• Title/Summary/Keyword: inquiry-based instruction

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Exploring How a High School Science Teacher's Understanding and Facilitation of Scientific Modeling Shifted through Participation in a Professional Learning Community (교사학습공동체에 참여한 한 고등학교 교사의 과학적 모델링에 대한 이해 및 수업 실행 변화 탐색 -프레임 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Shim, Soo-Yean
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore how a high school science teacher (Teacher E) shifted her understanding and facilitation of scientific modeling through participation in a professional learning community (PLC) for over a year. Based on socially situated theory of learning, I focused on examining Teacher E's frames about scientific modeling from her social interactions. Teacher E participated in her school-based PLC over a year and collaborated with other science teachers, coaches, and researchers to improve science instruction. I qualitatively explored her participation in 6 full-day professional learning opportunities-studios-where the PLC members collectively planned, implemented, and debriefed modeling-based lessons. Especially, I focused on two Studios (Studio 2, 6) where Teacher E became the host teacher and implemented the lessons. I also examined her classroom teaching in those Studios. To understand how the PLC inquiry affected the shifts observed in Teacher E's understanding and practice, I explored how the inquiry evolved over the 6 Studios. Findings suggest that in Studio 2, Teacher E viewed students' role in scientific modeling as to fill out the worksheet with "correct" answers. Meanwhile, in Studio 6, she focused on helping students collaborate to construct explanatory models of phenomena using evidence. The PLC inquiry, focused on supporting students' construction of evidence-based explanations and collaboration in scientific modeling, seemed to promote the shifts observed in Teacher E's understanding and facilitation of scientific modeling. These findings can inform educational researchers and practitioners who aim to promote teachers' professional learning to support students' epistemic practices.

Effects of Simulated Instruction Activities through a Constructivist Lens on Preservice Biology Teachers' Epistemological Belief, Science Teaching Efficacy Belief and Teaching Motivation (구성주의에 기반한 모의수업 활동이 예비 생물교사의 인식론적 신념, 과학 교수 효능감 및 교수 동기에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sun Young
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1157-1168
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the effect of simulated instruction activities based on a constructivist teaching approach on epistemological belief, science teaching efficacy belief, and teaching motivation. The RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol) played a role to guide preservice biology teachers to obtain insights on current reformed teaching and to further practice teaching based on constructivism. The results indicated that preservice teachers changed their epistemological beliefs toward more sophisticated views, especially for 'simple knowledge'. They also improved their science teaching efficacy beliefs, both personal science teaching efficacy belief (PSTEB) and science teaching outcome expectancy (STOE). In addition, these perservice teachers decreased their scores of extrinsic teaching motivation. The Pearson correlation represented the negative relationship between personal science teaching efficacy belief (PSTEB) and extrinsic teaching motivation. After intervention, the preservice teachers mentioned inquiry, active participation and discussion as ideal science teaching methods and qualifications for science teachers.

Effects of Inquiry-oriented Differential Equations Instruction Based on the Realistic Mathematics Education (탐구 지향 미분방정식 교수-학습의 효과 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh-Nam;Ju, Mi-Kyung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.44 no.3 s.110
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    • pp.375-396
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    • 2005
  • This paper reports on the main results of 3 study that compared students' beliefs, skills, and understandings in an innovative approach to differential equations to more conventional approaches. The innovative approach, referred to as the Realistic Mathematics Education Based Differential Equations (IODE) project, capitalizes on advances within the discipline of mathematics and on advances within the discipline of mathematics education, both at the K-12 and tertiary levels. Given the integrated leveraging of developments both within mathematics and mathematics education, the IODE project is paradigmatic of an approach to innovation in undergraduate mathematics, potentially sewing as a model for other undergraduate course reforms. The effect of the IODE projection maintaining desirable mathematical views and in developing students' skills and relational understandings as judged by the three assessment instruments was largely positive. These findings support our conjecture that, when coupled with careful attention to developments within mathematics itself, theoretical advances that initially grew out research in elementary school classrooms can be profitably leveraged and adapted to the university setting. As such, our work in differential equations may serve as a model for others interested in exploring the prospects and possibilities of improving undergraduate mathematics education in ways that connect with innovations at the K-12 level

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Implication for Construction Computing System Unit of the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정의 컴퓨팅 시스템 단원의 집필에 대한 시사점)

  • Yu, ByeongGeon;Kim, JaMee;Lee, WonGyu
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2016
  • Textbook is a tool that helps achieve the learning objectives based on the content of the curriculum. The contents of the textbook will be constructed newly because revised curriculum 2015 was announced. The aim at this study is to provide an indication of the textbook writing. To achieve the objectives, we conducted a pilot study in order to analyze the content of the textbook of informatics currently being used in middle schools and to derive the direction of access to the newly configured physical computing unit. Analysis of content elements was used Romey. The pilot studied makes lesson harmonized with H/W and S/W by utilizing the robot. According to the results of the analysis, there is one textbook among the currently used textbooks that is suitable to help students develop their thinking and in the case of physical computing unit, inquiry instruction showed positive results. This study suggestions necessity of writing types that sets importance on activities in the form of textbook.

A Status Survey and Improvement Plan for the Science Education in Vocational High Schools (실업계 고등학교 과학교육의 실태분석과 개선방안)

  • Pak, Sung-Jae;Kwon, Jae-Sool;Kim, Chang-Sik;Oh, Dae-Sub;Woo, Jong-Ok;Lee, Wha-Kuk;Cho, Hee-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 1988
  • The educational policy of a nation should be based on the results of nation-wide studies and their analyses. This study is the third one in a series of research on "development of improvement plan and monitoring system for secondary school science", focusing on the three major areas, such as students' achievements, science instruction and conditions for science education in vocational high schools. In general, the results showed that science achievements in vocational high schools were significantly lower than those of general high schools. While the achievement level in physics was lower by one percent, the achievement levels in chemistry and biology were significantly lower by more than 5 percents. In the case of scientific inquiry, the results showed much lower scores compared to those of general high schools. Concerning the inquiry abilities, most of the students did not possess the formal operational thinking skills such as controlling variables and combinatorial thinking. The ability of experimental skills seemed to be closely related to the students' majors. Students in industrial arts schools could measure electric resistance very well, while students in agricultural high school students failed completely. In the area of students' attitude toward science, the greater part of the students had the experiences of using scientific equipments (68.6 %), experimentation (54.3 %), and extracurricular science activities (56.9 %). They also showed positive attitude towards the nature of science (59.8%). The results of the survey on science instruction and school conditions for science education showed the needs for improvement In general, the priority of science education in vocational high schools was very low compared to their major subjects. The teachers as well as students thought science text books nor to be difficult These responses and the low achievement levels seemed to be contradictory to each other. The facilities for science experiments were better equipped and installed to general high schools. However. the lack of budget was a major problem for performing experiments uning the facilities. Therefore. science education in vocational high school have many things to be improved For the improvement of science education in vocational high schools, financial support as well as the intention for the improvement must be the essential factors.

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Three Teaching-Learning Plans for Integrated Science Teaching of 'Energy' Applying Knowledge-, Social Problem-, and Individual Interest-Centered Approaches (지식내용, 사회문제, 개인흥미 중심의 통합과학교육 접근법을 적용한 '에너지' 주제의 교수.학습 방안 개발(II))

  • Lee, Mi-Hye;Son, Yeon-A;Young, Donald B.;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.357-384
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we described practical teaching-learning plans based on three different theoretical approaches to Integrated Science Education (ISE): a knowledge centered ISE, a social problem centered ISE, and an individual interest centered ISE. We believe that science teachers can understand integrated science education through this paper and they are able to apply simultaneously our integrated science teaching materials to their real instruction in classroom. For this we developed integrated science teaching-learning plans for the topic of energy which has a integrated feature strongly among integrated science subject contents. These modules were based upon the teaching strategies of 'Energy' following each integrated directions organized in the previous paper (Three Strategies for Integrated Science Teaching of "Energy" Applying Knowledge, Social Problem, and Individual Interest Centered Approaches) and we applied instruction models fitting each features of integrated directions to the teaching strategies of 'Energy'. There is a concrete describing on the above three integrated science teaching-learning plans as follows. 1. For the knowledge centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Journey of Energy' and we tried to integrate the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science applying the instruction model of 'Free Discovery Learning' which is emphasized on concepts and inquiry. 2. For the social problem centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Future of Energy' to resolve the science-related social problems and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' which is emphasized on learner's cognitive process to the topic. 3. For the individual interest centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Transformation of Energy' for the integration of science and individual interest and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' centering learner's interest and concern. Based upon the above direction, we developed the integrated science teaching-learning plans as following steps. First, we organized 'Integrated Teaching-Learning Contents' according to the topics. Second, based upon the above organization, we designed 'Instructional procedures' to integrate within the topics. Third, in accordance with the above 'Instructional Procedures', we created 'Instructional Coaching Plan' that can be applied in the practical world of real classrooms. These plans can be used as models for the further development of integrated science instruction for teacher preparation, textbook development, and classroom learning.

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Effects of Model Construction and Pattern Identification Activities on Views on the Nature of Science in the Context of Science 10 Inquiry Unit (10학년 과학 탐구 단원의 맥락에서 모델구성과 규칙발견을 통한 명시적 수업이 과학의 본성의 관점에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Jung-Il;Kim, Jin-Hee;Hong, Hang-Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.955-963
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to assess any change in students' views on the nature of science (NOS) after lessons through the activities of model construction and pattern identification. The instrument used to examine NOS views was the Views of Nature of Science questionnaire (VNOS). Four students' responses on VNOS before and after instruction were analyzed. The two levels of their views, novice and expert, were judged by the authors based on criteria set by several science educators. The instruction consisted of six hours of the so-called black box and cube activities developed for model construction and pattern identification, respectively. Students' views were at the novice level in definition of scientific theory, tentativeness of scientific knowledge, difference of hypotheses, theories and laws, model construction, and creativity and imagination in experiments and investigations. Students' views on NOS knowledge such as model and theory have improved for two students after instruction. The improvement seemed to be due to an explicit approach using the activities of model construction and pattern identification. The factors of changes and no-changes of views on NOS were identified and discussed in terms of improvement of the views.

Design and Implementation of an e-NIE Learning Model for Technical High Schools (공업계 고등학교를 위한 전자신문활용교육 학습 모형의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang Oh-Han;Lee Gyoung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 2006
  • We consider a Direct Input Output Manufacturing System(DIOMS) which has a munber of machine centers placed along a built-in Automated Storage/Retrieval System(AS/RS). The Storage/Retrieval (S/R) machine handles parts placed on pallets for the operational aspect of DIOMS and determines the optimal operating policy by combining computer simulation and genetic algorithm. The operational problem includes: input sequencing control, dispatching rule of the S/R machine, machine center-based part type selection rule, and storage assignment policy. For each operating policy, several different policies are considered based on the known research results. In this paper, using the computer simulation and genetic algorithm we suggest a method which gives the optimal configuration of operating policies within reasonable computation time.

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A Study on Teaching Figures Based on van Hiele's Theory - Focused on the 4th Graders - (van Hiele의 학습단계에 따른 초등학교 4학년의 도형지도 방안연구)

  • Seo, Eun-Young;Chang, Hye-Won
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching program in consideration of the geometrical thinking levels of students to make a contribution to teaching figures effectively. To do this, we checked the geometrical thinking levels of fourth-graders, developed a teaching program based on van Hiele's theory, and investigated its effect on their geometrical thinking levels. The teaching program based on van Hiele's theory put emphasis on group member interaction and specific activities through offering various geometrical experiences. It contributed to actualizing activity-centered, student-oriented, inquiry-oriented and inductive instruction instead of sticking to expository, teacher-led and deductive instruction. And it consequently served to improving their geometrical thinking levels, even though some students didn't show any improvement and one student was rather degraded in that regard - but in the former case they made partial progress though there was little marked improvement, and in the latter case she needs to be considered in relation to her affective aspects above all. The findings of the study suggest that individual variances in thinking level should be recognized by teachers. Students who are at a lower level should be given easier tasks, and more challenging tasks should be assigned to those who are at an intermediate level in order for them to have a positive self-concept about mathematics learning and ultimately to foster their thinking levels.

Development of smart education-based teaching and learning plans and a smart textbook for 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit in 「Technology·Home Economics」 (중학교 「기술·가정」의 '건강한 식생활과 식사 구성' 단원에 적용한 스마트 교수·학습 과정안과 교재 개발)

  • Choi, Song Eun;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.85-114
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    • 2014
  • The main purpose of this study was to develop teaching and learning plans and a smart textbook for food and nutrition education in Home Economics focusing on 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit in "Technology home Economics" textbooks for 7th graders to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction conducted with the smart textbook. The content of the study to achieve the purpose is as follows: First, design a smart education-based teaching and learning curriculum for food and nutrition education in Home Economics, focusing on 'healthy diet and meal plans' unit. Second, develop a smart textbook for food and nutrition education based on the teaching and learning curriculum, using a smart content authoring tool. Third, evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction after applying the curriculum in real classroom situations. The results of this study were as follows: First, teaching and learning plans and materials were developed for two units, 'issues regarding teenagers' diet' and 'implementation of a healthy and balanced diet', under 'teenagers' life'. The first unit, 'issues regarding teenagers' diet', dealt with topics such as teenagers' dietary behaviors, nutrition, and health. Learning objectives for this unit were to help students identify and evaluate their own dietary behaviors. The second unit, 'implementation of a healthy and balanced diet', encouraged students to diagnose problems with their diet and plan nutrient rich meals. The objectives for this unit were to help students implement a healthy and balanced diet by providing them with nutrition and dietary guidelines for Koreans, sample meal plans, and guidelines for developing healthy eating habits for teenagers. In order to develop a teaching and learning plans to achieve these objectives, teaching and learning materials including inquiry tasks, materials for group activities, multimedia, applications and various pop-up learning materials were developed. Second, a smart textbook using DocZoom, which was a smart content authoring tool was developed. The textbook dealt with issues regarding teenagers' diet and implementation of a healthy and balanced diet. Multimedia material used in the textbook come from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's food and nutrition education web sites and other sources. To develop student-oriented material, relevant video clips were added to the smart textbook to motivate students and enhance their interest in the course. Third, the outcome of this study indicated that the instruction using teaching and learning plans and learning materials with the smart textbook was effective for enhancing students' interest in Home Economics classes (t-value=-3.99, p<.001), creating enthusiasm for learning(t-value = -2.61, p<.05), encouraging self-directed and independent learning(t-value = -4.77, p<.001), and improving students' interest in food and nutrition courses(t-value = -3.83, p<.001). The students' evaluation of the instruction were as follows: the instruction using teaching and learning plans and learning materials with smart textbooks, instead of paper textbooks, helped them save time looking for learning materials; students evaluated that it was easier for them to see and understand video clips and charts. In addition, most students answered that instruction with smart textbooks were more fun and convenient, and they agreed that the courses enhanced their learning experience.

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