• Title/Summary/Keyword: informal knowledge

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An Analysis of the Effects of Teaching Mathematics Underachievers by the Principles of Cognitively Guided Instruction (인지적으로 안내된 교수 원리를 적용한 수학학습부진아 지도 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Oh, Young-Youl
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.789-806
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    • 2010
  • As calls for more attention toward social minority group increases in our society recently, in the field of mathematics education more attention toward an issue about mathematics underachievers is being amplified. Thus, the present study is to examine the effects of teaching method considering students' cognitive characteristics on mathematical underachievers' problem solving and mathematical disposition. For this study, 10 fifth graders identified as mathematical underachievers based on the results of the national level diagnosis assessment and school based assessment were voluntarily selected from an elementary school in Seoul. The results of this study found out the fact that students participating in this program improved in terms of an ability both to solve problems in various ways and to explain an process of problem solving using spoken or written language and drawings. In addition, learning environment respecting students' own mathematical ideas seems to positively influence students' attitudes toward mathematics learning and mathematical dispositions. Furthermore, this study pointed out that mathematical underachievers tend to have difficulty in expressing their own mathematical thinking by reason of linguistic limitation. Finally, the findings of this study imply that for effective teaching of mathematics underachievers, these students' own informal experience and knowledge about mathematics as well as their characteristics regarding learning difficulties should be strongly considered.

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A Study on Elementary School Students' Understanding of Fractions (초등학생의 분수이해에 관한 연구)

  • 권성룡
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 2003
  • A fraction is one of the most important concepts that students have to learn in elementary school. But it is a challenge for students to understand fraction concept because of its conceptual complexity. The focus of fraction learning is understanding the concept. Then the problem is how we can facilitate the conceptual understanding and estimate it. In this study, Moore's concept understanding scheme(concept definition, concept image, concept usage) was adopted as an theoretical framework to investigate students' fraction understanding. The questions of this study were a) what concept image do students have\ulcorner b) How well do students solve fraction problems\ulcorner c) How do students use fraction concept to generate fraction word problem\ulcorner By analyzing the data gathered from three elementary school, several conclusion was drawn. 1) The students' concept image of fraction is restricted to part-whole sub-construct. So is students' fraction understanding. 2) Students can solve part-whole fraction problems well but others less. This also imply that students' fraction understanding is partial. 3) Half of the subject(N=98) cannot pose problems that involve fraction and fraction operation. And some succeeded applied the concept mistakenly. To understand fraction, various fraction subconstructs have to be integrated as whole one. To facilitate this integration, fraction program should focus on unit, partitioning and quantity. This may be achieved by following activities: * Building on informal knowledge of fraction * Focusing on meaning other than symbol * Various partitioning activities * Facing various representation * Emphasizing quantitative aspects of fraction * Understanding the meanings of fraction operation Through these activities, teacher must help students construct various faction concept image and apply it to meaningful situation. Especially, to help students to construct various concept image and to use fraction meaningfully to pose problems, much time should be spent to problem posing using fraction.

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Korean High School Students' Understanding of the Concept of Correlation (우리나라 고등학생들의 상관관계 이해도 조사)

  • No, A Ra;Yoo, Yun Joo
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.467-490
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    • 2013
  • Correlation is a basic statistical concept which is necessary for understanding the relationship between two variables when they change values. In the middle school curriculum of Korea, only informal definition of correlation is taught with two-way data representations such as scatter plots and contingency tables. In this study, we investigated Korean high school students' understanding of correlation using a test consisting of 35 items about interpretation of scatter plot, contingency table, and text in realistic situation. 216 students from a high school in Seoul took the test for 20 minutes. From the results, we could observe the following: First, students did not have right criteria for determining the strength of correlation presented in scatter plots. Most of students could determine if there is correlation/no correlation and if the correlation is positive/negative by seeing the data presented in scatter plots. However, they did not judge by the closeness to the regression line but rather judged by the closeness between data points. Second, when statements about comparing the strength of correlation in the context of real life situation were given in text, the students had difficulty in understanding the distribution-related characteristic of the bi-variate data. Students had difficulty in figuring out the local distribution characteristic of data, which cannot be guessed merely based on the expression 'The correlation is strong' without statistical knowledge of correlation. Third, a large number of students could not judge the association between two variabels using conditional proportions when qualitative data are given in 2-by-2 tables. They made judgement by the absolute cell count and when the marginal sum of two categories are different for explanatory variable they thought the association could not be determined. From these results, we concluded that educational measures are required in order to remove such misconceptions and to improve understanding of correlation. Considering that the current mathematics curriculum does not cover the concept of correlation, we need to improve the curriculum as well.

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Analysis on Research Trends and Factor of Success to Communities of Practice in Korea (국내의 실천공동체(Communities of Practice)연구 동향 분석 및 성공 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Eun-Chul;Choi, Moon-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.438-447
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    • 2015
  • When communities of practice(CoP) was mostly informal, has been formulated. Because Knowledge management(KM) was emphasized in the business sector. So it increase interest in the COP. Since the early 2000s, the research interest has thus far grown. At a point in time has the subject, CoP, been researched for ten years, it is significant to review the literatures, the main topics as well as critical factors on the subject. In this study, the trends in the relevant researches and the performance factors from the previous studies are examined. The references for this study are limited to the authorized scholarly and scientific journals. The results therethrough processed show that total 37 researches were conducted between the year 2000 and 2012. These could be classified by the research methods as 16 case studies, 11 studies using CoP as the dependent variable, 4 studies using CoP as an independent variable and 3 theoretical discourses. 7 out of 16 case studies suggest the 14 success factors of CoP; the most influential performance factor is the external community support. 11 studies examined factors influencing the performance of CoP; 13 performance factors were proposed in these studies. The most significant factor influencing the performance of CoP is the team effectiveness.

Perceptions of Students, Teachers and Parents Regarding Natural History and Natural History Museums (자연사와 자연사 박물관에 대한 학생, 교사, 학부모들의 인식연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Eun;Kim, Chan-Jong;Lee, Chang-Jin;Lim, Jin-Young;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Byun, Ho-Seung;Sin, Myung-Kyung;Lee, Sun-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.869-885
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study is to acquire a better understanding of how natural history(NH) and natural history museums(NHM) are perceived among students, teachers and parents by administering a questionnaire. A total of over 2500 people participated in this survey. We developed the questionnaire which was categorized by three specific areas: 1) people's overall perceptions of natural history and natural history museums; 2)the way of people's getting such perceptions and knowledge; 3) people's possessing interests in NH and NHM. The summary of survey results included; firstly people had paid attention to nature and natural environments; secondly NH and NHM were not familiar to people, but they expressed their eagerness to learn about them; thirdly the first image occurred to people was dinosaur, when they recalled NH and NHM with describing them to be mysterious and education.; on the fourth, NH and NHM were informed through TV programs; lastly, most people responded that they never learned about NH and NHM in schools but they wanted to learn them.

The Critical Vision and Memory of the Absurd World (뒤틀린 세상에 대한 기억과 비판적 전망)

  • Yoo, Wang-Moo
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-57
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    • 2020
  • Eduardo Galeano is a left-wing intellectual who led the criticism and accusations of dictatorship and social absurdity in Latin America. It digs into the truth of hidden history that has not been revealed in official history. He values the memory of history to stop repetition of the unfortunate history of the past. The main research topic of this study, 『The Book of Embraces』, is also an extension of such work. Most of the stories in this work depend on the writer's memory. There is no coherence or integration in the content of the story, and the length of the text is not constant, so it is extremely informal and fragmented. This is a strategy to formally reveal the illogical and irrational reality of Latin America. He analyzes the problems of the separation system prevalent in Latin American society from various perspectives. It separates me and the others as well as the past and the present. It makes the memory of history void and paralyzes the consciousness of history. These systems are fixed for convenient governance. In this situation, the pattern of violence becomes more explicit and broad. The anxiety and fear of the Latin American public become commonplace. It is a reality of enduring daily life without hope. Galeano finds this enduring force in historical memory. He believes that when the past and the present meet and embrace, a new history of the future can be encountered. Galeano does not just criticize reality or cynical attitude but also suggests hope for the future.

International Research Trends in Science-Related Risk Education: A Bibliometric Analysis (상세 서지분석을 통한 과학과 관련된 위험 교육의 국제 연구 동향 분석)

  • Wonbin Jang;Minchul Kim
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2024
  • Contemporary society faces increasingly diverse risks with expanding impacts. In response, the importance of science education has become more prominent. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of existing research on science-related risk education and derives implications for such education. Using detailed bibliometric analysis, we collected citation data from 83 international scholarly journals (SSCI) in the field of education indexed in the Web of Science with the keywords 'Scientific Risk.' Subsequently, using the bibliometrix package in R-Studio, we conducted a bibliometric analysis. The findings are as follows. Firstly, research on risk education covers topics such as risk literacy, the structure of risks addressed in science education, and the application and effectiveness of incorporating risk cases into educational practices. Secondly, a significant portion of research on risks related to science education has been conducted within the framework of socioscientific issues (SSI) education. Thirdly, it was observed that research on risks related to science education primarily focuses on the transmission of scientific knowledge, with many studies examining formal education settings such as curricula and school learning environments. These findings imply several key points. Firstly, to effectively address risks in contemporary society, the scope of risk education should extend beyond topics such as nuclear energy and climate change to encompass broader issues like environmental pollution, AI, and various aspects of daily life. Secondly, there is a need to reexamine and further research topics explored in the context of SSI education within the framework of risk education. Thirdly, it is necessary to analyze not only risk perception but also risk assessment and risk management. Lastly, there is a need for research on implementing risk education practices in informal educational settings, such as science museums and media.