A Study on the Design of Official Costume of 16th Century Gineyo in Scholar's Banquet;Focusing on the Image Design for Cultural Contents

16세기 조선 기녀의 일반 연회(宴會) 규정복식 고증 디자인 연구;문화콘텐츠용 이미지 작업을 중심으로

  • Choi, Hae-Yool (Dept. of Fashion Design & Apparel Industry, Institute for better living, Wonkwang University)
  • 최해율 (원광대학교 패션디자인. 산업전공학과/생활자원개발연구소)
  • Published : 2008.08.31


The purpose of this study is to design an official costume of Joseon Ginyeo in the scholar’s banquet in 16th century, thereby making correct historical animation, drama costumes, and various costume contents. Every Ginyeo in and wore a long yellow coat with short front edge. 'Dan-ei', Ginyeo’s court costume, had very similar shape except color and collar, therefore the size of Dan-ei was adapted to design a yellow coat for drama actress. Ginyeo’s Jogori in these paintings was wide and long enough to cover undervelly under the edge of yellow coat, but It was designed more slim and long for better appearence and comfortable movement in my work. A skirt of Ginyeo was designed with circumference of about 360cm and length of about 105cm according as a skirt style of Joseon ladies in 16th century. Ginyeo's Jam(hairpin) was consist of a vase, a plum blossom, and a lotus pattern. And, a wide underpants with a single suspender, portable pouch, Un-hae(women’s shoes) with low heel are needed for drama actress in the role of Ginyeo. In this design, it is very important to save an estimate and time, select suitable mordern fabrics, reform discomportable points, express a charater’s role, and make a trendy appearence.



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