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Investigating Factors Influencing University Students' Intention to Dropout based on Education Satisfaction  

Han, Dong-Wook (전주대학교 스마트미디어학과)
Kang, Min-Chae (중부대학교 초등특수교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting dropout intention based on education satisfaction survey analysis of local J university. Total 7,248 survey data which has high trustability were analyzed. Analysis of variance was performed to verify differences between each grade and credits level. There are significant differences between the year grade and credit level. Especially the result show that the satisfaction of freshman is higher than the other grade students. To verify relation between intention to dropout and satisfaction of university education logistic regression analysis method has been applied and satisfaction of academic guidance, vocational guidance, environment of education and self-satisfaction of university life are significantly related to the dropout intention. The most important variable is self-satisfaction of university life which determine dropout intention through decision tree analysis.
Education Satisfaction; Intention to Dropout; Logistic Regression; Decision Tress Analysis;
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  • Reference
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