• Title/Summary/Keyword: irritant

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A Case of Cantharidin Poisoning after the Ingestion of Herbal Medicine (한약복용 후 발생한 칸타리딘 중독 1례)

  • Ji Ho Jin;Kim Hyun;Kim Sun Hyu;Oh Sung Bum;Moon Joong Bum;Lee Kang Hyun;Hwang Sung Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.56-59
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    • 2005
  • Blister beetles produce cantharidin, which is toxic to people and animals. Cantharidin has been believed to be an aphrodisiac and an abortifacient based on its tendency to cause marked irritation to the genitourinary system leading to priapism in men and pelvic congestion in women for many years. Cantharidin was used by oriental traditional medicine for more than 2000 years. Typical signs related to cantharidin ingestion are gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract irritation, endotoxemia, shock and myocardial dysfunction. Cantharidin is a severe irritant to epithelial linings (gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and skin) and develop systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We report a case of corrosive esophagogastritis and acute renal failure by ingestion of cantharidin.

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Analysis of Nurses' Soothing Behaviors in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Focused on Babies with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (신생아 중환자실 환아 달래기시 나타나는 간호사 행위 분석: 기관지폐이형성증 환아 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yu-Nah;Shin, Hyunsook
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.494-504
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurses' behaviors while soothing newborns with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Methods: An observational study was used to assess nurses' soothing behaviors. Data were collected from September, 2012 to March, 2013 using an audio-video recording system. Participants were eight babies and 12 nurses caring for those babies. After obtaining parental permission, the overall process of each episode from nurses' engagement in soothing to the end of soothing was recorded. Then a researcher interviewed each participating nurse. Data from 18 episodes were transcribed as verbal and nonverbal nursing behaviors and then categorized by two researchers. Results: There were 177 observed soothing behaviors which were classified with the five sensory-based categories (tactile, oral, visual, auditory, vestibular). Most frequently observed soothing behavior was 'Gently talking' followed by 'Removing irritant', and 'Providing non-nutritive sucking'. Nurses' perceived soothing behaviors were similar to the observed soothing behaviors except for 'Gently talking'. Conclusion: Nurses used diverse and mixed soothing behaviors as well as recognizing those behaviors as essential nursing skills. Nurses' soothing behaviors identified in this study can be used to comfort babies and to enhance their developmental potential in accordance with individual characterstics or cues.

Analysis of Carbonyl Compounds using DNPH Cartridge with LC-MS (DNPH cartridge/LC-MS 방법에 의한 카르보닐화합물 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Deok-Hee;Song Il-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2006
  • Several carbonyl compounds are important because of their irritant and toxic properties, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Therefore, they are regulated in korean odor emission standard. In this study, atmospheric pressure ionization-mass spectrometry(API-MS) is used for the analysis of carbonyl compounds after derivatization with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) and liquid chromatographic separation. In the negative ion mode, the $[M-H]^-$ pseudomolecular ions are most abundant for the carbonyls. Analytical parameters such as linearity, repeatability and minimum detection limit were evaluated. The linearities ($r^2$) for carbonyls were $0.9977{\sim}0.9999$ when analyte concentration ranges from $25\;to\;250{\mu}g/L$(n=6). The relative standard deviations (%RSD) for carbonyls were $0.55{\sim}3.51%$ for concentration of $100{\mu}g/L$(n=5). The minimum detection limit (MDL) was $1.88{\mu}g/L$(0.27 ppb) for i-valeraldehyde. It was shown that LC-MS method has a great potential for carbonyl compounds analysis.

Skin Safety Evaluation of Pectin Lyase-modified Red Ginseng Extract (GS-E3D) (홍삼가수분해농축액(GS-E3D)의 피부 안전성 평가)

  • Pyo, Mi Kyung;Lee, Gyeong Hee;Cha, Seon Woo;Park, Ki Young;Lee, Ki Moo
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2018
  • Pectin lyase-modified red ginseng extract (GS-E3D) is a newly developed ginsenoside Rd-enriched ginseng extract. This study was designed to investigate the skin safety of GS-E3D. Single oral toxicity, single dermal toxicity, bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) assay, skin irritation test with $SkinEthic^{TM}$ human epidermis model, skin sensitization local lymph node assay, and human patch test, were examined. The oral and dermal $LD_{50}$ value of GS-E3D was over 2,000 mg/kg in rats. GS-E3D was identified as a non-irritant to skin in BCOP assay, human epidermis models, and patch test from the 32 human subjects. The skin sensitization potential of GS-E3D was less than 25% in local lymph node assay. These results indicate that GS-E3D can be used as a safe ingredient without adverse effects in various skin care products.

Nutritional Effects on the Environmental Health (영양과 환경과의 관계)

  • 문현경
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 1991
  • The effects of environmental agents on health are great concern for all. It was recognized that each human has differential susceptibility to environmental effects. Susceptibility are changed by many factors includin gdevelopmpntal processes, genetic factors, nutritional stratus, preexisting disease conditions, life style and personal habits. Of all factors nutritional factors seem to be the area most modifiable. Consequently, It is an area that must be more thoroughly evaluated. In this paper, nutrient and environment interactions are reviewed briefly with published literatures. This paper deals with the influence of micronutrients(energy, protein and fat), Vitamins (vitamin 4, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin I) and Minerals(calcium, iron, selenium, zinc and other minerls) on environmental effects. The role of arch nutrient was assessed in modifyine the expression of environmental pollutant toxicity with available litertures. In each nutrient section, the effect of environment was considered in following agents : heavy metals(lead, cadmium, mercury, silver and etc), inorganic agents(nitwits, sulfite, fluoride and etc), organic agents(benzene, carbon tatra-chloride, aflatoxin, auto dye, dialbrin etc), Irritant gas(ozone, carbon monooxide and etc), physical agents(X-irradiation, ultra violet, temperature and noise) and insectcides. The extent to which nutritional status modifies environmental effects 3nd its converse, how envirollments affects nutritional status is very complex. In deed, at the present time there are more than 50 chelnical/phycical agents that affect the nutrient metabolism and/or have their toxicity either directly diminished or enhanced by nutrients of those agents, small number of agents for each nutrients have sufficient evidence to warrant any reasonable degree of confidence in their hypothesized associtation. With these information at this present time it is hard to conclude that the recommended dietary allowance for each nutrient should be reconsidered.

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A Case of Chlorfluazuron Insectisides Poisoning with Mental Change (클로르플루아주론 살충제 음독 후 발생한 의식변화 1례)

  • Park, Eun Suk;Kang, Soo;Kim, Ah Jin;Baek, Jin Hue;Jung, Hyun Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.40-42
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    • 2015
  • Benzoylureas are chemical compounds best known for their use as insecticides. Diflubenzuron is one of the more commonly used benzoylurea pesticides. Others include chlorfluazuron, flufenoxuron, hexaflumuron, and triflumuron. They act as insect growth regulators by inhibiting synthesis of chitin in the body of the insect. They have low toxicity in mammals because mammals have no chitin. Chlorfluazuron insecticides, which are mixed with solvent naphatha, are commonly used. Thus we assume that in the presented case mental change outcome of poisoning was connected with toxic effects of solvent naphtha rather than with chlorfluazuron action. Components of solvent naphtha, particularly trimethylbenzenes, exert strong irritant action on the gastric mucosa and are very well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. We report on a 67-year-old man with stuporous mentality after intentional ingestion of approximately 200 ml of liquid chlorfluazuron in a suicide attempt. He was discharged after conservative treatments including gastric irrigation, charcoal, mechanical ventilation, hydration, and antibiotics for aspiration pneumonia without complications.

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Correlation Between Skin Irritation and Cytotoxicity of Anti-wrinkle Agents (화장품 원료의 피부자극성과 세포독성의 관련성)

  • 이은희;이종권;김용규;박기숙;안광수
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.310-319
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    • 2001
  • To compare skin irritation and cytotoxicity of anti-wrinkle agents, we examined skin irritation of six anti-wrinkle agents (ascorbic acid, glycolic acid, all trans-retinoic acid, ginseng extract, retinol, EB) in New Zealand white rabbit. Cytotoxicity of these agents was determined by MTT [tetrazolium salt 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] at multi-time points in cultured HaCaT cell, a human immortalized keratinocyte cell. We then analyzed correlation between skin irritation and cytotoxicity by spearman's rank correlation analysis. All trans-retinoic acid showed the highest primary irritation index (0.92) in skin irritation test. Being all the six agents not irritant, retinal showed the most cytotoxic agents. The correlation between skin irritation and cytotoxicity ($IC_{50}$/ at different time point was 0.814, 0.757, 0.814 and 0.7 at 3, 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. We also fecund that IC$_{20}$ and IC$_{80}$ of these agents showed similar correlation with skin irritation. These results therefore demonstrated that there is close correlation between skin irritation and cytotoxicity $IC_{50}$/ value by MTT in HaCaT cell at early time points by anti-wrinkle agents or IC$_{20}$ value. $IC_{50}$/ at earily time point or IC$_{20}$ values may be reliable alternative determinant of skin irritation.n.

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Prolotherapy for the Lower Extremities (하지에서의 프롤로 치료)

  • Kim, Yong Uck
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2009
  • Prolotherapy, the technology for strengthening lax ligaments, has found increased acceptance in recent years. Prolotherapy involves the injection of the irritant solutions into the weakened or stretched ligaments which are a source of chronic pain. This induces an inflammatory response which mimics the normal repair sequence. Various musculoskeletal disorders of lower extremities such as degenerative arthrtitis, ligament and tendon injuries can be treated with prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is a very good, powerful nonsurgical conservative treatment in various musculoskeletal disorders. Ultrasound exam is very useful to find and confirm the exact location of disorders and check the progress in prolotherapy practices.

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  • Yu, Mi-Kyung;Park, Soo-Joung
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 1999
  • The effects of application of mustard oil (MO), a small-fiber excitant and inflammatory irritant into the rat maxillary molar tooth pulp on arterial blood pressure and heat race, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the jaw muscles were assessed in the anesthetized rats. In addition, Evans blue extravasation following pulpal MO application was measured. Application of MO into the tooth pulp produced a significant increase in mean arterial pressure and heat rate which gradually returned to baseline level. Application of MO into the tooth pulp induced a significant and short-lasting increase in EMG activity of digastric masseter and tongue muscle. Application of MO into the tooth pulp significantly increased the plasma extravasation of Evans blue dye. However, Application of mineral oil into the tooth pulp did not produce any significant changes in EMG activity of the digastric, masseter and tongue muscles, mean arterial pressure and heart rate, and plasma extravasation of Evans blue dye. These findings indicate that changes in arterial blood pressure, heart rate, jaw muscle activity and plasma extravasation accompanying noxious tooth pulp stimulation call be utilized as indirect measure of orofacial pain and inflammation.

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Studies on Application of Soybean Fatty Acid for Development of Cosmetic Formulation (대두 지방산을 활용한 화장품 기초제 개발)

  • Lee, Chi-Ho;Shin, Young-Hee;Lee, Une-Hyang
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 1990
  • Soybean fatty acid, the largest byproduct in the production of soybean oil, was formulated for hand cream, oil in water emulsion base, to improve the suppleness and elasticity of skin. The stability of emulsion observed by a macroscopic method was used as a characteristic index for deciding an optimum formula of hand creams. The optimum formula of the most stable hand cream was obtained from polynomial regression equation, contour graphs and partial derivative graphs. The values of soybean fatty acid and stearyl alcohol in the obtained optimum formula were 9.75 and 14.75 w/w%, respectively, and sodium lauryl sulfate was not needed. Experimental value for the stability of hand cream prepared according to the optimum formula was 76,14 days, and the prediction value by computation method was 73.25 days. From the results of accelerated tests by elevated temperature, the stability of hand cream by optimum formula was 1.7 year at room temperature $(25^{\circ}C)$. The hand cream containing soybean fatty acid was found to be free of primary irritant substance to the skin by Draize technique.

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