• Title/Summary/Keyword: important-satisfaction analysis

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Identifying Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction of Elderly Adults in the ICT Era

  • Moon-Yong Kim
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2024
  • The present research investigates the factors influencing the elderly adults' life satisfaction in the era of information and communication technology (ICT). Specifically, we examine whether the elderly individuals' digital literacy skills (i.e., ability to use PCs, ability to use mobile devices, and ability to distinguish information) and perceptions (i.e., perceived usefulness of digital technology, self-efficacy in using digital devices, and social interaction) predict their life satisfaction. To answer the research question, we performed a hierarchical multiple regression analysis using the elderly Korean adults aged 55 or older. The results indicate that (1) females (vs. males) are more satisfied with their life; (2) the higher individuals' age, education and monthly household income, the higher their life satisfaction; and (3) their perceived usefulness of digital technology, self-efficacy in using digital devices, social interaction, and ability to distinguish information are positively associated with life satisfaction. The findings provide important implications to enhance life satisfaction of the elderly adults in the ICT era.

User Review Mining: An Approach for Software Requirements Evolution

  • Lee, Jee Young
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2020
  • As users of internet-based software applications increase, functional and non-functional problems for software applications are quickly exposed to user reviews. These user reviews are an important source of information for software improvement. User review mining has become an important topic of intelligent software engineering. This study proposes a user review mining method for software improvement. User review data collected by crawling on the app review page is analyzed to check user satisfaction. It analyzes the sentiment of positive and negative that users feel with a machine learning method. And it analyzes user requirement issues through topic analysis based on structural topic modeling. The user review mining process proposed in this study conducted a case study with the a non-face-to-face video conferencing app. Software improvement through user review mining contributes to the user lock-in effect and extending the life cycle of the software. The results of this study will contribute to providing insight on improvement not only for developers, but also for service operators and marketing.

A Study on the Time-sharing Condominium use Behavior by Demographic Characterristics (인구통계변인에 따른 휴양콘도미니엄 이용행태 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Won;Ban, Seung Ju;Kim, Jae Tae
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2014
  • This paper studied condo selection attributes that affected satisfaction, recommendation and revisitation, in particular, investigated gender and age differences. Research target is the group who revisited time-sharing condominium within one year. The paper seeks to understand factors that affect and contribute to customer satisfaction and intentions for reuse. This study model was analyzed by the basic statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and multiple analysis, using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. We found that 5 condo selection attributes that have significant affect on user satisfaction: facility, service, product, accessibility and expense. Furthermore it was evident that user satisfaction has a significant effect on condo recommendation and intentions of reuse. With regard to sex, for male users expense, accessibility and service had a significant effect on their satisfaction level, while for female users, product was most important. User satisfaction both have a significant effect on recommendation and intentions of reuse but for females this was more evident. Regarding the age, for 20~30 age band, service and product factor had a significant effect on user satisfaction in order, whereas, for the age band of over 40s, expense, product and facility factors were important. User satisfaction of both have a significant effect on recommendation and intentions of reuse. In the meantime user satisfaction of 20~30 age band had a bigger positive significant effect on recommendation and intentions of reuse than the age band over 40s.

The Effects of Consumption Value of Smartphone Users on Relational Factors and Repurchase Intention (스마트폰 이용고객의 소비가치가 관계적 요인과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Cho, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - As the smart-phone market adds new technologies and introduces new marketing trends, competition among companies is getting fierce. Now, smart-phone companies need to pay attention not only to attaining new customers but also to retaining customers, which means managing relationships to prevent customer defection. Therefore, how to satisfy customer needs and maintain long-term relations are both important to make consistent progress in the rapidly changing smart-phone market. To illustrate this point, the study focuses on analyzing the effects of consumption value on relational factors and buying intentions among smart-phone users. First, consumption value was divided into functional, economic, and emotional values. After that, the effects of these values on satisfaction and brand trust were confirmed. Additionally, effects of satisfaction and brand trust on repurchase intention were analyzed. Research design, data, and methodology - The data was collected in a self-administered survey among 270 undergraduate students, using smart-phones between June 4th-12th, 2012. A total of 257 questionnaires were collected and used for the data analysis. A path analysis based on Lisrel 8.54 was used for the hypothesis test. Consumption value was divided into functional, economic, and emotional values. Subsequently, the effects of these values on satisfaction and trust in the brand were confirmed. Additionally, the effects of satisfaction and trust in the brand on repurchase intention were analyzed. Results - First, functional value, economic value, and emotional value - especially emotional value - were revealed to have positive effects on satisfaction. Second, emotional value was shown to have positive effects on brand trust, while functional and economic values did not. Third, satisfaction had positive effects on brand trust. In considering the relative influence on brand trust, satisfaction was the most crucial factor. It is clear that in the evaluation of the direct experience, using the product or the service plays an important role in building brand trust. Fourth, satisfaction and brand trust positively influenced repurchase intention. This indicates that both factors must be achieved to induce the repurchase Intention among customers. Conclusions - One can see that the enjoyable emotions consumers feel while using smart-phones is the most important factor in increasing levels of satisfaction. Moreover, this indicates that consumers pursue economic desires along with convenient functions in order to reduce opportunity costs. Additionally, consumers are affected by psychological and emotional messages in building trust, rather than practical and rational ones. Thus, in order to appeal to young clients as an attractive brand in the smart-phone market, approaching customers with an emotional value is recommended. In addition, in order for the brand to gain trust, the overall experience the consumer feels while using smart phones should be maximized. After all, one must fulfill the consumers' desire for a new experience and show a willingness to faithfully accomplish the responsibility of the brand to strengthen relationships with customers in the smart-phone market.

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The Atmospheric Factors Affecting User's Satisfaction in Natural Parks (자연공원의 분위기가 이용자의 만족도에 미치는 영향 - 국립공원과 도립공원을 대상으로 -)

  • 장병문;배민기
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine atmospherical factors affecting user's satisfaction in natural park to answer the research question: what are the effects of atmosphere on user's satisfaction in natural parks(NP). After reviewing the literature, mechanism of NP, and use elements in NP, We constructed the conceptual framework and have formulated the hypothesis of this research. We had obtained data through a questionnaire, which surveyed 508 visitors at 6 of the 73 NP in Korea in 2001, based on stratified sampling method. We have analyzed the data using descriptive statistical methods, the mean difference test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and the multiple linear regression method. We found that 1) the five atmospheric variables, j.e., number of users(NOU), crowding, damage to park resources(DPR), and maintenance of park resources and facilities(MPRF), encounter level(EL) affecting user's satisfaction, have tuned out to be statistically significant at a five percent level. The direction of the relationship between user's satisfaction and MPRF, NOU, EL is the same as that of the dependent variable and the opposite of crowding, and BPR, 2) in bivariate analysis, the positive relationships between user's satisfaction and park resources, MPRF are fairly high and statistically significant. The higher the value of DPR, and crowing, the lower the degree of user's satisfaction, 3) in multivariate analysis, such variables as NOU, crowding, DPR, EL, and MPRF affecting user's satisfaction have been statistically significant at five percent level, and 4) the relative contribution of MPRF, park resources, park facilities, NOU, crowding, DPR, and size of activity space on user's satisfaction have been determined to have respectively 6.00, 4.78, 2.53, 1.83, 1.64, 1.59 and 2.03 times more important than that of EL. Among the atmospheric variables, MPRF is the most important at 1.26 times higher than that of park resources. The research results suggest that the development of devices for the increase in user's satisfaction and user management program based on the knowledge we have found, be recommended in the planning and development process of natural park. The approach adopted by this research is valid and useful for evaluation criteria of NP. It is recommended that more empirical studies by activity types, activity spaces, and seasons on atmospheric elements affecting user's satisfaction be performed in the future.

Investigating Factors Influencing University Students' Intention to Dropout based on Education Satisfaction (교육만족도 관점에서 학생의 학업중단 의도에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Dong-Wook;Kang, Min-Chae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting dropout intention based on education satisfaction survey analysis of local J university. Total 7,248 survey data which has high trustability were analyzed. Analysis of variance was performed to verify differences between each grade and credits level. There are significant differences between the year grade and credit level. Especially the result show that the satisfaction of freshman is higher than the other grade students. To verify relation between intention to dropout and satisfaction of university education logistic regression analysis method has been applied and satisfaction of academic guidance, vocational guidance, environment of education and self-satisfaction of university life are significantly related to the dropout intention. The most important variable is self-satisfaction of university life which determine dropout intention through decision tree analysis.

A Study on Job and Task Satisfaction of Physiotherapist -Focusing on Employees in Orthopedic Manual Therapy Part- (물리치료사의 직업 및 직무만족도에 관한 연구 - 정형도수치료 직무 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Youn-Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2013
  • Background: The purpose of this survey is to determine the job and task satisfaction of physiotherapists. These are important factors because they are directly connected to both morale and work efficiency. Methods: Data was collected from March 9th, 2013 to April 15th, 2013 using self-administered questionnaires. First, Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to evaluate date reliability. Further data analysis used mean and standard deviation to determine frequency and satisfaction for each characteristic. To determine the significance of job and task satisfaction, T-test and an analysis of variance were performed. Also, regression analysis was used to find out a relation between job satisfaction of physiotherapist and task satisfaction of orthopaedic physical therapy. Result: This survey includes results from 197 physiotherapists who engage in orthopaedic physical therapy from major, medium and small cities. The general characteristics of survey respondents include: 112 males (56.9%), 85 females (43.1%); 123 in their twenties (62.4%), 56 in their thirties (28.4%), and 18 over forty (9.1%); 156 had less than five years work experience in orthopaedics, 25 had six to ten years, and 16 had more than eleven years work experience. In the physiotherapist's job satisfaction survey (out of 5), males averaged 3.71 and females averaged 3.43. Individuals with less than five years in the career averaged 3.5, 3.69 for between 6 to 10 years in career, 3.87 for over 11 years in career; this showed a significant difference. Results of the sub-factors of job satisfaction were 3.81 for self-esteem and 3.21 for prospect of occupation. Results of task satisfaction in orthopaedic therapy showed a significant difference between 4.03 for males and 3.66 for females. For sub-factors of task satisfaction scores were 3.81 for vision, 4.29 for task adoption, and 3.57 for task recognition. Conclusion: Physiotherapists will be satisfied when their motivation to work and morale are increased by concerns such as improving the education environment, expert physiotherapist adoption issue, and medical law revision.

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Life Satisfaction and Bipolarity according to Circadian Typology (일주기 유형에 따른 삶의 만족도와 양극성 경향)

  • Park, Hwanjin;Lee, Hye-Kyung;Shin, Yong Jin;Lee, Kounseok
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2015
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among circadian typology, bipolarity and life satisfaction of university students. Methods A total 1232 participants completed questionnaires, which included Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ). Statistical analyses were done using correlation analysis, and analysis of covariance. Results The CSM score was positively associated with SWLS score (r = 0.232 ; p < 0.001). The morningness group has higher life satisfaction than the eveningness group (p < 0.001). The eveningness group has higher bipolarity than the morningness group (p < 0.001). The CSM score was negatively associated with MDQ score (r = -0.128 ; p < 0.001). Conclusions Bipolarity and life satisfaction were associated with circadian typology. Morningness was the important determinant of life satisfaction and bipolarity.

Relation Between Employees and Customers Affects to the Positive Word of Mouth Through Customer Satisfaction

  • NGUYEN, Minh Ha;TRAN, Ba Thinh;HUYNH, Luong Tam
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Vietnamese customers have a crowd psychology when choosing and buying cars, they believe the advice and comments of those who have used the product. This paper aims to explore how factors in the relation between employees and customers affect to the customer's positive word of mouth (WOM) through customer satisfaction. Research design, data, and methodology - A survey was conducted with 250 customers. This research focus on six factors: (1) familiarity, (2) care, (3) personal connection, (4) employee competence, (5) customer satisfaction, (6) positive WOM. By using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM), this research determined the impact of relation between eployees and customers to the customer satisfaction in order to have the positive WOM to another customers. Results - This result shows that 3 factors: care, personal connection and service quality, have positive effects to customer satisfaction. Moreover, the similar relationship is found between customer satisfaction and positive WOM. The familiarity is not significant in this research. Conclusions - The research results indicate that positive WOM has an important impact of market development for automobile business enterprises in Vietnam. Therefore, administrators should have appropriate strategies to encourage positive WOM to customers.

Validity and Reliability of a Measure of Patient Satisfaction with Physical Therapy (물리치료환자 만족도 도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 분석)

  • Sohn, Ae-Ree;Kim, Mi-Won
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2002
  • Patient satisfaction is an important factor in evaluating the quality of care. Patient satisfaction may be used to evaluate provider services and facilities, and used to predict the patient returns to a facility. The patients decision whether the patient returns to a facility or whether the patient recommends the facility to other people may be affected by a variety of factors of patient satisfaction. This study is to develop and test of a translated and modified Goldstein's instrument that measures patient satisfaction among physical therapists patients and clients. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in Seoul, Chung-Joo and Bu-Cheon cities. Survey data was obtained from 743 patients who visited the physical therapy practice at university hospitals, general hospitals and clinics. The instrument developed by Goldstein was used and translated into Korean. Several items were added to the instrument. Patient's opinions of service in each domain measured using 5-point Likert-type scales that ranged from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation was used to indicate which questions examined similar components of patient satisfaction. Component analysis indicated eight scales (kindness, scheduling, recommendation, convenience of parking, privacy, and waiting time). Different types of validity were established well. The coefficient of reliability (Cronbach alpha =.97) obtained for the instrument was clearly within a desired range.

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