• 제목/요약/키워드: life aims

검색결과 2,526건 처리시간 0.025초

Effects of Entrepreneurship, Social Support and Entrepreneurial Mentoring on Entrepreneurial Intention (기업가정신, 사회적 지지 및 창업 멘토링이 창업의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hahn, Mie Kyoung;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제21권10호
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    • pp.444-456
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    • 2021
  • Economic abundance and the development of medical technology led to an aging society with an average life expectancy of 100 years, but retiring from the labor market at the age of 65 has become more difficult. This study aims to identify the influence of entrepreneurship, social support, and entrepreneurship mentoring as an effective support method to increase the entrepreneurial intention in order to enhance the entrepreneurial intention as an adult's second career development. In this study, data were collected using questionnaires from 340 adults, but only 319 were selected because 21 were judged to be inappropriate. For statistical analysis, SPSS 18.0 was used, and reliability test, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used for hypothesis testing. The research results are as follows. First, as a result of examining the effects of adult entrepreneurship factors on entrepreneurship, it was found that among entrepreneurship, innovation and initiative had a significant positive (+) effect on entrepreneurship. Second, as a result of examining the effect of social support on entrepreneurial intention, it was found that family support had a significant negative (-) effect on entrepreneurial intention. Third, as a result of examining the effect of entrepreneurship mentoring on entrepreneurial intentions, it was found that role models and mentors had a positive (+) effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Fourth, as for the mediating effect of entrepreneurial efficacy, there were significant mediating effects of innovativeness → entrepreneurial efficacy → entrepreneurial intention, role model → entrepreneurial efficacy → entrepreneurial intention, mentor → entrepreneurial efficacy → entrepreneurial intention.

Additional CSP calculation method considering Human Error (휴먼에러를 고려한 추가 CSP 산정 방안)

  • Baek, Sung-Il;Ha, Yun-chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.759-767
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    • 2021
  • Most weapons systems that are Force Integration are expensive equipment that reflects the latest technology, and the operation and maintenance cost is increasing continuously. Factors that efficiently operate and maintain these weapon systems include maintenance plans, economic costs, and repair part requirements. Among them, predicting the repair parts requirements during the life cycle in advance is an important way to increase operation and maintenance cost efficiency and operating availability. The start of requirement analysis for repair parts is a calculation of the CSP (CSP: Concurrent Spare parts, CSP hereafter) that is distributed when the weapon system is deployed. The CSP is an essential component of achieving the operating availability during this period because the weapon system aims to successfully perform a given operation mission without resupply for an initial set period. In the present study, the CSP calculation method was analyzed, reflecting the failure rate and operating time of items, but the analyzed CSP was aimed at preparing for technical failure, but in the initial operating environment, it is limited in coping with unexpected failures caused by human error. The failure is not included in the scope of free maintenance and is a serious factor in making the weapon system inoperable during the initial operation period. To prevent the inoperable status of a weapon system, CSP that considers human error is required in the initial operating environment, and the calculation criteria and measures are proposed.

Factors Affecting Household Water Use during the COVID-19 Period: A Focus on the 33 Autonomous Districts of Seoul and Incheon (COVID-19 시기 가정용 상수도 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 서울과 인천의 자치구 33개를 대상으로)

  • Song, Yiseul;Jo, Hanghun;Kim, Heungsoon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2022
  • Clean water is an essential urban infrastructure in human daily life, and water plays a vital role in public health. Due to restrictions on outdoor activities during COVID-19, time staying at home has increased. Therefore, it is plausible to assume that large-scale disaster incidences such as COVID-19 will affect water consumption. In this regard, this research aims to explore the factors that influence household water use during COVID-19. The analysis period of the study is 2020, and the geographical scope covers Seoul and Incheon. A dependent variable was water consumption in the autonomous districts of Seoul and Incheon, and the factors reflecting urban characteristics were used as independent variables. Multiple regression was used for analysis, and the unit of analysis was the autonomous district in Seoul and Incheon. The finding confirmed that the pandemic situation caused an increase in water consumption. In addition, it supports policy for the elderly so that they can use water without financial difficulty. It implies that a stable supply of clean water is essential for managing infectious diseases. The findings of this study are expected to provide some implications for efficient water supply policies and efficient water supply management in the event of the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

The Effect of Settlement Inclusivity on Older People's Mental Health (정주환경 포용성이 고령층의 정신건강에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Sae Rom;Park, In Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to conceptualize the settlement inclusivity for overcoming social exclusion and the decline in quality of life of older people and to examine its effects on their mental health. The concept of the settlement inclusivity for older people focuses on the immediate environment around the place where they live. We proposed two domains for the conceptual framework; social domain that provides opportunities for community cohesion; spatial domain that provides security of residential area and access to basic services within walking distance. The social domain was represented by participation and interdependence, while the spatial domain by security and accessibility in the settlement inclusivity. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression model was constructed with 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans data to analyze the factors influencing depressive symptoms of older adults. The empirical results demonstrate that increased level of neighborhood network and social participation is associated with a decrease in the number of depressive symptoms. In addition, higher satisfaction in neighborhood environment and good accessibility to public transport/stores are associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Finally, housing condition and home ownership have a moderating effect on the relationship between social network/participation and depressive symptoms level, whereas they have no direct effects on depressive symptoms. This study demonstrates multi-dimensionally and mutually significant associations between settlement inclusivity and depressive symptoms for older people providing implications for urban planning and policies to improve mental well-being of older population.

Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks in Elementary Schools between Korea and Canada - Focusing on the Numbers and Operations in 5th and 6th Grade - (한국과 캐나다 초등학교 수학 교과서 비교 분석 - 초등학교 5, 6학년 수와 연산 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Aekyong;Ryu, Heuisu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to find meaningful implications for the development of Korean elementary school math education courses and textbooks by comparing and analyzing the number and arithmetic areas of Korean and Canadian math textbooks in fifth and sixth grades. To this end, the textbook composition system of Korean and Canadian elementary schools was compared and analyzed, and the number and timing of introduction of math textbooks and math textbooks by grade, and the number in fifth and sixth grade and the learning contents of math textbooks were compared and analyzed. The following conclusions were obtained from this study: First, it is necessary to organize a textbook that can solve the problem in an integrated way by introducing the learned mathematical concepts and computations naturally in the context of problems closely related to real life, regardless of the type of private calculation or mathematics area. Second, it is necessary to organize questions using materials such as real photography and mathematics, science, technology, engineering, art, etc. and to organize textbooks that make people feel the necessity and usefulness of mathematics. Third, sufficient learning of the principles of mathematics through the use of various actual teaching aids and mathematical models, and the construction of textbooks focusing on problem-solving strategies using engineering tools are needed. Fourth, in-depth discussions are needed on the timing of learning guidance for fractions and minority learning or how to organize and develop learning content.

A Study on the Characteristics of Planning of Hwa-sung from the Point of Water System (수체계로 본 수원화성 건설의 계획적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, In-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out the construction process and planning characteristics of Suwon and Hwa-sung in 18th century from the point of water system. This study has an explanatory approach. The planning intents in the water system was driven out by analyzing various planning elements in relation to water system in the process of constructing Hwa-sung in 18th century. Using Entire Map of Hwa-sung, land registration map made in 1911 and topographic map of 1/10,000 scale made in 1917, water system and interpretation of spatial structure in Hwa-sung were analyzed. The results are as follows(Planning characteristics of the water system in Haw-sung in 18th century are as follows). Firstly, in determining the spatial structure and location of Hwa-sung, water system had an important role. Secondly, integrated drainage system was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream. Thirdly, the main street system and land use structure were planned in relation with water system. Fourthly, territoriality of main area was planned with water stream. Fifthly, ponds were constructed for flood control and they had important role as landscape elements. Sixthly, water stream was used as intentional BiBo element. As a result of the study, the weater system of Hwa-sung in 18th century was planned by the organization of natural and artificial water stream in relation with the location of new town and wide area's spatial structure, street system, land use structure, territoriality of main area, terriflood control, water quality protection, landscape, 비보 and urban daily life.

Study on the modern design application of traditional formative beauty of Korea - Focused on the formative characteristics of lines and patterns observed in the necessities of Joseon society - (한국 전통 조형미의 현대 디자인 적용에 관한 연구 - 조선 사회의 실용품에 나타나는 선(線)과 문양(文樣)의 조형적 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Min-hee;Kim, So-hyung;Yoon, Se-hwan
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • 제59권
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    • pp.298-308
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    • 2017
  • In the modern society in which globalization is ongoing in the overall culture social culture, various efforts are being made by each country around the world in order to search for the distinctive cultural identity and creativity. Recognizing the importance of the 'Korean' tradition, South Korea is also actively engaged in researches to develop design utilizing it and to apply it in real life. Here, developing Korean design does not simply refer to borrowing and imitating the traditional form or color but refers to generating a new, original and ethnic aesthetic consciousness that conform to the era that we are currently living in based on the unique ideology and sentiment inherent in its formativeness. Despite the fact that research on Korean traditional culture has continued for a long period of time, it is considered that such phenomenon continues to take place because the establishment and utilization of Korean culture identity is still insufficient. There, research on various fields based on new understanding with regards to our culture and the development of design utilizing it is in dire need. This study aims to analyze the said usage form and formative characteristics and the possibility of modern application focused on the lines and patterns which are most frequently mentioned when discussing about the Korean traditional formative beauty of Korea.

The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Health Inequality in Later Life: The Mediation Effects of Psycho-social Mechanisms (노인의 사회경제적 지위에 의한 건강불평등: 심리사회적 기제들의 매개효과 분석)

  • Chang, Sujie;Kim, Soo Young
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.611-632
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    • 2016
  • Solutions for elderly health issues need to be found that take into account not only a medical perspective, but also interactions with social conditions such as socioeconomic status. With this in mind, this study aims to understand how socioeconomic status leads to health inequalities for the elderly. Specifically, this study investigates the mediating effects of socioeconomic status(income and education levels), health activities as an intermediary of the three dimensions of physical health(medical health, functional health, subjective health), accessibility of medical facilities, social participation, and social network. To test the research model, a secondary data analysis was conducted on the 2014 National Survey of Senior Citizens. The participants of the study were 10,451 elderly men and women aged 65 and above. To test the mediated model, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted following the procedures suggested by Baron and Kenny(1986). In addition, a Sobel test was conducted to test the mediated model's significance. According to the analysis, the effects of income and educational levels on the health of the elderly were not the same. Additionally, different results were found depending on health dimensions. However, the overall direction of the results showed that the socioeconomic status of the elderly creates health disparities, and health behaviors, accessibility of medical facilities, social participation, and social network had significant mediation effects between socioeconomic status and physical health. Study findings especially worth noting are as follows: education was shown to have a stronger effect on health than income; effects of social integration factors such as social participation were highlighted; and significant mediating effects on the accessibility of medical facilities remained even after taking residential area into account. Results of this study shed light on health inequality mechanisms due to socioeconomic conditions and the need to find alternatives to alleviate these problems.

A comparative study on the 'Xuan'in the view of Yangxiong & Gehong(2) (양웅(揚雄)과 갈홍(葛洪)의 '현(玄)' 개념 비교 연구(2) - 우주구조론을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-yong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • 제42호
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    • pp.165-195
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to examine the meaning of 'Xuan(玄)' in the cosmology and astronomy, especially in the view of Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪). The cosmology of the ancient China has opened a discussion about the Tian(天), through the discussion about the celestial structure, the structure and the location relation of the heaven & earth, in the Han-dynasty has been found a systematic theory. But in the ancient Chinese philosophy, the cosmology has been developed in the field of the astronomy & the Oriental calendar. In this context, Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪) have founded the system of the cosmology, it is as in the following. First, Yang-xiong criticized sharply the theory of Gaitian(蓋天說) and advanced the theory of Huntian(渾天說). And Ge-hong support the theory of Huntian(渾天說) and also accepted the theory of Xuanye(宣夜說). Second, Yang-xiong(揚雄) and Ge-hong(葛洪)'s cosmology is regarded as the theoretical premise of their cosmogony. As the discussion about the celestial structure, the structure and the location relation of the heaven & earth, both scholar discussed about the cause of creation, the differentiation process. And in the this context, they founded the cosmology as the concept 'Xuan'. Third, the concept 'Xuan' in the both scholar forms a philosophical system. Yang-xiong insisted that the concept 'Xuan' is the basis of the universe, the human-being and the society. While through realizing the concept 'Xuan', Ge-hong tried to pursue the human-being's agelessness and the eternal life. In this way, their view point of the cosmology is comprised of cosmogony & astronomy. With this perspective, they are going to found the system of their own philosophy.

A Study on the Sudeok Choi-Ja's Study Viewpoint (수덕(樹德) 최자(崔滋)의 학문관)

  • Jeong, Seong-sik
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • 제67호
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    • pp.237-258
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    • 2017
  • This study aims is consider the life and study viewpoint of Choi-Ja who lived in during the Musin regime of Koryo Dynasty. During this period, knowledge of the Confucian scriptures gradually generalized among scholars and writers. Therefore, it was possible to create an atmosphere that criticized sajanghak(詞章學). Choi-Ja regrets that people' reading style is not correct at the time. People are only trying to learn to participate in social exams and learn to read and write articles related to the Civil servant examination. Nevertheless, if he passed the Civil servant examination he criticized the government for failing to study harder, even though he had to work harder. Choi-Ja lamented that the intellectuals basically did not read about the Kyeongsabaekka(經史百家) and on the outward appearance. His scholarly attitude implies that he can be recognized as a genuine learningexperience when he forms the moral character of his inner self rather than his outward form. Choi-Ja' emphasis on six Confucian writings indicates that his virtues ere based on the Confucian spirit of Confucius. He pointed out the abuses of intellectuals at the time of his poems to build poems based on these Confucian traditions. He emphasized that the government ought to reflect on the Confucian scriptures and histories of the Confucian scriptures and reflect the politics of the people and improve the mood of the people.