• Title/Summary/Keyword: industry accident

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Prehospital Care of 119 Emergency Medical Technician to Trauma Patients (119구급대원의 외상환자에 대한 병원 전 응급처치와 업무수행현황)

  • Yun, Seong-Woo;Lee, Kyoung-Youl
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study intended to improve quality of prehospital emergency care for trauma patients by figuring out its current situations and problems based on run-sheets and questionnaires of 119 emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Methods: This study conducted a research of 425 trauma patients transferred to the 3rd hospital in G-city by 119 ambulances from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. We aslo utilized 114 copies with questionnaires of 119 EMTs working in J-province. The data were analyzed with SPSS 18.0. Results: There were 425 trauma patients including 272 men and 137 patients with traffic accident. When it comes to types of 119 EMTs who delivered cares to patients, there were 206 (48.5%) advanced EMTs, 101 (23.8%) basic EMTs, 50 (11.8%) nurses and 43 (10.2%) rescue education receivers. The most frequent measured vital sign was pulse rate (54.1%). Regarding assessment of systolic blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration rate, there were some significant differences in accordance with type of 119 EMTs. Among the 317 patients evaluated 'emergency' in field, 137 patients returned to their home. Prehospital emergency cares accounted for 861, around 2.0 treatments per a patient. In view of questionnaire, the 74.6% of 119 EMTs hoped supplement of man power for proper prehospital care to trauma patients. Conclusion: This study suggested that it is necessary to develop detailed guidelines for trauma patients so as to improve quality of trauma patient evaluation and prehospital care. Furthermore, improvement of emergency care systems will reduce mortality of trauma patients and lead to their good outcome.

Work-related Injuries in Dairy Farm in Gyeonggi Province (경기 지역 낙농작업자의 재해 발생 현황과 요인)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ran;Park, Joon-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Suk;Kang, Tae-Sun;Kang, Kyeong-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Although dairy farming ranks as the industry with the highest injury incidence rate, the information on the injuries is limited in Gyeonggi Province. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of farm accidents and injuries. Methods : The occurrence of accidents among dairy farmers due to work-related injuries were investigated from 2,799 dairy farms of Seoul Dairy Cooperative. Among 171 total accidents, the number of accidents for human was 108. In this study, the 108 human accidents were investigated. Results : The results of this study were as follows; First, the injury rate in dairy farming was 1.60%. Second, the highest injury in dairy farm was occurred in the spring and at 6~8 p.m. Third, a variety of injuries occurred when doing the milking. Fourth, cow, machinery and falls were among the most common causes. Fifth, the most common injuries was fracture (52.8%) and the most common body part of injuries were torso (25.9%), legs (22.2%) and hand (18.5%). Sixth, 45% of the accidents indicated the lost work time from 4 weeks to 3 months. Recommendations: With the results, it is recommended that practical control methods to prevent accidents in dairy farming, for instance, wearing adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) or designing a moderate floor of works etc. be studied and developed.

Classification of Human Errors in Ship′s Collision using GEMS Model (GEMS모델을 이용한 선박충돌사고의 인적과실 유형 분석)

  • Yang, Won-Jae;Ko, Jae-Yong;Keum, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2004
  • Maritime safety and marine environmental protection are the most important topic in marine society. But, so many marine accidents have been occurred with the development of marine transportation industry. On the other side, ship is being operated under a highly dynamic environment and many factors are related with ship's collision Nowadays, the increasing tendency to the human errors of ship's collision is remarkable, and the investigation of the human errors has been heavily concentrated. This study analysed on the human errors of ship's collision related to the negligence of lookout and classified basic error type using GEMS(Generic Error Modeling System) dynamic model.

A Basic Study on the Qualitative Risk Assessment Model for Building Construction Sites Based on Claim Payouts (건설공사 위험 정량화 모델 개발을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Yu, Yeong-Jin;Son, Kiyoung;Kim, Ji-Myong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 2016
  • The losses of accidents in the construction industry was significantly increased during the past decades. Therefore, the study of risk management measures in the domestic construction has become very important, and the inherent risk factors need to derive and analyze them based on the quantified method. However, most studies on the construction risk are conducted finding on the qualitative way. This study analysis the accident records from actual construction sites as a quantities study. A correlation analysis and regression analysis are adopted to identify the risk factors and develop a model. The results of this study are expected to be evolve through the accumulated effect and verification of data in the future through continuous feedback.

Recent Developments in Aviation Case Law (국제항공운송법(國際航空運送法) 판례(判例)의 최근(最近) 동향(動向))

  • Choi, June-Sun;Kahng, Seung-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.5
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    • pp.119-169
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    • 1993
  • In this article the present writers have surveyed recent cases on Warsaw Convention especially on the cases emerged in the years between 1986 to 1993. The cases before 1986 were discussed already in the book titled "Liability of International Air Carrier," written by Professor Choi, published in Seoul 1986. In this article the writers have reviewed most of the American cases and some cases from the courts of Germany, France and England. Main subjects which were discussed herein were as follows: Liability of air carriers in Warsaw Convention carriage 1. Exclusivity of the Warsaw Convention as a remedy 2. Warsaw Jurisdiction 3. The scope of the Warsaw Convention's definition of "Accident" under Article 17 of the Warsaw Convention (1) Mental anguish (2) Unusual or unexpected events 4. Adequacy of notice of the limitation of liability to passengers for injuries and death 5. Damages recoverable, punitive damages and burden of proof 6. The wilful misconduct exception; definition of wilful misconduct 7. Cargo and passenger baggage 8. Time limitation of actions After examining articles published world-wide, this article compiles and analyses recent cases involving the Warsaw Convention system. As Warsaw System is based on international convention, maintaining uniformity in interpretation is of utmost importance. Therefore, this type of study is essential for resolving air-transportation disputes in Korea. This article examines the current state and recommends the desired course for the Warsaw Convention. The writers hope that this article is helpful to the Korean courts and those in the air-transportation industry in interpreting the Warsaw Convention.

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A Study on Safety-Health Activities and Safety Culture of Healthcare Industries - As Compared with Food·Lodging·Gas·Electrical Industries - (보건의료업의 안전보건활동 및 안전문화의식정도 - 음식·숙박·가스·전기업종과의 비교 -)

  • Kwon, Young-Mi;Kim, Soon-Lae;Jung, Hye-Suni;Yi, Yunjeong;Yi, Kyun Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study intended to investigate how health and safety organization, management, activities and safety culture of healthcare industries are different from other industries (food, lodging, gas, and electricity industries). Method: Data were analyzed using '2005 The National Survey for Occupational Safety and Health Tendency'. Results: For health and safety training, both new training and regular training time of healthcare sector was lower than comparison sectors. For health and safety manager assigning form, there were many case in healthcare sector to assign a safety manager as a deputy and a health manager as an additional job, there were some differences from comparison sectors. It was found that establishment of countermeasures by cause investigation and analysis execution for occupational accidents in the healthcare sector was lower than comparison sectors. For health and safety activities and safety culture awareness, they were estimated in healthcare sector to be lower than comparison sectors. Conclusion: Healthcare sector had relatively lower health and safety activities and safety culture awareness compared with comparison sectors. So, it is required business owner's concerns and efforts to assign exclusively responsible health and safety manager and to activate health and safety training and occupational accident prevention.

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A Study on the Counterplan for the Reinforcement of Port State Control - Primarily on the Korean Shipping Companies - (항만국통제 강화에 따른 우리나라 해운기업의 대응방안에 관한 연구)

  • Choi. U.;Shin, H.W.;Pyo, H.Y.;Choi, Y.R.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2003
  • A recent trend of global shipping industry adopting Port State Control (PSC) system is recognized as a proficient mechanism in preventing maritime accident and protecting marine environment. Disadvantages of Korean shipping companies in PSC inspection are unavoidable as Tokyo MOU imposed priority listed flag to Korea Having stated above, appropriate research and prompt preparation in compliance with current PSC requirements for the Korean shipping companies have become an immediate need The objectives of this study are: First, to review in understanding of PSC in overall and foundation of enforcement. Second, to study interaction of international treaties regarding PSC. Third, to compare practical compliance among the countries and to open up a case study on Korean shipping companies in adopting PSC Last, to suggest direction to the Korea shipping companies the most proficient way in compliance with the current Tokyo MOU requirement.

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Research on the Establishment of Contractor Centered Safety Management System to Reduce Construction Disaster (건설재해 저감을 위한 발주자 중심의 안전관리체계 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kia, Seongho;Park, Namkwun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2014
  • Large scale construction disasters such as recent Noryangjin flooding incident and Banghwadaegyo collapse accident are occurring persistently. Thereupon, the role and responsibility of the various construction participants are considered as major element to reduce disaster at the construction site. Construction industry is a process of building construction object by going through planning, designing, constructing, and maintenance controlling in which various bodies of act, from contractor to designer and builders, participate. However, the subject of current safety supervision is focused on the builder, the contract enterprise which directly employs workers, while the safety activity participation of the contractor, who exerts decision-making authority at the highest level, is excluded. Therefore, this study understands the level of awareness and reality on the safety activity of each construction participants from which the improvement plan on the contractor centered safety management system is proposed.

Trend Analysis and Activating Study on International Societal Security Standard for Chemical Accidents Prevention (화학사고 예방을 위한 재난안전분야 국제표준 동향분석 및 활성화 연구)

  • Yoo, Byung Tae;Yang, Jae Mo;Oh, Keum Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2013
  • Major accidents such as typhoon, tsunami, and chemical accidents have been continuously occurred. In this environment, Technical Commitment (TC) related to disaster management part in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) concentrates their efforts to enact the business continuous management in emergency situation for international standard. As a result of TC223, four international standards are enacted in 2011, 2012. In the Korean industrial standard, two international standard (ISO22300, ISO22301) out of four standards were enacted in 2012. This study analyzes a recent trend and proposes a method activating of international societal security standard for chemical accidents. Disaster certificate system for developing disaster safety industry is suggested. We hope each related organization could develop our disaster safety management policy and research based on this study.

A Study on Cable Lifetime Evaluation Based on Characteristic Analysis of Insulation Resistance by Acceleration Factor of the Arrhenius Equation (아레니우스 방정식의 가속인자를 만족하는 절연저항특성 분석에 의한 케이블 수명평가 연구)

  • Um, Kee-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2014
  • With the development of industry these days, the demand for electric power increases and the larger capacity for power transfer is required. The scales of facilities should become larger; and the relative systems are required to operate with a higher degree of reliability. Therefore, stabilization of electric power systems is an important issue. The high degree of reliability required in the process of production and supply of electric power is an essential part of industrial society. Accident such as blackouts causes a hugh amount of economic losses to the high-tech industrial society dependent upon electric power. In this paper, in order to determine a stable operation of high-voltage power cable, used as a unique means of delivering electric power generated at a power station, we figure out the time rate of change of insulation resistance following a decay accelerating factor Arrhenius equation. With the data from the insulation resistance, we can determine the lifetime of power cable in operation.