• Title/Summary/Keyword: implementation system

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Factors for Successful Implementation of Extensive Reading Program Using Online/Offline Blended English Library System in Schools

  • Kwon, Hyekyung;Chang, Kyungsuk;Kim, Yongwhan;Lee, Byeong-Cheon;Jeon, Young-Joo
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to investigate factors that could bring about successful implementation of extensive reading using online/offline blended English library system called 'Reading Gate' in primary and secondary schools. Although there are a great number of studies on effects of various extensive reading on linguistic, cognitive, and affective development, few studies have investigated how extensive reading programs can be implemented at large scale, e.g., whole school level. After analyzing students' reading levels in 200 schools using the same online extensive reading program called Reading Gate, results showed that while some schools were successful, others were not. Five primary and 13 middle schools were selected as successful schools. Data on implementation of the program of schools was gathered. Eighteen teachers and seven headteachers took part in the interview. After analyzing these data on the implementation of the extensive reading program, results revealed that the following five factors for successful implementation of blended extensive reading programs: online level-up system, teacher intervention, integration with the curriculum, school-level support, and parents' awareness of literacy. This suggests that each factor might have contributed to the successful implementation of the extensive reading program at large scale. Implications and applications of this finding are discussed in this study.

A Case Study of ERP Implementation for PCB Manufacturer

  • Lo, Chan-Hsing;Lin, Yu-Hsin;Tsai, Chih-Hung;Li, Rong-Kwei
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.160-174
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    • 2003
  • This study researched an enterprise resources planning (ERP) implementation project at a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer. In depth research was achieved by participating and observing in an implementation project at an actual PCB manufacturer. It is hoped that this study will contribute a valuable reference resource for future PCB manufacturers that wish to select or implement ERP systems. The first step in implementing ERP software is to set a clear target. At the same time, the tasks of each department and the system of cooperation between departments must be clearly defined. In this way, the cycle time of each flow and the accuracy of data will both be improved. In order to ensure smooth implementation of an ERP project, the followings are key factors: (1) an ERP system that suits the PCB industry; (2) effective project management; (3) effective project cost/budget control; (4) project problem management system; (5) comprehensive implementation method and information technology (IT), etc. By keeping to these principals, Company A achieved rapid transactions, and lower total cycle times and inventory levels, and other such benefits that had been predicted.

The Approach for ERP Courses into University Curriculum (대학 교과과정에서의 ERP교육 방안)

  • Yoon, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2004
  • Based on investigating and analyzing the cases of advanced foreign universities that have already included ERP courses in their education systems, this study proposed the ways of incorporating ERP courses into Korean universities' curriculums in terms of the following three areas: 1) development of ERP courses, 2) establishment and maintenance of ERP education environment, 3) continuous evaluation and improvement of ERP education implementation. As reasonable ERP courses, "Introduction to ERP" targeted to educating overall basic concepts in ERP system and business administration, "ERP System Implementation" for fostering business process design and system implementation skills, "ERP Programming" such as ABAP for the purpose of customizing ERP system, and "Strategic Use of ERP" dealing with ERP package selection and implementation methodologies of effective utilization of ERP systems were suggested. Regarding the establishment and maintenance of ERP education environment, single server architecture model that contained both database and application was proposed with the intention of set-up cost saving and maintenance efficiency. As for the evaluation and improvement on ERP education implementation, its methodologies were introduced through analyzing the advanced cases. Finally in addition to the above three areas, critical success factors for effectively launching ERP education in the universities were suggested through reviewing the previous case studies.

An Implementation Scheme for the Detection System of RFID Defective Tags Using LabVIEW OOP

  • Jung, Deok-Gil;Jung, Min-Po;Cho, Hyuk-Gyu;Lho, Young-Uhg
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we suggest the object-oriented methodology for the design and implementation scheme for the program development in the application of control and instrumentation such as the detection system of RFID defective tags which needs the embedded programming. We apply the design methodology of UML in the system design phase, and suggest the implementation scheme of LabVIEW programs using LVOOP(LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming)in which make it possible to write the object-oriented programming. We design the class diagram and the sequence diagram using UML, and write the classes of LVOOP from the designed class diagram and the main VI from the sequence diagram, respectively. We show that it is possible to develop the embedded programs such as the RFID application through the implementation example of the detection system of RFID defective tags in this paper. And, we obtain the advantages based on the object-oriented design and implementation using the LVOOP approach such as the development of LabVIEW programs by adding the classes and the concept of object of the object-oriented language to LabVIEW.

A Public Key knapsack Crytosystem Algorithm for Security in Computer Communication (컴퓨터 통신의 안전을 위한 공개키 배낭 암호계 앨고리듬)

  • 이영노;신인철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.893-900
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    • 1991
  • And this system is compared with past knapsack system by implementation of low density attack in Brickell and Lagarias, Odlyzko’s method. Also the VLSI architecture for parallel implementation of this linearly shift knapsack system is presented

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Experimental Study of Interface Circuit Implementation in Hybrid System (Hybrid System을 위한 Interface 회로구성의 실험적 연구)

  • Myoung Sam Ko
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1977
  • The paper deals with the fundamental specification for the physical implementation of interface circuit, which will play an important role in information and signal trammission between computer and controlled system, and also we have proved that the digital contoller will be able to improve the data handling of interface circuit.

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A Methodology for Global ERP Implementation Based on GSI(Global Single Instance) and Its Application (GSI(Global Single Instance)기반의 Global ERP 구축 방법론 및 적용 사례)

  • Lee, Jae-Kwang;Cho, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2008
  • Many companies have implemented ERP systems to enhance their process competitiveness. Since most ERP systems down to date are implemented and managed on each separated business-unit or company level, such systems run short of the consideration about global business processes and global system managements. In order to integrate a successful global ERP, it is essential to apply the well-systematic implementation methodology which considers global standardization and global IT requirements. It is, however, the actual circumstance that such well-structured methodologies for global ERP implementation are hardly shown not only from domestic site but from foreign one. This paper indicates the global ERP implementation guideline with integrated approach including; the standard process design for efficient execution of global business; the ERP implementation method considering global IT requirements; and, the management method for global system operation. GSI ERP methodology is composed of 3 Phase:Global Strategy Planning, Global Template Construction and Global Roll-Out. Phase1; Global Strategy Planning contains Environment Analysis, GSI direction and Implementation Plan. Phase2; Global Template Construction contains Business blueprint, GSI operation design and Global template implementation. Phase3; Global Roll-out contains local business analysis, local ERP implementation and Global ERP Operation.

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Environmental, Organizational, IS Characteristics on Successful Implementation of ERP Systems (환경, 조직, 정보시스템 특성이 ERP시스템의 성공적 구축에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Moon Tae-Soo;Seo Ki-Chul
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2006
  • Recently, ERP system is used as a important tool of management innovation for enterprise's survival and development. It is very important to recognize how much influence to organizational performance through ERP system implementation. The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of environmental, organizational, information systems characteristics on successful implementation of ERP systems in Korean SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises). From previous researches on ERP adoption and implementation, 7 independent variables (competitiveness, government support, top management support, process innovation, project management, IS maturity, and ERP customizing), and 1 dependent variables (successful implementation of ERP systems) are identified. 3 questionnaires were removed from the study because of missing or inappropriate responses, and final samples are 91 SMEs. The results of hypothesis testing show that determinants of successful implementation of ERP systems are top management support and IS maturity. Five variables such as competitiveness, government support, process innovation, project management, and ERP customizing do not significantly influence to successful implementation of ERP systems. The contribution of this study is that it provides an empirical evidence of the causal relationship between ERP adoption factor and ERP success. This study showed that top management support and IS maturity are essential to accomplish successful ERP implementation for SMEs.

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Supporting Adaptability and Modularity of System Software

  • Netinant, Paniti
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1339-1342
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    • 2002
  • It is difficult to design system software to meet a better separation of concerns, which can provide a number of benefits such as adaptability, extensibility, and modularity in the design and implementation. During design, some aspectual properties, such as synchronization, scheduling, performance and fault tolerance, crosscut the basic functionalities of the system software. By separating functional components from the different aspectual components of the system software in the design, we can provide a better generic design model of system software. Aspect-Oriented Programming is a methodology that aims at separating components and aspects from the early stages of the software life cycle, and using techniques to combining them together at the implementation phase. In this paper we discuss an aspect-oriented framework that can simplify system software design and implementation by expressing it at a higher level of abstraction. Our work concentrates on how to achieve a higher separation of aspectual components, functional components, and layers from each other. Our goal is to achieve a better design model for implementing system software in terms of modularity, reusability and adaptability.

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A Study on Implementation Strategies of the Environmentally Conscious Logistics System (환경친화적 물류시스템의 구축전략 연구)

  • Kim Hyun Soo;Han Dae Hee
    • Proceedings of the Society of Korea Industrial and System Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2002
  • In a mega competition having no national boundaries, we have to apply the logistics system considering an environment seriously and to construct the environmentally conscious logistics system (ECLS) with the forward and reverse logistics system of a companies. The objectives of this research were to provide strategies required for implementation of the environmentally conscious logistics system. And also, we propose the future research topics needed for improvement of the studies on environmentally conscious logistics system.

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