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A Study on Teaching Figures Based on van Hiele's Theory - Focused on the 4th Graders -  

Seo, Eun-Young (Tong-young Elementary school)
Chang, Hye-Won (Department of Mathematics Education, Chinju National University of Education)
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Education of Primary School Mathematics / v.13, no.2, 2010 , pp. 85-97 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to develop a teaching program in consideration of the geometrical thinking levels of students to make a contribution to teaching figures effectively. To do this, we checked the geometrical thinking levels of fourth-graders, developed a teaching program based on van Hiele's theory, and investigated its effect on their geometrical thinking levels. The teaching program based on van Hiele's theory put emphasis on group member interaction and specific activities through offering various geometrical experiences. It contributed to actualizing activity-centered, student-oriented, inquiry-oriented and inductive instruction instead of sticking to expository, teacher-led and deductive instruction. And it consequently served to improving their geometrical thinking levels, even though some students didn't show any improvement and one student was rather degraded in that regard - but in the former case they made partial progress though there was little marked improvement, and in the latter case she needs to be considered in relation to her affective aspects above all. The findings of the study suggest that individual variances in thinking level should be recognized by teachers. Students who are at a lower level should be given easier tasks, and more challenging tasks should be assigned to those who are at an intermediate level in order for them to have a positive self-concept about mathematics learning and ultimately to foster their thinking levels.
geometrical thinking levels; van Hiele's theory; teaching and learning figures;
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  • Reference
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