• Title/Summary/Keyword: job evaluation

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Development of a Spray-Injection Patching System and a Field Performance Evaluation of 100% RAP Asphalt Mixtures using a Rapid-Setting Polymer-Modified Asphalt Emulsion (아스팔트 긴급보수용 스프레이 패칭 장비 개발 및 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Han, Soo Hyun;Lee, Sang Yum;Rhee, Suk Keun;Kwon, Bong Ju
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to develop an urgent road-repair system and perform a field applicability test, as well as discover the optimum mix design for machine applications compared to the optimum mix design for lab applications. METHODS : According to reviews of the patent and developed equipment, self-propelled and mix-in-place equipment types are suitable for urgent pavement repair, e.g., potholes and cracks. The machine-application mix design was revised based on the optimum lab-test mix design, and the field application of a spray-injection system was performed on the job site. The mixture from the machine application and lab application was subjected to a wet-track abrasion test and a wheel-tracking test to calibrate the machine application. RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS : This study showed that the binder content could differ for the lab application and the machine application in the same setting. Based on the wet-track abrasion test result, the binder contents of the machine application exceeded the binder contents of the lab application by 1-1.5% on the same setting value. Moreover, the maximum dynamic stability value for the machine application showed 1% lower binder contents than the maximum lab-application value. Collectively, the results of the two different tests showed that the different sizes and operating methods of the machine and lab applications could affect the mix designs. Further studies will be performed to verify the bonding strength and monitor the field application.

The Effects of Demographic Factors on Fashion Orientation, Fashion Response, and Buying Criteria(paper no.1)

  • Koo, In-Sook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2011
  • This study is designed to identify how Demographic Factors affect Fashion Orientation(value), Fashion Response, and Buying Criteria. A total of 355 usable data was collected from housewives in three metropolitan cities(Seoul, Daejeon, Sungnam) in Korea. Young housewives who have one child are a market segment whose buying power is recognized by both the retailers and the market. The housewives' fashion orientation consists of four categories : social orientation, practical orientation, political orientation, and aesthetic orientation. The housewives' fashion response is classified into three areas : self conscious, self esteem, and self monitoring. The criteria of buying children's wear consists of nine components. As a result, the key reason for buying children' wear was 'attractive design'. Research result showed that POLITICAL ORIENTATION(SE beta=.229, p<.001) was more effective than AESTHETICS ORIENTATION(SE beta=.203, p<.001), for enhancing SELF-CONSCIOUS RESPONSE and SELF-ESTEEM RESPONSE. Therefore, this study suggests that the key factor for understanding trend can be a human self concept, consciousness, values, and orientation. The housewives' fashion orientation is responsible for 18.7% of BRAND ROYALTY(F = 20.172, p<.001) from among nine buying criteria. More poignantly, POLITICAL ORIENTATION covered 66.9% of selection of BRAND ROYALTY, and it explained 34.6% of selection of DESIGN among nine buying criteria. Thus, it showed that POLITICAL ORIENTATION(SE beta=.331, p<.001) is more effective than SOCIAL ORIENTATION(SE beta=.146), for upgrading BRAND ROYALTY. In addition, it showed that POLITICAL ORIENTATION(SE beta=.238, p<.001) is more effective than AESTHETICS ORIENTATION(SE beta=.040) for upgrading DESIGN evaluation. Housewives' fashion orientation, and fashion response are differentiated by demographic factors, such as occupation, women's career, husband' job, income, and location related to social status.

The demand for the change in Korean dental hygiene curriculum (한국 치위생(학)과의 교육과정 개편 방향에 대한 요구도)

  • Won, Bok-Yeon;Jung, Ui-Jung;Jang, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examined the demand for the change in Korean dental hygiene curriculum. This study compared the dental hygiene curriculum of domestic and overseas university and tired to provide the basic data for the development of standard curriculum that meets the education policy changes. Methods: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 1,192 participants including dental hygiene professors, dental hygienists and students. Data were collected by mail, telephone call from the professors and research assistants, email, and direct visit from June 10 to August 10, 2013. The questionnaire consisted of 4 questions of general characteristics of the subjects and 13 questions of dental hygiene curriculum. Results: The professors answered the development of integrated dental hygiene curriculum as the first priority(48.9%) and dental hygienists(51.6%) and students(42.6%) chose the development of new dental hygiene curriculum(p<0.001). In the analysis of validity of dental hygiene curriculum, the professors gave 3.29 to the validity of evaluation for basic job performance, and the clinical dental hygienists and the students gave 3.05 and 3.26 points, respectively(p<0.001). In relation to the necessity of the change of the dental hygiene curriculums, the professors gave 4.17 points which implied that curriculum change is the most important and necessary thing to do. The clinical dental hygienists and the students gave 3.90 and 3.47 points, respectively(p<0.001). Conclusions: The above-mentioned findings suggest that the revision of the current Korean dental hygiene curriculums is required. Therefore organizations related to dental hygiene including professor association and Korean Dental Hygienists Association should carefully rebuild the curriculum to improve the competency of dental hygienists. They should take the initiative in the development of a standardized curriculum.

A Study on the Merchandise Mix Aspect in the Job of Korean Fashion Merchandisers (국내(國內) 의류업계(依類業界) 머천다이저의 상품구성(商品構成) 업무(業務)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Won, Sun-Hae;Chung, Sung-Jee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2004
  • This research classified fashion merchandisers into different categories depending on the type of companies they worked for and inquired into their line of work. In so doing, the authors attempted to outline the work for merchandise mix performed by each type of merchandiser and provide some raw data, which can be utilized to enhance their work efficiency. The evaluation tool used for this study was the questionnaire made on the basis of preceding studies, literature, and trade journals, which was then modified through one on one interviews with fashion merchandisers. The questionnaire contained 15 questions about merchandise mix. For data analysis, SPSS Package Program was used to conduct frequency analysis, ANOVA, and Tukey's test. The findings are as follows 1. National brand merchandisers spent most time on merchandise planning, then department store buyers, followed by imported brand merchandisers, and lastly buying office merchandisers. 2. In merchandise planning, National brand merchandisers did more work overall compared to other merchandisers. In production planning, buying office merchandisers spent more time than any others on searching for new suppliers and decision-making. 3. Production planning took up a greater portion of their work for National brand merchandisers and buying office merchandisers compared to department store buyers and imported brand merchandisers. 4. Imported brand merchandisers spent more time on purchase planning and actual purchase compared to any others.

An Implementation of A Recruiting System for Real-time Communication Matching based on Android Platform (실시간 양방향 의사정합을 위한 안드로이드 리쿠르팅 시스템의 구현)

  • Ihm, Sun-Young;Park, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2011
  • Recently, interests for recruiting and the rates of using smart phones are growing fast. The paper proposes Recruid, which is a smart phone application based on android platform, that helps real-time communication matching between users. They can use every services of Recruid anywhere and anytime which reflects mobility characteristics of smart phones, and also use additional services on web pages. Recruid provides three main services. First, it provides mobile subscription and submission functionality on high mobility and convenience. Second, it provides group service that user can make their own groups. Last, it also provides reliability evaluation mechanism of activity data in Recruid thus, Recruid provides high credibility to users. The paper presents implementation of Recruid and shows the snapshots of the presented system.

A Study on Nutritional Supplements Intake and Related Factors of Elementary School Students in Incheon with Their Mothers' Answer II. Nutritional Supplements Intake-related Factors (인천지역 초등학생의 영양 보충제 섭취 실태 및 섭취 관련 요인의 어머니 대상 연구 II. 섭취 관련 요인)

  • Lee Min-Young;Chang Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.644-654
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors to nutritional supplements intake of elementary school student aged 7 to 12 years in Incheon area. The subjects were 631 mothers of elementary school students and cross-sectional study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire. In view of the relation with general circumstances, taking nutritional supplements was shown to be significantly associated with general and socio-demographic factors such as father's job, mothers concern about children's academic record, family's monthly income and food cost, and the experience of other family members' taking nutritional supplement. In view of the relation with anthropometric and health-related factors, taking nutritional supplement was associated with elementary school student' weight obesity index, mothers evaluation of children's height and weight mother's concern about health and growth of children, and ,disease of children. In view of the dietary behavior-related factors, taking nutritional supplements was associated with skipping breakfast, food habits, and mothers beliefs and attitude about nutrition and nutritional supplements. However, it was shown that mothers nutritional knowledge did not affect taking nutritional supplements. Therefore, it may be suggested that general and socio-demographic factors, anthropometric and health-related factors, dietary behavior-related factors, and mother's nutritional beliefs and attitude are important determinants in children's taking nutritional supplements.

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Evaluation of Foodservice Workers' Food Safety Knowledge and Practices at Senior Welfare Centers (노인종합복지관 급식업무 종사자들의 위생지식 및 수행 평가)

  • Yi, Na-Young;Lee, Kyung-Eun;Park, Jung-Yeon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.677-689
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate food safety practices and knowledge of foodservice workers at senior welfare centers. A self-administrated questionnaire was administered to 1200 foodservice workers at senior welfare centers in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi province. Two hundred five responses were returned, with 181 usable for analysis. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS for Windows(ver.14.0). Volunteers of respondents comprised 64.1% while chefs and employees comprised 20.9%. Food safety practices were assessed using a 5-point scale(1: strongly disagree - 5: strongly agree), and the average score of food safety practices was 4.27. For specific practices, 'personal hygiene (4.46)' scored the highest, followed by 'cleaning and sanitizing(4.43)', 'separate handing(4.40)', 'cooking process(4.11)', and 'receiving and storing(4.05)'. There were significant differences in the practice average score by age(p<0.01) and experience of food safety education(p<0.01). The total score for food safety knowledge was 14.43 out of 20 points. In the category of food knowledge, 'equipment and facility(80.5%)' had the highest correct answer rate, followed by 'personnel hygiene(75.9%)', 'cooking process(70.4%)', and 'cleaning sanitizing(65.8%)'. There were significant differences in the knowledge total score by job type(p<0.05), age(p<0.05), working experience(p<0.05), chef certification (p<0.01), and frequency of food safety education(p<0.01). The knowledge and practice scores were significantly correlated(p<0.01). This study suggests that food safety education for foodservice workers should be conducted continuously and repetitively, and the development of proper education materials is needed to improve the effectiveness of food safety education for chefs, employees and volunteers at senior welfare centers.

An Analysis of Core Competency of Construction Field Engineer for Cost Management (건설기술자의 원가관리 업무역량 분석 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Hong;Kim, Yea-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2013
  • Recently, many companies recognize the individual human resource as a core asset of the corporate value creation and devote a lot of effort to develop and manage competency-based human resource in order to strengthen the corporate competitiveness. As the integrated construction company taking the major portion in Korean construction industry, its construction engineers perform the construction supervision task with various related parties at each stage of the life cycle of the construction project. Therefore, the competency of a construction engineer is an important factor which have a direct impact on the success of the construction project. However, the current capability evaluation scheme of the domestic construction engineers is mainly oriented on the qualification factors such as the certificates or the seniority and this is quite different from evaluating the actual ability for construction management tasks. In this point of view, this study proposes the appropriate level of proficiency in cost management by analyzing the work process and its detailed items of the cost management that is the one of the basic management items of the construction industry. Based on this, this study analyzes the current competency level of the construction engineer by comparing with the required competency of each job position and also performs the engineer's work competency analysis of each work step.

Performance Evaluation and Analysis of NVM Storage for Ultra-Light Internet of Things (초경량 사물인터넷을 위한 비휘발성램 스토리지 성능평가 및 분석)

  • Lee, Eunji;Yoo, Seunghoon;Bahn, Hyokyung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2015
  • With the rapid growth of semiconductor technologies, small-sized devices with powerful computing abilities are becoming a reality. As this environment has a limit on power supply, NVM storage that has a high density and low power consumption is preferred to HDD or SSD. However, legacy software layers optimized for HDDs should be revisited. Specifically, as storage performance approaches DRAM performance, existing I/O mechanisms and software configurations should be reassessed. This paper explores the challenges and implications of using NVM storage with a broad range of experiments. We measure the performance of a system with NVM storage emulated by DRAM with proper timing parameters and compare it with that of HDD storage environments under various configurations. Our experimental results show that even with storage as fast as DRAM, the performance gain is not large for read operations as current I/O mechanisms do a good job hiding the slow performance of HDD. To assess the potential benefit of fast storage media, we change various I/O configurations and perform experiments to quantify the effects of existing I/O mechanisms such as buffer caching, read-ahead, synchronous I/O, direct I/O, block I/O, and byte-addressable I/O on systems with NVM storage.

A Study on the Development of Evaluation Indicators for Product Safety and Air Supply Agencies (제품안전유공기관 평가지표개발에 관한 연구)

  • Shtaekova, Gulnur
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2019
  • The primary goal of this study is to develop proper indicators for evaluating and selecting an organization that contributes product safety in his industry. The indicators of product safety include input, process, and output in the sequences of product safety activities and systems. The indicators are proposed by the side of measurable and unmeasurable index. In detail, the indicators are consist of 3 parts - product safe management, efforts for product safety and the performance of product safety. The indicators are itemized by size of enterprise (large, medium and small size) due to the difference of their system and management capability of product safety. To get the indicators reasonably, the opinions of experts and VOC of the industrial field are considered. And the indicators are also divided by job position and level(an executive vs. worker). The items of indicators are 20 and the score is 200, that are the same whichever the case may be. The indicators are useful tools for selecting a person who serves the development of product safety in his industry.