• Title/Summary/Keyword: image noise

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PET/CT SUV Ratios in an Anthropomorphic Torso Phantom (의인화몸통팬텀에서 PET/CT SUV 비율)

  • Yeon, Joon-Ho;Hong, Gun-Chul;Kang, Byung-Hyun;Sin, Ye-Ji;Oh, Uk-Jin;Yoon, Hye-Ran;Hong, Seong-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2020
  • The standard uptake values (SUVs) strongly depend on positron emission tomographs (PETs) and image reconstruction methods. Various image reconstruction algorithms in GE Discovery MIDR (DMIDR) and Discovery Ste (DSte) installed at Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul Samsung Medical Center were applied to measure the SUVs in an anthropomorphic torso phantom. The measured SUVs in the heart, liver, and background were compared to the actual SUVs. Applied image reconstruction algorithms were VPFX-S (TOF+PSF), QCFX-S-350 (Q.Clear+TOF+PSF), QCFX-S-50, VPHD-S (OSEM+PSF) for DMIDR, and VUE Point (OSEM) and FORE-FBP for DSte. To reduce the radiation exposure to radiation technologists, only the small amount of radiation source 18F-FDG was mixed with the distilled water: 2.28 MBq in the 52.5 ml heart, 20.3 MBq in the 1,290 ml liver and 45.7 MBq for the 9,590 ml in the background region. SUV values in the heart with the algorithms of VPFX-S, QCFX-S-350, QCFX-S-50, VPHD-S, VUE Point, and FOR-FBP were 27.1, 28.0, 27.1, 26.5, 8.0, and 7.4 with the expected SUV of 5.9, and in the background 4.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.1, 1.1, and 1.2 with the expected SUV of 0.8, respectively. Although the SUVs in each region were different for the six reconstruction algorithms in two PET/CTs, the SUV ratios between heart and background were found to be relatively consistent; 6.5, 6.8, 6.5, 6.5, 7.3, and 6.2 for the six reconstruction algorithms with the expected ratio of 7.8, respectively. Mean SNRs (Signal to Noise Ratios) in the heart were 8.3, 12.8, 8.3, 8.4, 17.2, and 16.6, respectively. In conclusion, the performance of PETs may be checked by using with the SUV ratios between two regions and a relatively small amount of radioactivity.

Evaluation of Proper Image Acquisition Time by Change of Infusion dose in PET/CT (PET/CT 검사에서 주입선량의 변화에 따른 적정한 영상획득시간의 평가)

  • Kim, Chang Hyeon;Lee, Hyun Kuk;Song, Chi Ok;Lee, Gi Heun
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2014
  • Purpose There is the recent PET/CT scan in tendency that use low dose to reduce patient's exposure along with development of equipments. We diminished $^{18}F$-FDG dose of patient to reduce patient's exposure after setting up GE Discovery 690 PET/CT scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, USA) establishment at this hospital in 2011. Accordingly, We evaluate acquisition time per proper bed by change of infusion dose to maintain quality of image of PET/CT scanner. Materials and Methods We inserted Air, Teflon, hot cylinder in NEMA NU2-1994 phantom and maintained radioactivity concentration based on the ratio 4:1 of hot cylinder and back ground activity and increased hot cylinder's concentration to 3, 4.3, 5.5, 6.7 MBq/kg, after acquisition image as increase acquisition time per bed to 30 seconds, 1 minute, 1 minute 30 seconds, 2 minute, 2 minutes 30 seconds, 3 minutes, 3 minutes 30 seconds, 4 minutes, 4 minutes 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 minutes 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes, ROI was set up on hot cylinder and back radioactivity region. We computated standard deviation of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and BKG (Background), compared with hot cylinder's concentration and change by acquisition time per bed, after measured Standard Uptake Value maximum ($SUV_{max}$). Also, we compared each standard deviation of $SUV_{max}$, SNR, BKG following in change of inspection waiting time (15minutes and 1 hour) by using 4.3 MBq phantom. Results The radioactive concentration per unit mass was increased to 3, 4.3, 5.5, 6.7 MBqs. And when we increased time/bed of each concentration from 1 minute 30 seconds to 30 minutes, we found that the $SUV_{max}$ of hot cylinder acquisition time per bed changed seriously according to each radioactive concentration in up to 18.3 to at least 7.3 from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. On the other side, that displayed changelessly at least 5.6 in up to 8 from 2 minutes 30 seconds to 30 minutes. SNR by radioactive change per unit mass was fixed to up to 0.49 in at least 0.41 in 3 MBqs and accroding as acquisition time per bed increased, rose to up to 0.59, 0.54 in each at least 0.23, 0.39 in 4.3 MBqs and in 5.5 MBqs. It was high to up to 0.59 from 30 seconds in radioactivity concentration 6.7 MBqs, but kept fixed from 0.43 to 0.53. Standard deviation of BKG (Background) was low from 0.38 to 0.06 in 3 MBqs and from 2 minutes 30 seconds after, low from 0.38 to 0 in 4.3 MBqs and 5.5 MBqs from 1 minute 30 seconds after, low from 0.33 to 0.05 in 6.7 MBqs at all section from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. In result that was changed the inspection waiting time to 15 minutes and 1 hour by 4.3 MBq phantoms, $SUV_{max}$ represented each other fixed values from 2 minutes 30 seconds of acquisition time per bed and SNR shown similar values from 1 minute 30 seconds. Conclusion As shown in the above, when we increased radioactive concentration per unit mass by 3, 4.3, 5.5, 6.7 MBqs, the values of $SUV_{max}$ and SNR was kept changelessly each other more than 2 minutes 30 seconds of acquisition time per bed. In the same way, in the change of inspection waiting time (15 minutes and 1 hour), we could find that the values of $SUV_{max}$ and SNR was kept changelessly each other more than 2 minutes 30 seconds of acquisition time per bed. In the result of this NEMA NU2-1994 phantom experiment, we found that the minimum acquisition time per bed was 2 minutes 30 seconds for evaluating values of fixed $SUV_{max}$ and SNR even in change of inserting radioactive concentration. However, this acquisition time can be different according to features and qualities of equipment.

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DC Resistivity method to image the underground structure beneath river or lake bottom (하저 지반특성 규명을 위한 전기비저항 탐사)

  • Kim Jung-Ho;Yi Myeong-Jong;Song Yoonho;Cho Seong-Jun;Lee Seong-Kon;Son Jeongsul
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.139-162
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    • 2002
  • Since weak zones or geological lineaments are likely to be eroded, weak zones may develop beneath rivers, and a careful evaluation of ground condition is important to construct structures passing through a river. Dc resistivity surveys, however, have seldomly applied to the investigation of water-covered area, possibly because of difficulties in data aquisition and interpretation. The data aquisition having high quality may be the most important factor, and is more difficult than that in land survey, due to the water layer overlying the underground structure to be imaged. Through the numerical modeling and the analysis of case histories, we studied the method of resistivity survey at the water-covered area, starting from the characteristics of measured data, via data acquisition method, to the interpretation method. We unfolded our discussion according to the installed locations of electrodes, ie., floating them on the water surface, and installing at the water bottom, since the methods of data acquisition and interpretation vary depending on the electrode location. Through this study, we could confirm that the dc resistivity method can provide the fairly reasonable subsurface images. It was also shown that installing electrodes at the water bottom can give the subsurface image with much higher resolution than floating them on the water surface. Since the data acquired at the water-covered area have much lower sensitivity to the underground structure than those at the land, and can be contaminated by the higher noise, such as streaming potential, it would be very important to select the acquisition method and electrode array being able to provide the higher signal-to-noise ratio data as well as the high resolving power. The method installing electrodes at the water bottom is suitable to the detailed survey because of much higher resolving power, whereas the method floating them, especially streamer dc resistivity survey, is to the reconnaissance survey owing of very high speed of field work.

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Two Efficient Methods for Generating Depth-of-Field (효율적인 피사계 심도 생성을 위한 두 가지 기법)

  • Suh, Young-Seon;Ihm, In-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2008
  • The depth of field is the range that the objects inside of this range treated to be focused. Objects that are placed out of this range are out of focus and become blurred. In computer graphics, generating depth of field effects gives a great reality to rendered images. The previous researches on the depth of field in computer graphics can be divided into two major categories. One of them is the distributed ray tracing that samples the lens area against each pixel. It is possible to obtain precise results without noise if enough number of samples are taken. However, to make a good result, a great number of samples are needed, resulting in an enormous timing requirement. The other approach is the method that approximates depth of field effect by post-processing an image and its depth values computed using a pin-hole camera. Though the second technique is not that physically correct like distributed ray tracing, many approaches which using this idea have been introduced because it is much faster than the first approach. But the post-processing have some limitations because of the lack of ray information. In this paper, we first present an improvement technique that corrects the previous post-processing methods and then propose another one that accelerates the distributed ray tracing by using a radiance caching method.

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Compensation Methods for Non-uniform and Incomplete Data Sampling in High Resolution PET with Multiple Scintillation Crystal Layers (다중 섬광결정을 이용한 고해상도 PET의 불균일/불완전 데이터 보정기법 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Sung;Kim, Soo-Mee;Lee, Kwon-Song;Sim, Kwang-Souk;Rhe, June-Tak;Park, Kwang-Suk;Lee, Dong-Soo;Hong, Seong-Jong
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To establish the methods for sinogram formation and correction in order to appropriately apply the filtered backprojection (FBP) reconstruction algorithm to the data acquired using PET scanner with multiple scintillation crystal layers. Materials and Methods: Formation for raw PET data storage and conversion methods from listmode data to histogram and sinogram were optimized. To solve the various problems occurred while the raw histogram was converted into sinogram, optimal sampling strategy and sampling efficiency correction method were investigated. Gap compensation methods that is unique in this system were also investigated. All the sinogram data were reconstructed using 20 filtered backprojection algorithm and compared to estimate the improvements by the correction algorithms. Results: Optimal radial sampling interval and number of angular samples in terms of the sampling theorem and sampling efficiency correction algorithm were pitch/2 and 120, respectively. By applying the sampling efficiency correction and gap compensation, artifacts and background noise on the reconstructed image could be reduced. Conclusion: Conversion method from the histogram to sinogram was investigated for the FBP reconstruction of data acquired using multiple scintillation crystal layers. This method will be useful for the fast 20 reconstruction of multiple crystal layer PET data.

Simple Method of Integrating 3D Data for Face Modeling (얼굴 모델링을 위한 간단한 3차원 데이터 통합 방법)

  • Yoon, Jin-Sung;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyung-Ill
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2009
  • Integrating 3D data acquired in multiple views is one of the most important techniques in 3D modeling. However, due to the presence of surface scanning noise and the modification of vertices consisting of surface, the existing integration methods are inadequate to some applications. In this paper, we propose a method of integrating surfaces by using the local surface topology. We first find all boundary vertex pairs satisfying a prescribed geometric condition on adjacent surfaces and then compute 2D planes suitable to each vertex pairs. Using each vertex pair and neighbouring boundary vertices projected to their 2d plane, we produce polygons and divide them to the triangles which will be inserted to empty space between the adjacent surfaces. A proposed method use local surface topology and not modify the vertices consisting of surface to integrate several of surfaces to one surface, so that it is robust and simple. We also integrate the transformed textures to a 2D image plane computed by using a cylindrical projection to composite 3D textured model. The textures will be integrated according to the partition lines which considering attribute of face object. Experimental results on real object data show that the suggested method is simple and robust.

Helicopter-borne and ground-towed radar surveys of the Fourcade Glacier on King George Island, Antarctica (남극 킹조지섬 포케이드 빙하의 헬리콥터 및 지상 레이다 탐사)

  • Kim, K.Y.;Lee, J.;Hong, M.H.;Hong, J.K.;Shon, H.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2010
  • To determine subglacial topography and internal features of the Fourcade Glacier on King George Island in Antarctica, helicopter-borne and ground-towed ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data were recorded along four profiles in November 2006. Signature deconvolution, f-k migration velocity analysis, and finite-difference depth migration applied to the mixed-phase, single-channel, ground-towed data, were effective in increasing vertical resolution, obtaining the velocity function, and yielding clear depth images, respectively. For the helicopter-borne GPR, migration velocities were obtained as root-mean-squared velocities in a two-layer model of air and ice. The radar sections show rugged subglacial topography, englacial sliding surfaces, and localised scattering noise. The maximum depth to the basement is over 79m in the subglacial valley adjacent to the south-eastern slope of the divide ridge between Fourcade and Moczydlowski Glaciers. In the ground-towed profile, we interpret a complicated conduit above possible basal water and other isolated cavities, which are a few metres wide. Near the terminus, the GPR profiles image sliding surfaces, fractures, and faults that will contribute to the tidewater calving mechanism forming icebergs in Potter Cove.

Low-Power Discrete-Event SoC for 3DTV Active Shutter Glasses (3DTV 엑티브 셔터 안경을 위한 저전력 이산-사건 SoC)

  • Park, Dae-Jin;Kwak, Sung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Min;Kim, Tag-Gon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2011
  • Debates concerning the competitive edge of leading 3DTV technology of the shutter glasses (SG) 3D and the film-type patterned retarder (FPR) are flaring up. Although SG technology enables Full-HD 3D vision, it requires complex systems including the sync transmitter (emitter), the sync processor chip, and the LCD lens in the active shutter glasses. In addition, the transferred sync-signal is easily affected by the external noise and a 3DTV viewer may feel flicker-effect caused by cross-talk of the left and right image. The operating current of the sync processor in the 3DTV active shutter glasses is gradually increasing to compensate the sync reconstruction error. The proposed chip is a low-power hardware sync processor based discrete-event SoC(system on a chip) designed specifically for the 3DTV active shutter glasses. This processor implements the newly designed power-saving techniques targeted for low-power operation in a noisy environment between 3DTV and the active shutter glasses. This design includes a hardware pre-processor based on a universal edge tracer and provides a perfect sync reconstruction based on a floating-point timer to advance the prior commercial 3DTV shutter glasses in terms of their power consumption. These two techniques enable an accurate sync reconstruction in the slow clock frequency of the synchronization timer and reduce the power consumption to less than about a maximum of 20% compared with other major commercial processors. This article describes the system's architecture and the details of the proposed techniques, also identifying the key concepts and functions.

Intelligent Railway Detection Algorithm Fusing Image Processing and Deep Learning for the Prevent of Unusual Events (철도 궤도의 이상상황 예방을 위한 영상처리와 딥러닝을 융합한 지능형 철도 레일 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Ju-ho;Kim, Da-hyeon;Kim, Chul-su;Oh, Ryum-duck;Ahn, Jun-ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2020
  • With the advent of high-speed railways, railways are one of the most frequently used means of transportation at home and abroad. In addition, in terms of environment, carbon dioxide emissions are lower and energy efficiency is higher than other transportation. As the interest in railways increases, the issue related to railway safety is one of the important concerns. Among them, visual abnormalities occur when various obstacles such as animals and people suddenly appear in front of the railroad. To prevent these accidents, detecting rail tracks is one of the areas that must basically be detected. Images can be collected through cameras installed on railways, and the method of detecting railway rails has a traditional method and a method using deep learning algorithm. The traditional method is difficult to detect accurately due to the various noise around the rail, and using the deep learning algorithm, it can detect accurately, and it combines the two algorithms to detect the exact rail. The proposed algorithm determines the accuracy of railway rail detection based on the data collected.

A Real-time Hand Pose Recognition Method with Hidden Finger Prediction (은닉된 손가락 예측이 가능한 실시간 손 포즈 인식 방법)

  • Na, Min-Young;Choi, Jae-In;Kim, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present a real-time hand pose recognition method to provide an intuitive user interface through hand poses or movements without a keyboard and a mouse. For this, the areas of right and left hands are segmented from the depth camera image, and noise removal is performed. Then, the rotation angle and the centroid point of each hand area are calculated. Subsequently, a circle is expanded at regular intervals from a centroid point of the hand to detect joint points and end points of the finger by obtaining the midway points of the hand boundary crossing. Lastly, the matching between the hand information calculated previously and the hand model of previous frame is performed, and the hand model is recognized to update the hand model for the next frame. This method enables users to predict the hidden fingers through the hand model information of the previous frame using temporal coherence in consecutive frames. As a result of the experiment on various hand poses with the hidden fingers using both hands, the accuracy showed over 95% and the performance indicated over 32 fps. The proposed method can be used as a contactless input interface in presentation, advertisement, education, and game applications.