• Title/Summary/Keyword: integrated data model

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Construction of Information System for Promoting Overseas Urban Development (해외도시개발 지원 종합정보시스템 구축방안)

  • Jeong, Yeun-Woo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to build a total information system that systematizes existing sporadic information, which may lead to revitalization and efficiency of overseas urban development. To achieve this, this study firstly analyses the current information systems for urban development in foreign countries and information from the private sector. The results show that the information system that operates in the domestic agencies, are less likely to involve the contents related to information sharing, social network building and business process. However, that used in agencies ordering the overseas urban development projects, mostly provides the information of professionals, project participants and their business. Second, this research selects the information to be provided by the integrated information system and proposes a data collection plan. The information, required to push forward urban development in abroad, is classified into seven categories. Third, this study establishes a target model of comprehensive information system and makes suggestions for institutional improvement. For doing this, it categorizes overseas urban development information, links to classified information, organizes the system into three stages to services through informational channels, and then suggests a target model. Furthermore, it proposes institutional improvement to achieve efficiency of information systems through a comprehensive review of the similar cases such as administrative system of architecture(Seumter) and land information system.

A Study on the e-Document Development of Parcel Service for Reliable Delivery (택배 물류 안전 배송을 위한 전자문서 개발 연구)

  • Ahn, Kyeong Rim;Park, Chan Kwon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2016
  • Parcel service is to deliver goods from one place to the designated destination requested according to user request. Parcel operations such as sorting, distributing, etc. or the managed information are heterogeneous by the companies. Additionally, it is impossible to support interoperability between companies with unformatted data of manual processing. Most parcel package boxes attached to paper typed waybill is attached is delivered to consignee. So, security problems such as personal information leaking are occurred, or extra processing time and logistics costs are needed due to wrong or the damaged information. Business environment of parcel service is rapidly changed as introducing unmanned delivery or the advanced technology such as Internet of Things. User want to know the accurate status or steps from parcel service request to delivery. To provide these requirements, the unified and integrated waybill information for reliable transportation of parcel service is needed. This information will provide to pickup or delivery carrier, warehouse or terminal, and parcel service user per pickup, transport, and delivery stage of parcel delivery service. Therefore, this paper defines the simplified and unified information model for parcel service waybill by analyzing information systems used for logistics unit processes that is occurred to parcel service, and manual work processes, and developing the relevant information of work flows occurred between business processes or transactions with the collected or processed information by from parcel service's stages. It is possible to share these standard model between business entities, and replacing paper typed waybill will improve national life safety as preventing security threats by paper typed waybill. As a result, it will promote the public interest from the stakeholder's perspective.

A Study on Hypertensive Patients Compliance to Medical Recommendations (고혈압 환자의 치료지시 이행에 관한 연구)

  • 최영희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 1980
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the compliance behavior of hypertensive patients in light of their health belief model that explains an individual's compliance with health maintenance or getting well. Although there are many effective regimens and treatments for hypertension nowadays. the most important point to be taken to consideration in their behavioral aspect is their compliance with regard to the control of body weight. eating habits as to salt and cholesterol intake. stresses. activity patterns and smoking as related to their life style. The important reasons for the failure in the control of hypertensive patients are the complexity of regimens to be complied to. irregular medication and the life long restrictions in their own life style. The compliance of patients to medical regimens and rocommendations or failure to do so is an essential factor. Accordingly. the degree of the patient's compliance is an important determinant as to the success or failure of hypertension control. The subjects for this study were 187 hypertensive patients selected from admitted and out patients of the medical department at seven University Hospitals in Seoul. Data was collected from Dec. 1, 1979 to Feb. 15, 1980 using the questionaire method and was analysed by the use of means. standard deviations, coefficient of correlations, analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained are as follows A. Of the seven independent variables in light of health belief model. benefit. barrier and severity are closely related to patient's compliance behavior. Therefore these variables could be used as determinants to predict and modify the hypertensive behavior. 1. Benefit is the most important and significant of the variables for explaining the dependent variables. It accounts for the highest variance of patient's compliance. (23.62%) 2. Then taking the former together with barrier. the variance of compliance showed on increase. (26.59%) 3. And with the addition of severity to the first two. the variance of compliance was also increased. (28.l2 %) B. Except for susceptibility all the independent variables such as severity. benefit, knowledge. motivation and barrier are correlated to dependent variable compliance. C. Sex. marital status and religion appeared to have significant influence on the dependent variables. Therefore one could conclude that the more the patients are aware that hypertension is a threat to health. the more they understand the benefit of taking actions to prevent such a threat. and the less they perceive any barrier when taking action. the more compliant they become in following medical regimens and recommendations. Age. marital status and religion played a significant influence to their compliance. Accordingly. the selected structural variables and demographic variables which have influenced sick role behavior of the hypertensive patient must be integrated to teaching and counselling programs for better hypertension control.

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Effects of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 loaded Acellular Dermal Matrix on Bone Formation (재조합 골형성 단백질 2형(rh-BMP-2) 함유 무세포성 진피조직(acellualr dermal matrix)의 골재생 효과)

  • Song, Dae-Seok;Kim, Tae-Gyun;Jung, Ui-Won;Choi, Seong-Ho;Cho, Kyoo-Sung;Chai, Jung-Kiu;Kim, Chong-Kwan;Kim, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.511-522
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    • 2007
  • Introduction : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of the acellular dermal matrix (ADM) as a barrier membrane for bone regeneration, and to evaluate the osteogenic effect of ADM as a carrier system for rhBMP-2 in the rat calvarial defect model. Materials and Methods: An 8-mm, calvarial, critical-size osteotomy defect was created in each of 60 male Spraque-Dawley rats(weight $250{\sim}300g$). Three groups of 20 animals, each received either rhBMP-2(0.025mg/ml) in an ADM carrier, ADM only, or negative surgical control. And each group was divided into 2- and 8-weeks healing intervals. The groups were evaluated by histologic and histomorphometric parameters(10 animals/group/healing intervals). Data were expressed as $means{\pm}standard$ deviations($m{\pm}SD$). Comparisons between experimental and control groups were made using two-way ANOVA and post hoc t-test. Comparisons between 2 weeks and 8 weeks were made using paired t-test. The level of statistical difference was defined as P< 0.05. Results : The ADM group and rhBMP-2/ADM group results in enhanced local bone formation in the rat calvarial defect at both 2 and 8 weeks. The amount of defect closure and new bone formation were significantly greater in the rhBMP-2/ADM group relative to ADM group(P<0.05). At 8 weeks, the majority of ADM in the defect was contracted, and integrated with surrounding host tissues. In addition, host cell infiltration and neovascularization of the ADM in the absence of an inflammatory response were observed, and the newly formed bone around ADM showed a continuous remodeling and consolidation. Conclusion : The results of the present study indicated that ADM may be used as a barrier membrane for bone regeneration and that may be employed as a delivery system for BMPs.

Combustion Performance Test of Syngas Gas in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor - Part 2 : NOx/CO emission Characteristics, Temperature Characteristics and Flame Structures (모델 가스터빈 연소기에서 합성가스 연소성능시험 - Part 2 : NOx/CO 배출특성, 온도특성, 화염구조)

  • Lee, Min Chul;Yoon, Jisu;Joo, Seong Pil;Yoon, Youngbin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.639-648
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes on the NOx/CO emission characteristics, temperature characteristics and flame structures when firing coal derived synthetic gas especially for gases of Buggenum and Taean IGCC. These combustion characteristics were observed by conducting ambient-pressure elevated-temperature combustion tests in GE7EA model combustor when varying heat input and nitrogen dilution ratio. Nitrogen addition caused decrement in adiabatic flame temperature, thus resulting in the NOx reduction. At low heat input condition, nitrogen dilution raised the CO emission dramatically due to incomplete combustion. These NOx reduction and CO arising phenomena were observed at certain flame temperature of $1500^{\circ}C$ and $1250^{\circ}C$, respectively. As increasing nitrogen dilution, adiabatic flame temperature and combustor liner temperature were decreased and singular points were detected due to change in flame structure such as flame lifting. From the results, the effect of nitrogen dilution on the NOx/CO and flame structure was examined, and the test data will be utilized as a reference to achieve optimal operating condition of the Taean IGCC demonstration plant.

A Study On Context Sensitive Highway Design Based On Improved Operating Speed Prediction Methods in National Roads (환경 친화적 도로 설계를 위한 기초 연구 (노선대 지형 및 지역 요소를 고려한 일반국도 주행속도 예측 모형))

  • Kim, Sang-Youp;Choi, Jai-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.7 s.85
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2005
  • Highway design speed is a very important design element which determines highway design level. When determining highway design speed, one would estimate it utilizing the most likelihood of design speed and vehicle operating speed relationship. Existing operating speed prediction models only include highway geometric characteristics and their impacts on speed, which usually can not consider the impact of highway design speed on surrounding roadway environment and land use pattern. If this happens, excessive highway construction cost and huge environmental impact can occur. In this research project, a new vehicle operating speed prediction model was developed which can reflect the effect of surrounding roadway environment into vehicle speed prediction. The followings are the research findings : Firstly, highway terrain types and land use pattern on national roads were classified and integrated into drivers' visual recognition pattern. This was performed using a data management software. Secondly, the developed highway terrain types and land use pattern were related to vehicle speeds and it was found that there were significant statistical differences among vehicle speed for each different terrain and land use pattern. Thirdly. the General Linear Model analysis was employed to analyze the effects of highway geometric features, terrain types, and land use patterns. For two-lane highway and four-lane highway tested in this research project, it was found that R squares were 0.67 and 0.85, respectively. Additionally an optimal highway design speed range table, based on this research project. was proposed for practical use. This table can be reliably used on South Korean national road design, but discretion is required for applying this table to other types of highways including provincial roads and municipal roads.

Influencing Factors on the Lending Intention of Online Peer-to-Peer Lending: Lessons from Renrendai.com (온라인 P2P 대출의도의 영향요인에 관한 연구: 런런다이 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Qin;Lee, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.79-110
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    • 2016
  • Purpose Online Peer-to-peer lending (hereafter P2P lending), is a new method of lending money to unrelated individuals through an online financial intermediary. Usually in the online P2P transaction, individuals who would like to borrow money (hereafter borrowers) and those who would like to lend money (hereafter lenders) have no previous relationship. Based on enormous previous studies, this study develops an integrated model, particularly for the online P2P lending environment in China, to better understand the critical factors that influence lenders' intention to lend money through the online P2P lending platform. Design/methodology/approach In order to verify the hypotheses, we develop a questionnaire with 42 survey items. We measured all the items on a five-point Likert-type scale. We use Sojump.com to collect questionnaire and gather 246 valid responses from registered members of Renrendai.com. We analyzed the main survey data by using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 20.0. We first estimated the reliability, validity, composite reliability and AVE and then conduct common method bias test. The mediating role of trust in platform and in borrower has been tested. Last we tested the hypotheses through the structural model. Findings The results reveal that service quality, information quality, structural assurance, awareness and reputation significantly impact lenders' trust in the online P2P lending platform. Second, awareness, reputation and perceived risk significantly impact lenders' trust in borrower and lending intention. Third, trust propensity has a positive effect on lenders' trust on borrower. Last, awareness, reputation, perceived risk, platform trust and borrower trust can directly impact lenders' lending intention.

Tracking Control using Disturbance Observer and ZPETC on LonWorks/IP Virtual Device Network (LonWorks/IP 가상 디바이스 네트워크에서 외란관측기와 ZPETC를 이용한 추종제어)

  • Song, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2007
  • LonWorks over IP (LonWorks/IP) virtual device network (VDN) is an integrated form of LonWorks device network and IP data network. LonWorks/IP VDN can offer ubiquitous access to the information on the factory floor and make it possible for the predictive and preventive maintenance on the factory floor. Timely response is inevitable for predictive and preventive maintenance on the factory floor under the real-time distributed control. The network induced uncertain time delay deteriorates the performance and stability of the real-time distributed control system on LonWorks/IP virtual device network. Therefore, in order to guarantee the stability and to improve the performance of the networked distributed control system the time-varying uncertain time delay needs to be compensated for. In this paper, under the real-time distributed control on LonWorks/IP VDN with uncertain time delay, a control scheme based on disturbance observer and ZPETC(Zero Phase Error Tracking Controller) phase lag compensator is proposed and tested through computer simulation. The result of the proposed control is compared with that of internal model controller (IMC) based on Smith predictor and disturbance observer. It is shown that the proposed control scheme is disturbance and noise tolerant and can significantly improve the stability and the tracking performance of the periodic reference. Therefore, the proposed control scheme is well suited for the distributed servo control for predictive maintenance on LonWorks/IP-based virtual device network with time-varying delay.

An Assessment of Coastal Area Using Geographic Information Systems and Multi-Criteria Analysis (지리정보시스템(GIS)과 다기준 분석법(MCA)을 적용한 연안지역 평가)

  • Choi, Hee-Jung;Park, Jung-Jae;Hwang, Chul-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2007
  • There are many conflicts or interests among various stakeholders on the development of the coastal area. The integrated methodology, which is reflective of physical conditions, socio-economic circumstances, and people's sense of values, is thus needed to solve the problems. In this study, geographical information systems(GIS) and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) that arc one of multi-criteria analysis methodologies are loosely coupled to develop better analytic procedures for coastal assessment. Socio-economic and environmental parameters of the study area, Hampyung Bay area, are converted to a GIS system-applicable format, while AHP is used to assess the relative importance level of each parameter by calculating weighting factors. After standardizing and rasterizing spatial data from various sources. the weighting factors are applied to produce the layers for each parameter. Map algebra and overlay analyses are used to create the final layer according to the decision making logic or model proposed here. Cell values of that layer could be considered as spatial alternatives. In addition to this finding, the flexibility with the weighing factors enable decision-makers to understand the procedures and alternatives in relevance with selective strategies for coastal management.

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Meta-analysis of the effects on family life education for couples in Korea (한국 부부교육 프로그램의 효과에 대한 메타분석)

  • Lee, Eun-yeong;Jang, Jin-Kyung
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.181-204
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is to integrate the results of the previous studies from 1900 to 2016 according to the types of dependent variables individually and statistically to obtain the results of the overall level of the marital education program I need to figure it out. In other words, the general and valid study on the overall effectiveness of the marriage education program will lead to more concluded conclusions and draw up an integrated and holistic conclusion about the effectiveness of the marriage education program. Method: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of married couples' education program on married couples' education program. The results of this study are as follows. First, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. In other words, funnel plot, forest plot, and trim & fill were used to analyze all the variables related to the education of the couple, and homogeneity test After choosing an analytical model for the analysis, we calculated the 'standardized mean difference' effect size (d) that can compare different individual studies through the analytical model. The results of this study are as follows. Results: The purpose of this study was to investigate the overall effect size of domestic couples education programs after 1990, and to investigate the effect sizes of dependent variable types and program - related variables. First, the total effect size of the domestic marriage education program was close to the level of the large effect size and had a substantial and preventive effect. Self-esteem, communication, marital adjustment, emotion, and self control have a substantial and prophylactically significant change depending on the type of subordinate variables related to the marital education program But there was no change in origin family and life satisfaction. Third, as a result of the categorization of the dependent variable categorization of the Korean couple education program, it was found that the marital relations of the participant in the individual inner and the marital relations The effect was significant enough to change. Fourth, Korean couple education program was most effective when mixed age couples were participated in various family life cycle. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to study more deeply about marital education program effect of marriage education for various special groups such as married couples who are in a crisis of divorce, . It also means that the results of the research for the last 30 years from 1900 to 2016 were comprehensively and systematically summarized through meta - analysis. The results of this study provide information on how to provide the most effective couples education programs for practitioners in the field. The result of this study will be the data of judgment about how to organize the marital education program for people of any ages and characteristics in the future.