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The influence of some intrauterine growth variables on neonatal blood pressure (태아기 자궁내 성장지표와 신생아 혈압과의 관련성)

  • Min, Jungwon;Park, Eun Ae;Kong, Kyoungae;Park, Bohyun;Hong, Juhee;Kim, Young Ju;Lee, Hwayoung;Ha, EunHee;Park, Hyesook
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.966-971
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : 'Programming' describes the process that stimulus at a critical period of development has lifelong effects. The fact that low birth weight links to the risk of elevated blood pressures in adult life is well known. This study aims to examine whether this link is evident in the newborn by investigating the relationship of the intrauterine growth indices and neonatal blood pressure(BP). Methods : We studied 127 neonates who were born at Ewha Womans' Hospital and their mothers enrolled our cohort study during pregnancy. Data on the mothers and details of the birth records were tracked and collected from medical charts. Neonatal BP was measured within 24 hours after birth. Results : Neonatal SBP was positively correlated to intrauterine growth indices; birth weight(BW)(r=0.4), head circumference(HC)(r=0.4), and birth height(r=0.3). However, an inverse relationship existed, between HC/BW ratio and neonatal SBP(r=-0.4). After adjusting for the baby's sex, maternal BP, and gestational age, neonatal SBP still associated with intrauterine growth indices. SBP was 7 mmHg higher in the highest BW group(${\geq}90percentiles$) compared to the lowest group(<10 percentiles). On the other hand, SBP was 17 mmHg lower in the highest HC/BW group(${\geq}90percentiles$) compared in the lowest group(<10 percentiles). Conclusion : This study could not find the evidence that intrauterine growth retardation affect on elevated neonatal BP. It suggests that the initiating events of BP programming may occur during postnatal growth period. To identify the critical starting period that intrauterine growth retardation leads to elevated BP, a study tracking BP changes from birth to childhood is required.

A Case of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 Deficiency with Novel Mutations in CPS1 Treated by Liver Cell Transplantation (신생아기에 새로운 CPS1 유전자 돌연변이가 확인되고, 간세포이식 시행 받은 Carbamoyl phosphatase synthetase 1 deficiency 1례)

  • Lee, Jisun;Yang, Aram;Kim, Jinsup;Park, Hyung-Doo;Lee, Sanghoon;Lee, Suk-Koo;Cho, Sung Yoon;Jin, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2017
  • Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 deficiency (CPS1D) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the urea cycle that causes hyperammonemia. Two forms of CPS1D are recognized: a lethal neonatal type and a less severe, delayed-onset type. Neonatal CPS1D cases often present their symptoms within the first days of life. Delayed-onset cases are predominantly adolescents or adults, and infantile delayed-onset cases are rare. Severe hyperammonemia in the neonatal period leads to serious brain damage, coma, and death if not treated promptly. Therefore, early diagnosis and acute treatment are crucial. Despite the improvement of treatments, including continuous hemodialysis, ammonia-lowering agents, and a low-protein diet, the overall outcome of severe forms of hyperammonemia often remains disappointing. As the liver is the only organ in which ammonia is converted into urea, liver transplantation has been considered as an elegant and radical alternative therapy to classical dietary and medical therapies. However, liver transplantation has many disadvantages, such as a considerable risk for technical complications and perioperative metabolic derangement, especially in neonates. Additionally, there is a lack of suitable donor organs in most countries. According to recent studies, liver cell transplantation is a therapeutic option and serves as a bridge to liver transplantation. Here, we report a Korean CPS1D patient with novel mutations in CPS1 who was treated by liver cell transplantation after being diagnosed in the neonatal period and showed a good neurodevelopmental outcome at the last follow-up at six months of age.

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Determination of Types and Element on Parking Ramp (주차장 램프 형식 결정 및 제원 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Sung-Dae;Kim, Yoon-Mi;Nam, Chang-Kyu;Ha, Tae-Jun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.2021-2031
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    • 2013
  • Due to the rapid economic growth within the nation, the quality of life of individuals have improved dramatically. The scope of living activities of individuals have also extended, resulting in a rapidly increasing demand for automobiles. The number of vehicles registered in Korea is rapidly increasing and will reach 188.71 million as of December 2012. Compared to the registered residents of 50.94 million provided by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the registered population reflects about 4 people per every automobile. Due to the high demands for vehicles, the demands for parking lots in collective housing and businesses are also increasing. In reality, the current state of expansion of parking lots are underground, due to the limited available space on ground level. Specifically, the slope of a parking lot cannot exceed 17% linear slope and 14% curved slope according to the 'parking lot laws', however studies show that the driver feels at risk for safety when stopped on the parking ramp while driving in the parking lot. This study seeks to examine the suitability of parking lot ramps, concerning the safety aspects of the driver. First, the ramp type was categorized as linear or curved, then test drives were performed based on variations of slopes, slant distances, directions and points. A survey was administered to the driver after the completion of the test drive, in order to element design for an ideal ramp. In the case of curved ramp, the results of the estimate suggests a counterclockwise, slope at a maximum of 12% incline. The maximum slope for a linear ramp was analyzed to be between 13~14%, suggesting that slope greater than 15% need to be eliminated. In conclusion, it is anticipated that the element design parking ramp reported in this study will help to serve as a reference for future parking lot related guidelines, and provide cost effective traffic safety mechanisms in future parking lot businesses to follow.

Anti-hyperlipidemic effect of Agaricus brasiliensis fruiting bodies in rats fed with high cholesterol diet (고콜레스테롤 식이의 급여에 의해 고지혈증이 유도된 흰쥐의 신령버섯 자실체의 항고지혈증 효과)

  • Jin, Ga-Heon;Lee, TaeSoo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with fruiting body of Agaricus brasiliensis (AB) mushroom on the lipid profiles of serum and histological patterns of liver of high cholesterol-fed rats. Five-week-old, female Sprague-Dawley albino rats were divided into three groups of 8 rats each, including a normal control-diet (NC) group, a high-cholesterol diet (HC) group, and a group fed high-cholesterol diet supplemented with 5 % powder of Agaricus brasiliensis fruiting bodies (HC+AB). Total serum cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride (TG) concentrations in the HC+AB group were significantly reduced when compared with those in the HC group. Body weight in the HC+AB group was significantly lower than that in the HC group, whereas no adverse effects were observed on the levels of plasma albumin, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, glucose, and total protein. In the HC+AB group, liver enzyme activities related to liver function, such as GOT and GPT, presented values lower than those in the HC group and were very similar to the ones in the NC group. Excretion of total lipid and cholesterol in feces in the HC+AB group was significantly higher than that in the NC and HC groups, indicating that mushroom feeding inhibits the absorption of lipid cholesterol in the intestine. Liver histopathological analyses revealed that rats fed with HC diet developed fat liver disease, whereas only small amounts of fat were deposited in the livers of the HC+AB group. In conclusion, the results suggest that fruiting body powder of A. brasiliensis provides health benefits to high-cholesterol-fed rats by lowering body weight and the risk of atherogenic lipid profile.

Effects of Tree-spray of Calcium Agent, Coating Agent, GA4+7 + BA and Paper Bagging on Russet Prevention and Quality of 'Gamhong' Apple Fruits (칼슘제, 피막제, GA4+7 + BA의 수체살포 및 봉지씌우기에 의한 '감홍' 사과의 동녹 방지와 과실품질)

  • Moon, Young-Ji;Nam, Ki-Woong;Kang, In-Kyu;Moon, Byung-Woo
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.528-536
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of 0.4% of $CaCl_2$, $2H_2O$, $1mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of Calmodulin (CaM)-SH, 250-folds of coating agent (WE-36), 1,000-folds of $GA_{4+7}+BA$ and 3 types of paper bagging treatments on russet incidence and fruit quality attributes of 'Gamhong' apple. The pattern of russet occurrence was slightly different for 4 years (from 2012 to 2015) in 'Gamhong' apple. The russet occurrence was lowest in $GA_{4+7}+BA$ treatment at 20 days after full bloom (DAFB), compared with other treatments. The $GA_{4+7}+BA$ treatment increased fruit weight at 20 DAFB, while the other fruit quality attributes were not influenced. The russet occurrence was lower not only in a single bag application than in untreated ones but also in yellow bagging and discolored bagging applications than in a white bagging application. The russet occurrence in a bagging application was lower at 20 DAFB than at 30 and 40 DAFB, while fruit quality attributes were not affected by bagging applications. The russet incidence was lower in $GA_{4+7}+BA$ twice treatments at 20 and 30 DAFB, and calcium coated bag at 30 DAFB after $GA_{4+7}+BA$ treatment at 20 DAFB than in untreated fruit. The rate of russet incidence was lowest at equator region in $GA_{4+7}+BA$ treatment, compared with the other fruit regions. Overall, the results suggest that one and/or two applications of $GA_{4+7}+BA$ (1,000-folds) treatment at 20 DAFB should reduce the risk of russet incidence in 'Gamhong' fruit.

Global DNA Methylation Patterns and Gene Expression Associated with Obesity-Susceptibility in Offspring of Pregnant Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed to BDE-47 and BDE-209 (임신 중 BDE-47 및 BDE-209에 노출된 어미와 새끼 Sprague-Dawley 랫드의 Global DNA 메틸화 양상과 비만 감수성과 연관된 유전자 발현)

  • Park, Byeong-Min;Yoon, Ok-Jin;Lee, Do-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2017
  • Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) can affect epigenetic mechanisms and obesity development. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)-widely used to make flames-are one of the important POPs. Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as POPs, may affect global DNA methylation in long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE-1), increasing the risk of obesity later in life. Therefore, pregnant Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were used to elucidate whether BDE-47 and BDE-209 transferred through placenta and breast milk cause epigenetic changes in LINE-1 and increase genetic susceptibility to obesity as obesogen during the developmental periods. Global DNA methylation in LINE-1 and gene expression related to obesity were measured in dams and offspring, using a methylation-sensitive high resolution melting analysis (MS-HRM) and direct bisulfite sequencing and quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), respectively. The results of MS-HRM showed global DNA hypomethylation patterns in LINE-1 of exposed offspring (2 of total 4) at PND 4, but bisulfite sequencing showed no difference in both the exposed and non-exposed groups. Gene expression in dams related to ${\beta}$-oxidation pathway and those related to adipokines showed different patterns between the two groups. On the contrary, gene expressions of offspring showed a similar pattern. Gene expressions related to ${\beta}$-oxidation pathway and obesity were significantly increased when compared with 'at birth', but not $PPAR-{\alpha}$. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the possibility that co-exposure to BDE-47 and BDE-209-via the placenta and breast milk-may affect epigenetic changes and modulate gene expression levels related to obesity.

Concerning the Constitution Court's constitutional decision and the direction of supplemental legislation concerning Article 33 paragraph 8 of the Medical Service Act - With a focus on legitimacy of a system that prohibits multiple opening of medical instituion, in the content of 2014Hun-Ba212, August 29, 2019, 2014Hun-Ga15, 2015Hun-Ma561, 2016Hun-Ba21(amalgamation), Constitutional Court of Korea - ('의료법 제33조 제8항 관련 헌법재판소의 합헌결정'에 대한 평가 및 보완 입법 방향에 대하여 -헌법재판소 2019. 8. 29. 2014헌바212, 2014헌가15, 2015헌마561, 2016헌바21(병합) 결정의 내용 중 의료기관 복수 개설금지 제도의 당위성 및 필요성을 중심으로-)

    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.143-174
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    • 2019
  • Our Constitution obliges the state to protect the health of the people, and the Medical Law, which embodied Constitution, sets out in detail the matters related to open the medical institution, and one of them is to prohibit the operation of multiple medical institutions. By the way, virtually multiple medical institutions could be opened and operated because the Supreme Court had interpreted that several medical institutions could be opened if medical activities were not performed directly at the additional medical institution which was opened under the another doctor's license. However, some health care providers opened the several medical institutions with another doctor's license for the purpose of the maximization of profit, and did illegal medical cares like the unfair luring of patients, over-treatment, and commission treatment. Also, realistic problems such as the infringed health rights have arisen. Accordingly, lawmakers had come to amend the Medical Law to readjust the system of opening for medical institution so that medical personnel could not open or operate more than one medical institution for any reason. For this reason, the Constitutional Court recently declared a constitutional decision through a long period of in-depth deliberation because the constitutional petition and the adjudication on the constitutionality of statutes had been filed on whether Article 33 paragraph 8 of the revised medical law is unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court acknowledged the "justice of purpose" in view of the importance of public medical institutions, of the prevention from seduction of for-profit patients and from over-treatment, and of the fact that health care should not be the object of commercial transactions. Given the risk that medical personnel might be subject to outside capital, the concern that the holder of the medical institution's opening certificate and the actual operator may be separated, the principle that the human body and life should not be just a means, and the current system's inability to identify over-treatment, it also acknowledged the 'minimum infringement'. Furthermore, The Constitutional Court judged it is constitutional in compliance with the principle of restricting fundamental rights, such as 'balance of legal interests'. In this regard, legislative complements are needed in order to effectively prevent the for-profit management and the over-treatment the Constitutional Court is concerned about. In this regard, consumer groups actively support the need for legislation, and health care providers groups also agree on the need for legislation. Therefore, the legislators should respect the recent Constitutional Court's decision and in the near future complete the complementary legislation to reflect the people's interests.

The Effect of Physical Pedestrian Environment on Walking Satisfaction - Focusing on the Case of Jinhae City - (물리적 보행환경이 보행만족도에 미치는 영향 - 진해시를 사례지역으로 -)

  • Byeon, Ji-Hye;Park, Kyung-Hun;Choi, Sang-Rok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2010
  • Physical activity of the people has decreased due to a sedentary lifestyle according to developing the economy throughout the world. It is thought to increase the risk of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, etc. People are interested in walking, which is an easy activity to engage in as an antidote to chronic diseases. The aim of this study is to increase the diminishing physical activity of modem society by inducing walking as part of everyday life through building a walking-based activity-friendly city where people can live merrily, safely and pleasantly. For this purpose, this study conducted a satisfaction survey to dwellers of Jinhae on the physical pedestrian environments which affect determining walking participation and intentions of people, and also provided a valid model to evaluate the effects of the physical environmental factors on walking satisfaction using factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results are summarized as follows. The 18 variables of the physical pedestrian environments were selected based on pre-literature reviews. The results of the satisfaction surveys showed that the satisfaction of crossing aids in segments was highest, while the building feature was the lowest. Factor analysis was run through a two-step process. The first analysis was conducted to examine the adequacy of this factor analysis on the selected 18 variables. As a result, two variables were removed and the remaining 16 variables were extracted to the four factors by second analysis. Each factor was named function of path, effect of traffic, amenity and safety based on the each factor's commonality. Each factor score of the extracted four factors was set as the independent variable, while the overall walking satisfaction was set as the dependent variable. Then, the multiple linear regression analysis was conducted and showed that all four factors had a positive influence on the overall satisfaction of walking, especially the 'function of path' and 'amenity' factors, followed by 'effect of traffic' and 'safety'. The results of this research will be used as foundational data for creating a walking-based activity-friendly city.

A comparison of health related habits, nutrition knowledge, dietary habits, and blood composition according to gender and weight status of college students in Ulsan (울산지역 대학생의 성별과 체중상태에 따른 건강관련 생활습관, 영양지식, 식습관 및 혈액성분의 비교)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Jin-Hee;Jung, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.336-346
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to obtain information related to life styles, nutrition knowledge, and dietary habits according to gender and weight status of college students in Ulsan. The subjects were 324 college students (144 males, 180 females), and they were divided into three groups based on BMI. The average BMI was $21.0kg/m^2$, and the BMI of underweight, normal, and overweight students were 15.4%, 63.0%, and 21.6%, respectively. Among the male students, 0.1% and 34.0%, and among the female subjects, 27.2% and 11.7%, were included in the underweight and overweight groups, respectively. For dietary habits, the rate of skipping breakfast (34.9%) was considerably higher than those skipping lunch and dinner. Overall, the nutrition knowledge score, which was assessed by 15 questions, was somewhat low (44.9/100), yet, it was higher in females than in male students. There were significant differences among gender and weight status in several items of dietary habits such as the speed of eating meals, consuming breakfast on a regular basis, and sleeping hours. 40% of the subjects had appropriate knowledge about high calorie foods with low nutritional value. In the blood analysis of the subjects, males had higher hemoglobin levels than females. Further, more females were included in the risk group of Hb, total cholesterol, and LDL. These results suggest that in order to develop nutrition education programs for college students, differences between gender and weight status, dietary habits, and nutrition knowledge level should be considered.

Comparative toxicity of some pesticides on reproduction of Korean native freshwater Cladocerans, Moina macrocopa and Daphnia sp. (한국산 물벼룩 Moina macrocopa와 Daphnia sp.에 대한 수종 농약의 번식독성 비교)

  • Kim, Byung-Seok;Park, Yoen-Ki;Park, Kyung-Hun;Jeong, Mi-Hye;You, Are-Sun;Yang, Yu-Jung;Shin, Jin-Sup;Kim, Jin-Hwa;Yoon, Seong-Myeong;Ahn, Young-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.246-253
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    • 2007
  • The reproduction toxicity of several pesticides on two Korean water flea was investigated to develop a new standard species used for ecological risk assessment of pesticide. Moina macrocopa and Daphnia sp. were exposed to 4 different types of pesticides over 10 and 21 days, respectively. No-ohserved effect concentration (NOEC) for synthetic pyrethroid, fenpropathrin on Moina macrocopa and Daphnia sp. were 0.17 and $0.06\;{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$, respectively. Diazinon, carbofuran and myclobutanil were in the order of their reproduction toxicity to cladocerans tested. There were large differences between Moina macrocopa and Daphnia sp. in their susceptibility to fenpropathrin, diazinon and carbofuran except myclobutanil. Daphnia sp. is more sensitive than M. macrocopa to pesticides tested. Therefore Daphnia sp. may be a good surrogate species to assess the reproduction effect of pesticides on aquatic invertebrates. M. macrocopa also be a good surrogate species because it is one of the most abundant cladocera in agricultural environment, especially rice paddy in Korea. In addition to it's ecological importance of wide spread distribution, it has also economical importance to make possible to shorten period for reproduction test using M. macrocopa due to it's short life cycle.