• Title/Summary/Keyword: major minerals

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Comparision of Food Components in the Raw, Cooked Meat and Cooked Meat Extracts of Cookie Shell -2. Nitrogenous compounds and minerals- (새조개 생육과 자숙육 및 자숙액즙의 식품성분 비교 -2. 함질소엑스성분 및 무기성분의 비교-)

  • KIM Kui-Shik;HA Bong-Seok;BAE Tae-Jin;JIN Joo-Hyeon;KIM Hyeon-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 1993
  • The nitrogenous compounds and minerals in the raw and cooked meat of cockle shell were analyzed, and compared with those of cooked meat extracts. In abundant free amino acids, the content of glutamic acid was $129mg\%$ in raw meet, $105mg\%$ in cooked meat, $28mg\%$ in cooked meet extracts, aspartic acid, glycine, arginine, lysine, leucine, and alanine in order. The major components were lysine, arginine and leucine, and the minor components of essential amino acids were proline, tyrosine, serine and cystine. Some of ATP, ADP, AMP, inosine and hypoxanthine were identified in raw and cooked meat, but IMP and inosine were not detected in cooked meat extracts. A slight drop in content of ATP was showed in cooked meat and those had a higher content in inosine and hypoxanthine compared with raw meat. TMA, TMAO and betaine were also checked in all meat products and TMA slightly increased during cooking. Minerals in cooked cockle shell products were phosphorous, potassium, calcium and zinc. The content of phosphorous showed the highest value($16mg\%$ in raw, $185mg\%$ in cooked meat, and $25mg\%$ in extracts).

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Petrological Study on Small-scale Granites in the Central Part of Yeongnam Massif (영남육괴 중부지방에 존재하는 소규모 화강암체들의 암석학적 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gyu;Jwa, Yong-Joo;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Park, Sung-Chul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.279-298
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    • 2019
  • Mupung granite, which is located adjacent to Gimcheon granites to the north and Geochang granites to the south, has been known to consist of biotite-hornblende granite (Gbh), porphyritic granite (Gp), and hornblende-biotite granite (Ghb). In this study, we subdivided the Gbh of Mupung granite into biotite granite (Gb) and biotite hornblende granite (Gbh), based on petrological observations. The grayish Gb with medium to coarse grain and porphyritic texture contains a small amount of muscovite, but the hornblende and mafic microgranular enclave (MME) is not observed in Gb. On the other hand, MME can be commonly found in pinkish Gbh. The mafic minerals in Gbh are mostly hornblende and biotite. In the Gb in Mupung granites, the hornblende and sphene (which is the characteristic minerals in Gimcheon granite) are not observed. In addition, the trend of the changes in major elements of Gb in Mupung granites is similar to that of Geochang granites. These petrological characteristics suggest that the Gb in Mupung granite has a similarity with Geochang granite (than Gimchen granite). We also observed that the texture and composition of minerals of Gbh, as well as those of surrounding Gp and Ghb, are consistent with the characteristics of Cretaceous granites in Gyeongsang basin, rather than those of Jurassic granites in Yeongnam massif.

Taste Compounds of Fresh-water Fishes 4. Organic Acids, Sugars and Minerals in the Muscle of Wild Common Carp and Korean Snakehead (담수어의 정미성분에 관한 연구 4. 천연산 잉어 및 가물치의 유기산, 당류 및 무기질)

  • YANG Syng-Taek;LEE Eung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 1982
  • In order to elucidate the taste compounds of wild common carp, Cyprinus carpio, and Korean snakehead, Channa argus, organic acids, sugars ana minerals were analyzed as a part of the study on the taste compounds of fresh-water fishes. Among organic acids, the contents of succinic acid, butyric acid, propionic acid and valeric acid were fairly high, while those of oxalic acid, fumaric acid, maleic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid were trace. As for the sugars, glucose was found to be the most predominant monosaccharide of the species. Extremely small amounts of fructose and arabinose were also detected and inositol and ribose were trace in content. Among minerals, $K^{+},\;Na^{+},\;PO_{4}^{3-}\;and\;Cl^{-}$ were found to be the major ions and small amounts of $Ca^{2+}\;and\;Mg^{2+}$ were detected.

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Hydrous Minerals (Phlogopite and Amphibole) from Basaltic Rocks, Jeju Island: Evidences for Modal Metasomatism (제주도 현무암에 산출되는 함수광물(금운모와 각섬석): 모달교대작용의 증거)

  • Heo, Seo-Young;Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Jeong, Hoon-Young
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2012
  • Phlogopite and kaersutite, showing distinctively different textural characteristics compared to the common phenocrysts, are observed in alkali basalt from Jeju Island. They occur as large crystals (2-10 mm) in host basalts, whereas fine-grained phlogopite and kaersutite occur in ultramafic mantle xenoliths and mafic gabbroic xenoliths, respectively, as an interstitial and microvein phases, or in corona textures (<1 mm). This textural characteristics of fine-grained grains clearly indicates secondary in origin. Phlogopite contains high $TiO_2$(4.1-6.9 wt%) and F(2.8-4.6 wt%) and relatively high mg#[=100Mg/(Mg+$Fe^t$) in mols, where $Fe^t$ is total iron](88-80), whereas kaersutite has high $TiO_2$(5.6-6.11 wt%) and much lower mg#s(68-64). Our textural observations and the geochemical character of these hydrous minerals suggest that they were unrelated to each other and mica formation happened early in the upper mantle before the mantle xenoliths had been trapped. In contrast, kaersutite formation has happened later, probably during the late stage of crystallization as intracrustal processes. The presence of phlogopite and kaersutitic amphibole is a direct evidence for K-, Ti-, F- and $H_2O$-bearing fluid/melt percolation in the lithosphere beneath Jeju Island, indicating that they are product of interaction between host rock/peridotite/fluid-melt. Thus, the upper mantle/lower crust beneath Jeju Island are metasomatized to various extents, characterized by a change in major metasomatic hydrous minerals from phlogopite to amphibole with decreasing depth.

Evaluation on Weathering Characterization on Rock Types Using Artificial Weathering Test (인공풍화시험을 이용한 암종별 풍화특성 평가)

  • Heo, Yeul;Kang, Changwoo;Kwon, Youngcheul;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2017
  • For exposed slopes, the weathering degree over time has a major effect on the engineering properties of rocks and the slope stability. Rocks are gradually changed by weathering into soil over time, and the resulting physical, chemical and mechanical changes of rocks affect the engineering stability of the slope. However, there are not many ways to objectively evaluate the weathering degree of a slope. In this study, therefore, to investigate the weathering characteristics of rocks, granite, gneiss and shale distributed in the Chungbuk region were sampled by weathering stage and changes in their component minerals and tissues were investigated. Furthermore, artificial weathering was induced using the freezing and thawing test and quantitatively investigated through porosity and absorption rate. In addition, the changes of microcracks due to artificial weathering were evaluated through box fractal dimension ($D_B$). Through mineralogical study the phase change of constituting minerals, the growth of secondary minerals, the development of micro-cracks and the fabric changes due to weathering were observed. The mineralogical, chemical and engineering evaluations of the weathering degree through the experimental results in this study are expected to be useful for analyzing the weathering characteristics and causes by rock type and for proposing a methodology to evaluate the degradation of physical properties comparatively and quantitatively.

Ore Minerals and Geochemical Environments at the Jinwon Pb-Zn Deposit (진원 연-아연 광상의 광석광물과 생성환경)

  • Cho, Young-Ki;Lee, In-Gyeong;Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2006
  • The Jinwon Pb-Zn deposit is located within the Precambrian Youngnam Massif. Ore mineralization at the Jinwon deposit occurred in quartz veins that filled fractures in the Hongjesa granite. Mineral paragenesis can be divided into two stages(stage I and II). Stage I, at which the precipitation of major ore minerals occurred, is further divided into two substages with paragenetic time based on minor fractures and discernible mineral assemblages: substage la is characterized by pyrite, arsenopyrite ($28.4{\sim}30.3$ atomic % As), pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite ($13.1{\sim}16.0$ mole % FeS) assemblages; substage $I_a$ is represented by main precipitation of Zn, Pb minerals and is characterized by sphalerite ($15.1{\sim}19.0$ mole % FeS), galena, miargyrite, argentile assemblages. Stage II is economically barren quartz veins. Thermodynamics study is used to estimate changes in chemical conditions of the hydrothermal fluids during stage I mineralization, the main ore deposition period at the Jinwon hydrothermal system. The range of estimated sulfur fugacity ($fs_2$) was from $10^{-7}\;to\;10^{-16}$ atm and oxygen fugacity ($fo_2$) was in the range of $10^{-32.8}{\sim}10^{-38.5} atm$. Carbon dioxide fugacity ($fco_2$) was $<10^{-0.6} atm$.

Treatment of Nightsoil Sludge by Vermicomposting (Vermicomposting에 의한 분뇨슬러지의 처리)

  • Lee, Ju-Sam;Lee, Moo-Choon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1996
  • In order to investigate the possibility of treating nightsoil sludge, the growth trend experiments with vermicompsting was performed and the stability of worm castings was evaluated by the analysis of minerals according to growth periods. Survival rate(SR) of earthworms decreased as earthworms grow up to 7 weeks. The growth period of the earthworms could be classified into two phases on the basis of the ratios of cast to feed ingested(ID). The growth period of the earthworms up to 3 weeks, the high percentage of dry weight of feed ingested(ID) is mainly utiliz-ed to an increase in fresh weight of earthworms, and after the 3 weeks, it is utilized to cast production in this experiment, respectively. The highest values of increasing rate(IR) and biomass of the earthworms(BE) were obtained at 3 weeks and those were 10.59mg/day and 14.48g, respectively. Between the increasing rate(IR) and biomass of the earthworms(BE), a highly positive correlation coefficient(p<0.001) ap-peared. The highest values of biomass of the earthworms(BE) and cast production(CW) were obtained at 3 and 7 weeks, respectively. All the concentrations of minerals except calcium(Ca) in worm castings was lower than the values in nightsoil sludge. It was considered that the major portion of minerals in nightsoil sludge may have been retained in the bodies of earthworms. And these values were lower than the regulated levels in organic fertilizers that the regula-tion standards. In conclusion, the worm castings are very stable for the use as soil conditioner or organic fertilizers.

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Variations in Geochemical characteristics of the Acid Mine Drainages due to Mineral-Water Interactions in Donghae Mine Area in Taebaek, Korea (태백 동해광인일대의 물-광물의 반응에 의한 산성광산배수의 지구화학적 특성 변화)

  • 김정진;김수진
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2002
  • There are several abandoned coal mines around Donghae mine area in the Taebaek coal field. Two major creeks, Soro and Sanae, are contaminated with the colored precipitates formed from the coal mine drainages. Bed rocks of the study area consist of limestone, shale, and sandstone. Limestone consisted mainly of calcite and dolomite, and shale of quartz, pyropyllite and chlorite, and sandstone of quatz and illite. Coal coal spoil dumps composed mainly of pyrite and chlorite. The oxidative dissolution of sulfide minerals leads to acid mine drainage and adds the metal ions in the stream water. The ion concentrations of Fe, Ca, Mg, Al, Si, SO$_{4}$in the stream polluted by AMD are generally higher than those in the unpolluted stream water. High concentrations of Ca and Mg, Al and Si can be resulted from dissolution of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and aluminosilicates such as chlorite, pyrophyllite. Although the Fe, Al, Si, SO$_{4}$ contents are considerbly high in the acid water released from the mine adits, they become decreased downstream due to dilution of unpolluted water and precipitation of oxide/hydroxide and sulfate minerals on the bottom of stream.

Archaeological Scientific Characteristics of Patternless Pottery with Talc Temper: Baekseokdong Gojaemigol Site in Cheonan, Korea (활석비짐 무문토기의 고고과학적 특성: 천안 백석동 고재미골 유적)

  • Kim, Su Kyoung;Lee, Chan Hee
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.159-173
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    • 2015
  • The patternless potteries excavated from the Baekseokdong Gojaemigol site in Cheonan, was subdivided into talc and non-talc (including amphibole) type pottery. The potteries showed black, reddish brown and yellowish brown colors, but represent to difference with occurrences and internal texture of raw materials and temper minerals. The all potteries and paleosoils are commonly high content of temper minerals with poorly sorting and roundness of particles, and the paleosoils composed mainly of quartz, plagioclase, mica, chlorite and kaolinite. Between the talc and non-talc type potteries are very similar with magnetic susceptibility, absorption ratio and specific gravity. Geochemical behaviors of major, minor, compatible and incompatible elements in talc pottery are very similar with amphibole, non-talc pottery and paleosoils, and well correspondence with enrichment and deficiency patterns of each element, and the talc and amphibole potteries are highly enriched patterns of MgO concentration. In paleosoils of Gojaemigol site, talc and amphibole are not detected, therefore, making the pottery of the site estimate the possible to artificial additions of the temper minerals of talc and amphibole used interbedded talc layer within gneiss complex near the Baekseokdong area. Based on the phase relations, differential thermal and thermal gravimetric analyses, the potteries could be classified into two groups by firing temperature. The one group of talc temper pottery fired from 800 to $870^{\circ}C$ and the other group of amphibole and non-talc temper pottery revealed of 900 to $950^{\circ}C$.

Food Nutritional Compositions in Dried Powder of Root of Acorns calamus L. (II) Fatty Acids, Organic Acids, Minerals, Vitamin C, Total Phenolics and Saponin (창포(Acorus calamus L. )뿌리 건조분말의 식품학적 성분 (II)지방산, 유기산, 무기질, 비타민 C, 총페놀 및 사포닌)

  • 김준한;구건효;김종국;이진만;문광덕
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.380-384
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    • 2002
  • This study has been carried out to investigate the composition of fatty Acids, organic acids, minerals, vitamin C, total phenolics and saponin in 30$\^{C}$ hot air dried powder of main and lateral root of Acorus calamus L. Major saturated fatty acids were identified caprylic acid, pentadecanoic acid, stearic acid and heneicosanoic acid, etc.. Content of caprylic acid in main and lateral root were 28.35% and 31.44%. Unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, palmitoeic acid and linoleic acid was highly contented, linoleic acid was highest contented 25.55% in main root and 23.43% in lateral root. Succinic acid was the most abundant organic acid of root content of main and lateral root were 2,790 mg% and 2,630 mg%. Potassium was found to be the mon predominant mineral in root, followed by calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, in a order. Contents of potassium in main and lateral root account for 194 mg% and 454 mg%, respectively. Contents of these minerals in lateral root were higher value than that in main root. Contents of ascorbic acid and total phenolics were 113.8 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g and 463 mg% in main root, 125.1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g and 474 mg% in lateral root, respectively. Crude saponin content of main and lateral mot were high level amount, 2.51 % and 3.39 %.