• Title/Summary/Keyword: mail sorting center

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Simulator for restrict adjustment of mail sorting centers: A case study (우편집중국 관할권역 조정 시뮬레이터 개발사례)

  • Cha, Byung-Chul;Kim, Wan-Seok
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2007
  • This paper introduces the methodology for restrict adjustment of 25 mail sorting centers including 3 new mail sorting centers to balance their work loads and minimize their operating costs. We calculated the capacity of mail sorting centers considering mail types and analyzed the collection/delivery mail volume of 214 post offices to measure the work loads of mail sorting centers. We also developed the mathematical model and genetic algorithm to find the optimal solution for this problem.

Optimal Process Plan for the Mail Sorting Machine (순로구분기 최적운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Jun-Muk;;Wang, Seung-Jin;Choe, Han-Yong;Gang, Jin-Gyu;Bae, Seong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.115-118
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    • 2004
  • Recently, mail center considers introducing the automatic mail sorting machine to improve the productivity of sorting process. This paper deals with the development of optimal process plan for the mail sorting machine. We suggest several alternatives and evaluate them throughout the process analyzing method.

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Workforce Planning Model for the Parcel Sorting Area in a Mail Processing Center (우편집중국 소포구분 작업장 인력계측 수립모형)

  • Park, Chul-Soon;Bae, Sung-Moon;Cha, Byung-Chul;Cha, Chun-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Processing mail objects in a mail processing center involves several steps and operations, in particular dispatching as well as sorting by destination. The purpose of this paper is to present a model for the part-time worker staffing and allocation problem as it arises at the parcel sorting area in a mail processing center. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program model to minimize the variable part-time workforce related cost. Hot only the characteristics of the sorting operations but also the dispatching requirements of the vehicles are reflected into the model. Six example problems with three different daily amounts of arriving mail are solved with LINGO to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 7-level induction option for the parcel sorting machine over the current 3-level one. The results indicate that measurable savings can be achieved by departing from current practice.

A Study on Improvement of Working Methods of Manual Letter Sorting in Mail Center (우편 집중국 수구분 작업 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Hae-Won;Kim, In-Soo;Kim, Hye-Kyu;Choi, Ho-Sik;Kim, Ki-Dong
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.24 no.A
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the public postal service of Korea confronts with business environment changes such as the opening of postal market and appearance of the domestic competitive enterprises. It is the current state that the public postal service of Korea should have a competitive edge by the productivity improvement of business processes. In this paper, we proposed new working tables for manual letter sorting which is one of the important process in mail center. We suggested standard working method and standard time in a mail center Based on these, we established the procedure for setting up a fair day's work in other mail centers. By the result of this research, we expect that the productivity of the mail sorting operation will be increased.

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A Study on the Maintenance System for Mail Sorting Machine (우편 구분 기계 유지 보수 방식에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.3200-3206
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes the problem of existing maintenance system for mail sorting machnies, and presents to-be considerations of maintenance system based on AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis with efficiency and economic aspects. There are standard procedure for diagnosis and repair of mail sorting machine as preventive and operational maintenance, roles and missions of maintenance technical support center for upgrade of maintenance skill in this paper. The proposed maintenance system will be adapted for more safety and efficiency maintenance of mail sorting machine.

Improvement of the Facilities Layout Using FactoryCAD in a Registry Department of Mail Center (FactoryCAD를 이용한 우편집중국 등기 작업장 설비 배치 개선)

  • Lee, Hae-Won;Jeon, In-Woo;Kim, Ki-Dong
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.25 no.A
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2005
  • In the future, the sorting machines will be taken charge of the most part of the letter sorting operations. At present, in order to deliver the sorted letters by the next day, many labors are intensively committed in the letter sorting operations. This research analyzes the problem of the facilities layout in registry department of mail center. It presents an improved design of facilities layout in comparison with several alternatives including the current layout using AutoCAD and FactoryCAD. It presents the optimized facilities layout using the algorithm which is embedded in the FactoryOPT. By the result of this research, we expect that the productivity of sorting letter will be improved and the related total labor cost will be minimized.

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A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Postal Transportation Planning Problem (우편집중국간 우편물 운송계획 문제의 타부 탐색 알고리듬)

  • 최지영;송영효;강성열
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.13-34
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    • 2002
  • This paper considers a postal transportation planning problem in the transportation network of the form of hub and spoke Given mail sorting centers and an exchange center, available vehicles and amount of mails to be transported between mail sorting centers, postal transportation planning is to make a transportation plan without violating various restrictions. The objective is to minimize the total transportation cost. To solve the problem, a tabu search algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is composed of a route construction procedure and a route improvement procedure to improve a solution obtained by the route construction procedure using a tabu search. The tabu search uses the best-admissible strategy, BA, and the first-best-admissible strategy, FBA. The algorithm was tested on problems consisting of 11, 16 and 21 mail sorting centers including one exchange center. Solutions of the problems consisting of 11 mail sorting centers including one exchange center were compared with optimal solutions On average, solutions using BA strategy were within 0.287% of the optimum and solutions using FBA strategy were within 0.508% of the optimum. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm can solve practically sized problems within a reasonable time and the quality of the solution is very good.

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A Postal Transportation Planning Algorithm (우편물 기간운송계획 알고리듬)

  • 최지영;이경식;박성수;김진석;김혜규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2001
  • We consider a postal transportation planning in the transportation network of the form of hub and spoke. Given mail sorting centers and an exchange center, available vehicles and amount of mails to be transported between mail sorting centers, postal transportation planning is to make a transportation plan without violating various restrictions. The objective is to minimize the total transportation cost. To solve the problem, a tabu search algorithm is Proposed. The algorithm is composed of a route construction procedure and a route improvement procedure to improve a solution obtained by the route construction procedure using a tabu search. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm can solve practically sized problems within a reasonable time and the quality of the solution is acceptable.

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A Study on Improvement and Evaluation Plan of the Korean Postal Code (우편번호 체계 개선 및 평가 방안 연구)

  • Chang, Tai-Woo;Wang, Seung-Jin;Lim, Joon-Mook;Kim, Ho-Yon;Bae, Sung-Min
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2006
  • Postal code is essential for improving efficiency of mail sorting. The Korean postal code, which is introduced in 1970 and had been reformed two times, has controversial issues because of changed postal environments such as modification of administrative districts and logistical transformation into a hub-and-spokes structure. In this study, we propose several improvement and evaluation methods in order to prepare an alternative plan of postal code system. After performing status analysis, we define the customers of postal code and analyze the requirements of them. The 6 proposed new postal code systems are based on each customer groups’ requirements. To evaluate the new systems, we develop several quantitative and qualitative indexes and make a survey of postal experts. Besides, we evaluate the influence of them to the postal environments including delivery sequence sorting process.

Operational Efficiency Scheme of Mailing Center for Automation (자동화 중심 우편집중국 운영 효율화 방안)

  • Um Insup;Lee Hongchul;Kang Jungyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.999-1006
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    • 2003
  • This research presents efficient operation schemes that is emphasized on mailing center's automation parts. We utilized the automation indicator to analyzed the mailing center system. For automation of the mailing center, we proposed the sorting automation alternative of registered mail, automation of conveyance system between workshops and the Up-Grade scheme for process improvement in mailing center. The selection of the registered mailing f s automation alternatives is composed of the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. Through the analysis of the space and the quantity of materials, the simulation experiments are conducted to examine conveyance equipment possibility of the mailing center. By simplifying the mailing center conceptually, we proposed the upgrade of process for the mailing center system. The result of this research can give some ideas to people who are formulating a policy for the mailing center operation.

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