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A Neural Network Aided Kalman Filtering Approach for SINS/RDSS Integrated Navigation

  • Xiao-Feng, He;Xiao-Ping, Hu;Liang-Qing, Lu;Kang-Hua, Tang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.491-494
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    • 2006
  • Kalman filtering (KF) is hard to be applied to the SINS (Strap-down Inertial Navigation System)/RDSS (Radio Determination Satellite Service) integrated navigation system directly because the time delay of RDSS positioning in active mode is random. BP (Back-Propagation) Neuron computing as a powerful technology of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), is appropriate to solve nonlinear problems such as the random time delay of RDSS without prior knowledge about the mathematical process involved. The new algorithm betakes a BP neural network (BPNN) and velocity feedback to aid KF in order to overcome the time delay of RDSS positioning. Once the BP neural network was trained and converged, the new approach will work well for SINS/RDSS integrated navigation. Dynamic vehicle experiments were performed to evaluate the performance of the system. The experiment results demonstrate that the horizontal positioning accuracy of the new approach is 40.62 m (1 σ), which is better than velocity-feedback-based KF. The experimental results also show that the horizontal positioning error of the navigation system is almost linear to the positioning interval of RDSS within 5 minutes. The approach and its anti-jamming analysis will be helpful to the applications of SINS/RDSS integrated systems.

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Evaluation of a Layered Coding Scheme for Integrated Mobile Satellite Systems (위성/지상 통합망에서의 계층적 부호화방식에 대한 고찰)

  • Shang, Pingping;Kim, Soo-Young
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2011
  • This paper evaluates the performance and effectiveness of a layered coding scheme for an integrated mobile satellite systems, where the main target services are multimedia broadcasting and multicasting services (MBMS). In this integrated system, the satellite and complementary ground components (CGC) cooperate to provide high quality services. A layered coding scheme is a receiver driven adaptive schemes which adapts to the channel condition at the receiver. In this paper, we introduce a layered turbo coding scheme, and evaluates the performance in various scenarios, and discuss its effectiveness. The demonstrated results in the paper can be utilized in order to design an efficient integrated mobile satellite system, in the future.

Simulation analysis on the separation characteristics and motion behavior of particles in a hydrocyclone

  • Xu, Yanxia;Tang, Bo;Song, Xingfu;Sun, Ze;Yu, Jianguo
    • Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.2355-2364
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    • 2018
  • We evaluated the effect of particle size and associated dynamics on a hydrocyclone separation process in order to understand the movement of the particle trajectories inside the hydrocyclone via numerical analysis, with particles of acid hydrolysis residues discharged in TiO2 production via the sulfate method as a case study. The values obtained from the numerical simulation were successfully compared with those from experimental tests in the literature, allowing a description of the dynamics of the particles, their acting forces, and their relevant properties together with separation efficiency. The results showed that particle motion is jointly controlled by the drag force, the pressure gradient force and the centrifugal force. With increasing particle size, the influence of the drag force is weakened, whereas that of the centrifugal force and pressure gradient is strengthened. Factors including particle density, slurry viscosity, and inlet slurry flow rate also contribute to a clear and useful understanding of particle motion behavior in the hydrocyclone as a method for improving the separation efficiency.

Groundwater Management Pradigm Shift and Policy Directions for Integrated Water Management in Korea (통합 물관리를 위한 우리나라 지하수 관리 패러다임 전환과 정책방향)

  • Hyun, Yunjung;Han, Hye Jin
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims to develop a new paradigm for groundwater management which is compatible with integrated water management policies in Korea. Three key roles of groundwater are defined for addressing water cycle distortion, high water stress, water quality degradation, aquatic ecosystems deterioration, and water-related hazards. Firstly, groundwater plays an important role in contributing soundness of water cycle as a component of water cycle. Secondly, it is a local water resource to ensure water supply sustainability. Thirdly, groundwater is an essential water resource for drought and emergencies. In order to support the groundwater roles, we propose a paradigm shift for groundwater management and policy directions towards integrated water management. The new paradigm consists of managements for sound water cycle on a watershed scale and groundwater environment(quantity, quality, and groundwater dependent ecosystems) managements for both human and nature. A prospective management also constitutes the new paradigm. In addition, this paper proposes four policy directions in groundwater management. The policies emphasize the integrated management of groundwater and surface water, management of groundwater environment(quantity, quality, and groundwater dependent ecosystems), management of groundwater uses for water sustainability and security, and enhancement of groundwater publicity.

A Development of Unified and Consistent BIM Database for Integrated Use of BIM-based Quantities, Process, and Construction Costs in Civil Engineering

  • Lee, Jae-Hong;Lee, Sung-Woo;Kim, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we have developed a calculation system for BIM-based quantities, 4D process, and 5D construction costs, by integrating object shape attributes and the standard classification system which consist of Cost Breakdown System(CBS), Object Breakdown System(OBS) and Work Breakdown System(WBS) in order to use for the 4 dimensional process control of roads and rivers. First, a new BIM library database connected with the BIM library shape objects was built according to the CBS/OBS/WBS standard classification system of the civil engineering field, and a integrated database system of BIM-based quantities, process(4D), and construction costs(5D) for roads and rivers was constructed. Nextly, the process classification system and the cost classification system were automatically disassembled to the BIM objects consisting of the Revit-family style elements. Finally, we added functions for automatically generating four dimensional activities and generating a automatic cost statement according to the combination of WBS and CBS classification system The ultimate goal of this study was to extend the integrated quantities, process(4D), and construction costs(5D) system for new roads and rivers, enabling the integrated use of process(4D) and construction costs(5D) in the design and construction stage, based on the tasks described above.

Development of a Real Trajectory-based Simulator to Verify the Reliability of the Integrated Navigation System for Trains (열차용 복합 항법 시스템 신뢰성 검증을 위한 실 궤적 기반 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Chae, Myeong-Seok;Cho, Seong-Yun;Shin, Kyung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2021
  • In railway systems, it is common to obtain train location information through an infrastructure-based train detection system. However, this system has a problem that may provide incorrect location information due to non-detection and erroneous detection, which may cause an accident. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method of providing train location information using a sensor-based integrated navigation system. In order to provide accurate information; however, the reliability of the integrated navigation system must be verified. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a simulator that can generate a reference trajectory and sensor data based on the real trajectory and analyze the performance of the integrated navigation system according to various scenarios on the real trajectory.

Flight Scenario Trajectory Design of Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing UAV for Integrated Navigation Performance Analysis (통합항법 성능 분석을 위한 고정익, 회전익 무인항공기의 비행 시나리오 궤적 설계)

  • Won, Daehan;Oh, Jeonghwan;Kang, Woosung;Eom, Songgeun;Lee, Dongjin;Kim, Doyoon;Han, Sanghyuck
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2022
  • As the use of unmanned aerial vehicles increases, in order to expand the operability of the unmanned aerial vehicle, it is essential to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle traffic management system, and to establish the system, it is necessary to analyze the integrated navigation performance of the unmanned aerial vehicle to be operated. Integrated navigation performance is affected by various factors such as the type of unmanned aerial vehicle, flight environment, and guidance law algorithm. In addition, since a large amount of flight data is required to obtain high-reliability analysis results, efficient and consistent flight scenarios are required. In this paper, a flight scenario that satisfies the requirements for integrated navigation performance analysis of rotary and fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles was designed and verified through flight experiments.

A Study on the Establishment of an Integrated Management System for Forest Fire Prevention and Suppression Measures (산불예방 및 진압대책의 통합관리체계 구축 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2022
  • Recently, in Korea, if a very large forest fire occurs due to the people's carelessness, it is of great interest because it spreads into a large forest fire. If a wildfire spreads and becomes large, it will inflict great damage (appointment and property), and the damage is irreversible. The best way to extinguish a wildfire is to prevent it before it occurs. If a forest fire occurs due to a failure in prevention, the early firefighting activities to prevent the progress of the forest fire by promptly dispatching it by reporting it and approaching the site as soon as possible should now be managed with a systematic integrated management system. To do so, it is necessary to prepare a preventive system, such as issuing warnings for each weather condition by the Korea Forest Service, consisting of cooperation (support) activities for forest fire prevention by related organizations, etc. In order to minimize the loss of precious lives and forests, measures have been taken to establish a system, to establish a prompt and accurate situation reporting system, and to establish an integrated command system (ICS) for on-site commanders.

Integrated Planar Transformer Design of 3 kW LDC for Electric Vehicles (전기자동차용 3kW급 LDC를 위한 통합형 플라나변압기 설계)

  • Ramadhan, Ramadhan;Suk, Chaeyoung;Kim, Sangjin;Choi, Sewan;Yu, Byeongu;Park, Sanghun
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.157-159
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents an optimal planar transformer design of a 3-kW Low voltage DC-DC Converter (LDC) with 3.68 kW/L power density for electric vehicle (xEV) application. The transformer is optimized based on the trade-off between footprint and loss using the proposed figure-of-merit (FOM) based optimization. In order to achieve ZVS under entire load range, an external leakage inductance is added and implemented using the proposed magnetic integration technique. A comparison between non-integrated and integrated magnetic core using finite element analysis (FEA) is presented. The result shows that the integrated core can reduce the core loss up to 35 % and core boxed volume up to 15 % compared to the non-integrated core. Experimental results are also provided to validate the proposed magnetic integration technique.

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Experimental Study on the Flexural Capacity of the Lattice integrated Rib-Type Deck Plate (래티스 골 데크 플레이트의 휨 내력에 관한 실험연구)

  • Oh, Myoung Ho;Park, Sung Jin;Kim, Young Ho
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the floor construction method of buildings is rapidly being replaced by the steel deck construction method of factory products from the past cast-in-place formwork method in order to shorten construction period, reduce labor costs, and improve constructability. In this study, the bending capacity of a newly developed lattice integrated rib-type deck plate that is economical and constructible was evaluated through a simple beam test. As a result of the experiment, the lattice integrated rib-type deck installed by adding rib to the existing flat deck had excellent initial rigidity and maximum load-bearing ability, confirming the feasibility of practical use. In addition, the test specimen in which the tensile rebar is not integrated with the lattice and deck has very low initial stiffness, which is insufficient to support the load at the construction stage, and new details need to be developed to overcome this.