• Title/Summary/Keyword: job-related environment

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The Influence of Home Environment and Children's Characteristics Upon School Readiness (가정환경 변인 및 아동 개인특성이 취학전 아동의 학습준비도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ji-Hyun;ParkChoi, Hye-Won
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the relationships between home environment, child characteristics and school readiness. In particular, it examined the influence of home environment and child characteristics upon children's school readiness with a focus on attitudes towards and other socio-emotional aspects. 57 children's characteristics, including such items as IQ performance and demographic variables were obtained by means of both individual testing of the child and through a questionnaire given to their parents. Relative levels of school readiness were then rated by teachers. Pearson correlations, and a multiple regression analysis were carried out using the SPSS Win 12.0 program. Our results indicated that (1) school readiness was positively related with mother's job, HOME, the ages of the children, Performance IQ, and Total IQ. (2) The level of the other's education, her job and the child's age was found to significantly predict the level of school readiness.

A Factor Analysis on Job Stress Level in Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 직무스트레스에 관한 분석요인)

  • Kim, Jee-Hwa;Oh, Na-Rae;Jeong, Mi-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1220-1228
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out in order to offer medical service in good quality by enhancing dental hygienists' job satisfaction and to arrange basic data necessary for individual development and health promotion in dental hygienists through grasping the job stress level and job satisfaction of being experienced by dental hygienists, and the correlation. The self-administered questionnaire was surveyed and collected from August 1-12 of 2011 targeting 210 dental hygienists of general hospitals, dental hospitals, and dental clinics nationwide(Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daegu, Pohang).The analysis was made on 205 people. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS WIN 15.0 program. As a result, out of job stress, the average was indicated to be the highest with 2.71 in 'job demand.' As a result of examining about sphere-based relationship between health perception level and job stress related to building in dental hygienists, the central nervous system manifestation showed statistically significant positive correlation with physical environment(r=.281, p<.001), job demand(r=.281, p<.001), relational conflict(r=.163, p<.05), organizational system(r=.166, p<.05), compensation inappropriateness(r=.267, p<.001), and job stress(r=.311, p<.001). Overall, the building-related health perception level showed statistically significant correlation with physical environment(r=.259, p<.001), job demand(r=.311, p<.001), relational conflict(r=.172, p<.05), organizational system(r=.158, p<.05), compensation inappropriateness(r=.197, p<.01), and job stress(r=.275, p<.001). They need to improve their quality of life and life and mental health by developing proper air conditioning system and using one in their work place. if so, they could contribute to better quality of oral cavity service for everyone.

Effect of Care Workers on Job Satisfaction on Organization Commitment (요양보호사의 직무만족이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Im, Dong-Ho;Whang, Ji-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the effect that the job satisfaction of care workers would have on the organization commitment. For this study, 230 care workers were surveyed via mail who were working at the long-term recuperation institutes for the elderly located in the eastern part of Jeollanam-do. 141 sets of questionnaires were used for analysis, excluding those with missing data. The collected data were processed by using the SPSS 18.0 to conduct the frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t/F-test, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of analysis suggested the followings : First, the difference in organization commitment based on individual characteristics and job characteristics of care workers was found to exist, depending on the age related to individual characteristics and types of institutes and work types related to the job characteristics. Second, hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to analyze the effect that the job satisfaction of care workers would have on organization commitment. With the individual characteristics and occupation environment variables of care workers being controlled, it was found that the job satisfaction of care workers had the greatest effect on organization commitment. This implies that the extent of job satisfaction determines the commitment level of care workers for the concerned job.

Effect of Occupational Stress and Sleep Quality on Depression among Male Immigrant Workers Manufacturing Industry, Korea (제조업 남성 이주노동자의 직무스트레스와 수면의 질이 우울수준에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Kyoung;Kim, Jong-Eun;Moon, Deog-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.244-256
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the level of depression and its association with sociodemographic characteristics and health related characteristics, job-related characteristics, sleep quality, occupational stress among manufacturing male immigrant worker in Korea. Methods: Total number of subject were 287 workers employed in 19 manufacturing industry. A structured self-administered questionnaire was used to assess each responder's sociodemographic and health related characteristics, job-related characteristics, sleep quality (PSQI), Korean occupational stress (KOSS), Depression (CES-D). The job stress questionna ire was used according to KOSS-26 and depression symptoms were measured using CES-D, which was translated into Korean. We used multiple logistic regression analysis to assess the relationship between risk factors included job stress, sleep quality and depression. Results: The prevalence of depression in survey subjects was 63.9%and poor group (PSQI) (5 point and over at PSQI score)among all subjects were 83.28%. Adjusting for confounding factor, higher the occupational stress (KOSS), depression levels were significantly higher (${\beta}=0.5575$), worse quality of sleep, the more depressed the level was slightly high ${\beta}=0.118$) did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: The prevalence of depressive symptoms among the study subjects was higher than that among the Korean workers. Especially, the level of depression was more influenced by occupational stress than quality of sleep. Therefore, the author recommend to prepare the effective strategy for reducing the depression and also reducing the occupational stress among immigrant male workers, and the author consider that it need to support the convenient working environment such as consultation for difficulty or health care among immigrant male workers.

A Survey on the Job Stress of Dental Hygienist on Working Environment (광주지역 치과위생사의 직무 스트레스 조사)

  • Son, Hye-Ju;Kim, Seung-Hee;Choi, Moon-Sil
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: According to variety rapid change of working environment of dental clinics, dental hygienist faced of many job stress in their working place. The aim of this study was to analyze the stress factors. Methods: 206 participants of dental hygienist that working from each a section in Gwang-ju analysed the Job stress questionnaire as used self written. Results: The stress related of job factors was the highest score from 20-25 years old(p<0.05), score from dental clinic under ten persons, score from single women(p<0.05), score from 1 to 3 years old on job career, score from cases without home economic to support. The stress related of the patients was the highest score from 20-25 years old(p<0.05), score from dental clinic under ten persons, score from single women, score from 1 to 3 years old on job career(p<0.05), score from cases live with parents. Conclusions: These results suggest that, on dental hygienists working in the dental clinic and hospital, the stress of job activities have significant effects on dental hygienists. Therefore, it is recommended that the stress is being systematically reduced methods.

A Study on the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Job Involvement according to Nurses' Personal Characteristics (임상간호사의 성격특성에 따른 변혁적 리더쉽과 직무몰입과의 관계)

  • Kim Myoung Sook;Park Young Bae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.249-261
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    • 2001
  • Today's health care environment is rapidly changing and nurse administrators' leadership styles need to identify in nursing organization to achieve organizational objectives. By Bass(1985), transformational leadership stimulates the subordinates to be creative and achieve organizational objectives and is related to job satisfaction, job involvement, productivity, and organizational commitment. Transformational leadership process consists of charisma, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of transformational leadership and personal characteries on nurses' job involvement. The subjects for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 University Hospitals and General Hospitals. The data were collected by personal characteristics scale, transformational leadership scale, and job involvement scale. The factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical method. The results of this study were found that (1) charisma dimension of transformational leadership has positive influence on nurses' job involvement ; but another two dimensions (intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration) did not showed significant effect on job involvement (2) nurses' personal characteristic (internal locus of control) moderated the effect of transformational leadership on job involvement.

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Research on the usage status of Job Instructions in domestic enterprises holding ISO certification (국내 ISO 인증기업의 실무지침서 운용실태에 대한 조사연구)

  • Syn, Dong-Sig;Jung, Jang-Woo;Pack, Jong-Yop;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2008
  • In the policy management system of the safety&health(same as the environment and the quality), the documentation of the management system is required in various international standards & guides. In case of 3 level classification of the system documents, it generally will be identified such name as the manual, the procedure(or the process) and the job instruction. Each level of the document has the unique role and usage though, the job instructions, especially, would be developed to support the practical job worker. Considering such document level, the job instructions should be reflect the latest know-how of the job-handling methods. And that, it should be used at any times by the related job worker. This paper is prepared for surveying the actual usage status of the job instructions of the domestic enterprises holding ISO certificate and trying to suggest the better way of application of the system documents.

A study on Job Stress and MSDs(Musculoskeletal Disorders) of Workers at Automobile Manufacturing Industry (자동차 제조업 근로자의 직무스트레스와 근골격계질환 자각증상에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Soon-Young;Kim, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Tae-Heon;Park, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.202-211
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    • 2005
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders(MSDs) have been a growing problems with higher incidence rate every year. The 65% of all work-related diseases in the US has been MSDs since the middle of the 90s according to BLS(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1995). The MSDs in Korea has been increased in recent 10 years as well. This study has tried to focus on job stress associated with MSDs that has not been usually studied before. Specifically job stress of workers at automobile manufacturing industry and relationship between job stress and symptoms of MSDs have been major concerns in this study. The workers had higher stress with longer working experience, longer working hours, and worse working environment. The job stress had strong association with the symptoms at hand, wrist and low back. Specifically, job stress factors such as job requirement and job future ambiguity had more effects on the symptoms of MSDs.

The Structural Relationships between Control Types over Salespeople, Their Responses, and Job Satisfaction - Mediating Roles of Role Clarity and Self-Efficacy - (영업사원에 대한 통제유형, 반응, 그리고 직무만족 간의 구조적 관계 - 역할명확성과 자기효능감의 매개효과 -)

  • Yoo, Dong-Keun;Lim, Jong-Koo;Lim, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.23-49
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    • 2007
  • Salespeople act at the point of MOT with customers and deliver the enterprise's message to the customers. They build up relationships with customers as well as deliver the customer's message to the enterprise. The salespeople's activity at the point of MOT with the customers and the degree of satisfaction of the customers' needs will affect the customers' attitude toward the enterprise, brand loyalty, and retention intention. Ultimately, it will influence the enterprise's financial performance. The control of salespe1ople is one of the most interesting topics of marketing. This research investigates the relationships of the control types over salespeople(positive/negative outcome control, positive/negative behavior control) and job satisfaction and their mediating variables. The mediating variables in the relationships have been identified as outcome/behavior-related role clarity and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is more specifically as follows: First, it investigate how the perception of salespeople control types affect role-clarity. Second, it examines how the perception of salespeople control types influence self-efficacy. Third, it investigate the mediating role of role-clarity between the perception of salespeople control types and self-efficacy. Fourth, it investigates how role-clarity affect self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Finally, it will investigates how self-efficacy influences job satisfaction. Data were collected from the pharmaceutical industry salespeople and analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 6.0. The data were collected by 400 respondents and 377 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: First, positive/negative outcome controls had a positive relationship with outcome-related role clarity. Also positive behavior control had a positive effect on behavior-related role clarity, but negative behavior control didn't influence behavior-related role clarity. Second, positive outcome control influenced self-efficacy positively, but positive behavior control didn't have a positive effect on self-efficacy. In addition negative outcome control and negative behavior control had a positive effect on self-efficacy due to the mediating role of outcome-related and behavior-related role clarity. Third, outcome-related role clarity and behavior-related role clarity influenced self-efficacy positively. Behavior-related role clarity had a positive effect on job satisfaction, but outcome-related role clarity didn't influence job satisfaction. Finally, self-efficacy didn't have any effect on job satisfaction. The contributions of this study are as follows: First, existing studies have investigated the direct causal relationship between salespeoples' control type and performance, but this study investigates the structural causality between salespeoples' control types, responses, and performances. Second, this study found the mediating role of outcome-related/behavior-related role-clarity between outcome/behavior control and self-efficacy. Finally, the findings of this study further insight to existing studies on the relationship between job satisfaction and self-efficacy. The confidence of salespeoples' task influenced job satisfaction positively in existing articles,field studies, but the relationship between these two variables was not significant in this study. This means that there can be a different relationship between confidence and job satisfaction according to salespeoples' business. That is, the business environment may not be satisfying, even if the salespeople say that they have ability and confidence about their business. This means that able salespeople who have ability and confidence about their business are not satisfied with their job advancement in the company. Therefore, enterprise need to provide training that can establish a business environment that can satisfy the salespeole's expectation level which will secure good salespeople. This study may have limitation when applied to future studies. First,in this study as with existing studies it investigates the control level that salespeople feel is being measured. Actuality, the control level that a manager enforces and the control level that salespeople perceive when one is late can be different. There is need to measure lateness from both the perspective of the manager and salespeople should be done to supplement this study in the future Second, this study used variables that were connected with action result but salespeople's job satisfaction is due to the result of control. But, focusing on result of control can provide a more important financial result than sales performance. This study is also limited in that it did not consider financial result by result of control. Further studies on this will need to be done in the future. Third, this study may have a further limitation,because the investigation was restricted to pharmaceutical salespeople selling to hospitals. It is necessary to execute investigations in various industries to increase the generalization of the study findings Fourth, in this study, role clarity and self-efficacy by response variable for control and considered job satisfaction by outcome variable of control was considered. But, can other variables be considered beside response variable and result variable for control? For example, can financial affairs and change of post by outcome variable along with business stress by response variable for control be considered? Therefore, future studies need to consider various control variables. Finally, there is limited supporting research in the field of marketing which restricts the generalization of the study finding along with collecting material through random sampling of a limited size. This research summarizes the research in this area, the difference from the previous research, and provides a discussion of its limitations and the need and direction for further future research.

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Occupational Performance of Hearing-Impaired and Normal-Hearing Workers in Korea

  • Kim, Jinsook;Shin, Yerim;Lee, Seungwan;Lee, Eunsung;Han, Woojae;Lee, Jihyeon
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2021
  • Background and Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the occupational performance of Korean workers with and without hearing loss and analyze the hearing-related difficulties in the working environment. Subjects and Methods: The Amsterdam checklist for hearing and work was used for the analyses and the occupational environments of the Korean workers were investigated. Out of 129 total participants, 86 workers experienced severe to profound hearing loss and 43 had the normal hearing ability. The hearing-impaired workers were recruited from two leading vocational centers and normal-hearing workers were their colleagues. Results: The hearing-impaired workers were found to take fewer sick leaves and exhibited higher rates of permanent job statuses compared to the normal-hearing workers. Workers with hearing loss rarely detected background sound; however, they could perceive reverberation more frequently. They felt more satisfied with their careers than the normal hearing workers as they received social support and needed to put their effort into hearing for most hearing activities. Furthermore, the effort in hearing increased with the increase in job demand, job control, social support, and career satisfaction. The working hours per week increased with the increase in age, education level, job demand, job control, and social support. Different trends were observed in 9 out of 12 variables while comparing the data from the present study with that obtained from the hearing-impaired workers of the Netherlands, indicating a large difference between countries. Conclusions: Although the hearing-impaired Korean workers operate diligently with good job positions, it is necessary to enhance their acoustic environment and provide them social support. Considering the cultural background of the hearing-impaired workers, the development of suitable vocational rehabilitation programs and specific questionnaires is strongly recommended worldwide.