• Title/Summary/Keyword: light cycle

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Modelling The Population Dynamics of Laodelphax striatellus Fallén on Rice (벼에서 애멸구(Laodelphax striatellus Fallén) 개체군 밀도 변동 예측 모델 구축)

  • Kwon, Deok Ho;Jeong, In-Hong;Seo, Bo Yoon;Kim, Hey-Kyung;Park, Chang-Gyu
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2019
  • Temperature-dependent traits of Laodelphax striatellus, rice stripe virus vector, were investigated at 10 constant temperatures (12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, 30.0, 32.5, and 35.0 ± 1℃) under a fixed photoperiod (14/10-hr light/dark cycle). Unit functions for the oviposition model were estimated and implemented into a population dynamics model using DYMEX. The longevity of L. striatellus adults decreased with increasing temperature (56.0 days at 15.0℃ and 17.7 days at 35.0℃). The highest total fecundity (515.9 eggs/female) was observed at 22.5℃, while the lowest (18.6 eggs/female) was observed at 35.0℃. Adult developmental rates, temperature-dependent fecundity, age-specific mortality rates, and age-specific cumulative oviposition rates were estimated. All unit equations described adult performances of L. striatellus accurately (r2 =0.94~0.97). After inoculating adults, the constructed model was tested under pot and field conditions using the rice-plant hopper system. The model output and observed data were similar up to 30 days after inoculation; however, there were large discrepancies between observed and estimated population density after 30 days, especially for 1st and 2nd instar nymph densities. Model estimates were one or two nymphal stages faster than was observed. Further refinement of the model created in this study could provide realistic forecasting of this important rice pest.

Effect of Fish Number in Respiratory Chamber on Routine Oxygen Consumption of Black Porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli Reared in Seawater or Freshwater (해수 및 담수사육 감성돔, Acanthopagrus schlegeli의 호흡측정실내 수용개체수에 따른 산소소비 비교)

  • Jeong, Min-Hwan;Kim, Young-Soo;Min, Byung-Hwa;Chang, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2007
  • Comparison of fish number on routine oxygen consumption (OC) of black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) reared in seawater (SW) versus freshwater (FW) was performed in closed water-recirculating system containing respiratory chamber. Fish acclimated in separate indoor tanks with SW or FW were sampled as two groups (one or three of fish used, $mean\;{\pm}\;S.D.=36.4{\pm}9.8$). OC of fish reared in both SW and FW showed clear temporal rhythms, with higher values in the daytime and lower values at night, in accordance with light (09:00-21:00 h) and dark (21:00-09:00 h) phases of the diel cycle (12L:12D). The OC of the fish increased linearly with the water temperature. The OCs of black porgy reared in SW and FW at 15, 20, $25^{\circ}C$ were 140.0, 174.8, 282.3 mg $O^2{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ and 177.5, 307.8, 413.1 mg $O^2{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ for the one of fish used, and 200.5, 274.7, 339.1 mg $O^2{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ and 118.2, 188.2, 252.8 mg $O^2{\cdot}kg^{-1}{\cdot}h^{-1}$ for three of fish used, respectively. Black porgy reared in SW had higher ventilation rates than those in FW. These results indicate that black porgy reared in FW had higher OC than those in SW at the one of fish used, but the fish reared in SW had higher OC than those in FW at the three of fish used.

Growth Characteristics, Bio-chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Benthic Diatom Grammatophora marina from Jeju Coast, Korea

  • Affan, Abu;Karawita, Rohan;Jeon, Yu-Jin;Kim, Bo-Young;Lee, Joon-Baek
    • ALGAE
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2006
  • Benthic diatoms are known as a good food for shellfish in nature and in commercial hatchery of Jeju Island, Korea. Grammatophora marina is commonly found as dominant benthic micro-algae in Jeju coastal waters throughout the year. To know the best growth conditions of this species, culture was done in terms of three parameters; water temperature, salinity and nutrients. Each parameter was controlled by temperature of 15, 20 and 25°C; salinity of 25, 30 and 35 psu; and nutrient concentrations of 50, 100 and 200%. F/2 media was used with artificial seawater for the culture, which was continued for two weeks with L:D cycle 12:12 by using fluorescent light. Maximum specific growth rate was recorded 1.68 d–1 at temperature of 25°C with salinity of 35 psu and nutrient concentration of 200% on 6th day during the culture period. Maximum biomass was also observed 4.9 × 105 cells mL–1 in the same condition. This species may belong to the euryhaline and eutrophic habitat with warm condition. For nutritional aspects of this species, protein, lipid and carbohydrate were measured. The value of protein, lipid and carbohydrate was 4.96%, 15.82% and 5.65%, respectively. The antioxidant activities of 80% methanolic extract were 46.7%, 23.7% and 23.8% on DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylydrazy) radical, superoxide anion radical and hydrogen peroxide scavenging, respectively. Percentage metal chelating activity was 81.2%. Enzymatic extracts of Alcalase and Ultraflow showed remarkable scavenging activities on DPPH radical (86.5% and 57.2%, respectively), and superoxide anion scavenging activities were 45.3% and 41.4% from Kojizyme and Viscozyme extracts, respectively. Extract of Protomex revealed 24.8% activity on hydrogen peroxide and Neutase showed 30.8% on hydroxyl radical scavenging effects. Celluclast and Viscozyme extracts showed 33.2% and 32.1% activities on nitric oxide scavenging, respectively, while Alcalase showed 61.5% on metal chelating. This species contains higher lipids among the biochemical compounds and higher metal chelating activities from both 80% methanolic and enzymatic extracts.

Characteristics of Marine Environment and Primary Productivity of Phytoplankton in the Seaweed Bed of Northwestern Coast of Jeju Island During Autumn 2014 (2014년 추계 제주 북서부 해조장에서 해양환경과 식물플랑크톤의 일차생산력 특성)

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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.180-191
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    • 2015
  • Marine environmental characteristics and primary productivity of phytoplankton were investigated in seaweed bed of northwestern coast of Jeju Island during Autumn, 2014. The trophic state based on dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus was mesotrophic. The Redfield ratio was less than 16, indicating that nitrogen was the limiting factor for the growth of phytoplankton. Dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus accounts for 63 and 46% of the dissolved total nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Light utilization efficiency (${\alpha}$) and maximum photosynthetic capacity ($P_m{^B}$) were highest in the Donggwi (third-year marine forest), followed by Gonae (one-year marine forest), Biyangdo (natural seaweed bed) and Geumneung (whitening area). The primary productivity of phytoplankton in the Donggwi, Gonae and Biyangdo also was higher than that in the Geumneung. Although nitrogen is the limiting factor, enriched dissolved organic nitrogen might play an important role to maintain primary productivity. In addition, phytoplankton community through photosynthesis could produce about 14% of phytoplankton carbon in one hour. These results will be able to use the important information for material cycle and ecological valuation of seaweed bed.


  • Hejzlar, Pavel;Petroski, Robert;Cheatham, Jesse;Touran, Nick;Cohen, Michael;Truong, Bao;Latta, Ryan;Werner, Mark;Burke, Tom;Tandy, Jay;Garrett, Mike;Johnson, Brian;Ellis, Tyler;Mcwhirter, Jon;Odedra, Ash;Schweiger, Pat;Adkisson, Doug;Gilleland, John
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.731-744
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    • 2013
  • Energy security is a topic of high importance to many countries throughout the world. Countries with access to vast energy supplies enjoy all of the economic and political benefits that come with controlling a highly sought after commodity. Given the desire to diversify away from fossil fuels due to rising environmental and economic concerns, there are limited technology options available for baseload electricity generation. Further complicating this issue is the desire for energy sources to be sustainable and globally scalable in addition to being economic and environmentally benign. Nuclear energy in its current form meets many but not all of these attributes. In order to address these limitations, TerraPower, LLC has developed the Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) which is a near-term deployable and truly sustainable energy solution that is globally scalable for the indefinite future. The fast neutron spectrum allows up to a ~30-fold gain in fuel utilization efficiency when compared to conventional light water reactors utilizing enriched fuel. When compared to other fast reactors, TWRs represent the lowest cost alternative to enjoy the energy security benefits of an advanced nuclear fuel cycle without the associated proliferation concerns of chemical reprocessing. On a country level, this represents a significant savings in the energy generation infrastructure for several reasons 1) no reprocessing plants need to be built, 2) a reduced number of enrichment plants need to be built, 3) reduced waste production results in a lower repository capacity requirement and reduced waste transportation costs and 4) less uranium ore needs to be mined or purchased since natural or depleted uranium can be used directly as fuel. With advanced technological development and added cost, TWRs are also capable of reusing both their own used fuel and used fuel from LWRs, thereby eliminating the need for enrichment in the longer term and reducing the overall societal waste burden. This paper describes the origins and current status of the TWR development program at TerraPower, LLC. Some of the areas covered include the key TWR design challenges and brief descriptions of TWR-Prototype (TWR-P) reactor. Selected information on the TWR-P core designs are also provided in the areas of neutronic, thermal hydraulic and fuel performance. The TWR-P plant design is also described in such areas as; system design descriptions, mechanical design, and safety performance.

Fabrication and Transmission Experiment of the Distributed Feedback Laser Diode(DFB-LD) Module for 2.5Gbps Optical Telecommunication System (2.5Gbps 광통신용 distrbuted feedback laser diode(DFB-LD) 모듈 제작 및 광송신 실험)

  • 박경현;강승구;송민규;이중기;조호성;장동훈;박찬용;김정수;김홍만
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 1994
  • We designed and fabricated the single mode fiber pigtailed DFB-LD module for 2.5 Gbps optical communication system. In the design of the DFB-LD module, we made the module divided into two parts of inner sub-module and outer 14-pin butterfly package and cylindrical shaped sub-module contain quasi confocal 2 lens system including optical isolator and electrical connection between these parts via hybrid substrate of bias T circuit. Laser welding was used to assemble the sub-module which requires accurate fixing between optical elements. The fabricated DFB-LD module showed optical coupling efficiency of 20% and - 3 dB small signal response of more than 2.6 GHz. We confirmed mechanical reliability of the module by temperature cycle test where the tested module exhibit optical power fluctuation of less than 10%. Finally we evaluated the performance of the fabricated DFB-LD module as light source of 2.5 Gbps optical communication system, sensitivity of - 30.2 dBm was obtained through 47 km optical fiber transmission under the criterion of $1\times10^{-10}$ BER and transmission penalties were 1.5 dB caused by extinction ratio and 1.0 dB caused by chromatic dispersion of normal single mode fiber. fiber.

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Light and Electron Microscopy of Rainbow Trout Gonadotropes and Spermatogenic Cells (무지개송어 뇌하수체의 성선자극호르몬 분비세포와 정자형성세포의 광학 및 전자현미경적 미세구조)

  • Yoon, Jong-Man;Park, Hong-Yang
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to investigate the morphological changes of gonadotropes in pituitary gland and spermatogenic cells in testis, obtained from 150 of 3-year-old immature and mature male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during the reproductive cycles from March to February in the following year. In the maturation cycle of the pituitary gonadotropes of cultured rainbow trout, three periods can be distinguished i.e. a period of resting(March-August), a period of full spermatogenesis (September-November), and a period of breeding (December-February). The ultrastructures of the gonadotropes largely parallel the cyclical changes in the tests. The seminiferous tubules contain all spermatogenetic stages and sperm cells in a period of early maturation. At first, the size of the nucleus and cytoplasm decrease gradually at every stages from spermatogonia to spermatids. In the secondary spermatocytes, the small mitochondria are located over the outer cytoplam. In spermatids, the cytoplasmic masses move toward the posterior part of the nucleus. In spermatids, the two large mitochondria are located over the cytoplasm. In spermatids, the cytoplasmic masses move towark the posterior part of the nucleus. In spermatids, the two large mitochondria are located over the cytoplasm and begin to elongate. In spermatozoa, the surface of the nucleus devreases in volume. Examination by TEM shows that the nuclear envelope and plasma membrane are slightlywrinkled and closely adhered to the nucleus of spermatozoa. Two oval mitochondria are quite separated and the flagellum is inserted into the base of the spermatozoa head.The axoneme in this fish has the typical pattern such as nine peripheral doublets and a central doublet(9+2). there are remarkable individual differences in the size and morphology of spermatozoa head as observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

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Effects of Some Environmental Factors on the Germination of Seeds in Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior (몇가지 환경요인이 돼지풀의 종자발아에 미치는 영향)

  • 김종홍;김원희;차승희
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2002
  • In order to analyze the life cycle of A. artemisiifolia var. elation dormancy and some environmental factors inducing germination of the seeds were examined. The results were as follows : Dormancy of fertile seeds was broken in part within a month after seed collection in case of adequate moisture and alternating temperature was also effective in breaking dormancy. The temperature range, which allow germination was 12℃ ∼ 32℃. Optimum temperature for germination was 24℃. The seed of A. artemisiifolia var. elatior was light-independent. The difference of storage period appeared to have no particular effect on the viability of seeds at any time during the 9-month storage period. In the increasing temperature(IT) regime, A artemisiifolia var. elatior seeds started to germinate at 16℃, showing the higher temperature the greater germination rate, the final germination percentage was 99.34%. On the other hand, in the decresing temperature(DT) regime, seeds began to germinate at 20℃ with the 1.34% germination. An induced dormancy occurred at 12℃ making the 5.34% fecal germination in the DT regime. Low temperature was more effective to break dormancy than higher temperature Seeds of A. artemisiifolia var. elatior seems to be germinated in mid to late autumn or germination delayed until following spring. The above results suggest these variation of germination response in diverse environmental factors seems to be a physiological strategy to maintain their existence and to reproduce in the extreme thermal variation.

Effect of Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yiqib$\check{u}$xu$\grave{e}$-tang) on Hair Regrowth and Cytokine Changes on Hair-Removed C57BL/6 Mice (익기보혈탕(益氣補血湯)이 C57BL/6 마우스의 육모(育毛)촉진 및 Cytokine 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Jung-Ae;Song, Mi-Yeon;Choi, In-Hwa;Sohn, Nak-Won;Chung, Seok-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.138-152
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    • 2010
  • Objective: Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yiqib$\check{u}$xu$\grave{e}$-t$\bar{a}$ng) is one of the representative prescriptions for invigoration of vitality and nourishing of the blood. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yiqib$\check{u}$xu$\grave{e}$-t$\bar{a}$ng) on hair regrowth and cytokine changes in a shaving model of C57BL6 mice. Method: Five-week-old mice were acclimated for 1 week at a temperature between $21-23^{\circ}C{\acute{E}}$, 40-60% relative humidity, and 12h of a light/dark cycle before beginning of the experiment. There were two groups including normal saline (control) and a positive control of oral intake of Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yiqib$\check{u}$xu$\grave{e}$-t$\bar{a}$ng) extract (sample) in 18 female mice. The test compounds were topically treated once a day over 14 days. The hair regrowth was photographically and histologically determined during the experimental period of 14 days. Revelation of TGF-${\beta}1$ and EGF were also determined using immunohistochemistry. In addition to that, IFN-$\gamma$, IL-4 and IL-10 were determined in serum. Results: Hair regrowth in the sample group was promoted earlier and faster than the control group, as shown by concentrations of hairs and thick-hair ratio in the sample group. TGF-${\beta}1$ was not revealed in either control or sample group. EGF was strongly positive in out root sheath of some thick hair of the sample group. Serum IFN-$\gamma$ was significantly decreased in the sample group compared with the control group at 7 experimental days. However, it was not significantly decreased at 14 experimental days. Serum IL-4 was significantly increased in the sample group compared with the control group at 7 experimental days. However, it was not significantly decreased at 14 experimental days. Serum IL-10 was decreased in the sample group compared with the control group, but with no real statistical significance. Conclusion: These results suggest that Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yiqib$\check{u}$xu$\grave{e}$-t$\bar{a}$ng) has hair growth promoting activity and it can be used for treatment of alopecia. Also, these effects relate to EGF revelation of hair roots, a decrease in serum IFN-$\gamma$, and an increase of serum IL-4.

Customer Participation Driven Sustainable Business Ecosystems (고객참여 기반의 지속가능한 비즈니스 생태계 조성)

  • Joo, Jae-Hun;Shin, Matthew Min-Suk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - A business ecosystem refers to mutually dependent systems interconnected by a loose foundation of various ecosystem members such as customers, suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders. The ecosystem-based strategy attempts to achieve competitive advantage for firms by enriching a business ecosystem or building a sustainable business ecosystem through the collaboration and co-evolution of its members. A sustainable business ecosystem is a source of competitiveness for firms anda manageable resource for gaining a competitive advantage. Customers represent the core membership of the business ecosystem and play a pivotal role in building a sustainable business ecosystem. This study examines the effects of customer participation on economic and social value in the business ecosystem and suggests a course of action for building a sustainable business ecosystem. Research design, data, and methodology - Two business cases of South Korea are selected from two different business types: business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) firms. Business ecosystems for B2B and B2C firms reflect contrasting characteristics. Data was collected from in-depth interviews with four representatives of four firms. Results - The study suggested seven propositions for the relationships between customer participation and a sustainable business ecosystem through multiple case studies based on in-depth interviews. The results reveal the following four strategic actions for building sustainable business ecosystems based on the suggested propositions: alignment, systemization, socialization, and co-evolution. Alignment refers to achieving a harmonic balance or virtuous circle among the firm's mission, investment, and value creation. Systemization refers to building and implementing management and infrastructure systems rooted in the corporate culture. Socialization of customers in the business ecosystem reinforces the harmony or virtuous cycle. Finally, co-evolution is associated with the relationship between firms and customers as buyer firms in a restricted business ecosystem. Conclusions - This study considers multiple cases for the execution of a sustainable business ecosystem in collaboration with customers and suggests seven propositions and four strategic actions. The results are based on qualitative data from interviews with business associates from two firms in an open business ecosystem and two firms in a restricted business ecosystem, both in South Korea. Our research results regarding two contrasting business ecosystems shed light on business issues and policy making in Asian business environments, which are in the transition stages from a traditional conglomerate-driven to an inclusive growth-driven economy. The business ecosystem itself should be considered a manageable resource for firms' competitive positions in the market. A customer is a member of the business ecosystem and should thus be viewed not only as a purchasing entity and an object of relationship management but also as a co-creator of value. Therefore, firms should collaborate with customers to build sustainable business ecosystems. For this, firms must create social value, which cannot be created by customers alone, within the business ecosystem. Then, customers participate in a business ecosystem and build it to be favorable to them. Implications for academics and practitioners were suggested.