• 제목/요약/키워드: joint motion planning

검색결과 66건 처리시간 0.029초

무인 FA를 위한 플렉시블 그리퍼 설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Design of Flexible Gripper for Unmanned FA)

  • 김현근;김기복;김태관
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a new approach to design and control a smart gripper of robot system. A control method for flexible grasping a object in partially unknown environment was proposed, where a proximate sensor detecting the distance between the fingertip and object was used. Based on the proximate sensor signal the finger motion controller could plan the grasping process divided in three phases. The first step is scanning process which two first joints were moved to mid-position of the detected range by a state-variable feedback position controller, after the scanning was finished. The contact force of fingertip was then controlled using the detection sensor of the servo controller for finger joint control. The proposed grasping planning was tested on rectangular bar.

Sequential Quadratic Programming based Global Path Re-Planner for a Mobile Manipulator

  • Lee Soo-Yong
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.318-324
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    • 2006
  • The mobile manipulator is expected to work in partially defined or unstructured environments. In our global/local approach to path planning, joint trajectories are generated for a desired Cartesian space path, designed by the global path planner. For a local path planner, inverse kinematics for a redundant system is used. Joint displacement limit for the manipulator links is considered in the motion planner. In an event of failure to obtain feasible trajectories, the task cannot be accomplished. At the point of failure, a deviation in the Cartesian space path is obtained and a replanner gives a new path that would achieve the goal position. To calculate the deviation, a nonlinear optimization problem is formulated and solved by standard Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method.

족근 골 결합 (Tarsal Coalitions)

  • 박용욱;서일우
    • 대한족부족관절학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2012
  • A tarsal coalition is an abnormal union between 2 or more tarsal bones of the hind- and midfoot, which can be congenital or acquired. The documented overall incidence of tarsal coalition is 1% or less. The resulting abnormal articulation leads to accelerated degeneration within adjacent joint. Pain is often diffuse, exacerbated by strenuous activity or following an ankle sprain. The findings on physical examination is protruded mass, diminished range of motion of the involved joint. It is possible to identify of tarsal coalitions with conventional radiography, but CT scanning necessary to evaluate of the size, location, characteristic and preoperative planning of tarsal coalitions. The initial treatment for a tarsal coalition is conservative, but tarsal coalitions unresponsive to conservative treatment, are managed by coalition resection, or arthrodesis in case of presence of degenerative changes.

Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Articulate Manipulator for Academic Applications

  • Muhammad Asim Ali;Farhan Ali Shah
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2024
  • The objective of this work is to design a low cost yet fully functional 4-DOF articulate manipulator for educational applications. The design is based on general purpose, programmable smart servo motors namely the Dynamixel Ax-12. The mechanism for motion was developed by formulating the equations of kinematics and subsequent solutions for joint space variables. The trajectory of end-effector in joint variable space was determined by interpolation of a 3rd order polynomial. The solutions were verified through computer simulations and ultimately implemented on the hardware. Owing to the feedback from the built-in sensors, it is possible to correct the positioning error due to loading effects. The proposed solution offers an efficient and cost-effective platform to study the trajectory planning as well as dynamics of the manipulator.

Finite motion analysis for multifingered robotic hand considering sliding effects

  • Chong, Nak-Young;Choi, Donghoon;Suh, Il-Hong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1992년도 한국자동제어학술회의논문집(국제학술편); KOEX, Seoul; 19-21 Oct. 1992
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    • pp.370-375
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    • 1992
  • An algorithm for the notion planning of the robotic hand is proposed to generate finite displacements and changes in orientation of objects by considering sliding effects between the fingertips and the object at contact points. Specifically, an optimization problem is firstly solved to find minimum contact forces and minimum joint velocities to impart a desired motion to the object at each time step. Then the instantaneous relative velocity at the contact point is found by determining velocities of the fingertip and the velocity of the object at the contact point. Finally time derivatives of the surface variables and contact angle of the fingertip and the object at the present time step is computed using the Montana's contact equation to find the contact parameters of the fingertip and the object at the next time step. To show the validity of the proposed algorithm, a numerical example is illustrated by employing the robotic hand manipulating a sphere with three fingers each of which has four joints.

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견마형 로봇의 계단형 장애물 극복 알고리즘 개발 (Step-Type Obstacle Traversal Algorithm for Six Legged Mobile Robot)

  • 심형원;이지홍;김중배
    • 로봇학회논문지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2007
  • Mobile robots traveling on rough terrain need several algorithms to overcome obstacles. In this paper, we propose the step-type obstacle traversal algorithm to adapt the mobile robot with six arms and wheels to travel on rough terrain. Obstacle traversal is composed of two different stages: planning and control. In planning stage, the required joint torque of each arm as well as the interference between the wheels and the arms are analyzed to guarantee traversing obstacles. Control stage includes such steps as checking distance to obstacle, determining the height and length of obstacle, performing arm motion according to sensed torque data, and evaluating safety at every instance. The proposed algorithm is designed and implemented for CALEB 1 six legged robot developed in the laboratory and verified by simulation and experiment in outdoor environment.

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퓨리에 급수를 이용한 매니퓰레이터 경로 계획 (Path Planning for Manipulators Using Fourier Series)

  • 원종화;최병욱;정명진
    • 전자공학회논문지B
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    • 제29B권10호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1992
  • This paper proposes a numerical method of motion planning for manipulators using Foruier series. For a redundant manipulator, we predetermine the trajectories of redundant joints in terms of the Nth partial sum of the fourier series. then the optimal coefficients of the fourier series are searched by the Powell's method. For a nonredundant or redundant manipulator, CS02T-continuous smooth joint trajectory for a point-to-point task can be obtained while considering the frequency response. We apply the proposed method to the 3-link planar manipulator and the PUMA 560 manipulator. To show the validity of the proposed method, we analyze solutions by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Also, several features are discussed to obtain an optimal solution.

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각속도 300°/sec에서 기능적 발목불안 유무에 따른 고유수용성감각, 발목 근력, 그리고 최고 회전력까지 걸리는 시간의 생체역학적 특성 차이 (Different Biomechanical Characteristics in Proprioception, Muscle Strength, and Time to Peak Torque at Velocity of 300°/sec of the Ankle Joint in People With or Without Functional Ankle Instability)

  • 박은영;김원호
    • 한국전문물리치료학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the differentiation of proprioception, invertor and evertor muscle strength, and time to peak torque at a velocity of $300^{\circ}/sec$ of the ankle joint in people with or without functional ankle instability (FAI). Nineteen subjects with a history of ankle sprain participated. All subjects were divided into FAI group ($n_1=9$, Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT)${\leq}24$) and a control group ($n_2=10$) based on their CAIT scores. Isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure the sense of active joint position of the ankle at mid-range and end-range of an inversion motion and invertor as well as the evertor muscle strength and time to peak torque at $300^{\circ}/s$. The FAI group showed a statistically reduction in invertor and evertor muscle strength and time to peak torque when compared to the control group (p<.05). Muscle strength and time to peak torque of the invertor and evertor, as well as the sense of active joint position at end-range were also lower in the FAI group than in the control (p<.05). Correlations between CAIT score and position sense at end-range (r=-.577) and invertor muscle strength (r=.554) were statistically significant (p<.05). Individuals with FAI showed reduction in invertor and evertor muscle strength and recruitment time as well as in proprioception of the ankle joint. Thus, proprioception and invertor and evertor muscle strength of the ankle joint at fast angular velocity may be investigated when examining and planning care for individuals with FAI.

A class of actuated deployable and reconfigurable multilink structures

  • Phocas, Marios C.;Georgiou, Niki;Christoforou, Eftychios G.
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.189-210
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    • 2022
  • Deployable structures have the ability to shift from a compact state to an expanded functional configuration. By extension, reconfigurability is another function that relies on embedded computation and actuators. Linkage-based mechanisms constitute promising systems in the development of deployable and reconfigurable structures with high flexibility and controllability. The present paper investigates the deployment and reconfigurability of modular linkage structures with a pin and a sliding support, the latter connected to a linear motion actuator. An appropriate control sequence consists of stepwise reconfigurations that involve the selective releasing of one intermediate joint in each closed-loop linkage, effectively reducing it to a 1-DOF "effective crank-slider" mechanism. This approach enables low self-weight and reduced energy consumption. A kinematics and finite-element analysis of different linkage systems, in all intermediate reconfiguration steps of a sequence, have been conducted for different lengths and geometrical characteristics of the members, as well as different actuation methods, i.e., direct and cable-driven actuation. The study provides insight into the impact of various structural typological and geometrical factors on the systems' behavior.

양팔 로봇의 협조제어를 위한 최적 경로 설계 (Optimal Trajectory Planning for Cooperative Control of Dual-arm Robot)

  • 박치성;하현욱;이장명
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.891-897
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a cooperative control algorithm for a dual-arms robot which is carrying an object to the desired location. When the dual-arms robot is carrying an object from the start to the goal point, the optimal path in terms of safety, energy, and time needs to be selected among the numerous possible paths. In order to quantify the carrying efficiency of dual-arms, DAMM (Dual Arm Manipulability Measure) has been defined and applied for the decision of the optimal path. The DAMM is defined as the intersection of the manipulability ellipsoids of the dual-arms, while the manipulability measure indicates a relationship between the joint velocity and the Cartesian velocity for each arm. The cost function for achieving the optimal path is defined as the summation of the distance to the goal and inverse of this DAMM, which aims to generate the efficient motion to the goal. It is confirmed that the optimal path planning keeps higher manipulability through the short distance path by using computer simulation. To show the effectiveness of this cooperative control algorithm experimentally, a 5-DOF dual-arm robot with distributed controllers for synchronization control has been developed and used for the experiments.