 22 patients who were done with DSC imaging and ASL imaging in admitted emergency room with acute ischemic cerebral infarction, with 36 normal comparison persons (DSC image on 21persons, ASL images on 15persons). Siemens Magnetom Verio 3.0T with 12 channel head coil was used for this study. DSC image obtained 4 maps(rCBV, rCBF, rMTT, TTP) through post-processing. For qualitative analysis we compared the area of lesion macro-diagonal with the size of diffusion weighted MR image for rMTT, TTP, rCBF, rCBV, ASL maps. For Quantitative analysis we analyzed significant correlations between less than 3 cm infarction group and normal comparison group using mean relative value of flowing image with Mann-Whitney U test. TTP(95.5%) and rCBF(95.5%) maps showed high recognition rate in qualitative analysis for >3cm infarction group. The rCBF and rCBV map tests were highly related with final stage stroke areas. Mean relative value of infarction group showed a significant correlations in quantitative analysis(p<0.05). As a conclusion, arterial spin labeling image showed high lesion recognition rate in the >3cm infarction group. Mean relative values in quantitative evaluation were used for reference data. If we do more sustainable researches, ASL image will be useful for an early diagnosis of cerebral infarction, determination of the range of ischemic pneumbra and effective treatments.

Comparison of Emergency Tc-99m Sestamibi Myocardial Perfusion SPECT and ECG in the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction (급성심근경색증 환자에서 응급으로 시행한 Tc-99m Sestamibi 심근관류 SPECT와 심전도의 비교)

  • Cho, Ihn-Ho;Lee, Hyoung-Woo;Park, Jong-Sun;Won, Kyu-Chang;Do, Jun-Young;Sin, Dong-Gu;Yoon, Kyung-Woo;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 1996
  • We did Tc-99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion SPECT in 36 patients with acute myocardial infarction when they arrived at the emergency room. And we compared myocardial perfusion images with ECG findings. Then we obtained the follows. The myocardial infarction by the obstruction of left coronary descending artery and right coronary artery showed a good concordance in the diagnosis and infarction site between myocardial perfusion images and ECG findings. The 7 patients with myocardial infarction by a left circumflex coronary artery showed a perfusion defect in the lateral wall in myocardial perfusion SPECT images. But 4 patients of them showed ST segment elevation, 2 patients showed ST depression and 1 patient showed normal ECG findings. The diagnostic sensitivity of Tc-99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion SPECT was 100% by a qualified analysis. The perfusion defect site in the myocardial perfusion SPECT were corresponded with the infarct related coronary artery in 31 patients which was diagnosed by coronary angiograpy. The size of perfusion defect in the po1ar map was $31{\pm}18%(M{\pm}SD)$, in the myocardial infarction with left anterior descending coronary arery obstruction, $31{\pm}13% (M{\pm}SD)$ in the myocardial infarction with right coronary artery obstruction and $25{\pm}5.9%(M{\pm}SD)$ in the myocardial infarction with left circumflex coronary artery obstruction. We concluded that emergency myocardial perfusion SPECT images are useful in the diagnose of myocardial infarction and it's very useful when we are difficult to diagnose with ECG like as lateral wall infarction or left bundle branch block.

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The PRISM-based Rainfall Mapping at an Enhanced Grid Cell Resolution in Complex Terrain (복잡지형 고해상도 격자망에서의 PRISM 기반 강수추정법)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Kyung-Dahm;Cho, Kyung-Sook;Yi, Jae-Hyun;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2009
  • The demand for rainfall data in gridded digital formats has increased in recent years due to the close linkage between hydrological models and decision support systems using the geographic information system. One of the most widely used tools for digital rainfall mapping is the PRISM (parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model) which uses point data (rain gauge stations), a digital elevation model (DEM), and other spatial datasets to generate repeatable estimates of monthly and annual precipitation. In the PRISM, rain gauge stations are assigned with weights that account for other climatically important factors besides elevation, and aspects and the topographic exposure are simulated by dividing the terrain into topographic facets. The size of facet or grid cell resolution is determined by the density of rain gauge stations and a $5{\times}5km$ grid cell is considered as the lowest limit under the situation in Korea. The PRISM algorithms using a 270m DEM for South Korea were implemented in a script language environment (Python) and relevant weights for each 270m grid cell were derived from the monthly data from 432 official rain gauge stations. Weighted monthly precipitation data from at least 5 nearby stations for each grid cell were regressed to the elevation and the selected linear regression equations with the 270m DEM were used to generate a digital precipitation map of South Korea at 270m resolution. Among 1.25 million grid cells, precipitation estimates at 166 cells, where the measurements were made by the Korea Water Corporation rain gauge network, were extracted and the monthly estimation errors were evaluated. An average of 10% reduction in the root mean square error (RMSE) was found for any months with more than 100mm monthly precipitation compared to the RMSE associated with the original 5km PRISM estimates. This modified PRISM may be used for rainfall mapping in rainy season (May to September) at much higher spatial resolution than the original PRISM without losing the data accuracy.

Estimation of Soil Loss Due to Cropland Increase in Hoeryeung, Northeast Korea (북한 회령지역의 농경지 변화에 따른 토양침식 추정)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Kang, Chul-Sung;Shin, Keun-Ha;Choe, Han-Sung;Han, Uk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 2003
  • This study analyses the soil loss due to cropland increase in the Hoeryeung area of northeast Korea, using Landsat images of 1987 TM and 2001 ETM, together with DTED, soil and geological maps, and rainfall data of 20 years. Items of land cover and land use were categorized as cropland, settlement, forest, river zone, and sand deposit by supervised classification with spectral bands 1, 2 and 3. RUSLE model is used for estimation of soil loss, and AML language for calculation of soil loss volumes. Fourier transformation method is used for unification of the geographical grids between Landsat images and DTED. GTD was selected from 1:50,000 topographic map. Main sources of soil losses over 100 ton/year may be the river zone and settlement in the both times of 1987 and 2001, but the image of the 2001 shows that sources areas have developed up to the higher mountain slopes. In the cropland average, increases of hight and gradient are 24m and $0.8^{\circ}$ from 1987 to 2001. In the case of new developed cropland, average increases are 75m and $2.5^{\circ}$, and highest soil loss has occurred at the elevation between 300 and 500m. The soil loss 57 ton of 1987 year increased 85 ton of 2001 year. Soil loss is highest in $30{\sim}50^{\circ}$ slope zones in both years, but in 2001 year, soil loss increased under $30^{\circ}$ zones. The size of area over 200 ton/year, indicating higher risk of landslides, have increased from $28.6km^2$ of 1987 year to $48.8km^2$ of 2001 year.

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An Estimation of Land use by Land Values in the Great Cities - focusing on five great cities - (지가에 의한 대도시의 토지이용예측 - 5개 대도시를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to examine that we can estimate land use by land values in 5 great cities. For this purpose, I calculated the percentage that each lot value makes up of the highest land values in the city as a indicator. I think this rate is very useful in the comparative study about many cities. At first, I set up four hypotheses based on my preceding studies. Hypothesis 1, the range of CBD can be estimated as having about 10% of the peak land values. Hypothesis 2, when the peak rate of concentric circle of land values seperated from CBD circle is about 30% of the peak land values, that is sub-CBD. Hypothesis 3, generally, a lot of having about 5% of the peak land values represents residential land commercial land use. Hypothesis 4, a lot of having about 3% of the peak land values represents only residential land use. The data on land values in five great cities were got from public notification on land values(1999) of the Ministry of Construction & Transportation. I selected highest lot values from many standard lot value in each Tong(the minimum administrative unit) in each cities. And I drew land values isopleth. Through that isopleth, I identified CBD cmd sub-CBD. Through the book of public notification on land values, I identified what land use are lots of having over 10%, about 5%, below 3% of the peak land values. As a result, we identified land use can be estimated by the percentage that each lot value makes up of the highest land values in the city. The bigger urban size becomes and the more stable land use becomes, the higher fitness of hypotheses becomes. The lowest degree of fitness about 4 hypotheses among 5 great cities showed in Inchon. Because Inchon lies adjacent to the greatest Seoul. The percentage that showed the lowest degree of fitness is 5% of the highest land values. The land use on lots of having about 5% of the peak land values is different from each other according to regional character in city.

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Content and Characteristics of Forest Cover Changes in North Korea (북한(北韓) 지역(地域) 산림면적(山林面積) 변화(變化)의 규모(規模)와 특성(特性))

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Joung, Mi-Reyoung;Yoon, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.3
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    • pp.352-363
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    • 1999
  • It has been rare to obtain reliable information related to the size of forest land in North Korea. Several sources of forest statistics, ranging from the first map of forest distribution in Korean Peninsula produced in 1910 to official data reported by the North Korea Government in 1997, were gathered and analyzed to define the characteristics of forest cover changes over years. In addition, Landsat satellite data obtained from 1973 to 1993 were processed for the two study areas of the provinces of Pyungyang and Heasan, where the topography and land use pattern are significantly different each other. Using three sets of multitemporal Landsat imagery, land cover ma-ps were produced by computer classification. Although forest statistics reported before 1990 are somewhat inconsistent, they mere gradually decreasing over years. The estimates of 1991 satellite data and the recent statistics reported in 1998 shows very steep decline in forest lands as compared to the ones before 1990. The abrupt decrease of forest lands after 1990 was also found on the detailed analysis of Landsat data for the two study areas of Pyungyang and Heasan. The rapid decline of forest lands may have something to do with the poor economic situation of the country and the continuing natural disasters of severe flooding and drought. Unstocked forest, which was not classified into forest land, was a very distinct and pervasive land cover type that can be easily observed on satellite imagery. Since unstocked forest land in North Korea may be a critical factor for degrading environmental quality as well as for the continuing natural disasters, further analysis is necessary to define the exact extent and the physical characteristics of the cover type.

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