• 제목/요약/키워드: image words

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색채이미지유형에 따른 워크스테이션의 색채배색에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Color Scheme of Workstation Based on the Color Image Types)

  • 한혜선;박효철
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the color scheme based on the color image types through the color analysis of workstation furniture which is on the market. This color scheme of the workstation furniture is expected to be give the comfort to office environment when planning office. For this study, It is selected the three furniture firms that have a brand of office furniture and their web site that is showed color sample of furniture. The following researches are drawn based upon the purpose. First, the color image types of interior space is classified and the color image words that are suitable for each types is extracted based on the results of existing literature. Second, the distribution of its hue and tone is analysed after collecting the each firm's color sample of desk top, panel and chair. Third, the color image appearing in each furniture color is analysed by color image scale positioning. Forth, the color scheme of desk top, panel and chair is suggested by its color scheme palette. The result of this study is expected to help comfortable environment by providing the color scheme for selection of furniture color in work space. Not all color of each furniture is sufficient to be combined color scheme, the result is indicated that the color scheme of workstation by color image types is possible for color planning in office environment.

플레어스커트의 시각적 평가를 위한 의미미분척도 개발 (A Study on Development of Semantic Differential Scales for Visual Evaluation of Flare Skirt)

  • 이정순;한경희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to develop semantic differential scales which are necessary to evaluate visual image and effect of flare skirt. As a result of the first survey of 362 female college students, the most effective factors for shape of flare skirt are silhouette, volume of flare, and skirt length. Based on this result, we made flare skirt simulation for visual evaluation with using I-Designer program. 4 kinds of volume of flare($90^{\circ},\;180^{\circ},\;270^{\circ},\;360^{\circ}$) and 3 kinds of skirt length(48cm, 58cm, 68cm) are combined as variables for flare skirt of visual evaluation. For the second survey of 362 female college students, we asked to write suggested adjectives freely. As a result, we could draw out 210 adjectives. 'Feminine' was most frequently used word for flare skirt, and then, 'vivid', 'rhythmic', 'cute', 'soft', 'fat', and 'comfortable' in this order. With considering frequently used words in the preceding study, we selected 41 adjectives. Antonyms were selected from the resulted frequency of this study and preceding study, and the rest of words were found from dictionary. From these process, we developed semantic differential scales for visual image and effect of flare skirt.

작은 생물을 연구하는 과학자에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 및 이미지 분석 (Perceptions and Image Analysis of Elementary Students on Scientists studying Small Organisms)

  • 최영미;홍승호
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.655-673
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    • 2014
  • We investigated perceptions and image analysis on scientists studying small organisms reflected in elementary student's drawing using a modified version of the Drawing-A-Scientist-Test. The participants were 530 of fifth and sixth graders consisted of 449 ordinary students and 81 science gifted students. The data were collected from associated words, images and explanatory notes depicted by students engaged in questionnaires. The results indicated that a larger number of students reminded small sized animals and/or plants as words associated with small organisms. In addition, some students depicted anthropomorphic or abstract microorganisms. In this study, more stereotypes of scientists' appearance were exhibited at sixth graders and city region group. Most of the students depicted indicators such as lab coat, glasses, scientific instruments for observing, indoor, male and young, whereas only a few students depicted collaborative work. There was statistically significant difference between girls and boys, because boys perceived male scientists only, while half of girls depicted female. More frequent research instruments and scientific captions were used when science gifted students depicted scientists studying small organisms. These results could be contributed to education on microorganisms in elementary science.

국내외 패션 저널에 나타난 한국적 패션 기사내용 분석 (Content Analysis of Articles of Korean Fashion in Domestic and Foreign Fashion Journals)

  • 음정선;유영선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2012
  • This study locates typical Korean fashion images in domestic and foreign fashion journals to advance Korea's international image in contemporary global fashion markets. The investigation of the frequency of articles and their types (so as to inquire into interest in Korean fashion in the global fashion markets) showed that for the appearance frequency of domestic articles studied, a good number of articles were published in the first half of 2008 and in 2009. In the case of foreign articles, the number of them increased from the second half of 2008 and the majority of articles were shown in the first half of 2010. Second, the investigation of the appearance features by article type studied in order to understand how Korean fashion played a role in the world's markets. The majority of articles were related to fashion brands that entered Chinese market in fashion brand articles in the case of domestic articles; however, many foreign articles introduced designers that participated in global fashion collections in Paris and New York. Third, as a result of analyzing typical key words by article type in order to find key words which could enhance Korea's fashion national image representing, we could confirm that 'Korean designers' can be a typical key words to represent Korean fashion. The key word most exposed in both domestic and foreign articles was 'designer Lie Sang Bong' and only his articles contained the content about influential Korean design materials.

토픽모델링을 이용한 국내 방사선 학술연구 트렌드 분석 (A Trend Analysis of Radiological Research in Korea using Topic Modeling)

  • 홍동희
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2022
  • 토픽 모델링을 활용하여 1989년부터 2022년까지 출판된 방사선을 주제로 한 논문을 파악하고 주제들 간의 관련성과 비중을 분석하고자 한다. 본 연구는 방사선 분야의 연구 활성화에 기여하기 위하여 2022년 최근까지 출판된 논문 717편을 대상으로 국문제목에서 도출된 토픽들을 분석하였다. 텍스트마이닝을 통해 연구의 주제 분포에 대한 전반적 연구 동향을 분석하였으며, 토픽모델링을 통해 5가지 주제를 도출해냈다. 첫째, 분석 대상 논문 중 키워드 중심으로 총 논문 717편의 연구에서 핵심어를 전처리 과정을 거쳐 최종적으로 선정된 단어는 총 1675개의 단어를 빈도 분석하였다. 둘째, 5개 토픽에 대하여 구성단어의 연관성을 중심으로 토픽을 분석한 결과 방사선, 영상, CT 임상분야에서 영상의 화질을 떨어뜨리지 않는 범위에서 선량을 최소화 하는데 연구가 주를 이루고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, MRI 분야는 다양한 연구가 주를 이루었고 초음파는 다양한 부위의 질환 분석이 연구가 활발하게 시도되고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

Spam Image Detection Model based on Deep Learning for Improving Spam Filter

  • Seong-Guk Nam;Dong-Gun Lee;Yeong-Seok Seo
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2023
  • Due to the development and dissemination of modern technology, anyone can easily communicate using services such as social network service (SNS) through a personal computer (PC) or smartphone. The development of these technologies has caused many beneficial effects. At the same time, bad effects also occurred, one of which was the spam problem. Spam refers to unwanted or rejected information received by unspecified users. The continuous exposure of such information to service users creates inconvenience in the user's use of the service, and if filtering is not performed correctly, the quality of service deteriorates. Recently, spammers are creating more malicious spam by distorting the image of spam text so that optical character recognition (OCR)-based spam filters cannot easily detect it. Fortunately, the level of transformation of image spam circulated on social media is not serious yet. However, in the mail system, spammers (the person who sends spam) showed various modifications to the spam image for neutralizing OCR, and therefore, the same situation can happen with spam images on social media. Spammers have been shown to interfere with OCR reading through geometric transformations such as image distortion, noise addition, and blurring. Various techniques have been studied to filter image spam, but at the same time, methods of interfering with image spam identification using obfuscated images are also continuously developing. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based spam image detection model to improve the existing OCR-based spam image detection performance and compensate for vulnerabilities. The proposed model extracts text features and image features from the image using four sub-models. First, the OCR-based text model extracts the text-related features, whether the image contains spam words, and the word embedding vector from the input image. Then, the convolution neural network-based image model extracts image obfuscation and image feature vectors from the input image. The extracted feature is determined whether it is a spam image by the final spam image classifier. As a result of evaluating the F1-score of the proposed model, the performance was about 14 points higher than the OCR-based spam image detection performance.

청소년들의 패션 혁신성에 따른 한국적 이미지 패션상품에 대한 평가 (Adolescents' Fashion Innovativeness and Evaluation of Korean Image Fashion Products)

  • 양희순;이유리
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.666-677
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze market opportunities for Korean image fashion products, focusing on adolescents. In other words, preference, purchase intention and gift intention of adolescents on Korean image fashion products were analyzed. For this study, four stimuli which reflect Korean image were chosen. We measured design evaluation and adolescent fashion innovativeness. The subjects for this study were 219 high school students. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Duncan test, cross-tabulation, correlation analysis, multiple regression. The more innovative the subject is, the higher the clothing purchase frequency and the purchase price are. Also, high-innovative group showed that they like Korean image fashion products more than low one. Product attributes such as prettiness and newness significantly influenced purchase intention for their own use and for others as a gift. In conclusion, when related marketers and scholars provide Korean image products that target adolescents, they should try to make those products more sophisticated and modern.

화장품 브랜드 로고의 기호학적 분석과 소비자 태도에 관한 연구 (Research on Consumer Attitudes and a Semiological Analysis of Cosmetic Brand Logos)

  • 한혜미;정순희
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2009
  • Most consumers prefer certain brand logos of cosmetics in accordance with their cognized brand image and self image. In other words, consumers select particular brands from various brands in the market based on their image. The purpose of this study is to find out which factors affect a consumer's attention of cosmetic brand logos. The brand logo that has an abstractive image, sign, and brand pursues the consumer who purchases the cosmetic product and image. The semistic analytic method of pierce was used. The major findings are as follow. 1) The image of the logo of a female consumer is a significant difference in the educational level variable. The result compares, according to marital status and educational level, the traditional characteristic from the logo of the image. 2) There is a significant difference in the logo type. It follows the educational level variable in female consumers. The result compares a preference by inserting a picture in the logo. A high preference appears based on age, marital status, occupation, and income. 3) There are significant differences in demographics school register with attitude of the logo. It follows the attitude that appeared about in age. Finally, when examining closely the effects between cosmetics' brand logo and logo's implications, there are significant differences in the income level, educational level, age, and marital status. The feminine consumer tends to prefer accordance between the cosmetics brand logo and the logo's implications.

현대(現代)패션에 나타난 Purple의 조형성(造形性)과 이미지 (Purple Image and Formative Properties in the Contemporary Fashion)

  • 김봉주;이경희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate purple image and formative properties in contemporary fashion. For the study of formative properties 152 kinds of costume samples from photographs in fashion magazines. For the study of image 40 kinds of costume samples is used and divided into tones : pale(Vp, Lgr, L), bright(P, B), vivid(S, V, Dp), dark(Gr, Dl, Dgr, Dk). A total 24 pairs of abjective words were used to measure the semantic differential scale in this study. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA, MDS and regression analysis. The results are as follows; 1. Factor analysis has extracted 5 factors which consist of purple image in contemporary fashion. The factors are high quality, hardness and softness, simplicity, temperature, maturity. 2. There were significant differences in visual evaluation of purple tones. 3. The discrimination among. 4 purple tones was related to weight of purple 4. The evaluative dimensions of purple image in modern fashion were identified by Light - Heavy and Pale - Strong. 5. The image effect on Preference, Buying needs, Pleasant and Riches was consist of complicated sensibility.

The Structural Relationship about Country Image and Corporate Image of Exporting Goods under Global Trade Environment

  • Lee, Bong Soo
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제56권
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    • pp.3-27
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this thesis is to develop a relational model which can explain consumer selection for exporting goods and analyze the effect of corporate image on the relations between country image and consumer selection under global trade environment. The specific objectives are as follows: 1) to suggest a concept of consumer selection and measurement criteria, 2) to analyze correlations among country image, corporate image and consumer selection and 3) to find out the effect of corporate image on the relations between country image and consumer selection. The SPSS program for window and LISREL program were used to analyze the data for this study. The statistical method used in this study was the covariance structure analysis estimating parameters by maximum likelihood method. Path coefficients were tested for t-tests with a statistical significance level of .05. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, significant correlations were observed among all sub-variables proposed in this study. In addition, significant correlations were detected among country image, consumer selection and corporate image. Second, a hypothetical model proposed in this study was mostly appropriate. Country image had a positive direct effect on consumer selection and corporate image with statistical significance. In addition, it has an indirect impact on consumer selection with statistical significance with corporate image as an intervening variable. Third, corporate image had a significant moderation effect in country image-consumer selection relations. As corporate image levels increased, the effect of country image on consumer selection increased as well. In other words, it has been confirmed that if corporate image levels are high, country image could end up with consumer selection.

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