• Title/Summary/Keyword: individualistic

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Collectivistic-Individualistic Tendency and its Relationship to SNS Usage: A Hierarchical Regression Analysis Controlling for Collectivistic-Individualistic Tendency in Offline Environment (문화성향과 SNS 사용 간의 관계: 오프라인 문화성향의 효과를 통제한 위계적 회귀분석)

  • Jang, Gyeonwon;Jeon, Sungjoo;Kim, Geunyoung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.393-417
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    • 2022
  • The current study analyzes the usage of social network services(SNS) according to one's collectivistic and individualistic tendency and the relationship with addiction. Additionally, the study attempted to controll intrapersonal variables such as gender, personalitly, and age, which affect SNS the usage. Also, Collectivistic-individualistic tendency in SNS and offline environment may not correspond to one another. Therefore, the study measured the collectivistic-individualistic tendency regarding of the two environment separately. For this purpose, we designed a new measurement scale to measure collectivistic-individualistic tendencies in for the SNS by involving a kin vs nonkin context. The sample consisted of 253 adolescents ranging from 13 to 15 years old and 246 adults ranging from 18 to 25 years old, which sums up to 499 samples in total. Results indicated that individualistic tendency within SNS showed a positive relationship with the amount of SNS usage and SNS addiction. Furthermore, female users spent more time on SNS and showed a higher level addiction than males. While adults had longer experience with SNS and spent more time on it daily than adolescents, they did not show a significant difference in regards to SNS addiction. The correlation analysis indicated that collectivistic-individualistic tendencies in SNS were weakly correlated to that of offline environments. The kin individualistic tendency in SNS significantly predicted SNS addiction after controlling for the effect of age, personality, gender, and offline collectivistic-individualistic tendency. Taken together, these findings indicate the need for an appropriate collectivistic-individualist tendency scale that correspond to the SNS context. The results also suggest that kin individualistic tendency in the SNS environment can be the main factor for SNS addiction.

The Effects of Cooperative and Individualistic Learning Strategies by the Level of Achievement (학습자의 성취 수준에 따른 협동학습과 개별학습의 효과)

  • Lim, Hee-Jun;Choi, Kyoung-Sook;Noh, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1999
  • This study investigated the influences of the cooperative and the individualistic learning strategies on the academic achievement and the attitudes toward science instruction and science by the level of achievement. These two learning strategies endowed students with the responsibility of learning and emphasized student-centered learning which included higher order thinking activities. Cooperative learning group students studied the tasks through small group discussion, and individualistic learning group students solved the same ones individually. In the traditional group. teacher-centered expository lesson was used. The subjects of this study were 7th graders of coed middle school, and were taught about separation of mixture for 10 class periods. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that the test scores of academic achievement for cooperative learning group were significantly higher than those of individualistic and traditional learning groups. The attitudes toward science instruction and science were also more positive in cooperative learning group than the others. No interactions between the treatment and the level of previous achievement indicated that the cooperative learning strategy was effective regardless of the level of achievement.

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A Study on Personal Adornment Associated with Sexual Orientation and Psychological Characteristics

  • Lee, Eun-Sil;Lee, Myoung-Hee
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.223-234
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this study were to investigate hair style preferences, and use of cosmetics according to sexual orientation and demographic variables, to examine the relationship among hair style preferences, use of cosmetics, and anxiety and self-esteem. The subjects were 536 men (heterosexual : 353, gay : 183) of 20's and 30's living in metropolitan area of Seoul. Homosexuals preferred individualistic adornments and appearance, and the higher the ability anxieties and the miscellaneous anxieties they in both sexual orientation groups preferred unique individualistic hairstyles and used coloring cosmetics more. In the sales and service workers and students both sexual orientation groups preferred individualistic personal adornment while in the office workers they both preferred conservative appearance. In the same occupations, there were significant differences in the physical adornments according to sexual orientation in the sales and service workers and students groups. Homosexuals used individual adornments according to their sexual orientation. Both homosexuals and heterosexuals had low use of physical adornments.

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Familism and Filial Piety (가족주의와 효)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.215-240
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study is to explore the effect of parents' related variables, children related variables and the familism related variable on the two types of filial piety behaviors, which are the traditional familism type of filial piety and the individualistic type of filial piety. The former is measured by the coresidence with parents, financial support to parents, while the latter is measured by visiting to parents' house and phone calling on parents. The data used in this study are "the national survey for filial piety consciousness" administered by Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, the 598 married children are analysed. The key findings are followings. The first one is that the attributes related our traditional familism are still the important factors affecting on both the familism type of filial piety and individualistic types of filial piety. The second is that the children who fulfill the traditional familism type of filial piety also do well the individualistic type of filial piety.

Analysis of Eating Behavior Based on Social Identity (한국과 미국 대학생들의 대인 관계 유형에 따른 식행동 분석)

  • Moon, Soo-Jae;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Harrod, Wendy Jean;McComber, Diane
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 1993
  • Food is an expression of social identity. The food we eat identifies us as members of a social group, distinguishes us from other groups, and binds us together through a process of self-categorization and social identification. This research extends the theory of collectivism versus individualism as basic dimensions of culture and personality to research on food and identity. We tested 2 hypotheses among 402 university students in Korea and the U.S. 1) Americans assume relatively individualistic orientation while Koreans relatively collectivistic in orientation. 2) Koreans and Americans differ in their orientation toward food, with Americans assuming an individualistic orientation and Koreans assuming a collectivistic approach. The level of collectivism versus individualism was measured by using Hui's INCOL Scale. We initially hypothesized that the Americans would be strongly individualistic and Koreans strongly collectivistic, however our results did not prove this. The two groups showed collectivistic social identity with the Americans being a bit more collectivistic, so little support was found. In order to test the second hypothesis, we devised a new set of questions based on a idea by Hui and Fischer. It was found that this hypothesis was strongly supported. In conclusion, it is difficult to find overall differences in collectivism versus individualism between the two groups. But in the area of attitude toward food, we found clear differences. For Koreans, food is an expression of collectivistic identity, whereas Americans assume a more individualistic approach.

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A Study on Development of Lighting Design Utilizing Traditional Materials and Natural Objects (전통소재와 자연물을 활용한 조명디자인 개발 연구)

  • Yoon, Yeoh-Hang;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2017
  • As modern society attaches important to a value in mental aspect and characteristics of consumers who become diverse and individualistic, lighting design also changes closely with everyday life. This study suggests a new concept of indoor lighting design, combining natural objects with lattice and Korean paper, one of our representative traditional materials in lighting design used in everyday life. In particular, it was designed with aesthetic sense of traditional culture and Korean sentiment besides external effect and function by combining Korean paper with natural objects such as insect and plant, material that could be easily obtain around us. As a result, it is intended to enhance quality of life and pursue happiness by suggesting a new concept of lighting design which is modern, harmonizes with everyday life of modern humans who become individualistic, and can arouse sensibility, overcoming the limitations of traditional lighting in indoor lighting.

Effects of Economic Factors on Happiness: Moderating Effects of Financial Management (경제적 요인이 행복에 미치는 영향: 재무관리 요인의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jooyung;Song, Kyechung;Oh, Segu
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the effects of economic factors on happiness in terms of life satisfaction, one of the most important goals in human life, and examines the moderating role of financial management in the effect of financial stress. Data were collected total 341 individuals in Daejeon, Korea(235 college students and 105 women). The factors influencing life satisfaction were analyzed multiple regression analysis. Effects of moderating variables were tested hierarchical regression analysis. Subjective financial stress was related to both individualistic happiness and collectivistic happiness, whereas objective financial stress had a negative effect only on collectivistic happiness. Financial management (specifically control of expenditure behaviors) had positive effects on both individualistic happiness and collectivistic happiness. Financial management moderated the relationship between financial stress and happiness. The results have important implications.

Lifestyle and Clothing Purchase Behavior of Mongolian Women (몽골 여성들의 라이프스타일과 의복구매행동)

  • Urnaa, Urnaa;Yu, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.138-151
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    • 2011
  • Due to its vast lands and rich underground resources, Mongolia is a country with high growth potential, even though it is currently in the early stage of economic development. In Mongolia, the Korean wave (Hallyu) has increased interests in Korea, especially in Korean fashion. This study analyzed lifestyles and examined the characteristics of clothing purchase behavior of Mongolian women in order to deepen the understanding of Mongolians' lifestyle and clothing purchase behavior and provide information for successful marketing strategies. The results based on 293 questionnaires showed that lifestyles consisted of six factors (socially active, beauty seeking, individualistic, simple comfort seeking, sensitive to others' perception, information focused) and four groups (socially oriented, individualistic, beauty seeking, and information seeking) were identified. Among the lifestyle groups, socially active group showed clear differences from other groups and there was no significant difference in demographic characteristics according to the lifestyle groups.

A Study on the concept of 'Individual' found in works of Archigram Group (아키그램의 건축에서 나타나는 '개인'의 개념에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Je-Joong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.158-168
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the concept of 'individual' found in architecture of British Archigram Group. Although many critics and historians have judged Archigram as a simple technocrat, the concept of individual employed by Archigram since their Living City Exhibition undermine their representational works. Archigram's concept of individual was basically influenced by the European historical context since the Renaissance and at the same time by the philosophy of existentialism. Since Archigram proposed their individualistic trend In the Living City Exhibition, they have created many individualistic architecture such as Living Pod, Cushicle, Suitaloon, etc. Through these experimental projects, Archlgram's concept of individual did not intend to get rid of the society itself, but to form a society based on the individual autonomy and on the interaction between individuals. In the city of Archigram, there was ultimately the new symbiosis between individual units and this symbiosis completed new world.

Cross-cultural Comparison of Individualism among Chinese, Japanese, Netherlander and Korean (중국, 일본, 네덜란드, 한국의 개인주의 감성 비교)

  • Yeoun, Myeong-Heum
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2010
  • This study is aimed to compare cross-cultural individualism, and consider an influence of nationality, gender and age on individualistic propensity. The survey data include 271 Chinese, 251 Japanese, 262 Netherlander and 267 Korean. The result of factor analysis, four factors named independent action, profit and opinion, indifference on other and will, were found out. The result of comparison on nationality, Netherlander and Japanese has a strong individualistic propensity, and Korean has a remarkable collective propensity. Chinese were middle grade among 4 countries. It can be said that certain factors correlated with a certain country, because Netherlander's answer on questions belonged to profit and opinion factor were highest, and Japanese's one belonged to indifference on other were highest. On gender, Man was more individualistic better than woman. On age, twenties has strong collective propensity better than other age groups. The number of significant difference on comparison among countries is 21 in 21 questions, but the number on gender or age is 6 or 7. Therefore, it can be said that nationality (or culture) is most useful variable to grasp individualism.

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