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The Effect of Men's Underwear Benefits Sought on Underwear Purchasing Behavior (남성의 속옷 추구혜택에 따른 구매행동)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyung;Hwang, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2010
  • This study was intended to present basic materials for the direction of product planning and marketing strategy to increase the market share of men's underwear. For this purpose, it attempted to classify the groups according to the benefit of pursuing men's underwear and analyze the differences in purchase behavior among the segmented groups. The specific purposes of the study were to investigate the purchase behavior of men's underwear, to segment the consumers into groups according to underwear benefits sought, to investigate the differences in purchase behavior among the groups, and to investigate the differences in demographics among the groups. The questionnaire was distributed to men aged the 20s to the 40s living in Seoul. A total of 297 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. As a result, the following findings were obtained. It was found that 84.8% of the respondents showed there was no favorite underwear brand. They showed the favorite color of translucent color, the favorite style of trunk and brief, the favorite post-processing of silver nano, deo processing, and the favorite material of charcoal. In purchasing men's underwear, the respondents showed a preference for simple image, and the discount store as the place of purchase. The results also showed that there were four groups of underwear benefits sought: sex appeal/individuality, comfort, practicality, and fashion/brand groups. In regard to the group differences, there were significant differences in underwear purchase motives, underwear preferences, store selection criteria, and demographics.

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Food Culture of Koryo Dynasty from the Viewpoint of Marine relics of Taean Mado shipwrecks No. 1 and No. 2 (태안 마도1·2호선 해양 유물로 본 고려시대의 음식 문화)

  • Koh, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.499-510
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the food culture of the Koryo Dynasty during the early 13th century based on the records of wooden tablets and marine relics from the 1st and 2nd ships of Mado wrecked at sea off Taean while sailing for Gaegyeong containing various types of grain paid as taxes and tributes. The recipients of the cargo on the 1st ship of Mado were bureaucrats living in Gaegyeong during the period of the military regime of the Koryo Dynasty, and the place of embarkation was the inlet around Haenam (Juksan Prefecture) and Naju (Hoijin Prefecture) in Jolla-do. On wooden tablets were recorded 37 items of rice, cereal, and fermented foods. The measures used in the records were seok [石-20 du (斗)] for cereal, seok [15 du, 20 du] for fermented soybean paste, and pot (缸) and volume (斗) for salted fish. The places of embarkation on the 2nd ship of Mado were Jeongeup (Gobu Prefecture), Gochang (Jangsa Prefecture, Musong Prefecture), etc. On wooden tablets were recorded 29 items of rice, cereal, fermented foods, seasame oil, and honey. The volume measure for yeast guk (麴), the fermentative organism for rice wine, was nang [囊-geun (斤)], and the measure for sesame oil and honey, which were materials of oil-and-honey pastries and confections, was joon (樽-seong, 盛). Honey and sesame oil were luxury foods for the upper-class people of the Koryo Dynasty, and they were carried in high-quality inlaid celadon vases in Meibyung style. Food names and measures written on wooden tablets and actual artifacts found in the 1st and 2nd ships of Mado are valuable materials for research into agriculture, cereal, and fermented foods of the Koryo Dynasty in the early 13th century. Besides, relics such as grains and bones of fish and animals from the Koryo Dynasty are expected to provide crucial information usable in studies on food history of the Korean Peninsula.

A Study on Development of Brand Positioning Map for Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Utilizing Multidimensional Scaling Method (다차원척도법을 이용한 여성기성복 상표 포지셔닝 연구)

  • Oh Hyun-Ju;Rhee Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of the study was to develope brand positioning map for ladies' ready-to-wear, to find out evaluative criteria in perception and preference to brands, and to persent the relationship between consumer's characteristics and brand preference. Subjects were selected for the housewives of middle and high socioeconomic classes living in Seoul area. A questionnaire including items of life style, self image, similarity between brands, preference degree to brands, and demographic variables was developed for the empirical study. The questionnaire was administrated to 137 housewives during fall in 1989. Data were analyzed by cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling method. The study had two research problems. The first research problem was to construct a brand perceptual map for ladies' ready-to-wear brands, selected for the study The perceptual map was constructed on the basis of brand similarity scores by multidimensional scaling method. As a result, brands were grouped into 4 clusters, and evaluative criteria for perceptual map were found to be fashionability (classic- fashionable) and familiarity (familiar-unfamiliar). The second problem was to construct a brand preference map for ladies' ready-to-wear brands, selected for the study. The preference map was constructed on the basis of brand preference scores by multidimensional scaling method. As a result, the brands were grouped into 4 clusters and evaluative critiera for preference map were found to be fashionability (unfashionable-fashionable) and image to age (mature-young directed). Also was shown the relationship among self image, age, socioeconomic class, and brand preference. The multidimensional scaling method was found to be useful as well as valid instrument for brand positioning research and the result can be utilized for establishing strategies for ladies' ready-to-wear brands.

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A Study on the Design of Official Costume of 16th Century Gineyo in Scholar's Banquet;Focusing on the Image Design for Cultural Contents (16세기 조선 기녀의 일반 연회(宴會) 규정복식 고증 디자인 연구;문화콘텐츠용 이미지 작업을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hae-Yool
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.1322-1331
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to design an official costume of Joseon Ginyeo in the scholar’s banquet in 16th century, thereby making correct historical animation, drama costumes, and various costume contents. Every Ginyeo in and wore a long yellow coat with short front edge. 'Dan-ei', Ginyeo’s court costume, had very similar shape except color and collar, therefore the size of Dan-ei was adapted to design a yellow coat for drama actress. Ginyeo’s Jogori in these paintings was wide and long enough to cover undervelly under the edge of yellow coat, but It was designed more slim and long for better appearence and comfortable movement in my work. A skirt of Ginyeo was designed with circumference of about 360cm and length of about 105cm according as a skirt style of Joseon ladies in 16th century. Ginyeo's Jam(hairpin) was consist of a vase, a plum blossom, and a lotus pattern. And, a wide underpants with a single suspender, portable pouch, Un-hae(women’s shoes) with low heel are needed for drama actress in the role of Ginyeo. In this design, it is very important to save an estimate and time, select suitable mordern fabrics, reform discomportable points, express a charater’s role, and make a trendy appearence.

Determinants of health screening and its effects on health behaviors (건강검진 수검의 결정요인 및 건강증진행위 변화 효과)

  • Yeo, Ji-Young;Jeong, Hyoung-Sun
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2012
  • With the burden of chronic diseases mounting among the population as a result of its aging, the importance of health examination is being stressed in order to identify and manage diseases in the early stage. Health examination in Korea is divided largely into periodic health examination provided as a national health screening program and individual physical checkups. The advantages of the former include little economic burden on the examined and those of the latter include the freedom of the individual to select various examination headings depending on the individual's characteristics and preferences. With both examinations now being expanded, empirical analyses from various standpoints are needed. This study proposes to analyze traits of the examined and non-examined as shown in the facts and figures of the 1st and 2nd Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA), thereby make the determinant factors clear leading to the acceptance of the examinations, and analyze the effects of the examinations upon maintaining or moving to healthy lifestyle. It was confirmed that demographic features such as gender and age, socioeconomic features such as the level of education, place of residence and household income, physical and mental state of health such as chronic disease and dementia, and daily living habits are significantly related with whether to accept physical examination. It is also confirmed that physical examination leads to non-smoking, regular physical exercises and regular dietary habits. It is suggested that, to enhance effects of health examinations, follow-up management programs making use of results of health examinations be further expanded, and the national health screening program be more actively put into operation for the bracket lying in the blind spot of the program.

Effects of Routine Haecho Bibimbab Consumption on the Improvement of Bowel Habits during Short Period (해초비빔밥을 단기간 일상식으로 상용했을 때 배변습관 개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Kyung-Dong;Kim, Eun-Jin;Kim, Mi-Young;Baek, Ok-Hee;Choi, Chang-Sun;Han, Chan-Kyu;Lee, Bog-Hieu
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of routine haecho bibimbab (boiled rice with assorted seaweed mixtures) consumption on the bowel habits in humans. Forty free-living adults (female 38, male 2) participated in this study (mean age 41.2±7.5). After a baseline survey on general characteristics, life style and dietary habits, the participants were asked to consume haecho bibimbab during two-week period for lunch. Habitual bowel movements were checked out every day by a questionnaire and nutrient intake was estimated by a 24-hour recalls before and after the study. After 2 weeks of clinical trial, the bowel habits had improved. Haecho bibimbab increased the number of bowel movements, changed hard stools into softer ones. It also lessen the sense of incomplete evacuation, and abdominal pain during defecation, increased water intake (p < 0.001) and improved gastrointestinal problem. The participants believed that haecho bibimbab was effective in improving their constipation symptoms and bowel habits (p < 0.01). Routine haecho bibimbab consumption tended to increase especially vitamin A, E and folate intake (p < 0.01). The present findings suggest that routine seaweed-based lunch meal (haecho bibimbab) consumption may improve bowel habits without side effects.

A Study on the Determinant Variables of Brand Loyalty Related to Clothing Items (의복품목에 따른 상표충성의 결정변인 연구 - 서울 거주 여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Jin Byoung Ho;Kahng Hewon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.211-225
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    • 1992
  • The purposes of this study were 1) to estimate the brand loyalty related to clothing items,2) to investigate the differences between the brand loyal group and the brand disloyal group in 4 determinant variables (product involvement, information source, purchase-related and demo- graphic variables) of brand loyalty, 3) to find out important determinant variables which explain the brand loyalty on clothing items, and 4) to identify product attributes that lead to brand loyalty on clothing items. Four clothing items selected (ortho study were underwear, jean / skirt, T-shirt / sweater, and formal dress / suits. The questionnaire was administered to 529 adult women living in Seoul, and the methods used to analyze the data were Frequency, T-Test, x2test, Factor Analysis and Multiple Discriminant Analysis. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Both behavior and attitude are needed for the measurement of brand loyalty in clothing. The hightes brand loyal item was formal dress / suits, followed by jean / skirt, T-shirt / sweater, underwear. 2) There were some significant differences between the brand loyal group and the brand disloyal group in 4 determinant variables of brand loyalty. 3) The important determinant variables of brand loyalty were perceived risk / brand differ-ence, purchase experience / self-confidence in purchase, and product symbolic / hedonic mean-ing, of which the most important varible was found to be perceived risk / brand difference. 4) The most important product attribute that lead to brand loyalty for underwear was comfort whereas for the other 3 clothing items, it was style. Quality was the second important productattributeforallclothingitems.

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Meaning of 'Labor' and Aesthetic in Dardenne Brothers' Films (다르덴 형제 영화에서 '노동'의 의미와 형식미학)

  • Ahn, Soong-Beum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2012
  • Dardenne brothers' films deals with minorities' issues who are shoved out to periphery of society, and especially takes interest in value-deprived human life in labor market of today. This study examines such social awareness of Dardenne brothers targeting their latest works awarded in Cannes Film Festival, , , , , . And analysis is attempted about Dardenne brothers' unique formal aesthetical style that exactly captures such social awareness. In Dardenne brothers' films a person shows up who faces abject matter of living. Their agony is closely connected to unemployment, and shows images of irresistible anxiety and alienation. Dardenne brothers' images are not only simple platform with contents embodied, but designed form showing essential thematic consciousness. Location and gaze, motion of camera capturing a character makes us to reflect the situation a character is facing in the world. There are almost no regard about plots, no dramatic devices, superficial and even straightforward, but Dardenne brothers' films have such independent formal aesthetic, which makes able to give endless tension.

The Convergence Study of Self-Management and Self-efficacy on Health Promotion Activities of University Student (대학생의 자기생활관리와 자기효능감이 건강증진행위에 미치는 융복합적 연구)

  • Lee, Sook Ryon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: A descriptive study to focus the life style, self-efficacy and health promotion activity of university students, to analyze the phase-to-phase relationship between and impact on health promoting behaviors. Method: At K University among 225 students on 22-26th August 2014. Self-management and self-efficacy of [24] and health promotion activities of [29] are used for the measuring tools. Results: Health promotion activity with general characteristics is major, living and allowed time is a significant different. Between health promotion activity and self management of health variables were shown moderate correlation. Self-efficacy was too. The relevant explanatory factors influencing the self management of health promotion activities was found to be 64.0%. Conclusion: This study suggests that to improve the health promotion activities, measures to promote self-management and self-efficacy are required and the development of health promotion program is needed.

Style for a Study on Visual Tactility of Game Animation (게임에니메이션의 시각적 촉각성 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2006
  • With the New media of present age we are living at, strongly entice consumers through various sensible technology and give influences on our life. They are visually formed but make us feel them as if formed tactile. The masses of today are meeting media through all the senses in daily life according to the spread of on-line media and in such course they want momentary and tactile share. Since appearance of mass society and cinema following such current, art has appealed to dispersive and tactile perception, and such public way of perception makes it possible to experience 'visual tactility' in daily life in accordance with the development of on-line game culture among others. The shock effects, given by editing of game animations which are produced for epic experience of on-line game, arouse tactility in addition to visibility. Under this assumption and on the basis of visual tactility theory as well as montage theory of image by Walter Benjamin, the research intends to explain that public tactile shock does not result from simple graphic effect but from montage effect and dispersive acceptance.

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