• Title/Summary/Keyword: log return

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A Study on the Daily Probability of Rainfall in the Taegu Area according to the Theory of Probaility (대구지방(大邱地方)의 확률일우량(確率日雨量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young Ki;Na, In Yup
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 1971
  • With the advance of civilization and steadily increasing population rivalry and competition for the use of the sewage, culverts, farm irrigation and control of various types of flood discharge have developed and will be come more and more keen in the future. The author has tried to calculated a formula that could adjust these conflicts and bring about proper solutions for many problems arising in connection with these conditions. The purpose of this study is to find out effective sewage, culvert, drainage, farm irrigation, flood discharge and other engineering needs in the Taegu area. If demands expand further a new formula will have to be calculated. For the above the author estimated methods of control for the probable expected rainfall using a formula based on data collected over a long period of time. The formula is determined on the basis of the maximum daily rainfall data from 1921 to 1971 in the Taegu area. 1. Iwai methods shows a highly significant correlation among the variations of Hazen, Thomas, Gumbel methods and logarithmic normal distribution. 2. This study obtained the following major formula: ${\log}(x-2.6)=0.241{\xi}+1.92049{\cdots}{\cdots}$(I.M) by using the relation $F(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}{\int}_{-{\infty}}^{\xi}e^{-{\xi}^2}d{\xi}$. ${\xi}=a{\log}_{10}\(\frac{x+b}{x_0+b}\)$ ($-b<x<{\infty}$) ${\log}(x_0+b)=2.0448$ $\frac{1}{a}=\sqrt{\frac{2N}{N-1}}S_x=0.1954$. $b=\frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{m}b_s=-2.6$ $S_x=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits^N_{i=1}\{{\log}(x_i+b)\}^2-\{{\log}(x_0+b)\}^2}=0.169$ This formule may be advantageously applicable to the estimation of flood discharge, sewage, culverts and drainage in the Taegu area. Notation for general terms has been denoted by the following. Other notations for general terms was used as needed. $W_{(x)}$ : probability of occurranec, $W_{(x)}=\int_{x}^{\infty}f_{(n)}dx$ $S_{(x)}$ : probability of noneoccurrance. $S_{(x)}=\int_{-\infty}^{x}f_(x)dx=1-W_{(x)}$ T : Return period $T=\frac{1}{nW_{(x)}}$ or $T=\frac{1}{nS_{(x)}}$ $W_n$ : Hazen plot $W_n=\frac{2n-1}{2N}$ $F_n=1-W_x=1-\(\frac{2n-1}{2N}\)$ n : Number of observation (annual maximum series) P : Probability $P=\frac{N!}{{t!}(N-t)}F{_i}^{N-t}(1-F_i)^t$ $F_n$ : Thomas plot $F_n=\(1-\frac{n}{N+1}\)$ N : Total number of sample size $X_l$ : $X_s$ : maximum, minumum value of total number of sample size.

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Pricing an Equity-Linked Security with Non-Guaranteed Principal

  • Cho, Jae-Koang;Lee, Hang-Suck
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.413-429
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    • 2007
  • Equity-linked securities (ELS) provide their customers with the return linked to the underlying equity (or equities). Equity-linked products in Korea have recently gained popularity due to relatively low interest rates. This paper discusses an equity-linked security whose principal is not guaranteed. The payoff of the ELS depends on the returns of two underlying assets. This paper presents numerical prices of the proposed product by using Monte-Carlo simulation method. It assumes that the log-returns of two stocks follow either Brownian motion or variance gamma process. Finally, the comparison of the two approaches is discussed.

Comparison of realized volatilities reflecting overnight returns (장외시간 수익률을 반영한 실현변동성 추정치들의 비교)

  • Cho, Soojin;Kim, Doyeon;Shin, Dong Wan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2016
  • This study makes an empirical comparison of various realized volatilities (RVs) in terms of overnight returns. In financial asset markets, during overnight or holidays, no or few trading data are available causing a difficulty in computing RVs for a whole span of a day. A review will be made on several RVs reflecting overnight return variations. The comparison is made for forecast accuracies of several RVs for some financial assets: the US S&P500 index, the US NASDAQ index, the KOSPI (Korean Stock Price Index), and the foreign exchange rate of the Korea won relative to the US dollar. The RV of a day is compared with the square of the next day log-return, which is a proxy for the integrated volatility of the day. The comparison is made by investigating the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Statistical inference of MAE and RMSE is made by applying the model confidence set (MCS) approach and the Diebold-Mariano test. For the three index data, a specific RV emerges as the best one, which addresses overnight return variations by inflating daytime RV.

Option Pricing Models with Drift and Jumps under L$\acute{e}$vy processes : Beyond the Gerber-Shiu Model (L$\acute{e}$vy과정 하에서 추세와 도약이 있는 경우 옵션가격결정모형 : Gerber-Shiu 모형을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Seung-Mo;Lee, Phil-Sang
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.1-43
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    • 2007
  • The traditional Black-Scholes model for option pricing is based on the assumption that the log-return of the underlying asset follows a Brownian motion. But this assumption has been criticized for being unrealistic. Thus, for the last 20 years, many attempts have been made to adopt different stochastic processes to derive new option pricing models. The option pricing models based on L$\acute{e}$vy processes are being actively studied originating from the Gerber-Shiu model driven by H. U. Gerber and E. S. W. Shiu in 1994. In 2004, G. H. L. Cheang derived an option pricing model under multiple L$\acute{e}$vy processes, enabling us to adopt drift and jumps to the Gerber-Shiu model, while Gerber and Shiu derived their model under one L$\acute{e}$vy process. We derive the Gerber-Shiu model which includes drift and jumps under L$\acute{e}$vy processes. By adopting a Gamma distribution, we expand the Heston model which was driven in 1993 to include jumps. Then, using KOSPI200 index option data, we analyze the price-fitting performance of our model compared to that of the Black-Scholes model. It shows that our model shows a better price-fitting performance.

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Call-a-bus Satisfaction Based On Preference Between Rural Bus And Call-a-bus (농어촌버스와 콜버스 선호에 따른 콜버스 만족도 분석)

  • Jang, Tae Youn;Han, Sang Hwa;Kim, Chang Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • The study examines preference between rural bus and call-a-bus before call-a-bus operation and empirically analyzes the effecting factors on the call-a-bus satisfaction after operation. As the result of log-linear model, older persons prefer call-a-bus because of door-to-door service convenience and female also because of limitation of trip moving means. It is shown that persons with lower number of trips prefer call-a-bus. As the result of ordinal regression model for call-a-bus satisfaction, age, the number of family members and bus stop distance have the positive tendency but the going out frequency and the return time negative among rural bus preference persons. Male and the going out frequence show the negative tendency but trip moving means, bus stop distance, rural bus satisfaction, depart and return time positive among call-a-bus preference persons. The persons who have the positive preference on call-a-bus shows higher satisfaction on call-a-bus.

Design of an Ultra-Wideband LPDA Antenna for the Feeder of an Airborne Spinning Direction-Finding Reflector Antenna (공중 회전 방향탐지 반사판 안테나 급전기용 초광대역 LPDA 안테나 설계)

  • Park, Young-Ju;Park, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.653-659
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes an ultra-wideband Log-Periodic Dipole Array(LPDA) antenna for the feeder of a reflector antenna to be used for airborne spinning direction-finding and detecting wideband signals. To obtain the ultra-wideband characteristics over the 20:1 bandwidth from S to Ka band, the radiation elements of the antenna were printed on a substrate and a wedge-typed dielectric supporter with robust structure was inserted between the substrates. Also, the center portion of the supporter was replaced by a styrofoam material to reduce the supporter weight. The 5-dB return loss of the designed LPDA antenna showed ultra-wideband characteristics, which are 37.57:1(1.09~40.95 GHz) in the simulation and 33.85:1(1.31~44.35 GHz) in the measurement. We achieved the required gains of 5.78 dBi in the simulation and 5.76 dBi in the measurement in the operating band. The proposed robust, light-weight, and ultra-wideband LPDA antenna confirmed that it can be applied for airborne applications.

Analysis of Uniform Hazard Spectra for Metropolises in the Korean Peninsula (국내 주요 광역 도시에 대한 등재해도 스펙트럼 분석)

  • Rhee, Hyun-Me;Kim, Min Kyu;Sheen, Dong-Hoon;Choi, In-Kil
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2013
  • The uniform hazard spectra for seven major cities in Korea, Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Gwangju, Ulsan, and Inchon are suggested. Probabilistic seismic hazard analyses were performed using the attenuation equations derived from seismology research in Korea since 2000 and the seismotectonic models selected by expert assessment. For the estimation of the uniform hazard spectra, the seismic hazard curves for several frequencies and PGAs were calculated by using the spectral attenuation equations. The seismic hazards (annual exceedance probability) calculated for the 7 metropolises ranged from about $1.4305{\times}0^{-4}/yr$ to $1.7523{\times}10^{-4}/yr$ and averaged out at about $1.5902{\times}10^{-4}/yr$ with a log standard deviation of about 0.085 at 0.2 g. The uniform hazard spectra with recurrence intervals of 500, 1000, and 2500 years estimated by using the calculated mean seismic hazard on the frequencies presented peak values at 10.0 Hz, and the log standard deviations of the difference between metropolises ranged from about 0.013 to 0.209. In view of the insignificant difference between the estimated uniform hazard spectra obtained for the considered metropolises, the mean uniform hazard spectrum was estimated. This mean uniform hazard spectrum is expected to be used as input seismic response spectrum for rock sites in Korea.

Buffeting response of a free-standing bridge pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass

  • Li, Jiawu;Shen, Zhengfeng;Xing, Song;Gao, Guangzhong
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2020
  • The accurate estimation of the buffeting response of a bridge pylon is related to the quality of the bridge construction. To evaluate the influence of wind field characteristics on the buffeting response of a pylon in a trumpet-shaped mountain pass, this paper deduced a multimodal coupled buffeting frequency domain calculation method for a variable-section bridge tower under the twisted wind profile condition based on quasi-steady theory. Through the long-term measurement of the wind field of the trumpet-shaped mountain pass, the wind characteristics were studied systematically. The effects of the wind characteristics, wind yaw angles, mean wind speeds, and wind profiles on the buffeting response were discussed. The results show that the mean wind characteristics are affected by the terrain and that the wind profile is severely twisted. The optimal fit distribution of the monthly and annual maximum wind speeds is the log-logistic distribution, and the generalized extreme value I distribution may underestimate the return wind speed. The design wind characteristics will overestimate the buffeting response of the pylon. The buffeting response of the pylon is obviously affected by the wind yaw angle and mean wind speed. To accurately estimate the buffeting response of the pylon in an actual construction, it is necessary to consider the twisted effect of the wind profile.

Use of beta-P distribution for modeling hydrologic events

  • Murshed, Md. Sharwar;Seo, Yun Am;Park, Jeong-Soo;Lee, Youngsaeng
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2018
  • Parametric method of flood frequency analysis involves fitting of a probability distribution to observed flood data. When record length at a given site is relatively shorter and hard to apply the asymptotic theory, an alternative distribution to the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is often used. In this study, we consider the beta-P distribution (BPD) as an alternative to the GEV and other well-known distributions for modeling extreme events of small or moderate samples as well as highly skewed or heavy tailed data. The L-moments ratio diagram shows that special cases of the BPD include the generalized logistic, three-parameter log-normal, and GEV distributions. To estimate the parameters in the distribution, the method of moments, L-moments, and maximum likelihood estimation methods are considered. A Monte-Carlo study is then conducted to compare these three estimation methods. Our result suggests that the L-moments estimator works better than the other estimators for this model of small or moderate samples. Two applications to the annual maximum stream flow of Colorado and the rainfall data from cloud seeding experiments in Southern Florida are reported to show the usefulness of the BPD for modeling hydrologic events. In these examples, BPD turns out to work better than $beta-{\kappa}$, Gumbel, and GEV distributions.

Probabilistic Analysis of Drought Characteristics in Pakistan Using a Bivariate Copula Model

  • Jehanzaib, Muhammad;Kim, Ji Eun;Park, Ji Yeon;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.151-151
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    • 2019
  • Because drought is a complex and stochastic phenomenon in nature, statistical approaches for drought assessment receive great attention for water resource planning and management. Generally drought characteristics such as severity, duration and intensity are modelled separately. This study aims to develop a relationship between drought characteristics using a bivariate copula model. To achieve the objective, we calculated the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using rainfall data at 6 rain gauge stations for the period of 1961-1999 in Jehlum River Basin, Pakistan, and investigated the drought characteristics. Since there is a significant correlation between drought severity and duration, they are usually modeled using different marginal distributions and joint distribution function. Using exponential distribution for drought severity and log-logistic distribution for drought duration, the Galambos copula was recognized as best copula to model joint distribution of drought severity and duration based on the KS-statistic. Various return periods of drought were calculated to identify time interval of repeated drought events. The result of this study can provide useful information for effective water resource management and shows superiority against univariate drought analysis.

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